Vote tally:
##### 3.19
[x] Find out what happens when grief outside our control is allowed to coalesce in sufficient quantities.
-[x] If it's possible to release our hold on grief that is still within our range, then do this inside our range so we can regain control if anything goes catastrophic. Otherwise, move grief to the edge of our range and be ready to quickly move closer if necessary.
--[x] Begin by releasing small amounts of grief at a time and increase until it's dense enough to do something
No. of votes: 1
No. of votes: 2
Agent Whiskers
[x] Place grief cube at point A
[x] Go to a point 150m away, called point B
-[x] Create a small metronome on point 2. Set it in motion.
[x] Return to Point A. Is the cube still intact?
-[x] Either change or create a glass cube at point A.
[x] Return to Point B. Is the metronome still active?
-[x] If so, change it to a small instrument and have it start playing a tune.
[x] Return to Point A. Is the cube still glass-like?
-[x] If so, create a more complex construct composed of multiple simple properties (glass, gold, sand, stone, etc).
[x] Return to Point B. Is the instrument still playing?
-[x] Change the physical properties of the instrument (eg: a brass horn).
-[x] Leave the instrument in place and playing.
-[x] Periodically verify that it's still active during the remainder of our testing.
[x] Return to Return to point B. Verify status and clean up.
[X] Inspect your soul gem with your senses. Inspect the 'container'. How is it made? What feels like magic? What feels like grief?
[X] Inspect your grief seeds. Same questions.
[x] Can we make or substitute a 'container'?
-[x] With Magic?
-[x] With Grief?
[x] Find out what happens when grief outside our control is allowed to coalesce in sufficient quantities.
-[x] If it's possible to release our hold on grief that is still within our range, then do this inside our range so we can regain control if anything goes catastrophic. Otherwise, move grief to the edge of our range and be ready to quickly move closer if necessary.
--[x] Begin by releasing small amounts of grief at a time and increase until it's dense enough to do something
No. of votes: 4
[x] Try willing a witch's worth of Grief into being Rochelle.
No. of votes: 2
[X] Create a grief bell set to ring so you can arrive back before lunch.
[X] Make a Sabrina cadaver. Press Hildegarde's grief seed into her hand.
[X] Kinematics
No. of votes: 1
[X]Set your alarm so you don't miss lunch. Proceed through the list below in the order written until interrupted (Mami checkups don't count).
[X]Methodically investigate the persistence of solid grief outside your range. What if any states or commands allow grief to persist? What properties, transmutations, or commands persist?
[X]Methodically and safely investigate if areas of grief can be given space-extending, space-compressing, or time-distorting properties. Use an experimental design with a control.
[X]Taking appropriate precautions, discover if grief can be given physical properties like gravity or magnetism. Discover if grief can be given magical properties like invisibility or a specific feel. Discover if grief can be hidden from MG senses.
[X]Attempt to form a physical construct that exists, but that you do not fully understand, like a calculator or laser pointer. Attempt to form a physical construct that does not exist, like gadgets from science fiction.
[X]Carefully attempt to form a construct with a magical effect that you know exists, but that you don't understand. A small barrier. A familiar. Finally, try a construct with a magical effect that you both don't know exists and don't understand, like a wand of healing.
[X]Examine a soul gem, a normal grief seed, and a broken grief seed in detail with all senses. Catalog the parts; grief, magic, whatever else you can figure out, any unknowns. What are the differences and similarities?
[X]Taking any necessary precautions, carefully observe the generation of grief in a soul gem. Then observe the process by which grief is removed from a soul gem and a grief seed, both by using a grief seed normally and through your powers.
[X]Compare a magical construct like your hammer to an identical grief construct. What are the differences in attributes, and in how each can be created, manipulated, or dismissed?
[X]Very slowly and carefully, allow grief outside your control to coalesce. Do it inside your range if possible by releasing grief from control, otherwise be prepared to move closer immediately if necessary.
No. of votes: 9
[X] Get proper Background Music:
[X] SynchronizedWritersBlock
No. of votes: 1
[X] SWB.
No. of votes: 1