[X] Develop Your Center

Plenty of valid reasons to just give up and just go along with Xanatos, but today I choose to turn my brain off and go with my gut.
Well, This is a terrible idea, and Xanatos will clearly not be our Friend, but... Those stat points.

Damn it. I know this is stupid, and people should feel free to say "I told you so" to me when it blows up in our faces. But I'm doing it anyway. Let's go in the elevator.

[X] Take Xanatos' Promotion
Do we have the Personals to spare for this to be worthwhile? because I feel like we should take it at least twice to be worth it and the bag of mints training should also be done and we might also want personal attention or inators
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[X] Develop Your Center

Pretty simple: I trust Mirage, I do not trust Xanatos. I like the guy, but we're another side, not a piece on the board. Or, at least, we should be. Sorry, David, but a two-point increase ain't enough to get a deal.

Wait, can this sort of training be done more than once? I thought they were one time actions, like all other stat improving personals.
It's a progress bar. We need to take the action more then once to get the bonus at all.
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Yeah...Yeah, looking at the phrasing and Argi's advice, i'm now pretty adamant. A vote for taking the deal is a vote for remaining a playing piece, when we should aspire to be a player. Plus, i'm not sold on the idea Xany won't sell us out in a heartbeat (after all, in Chess, you sometimes have to let a piece get captured), and this would just make it easier. As tempting as increased Intrigue is, Xanax ain't selling it to me.
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[X] Develop Your Center

He'd only teach us just enough so that we're useful to him, but we'll never truly improve under his thumb.
I trust Mirage, I do not trust Xanatos. I like the guy, but we're another side, not a piece on the board.

Yeah...Yeah, looking at the phrasing and Argi's advice, i'm now pretty adamant. A vote for taking the deal is a vote for remaining a playing piece, when we should aspire to be a player.

...That kind of self-centred, prideful, shortsighted thinkking will come to bite us in the ass majorly against the likes of Bill and Toffee.

"Hang together or be hanged seperately", you know?

But I made my case and can only watch now as everything unfolds around us, it seems.
Take the deal. It is a step in the direction of being more effective than we currently are, a continuation of aspiring to be better than LOVEMUFFIN's style of villainy. Refusing isn't getting us anything and Xanatos will get back to Tier 3 infiltration anyway (it may look hard on paper, but this is Xanatos, he very much can claw his back to Tier 3 infiltration even if we luck and out and somehow catch moles of his in house cleaning), it will leave us stuck in our currently self-destructive ways. We need to strive on towards being a smarter and more effective villain. And for that, accepting the deal is the better decision.
...That kind of self-centred, prideful, shortsighted thinkking will come to bite us in the ass majorly against the likes of Bill and Toffee.

"Hang together or be hanged seperately", you know?

But I made my case and can only watch now as everything unfolds around us, it seems.
I'm willing to work with Xanatos. But he always has an angle. I respect him. But he's not our friend and we shouldn't treat him as such. He didn't get where he is by trusting people. I think his advice for this situation would be...Well, he'd probably use it as an opportunity to say yes and then use the sessions to perform a daring feat of deception, letting the opponent think they have hooks in him while, in reality, hiding critical info so as to undermine any attempt to move against him, innovating on their tricks in his own time to evade any attempts to use it. But, seeing as, if we had the skill to do that, we wouldn't be asking...I think his advice would be to not trust it. Let's take the lesson preemptively, eh?

Take the deal. It is a step in the direction of being more effective than we currently are, a continuation of aspiring to be better than LOVEMUFFIN's style of villainy. Refusing isn't getting us anything and Xanatos will get back to Tier 3 infiltration anyway (it may look hard on paper, but this is Xanatos, he very much can claw his back to Tier 3 infiltration even if we luck and out and somehow catch moles of his in house cleaning), it will leave us stuck in our currently self-destructive ways. We need to strive on towards being a smarter and more effective villain. And for that, accepting the deal is the better decision.
It's not like Mirage is a cartoon supervillain. She's no Xanatos, but I think she can help us become better with less risk. Our choices aren't take the deal or become ineffectual.
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Take the deal. It is a step in the direction of being more effective than we currently are, a continuation of aspiring to be better than LOVEMUFFIN's style of villainy. Refusing isn't getting us anything and Xanatos will get back to Tier 3 infiltration anyway (it may look hard on paper, but this is Xanatos, he very much can claw his back to Tier 3 infiltration even if we luck and out and somehow catch moles of his in house cleaning), it will leave us stuck in our currently self-destructive ways. We need to strive on towards being a smarter and more effective villain. And for that, accepting the deal is the better decision.
This seems very unfair. And a false dichotomy. Without Xanatos, Doof would still be taught by Mirage, and recent revelations are already causing him to improve with regards to relationships, personality, and other personals to get over some of his flaws.
As for infiltration, just pointing to memetic 'Xanatos always wins' seems cheap. Getting to tier 3 requires he manages to subvert a councilmember, and most of those are deeply loyal to us. He's more likely to succeed by tricking someone into giving up information, as he kinda sorta did with Doof, but that should be something we can preempt.
This seems very unfair. And a false dichotomy. Without Xanatos, Doof would still be taught by Mirage, and recent revelations are already causing him to improve with regards to relationships, personality, and other personals to get over some of his flaws.
As for infiltration, just pointing to memetic 'Xanatos always wins' seems cheap. Getting to tier 3 requires he manages to subvert a councilmember, and most of those are deeply loyal to us. He's more likely to succeed by tricking someone into giving up information, as he kinda sorta did with Doof, but that should be something we can preempt.
True. Xanatos is good, damn good, but he's not INVINCIBLE. We've seen as much. We've actually managed to outdo his Intrigue several times, if barely. And with our new Council boost and a stat boost from Mirage's training...Well, who knows? We still probably won't be able to beat him consistently, but he won't be unstoppable.