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Note that "Is Kei legally able to share it?", "Would Kei share it?", and "Would Kei get away with sharing it?" are all separate questions conditioned by different factors.
"Would Kei share it?" I highly doubt it.
"Would Kei get away with sharing it?" Hmmmm…Maybe? It really depends on the situation in which she shares it, who she shares it with, and the amount of political/military power she can marshall when this comes up. Never let it be said that Uncle Oro never taught us anything.

As for the actual question I tried to answer (which is also the least important of the three): "Is Kei legally able to share FOOM?" The answer is, maybe….? Kei has room to challenge FOOM on grounds of not actually being a clan secret, but I have no idea how that would work unless it was after it was already shared. Just a fun thought experiment.
While there may be difficulties in taking already trained genin and chuunin captive, it is, I feel, implausible to say that taking de facto ninja manpower is categorically unviable, and thus it remains surprising if this is not an observed phenomenon.
Perhaps scorch squads are not actually *killing* chakra capable civilians, but are instead abducting them and burning down the rest of the town to hide the evidence?

Also, if states don't weaken their opponents preemptively and have survival as their main goal. Why is there so much conflict? Why would Rock and Cloud risk their ninja lives on farmland, even on a weakened Leaf? Shika at least said that Rock ninja might be hungry (which was a surprise). But Cloud doesn't have that excuse. And why doesn't Leaf just give the land to Rock/Cloud and stop fighting them?
More land doesn't just mean more food, it also means more civilians. Which means more ninja, in the long run.

[X] [SageMode] These people are family. Let's treat them as such. (All Gōketsu ninja including Haru, Atomu, Rei, etc)
I'd like to hold off on sharing the secret behind one of the greatest powerups in all of canon Naruto until we, at the very least, confirm they're actually interested in Uplift and train them in proper OPSEC. This is a big secret that could have enormous consequences if it gets out. There's really no harm in telling them later, once we've gotten a little closer with them. Especially if it gives us time to train their OPSEC enough to prevent any accidental leakage. We've already had far too many of those, thank you very much.
[X] [SageMode] These people are family. Let's treat them as such. (All Gōketsu ninja including Haru, Atomu, Rei, etc)
Is Kei not aware that FOOM probably doesn't even qualify as a clan secret? It seems to me like she has a way out of her "legal obligation not to share" if she so desired.
Eh, apparently I'm cheesebrained and forgot the earlier ruling.


  • [SageMode] These people are family. Let's treat them as such. (All Gōketsu ninja including Haru, Atomu, Rei, etc)
Needs to be on the same line as the [X] so you'll need to delete the bullet and bring the text up.
Eh, apparently I'm cheesebrained and forgot the earlier ruling.
No, I was just messing with you. As Vel pointed out, the situation is a bit more complex than how I boiled it down. Also, it wasn't a ruling so much as it was an interesting technicality.

Seriously, please do not have Kei going around and telling the Nara about FOOM because of a joke I made.
No, I was just messing with you. As Vel pointed out, the situation is a bit more complex than how I boiled it down. Also, it wasn't a ruling so much as it was an interesting technicality.
Oh, no, you should definitely try a test case where Shikamaru has plausible claim to a Gōketsu non-"clan" secret or vice versa. I'm sure it would be highly educational for all parties (or at least whichever one Kei left alive, if either).
[SageMode] Keep it to full Team Uplift only. (Hazō, Noburi, Keiko, Mari, Akane, Kagome)

This isn't about family or not, this is about possible setting breaking techniques. I think we need a little OPSEC here, consider the tone of the note Jiraiya wrote Hiruzen and Hiruzen's response.
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Oh, no, you should definitely try a test case where Shikamaru has plausible claim to a Gōketsu non-"clan" secret or vice versa. I'm sure it would be highly educational for all parties (or at least whichever one Kei left alive, if either).
I can already picture the pointless escalation.
HAZŌ: It turns out that things that are known outside the clan also don't qualify as clan secrets.
SHIKAMARU: What's your point?
HAZŌ: You know, the members of the Mori, Tama, Yodomi, and Raiyoke aren't actually part of the Nara clan.
SHIKAMARU: Troublesome.
Perhaps scorch squads are not actually *killing* chakra capable civilians, but are instead abducting them and burning down the rest of the town to hide the evidence?
This makes sense for the Leaf scorch squads, but none of the other villages can tell if the kids are chakra capable. Also if they're old enough the kids would know where they were born. I'm not saying it's impossible for them to grab some babies and toddlers, but anyone over the age of 3 or so is not compatible with the story-as-written IMO.
I can already picture the pointless escalation.
HAZŌ: It turns out that things that are known outside the clan also don't qualify as clan secrets.
SHIKAMARU: What's your point?
HAZŌ: You know, the members of the Mori, Tama, Yodomi, and Raiyoke aren't actually part of the Nara clan.
SHIKAMARU: Troublesome.
SHIKAMARU: I hereby officially invite all members of aforesaid clans to be adopted into Leaf and the Nara Clan. Since they are not Leaf citizens, they have no rights in Leaf including the right of refusal, and count as provisional Nara until our adoption slots are filled up or the Hokage vetoes it.
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SHIKAMARU: I hereby officially invite all members of aforesaid clans to be adopted into Leaf and the Nara Clan. Since they are not Leaf citizens, they have no rights in Leaf including the right of refusal, and count as provisional Nara until our adoption slots are filled up or the Hokage vetoes it.
Can't adopt people without adoption slots. Yuno set this precedent
SHIKAMARU: I hereby officially invite all members of aforesaid clans to be adopted into Leaf and the Nara Clan. Since they are not Leaf citizens, they have no rights in Leaf including the right of refusal, and count as provisional Nara until our adoption slots are filled up or the Hokage vetoes it.
HAZOU: Oh boy! Shikamaru is also committing treason.
HAZOU: Oh boy! Shikamaru is also committing treason.
Covered that too, under "unless the Hokage vetoes it". As long as Shikamaru clears it with Asuma first, and Asuma gives him the go-ahead for whatever reason (like protecting Forbidden Lore), it's fine.

To pre-empt a third response, actually contacting foreign clans to invite them to get involved in Leaf politics is treason, so the Gōketsu would be unwise to call his bluff.
Covered that too, under "unless the Hokage vetoes it". As long as Shikamaru clears it with Asuma first, and Asuma gives him the go-ahead for whatever reason (like protecting Forbidden Lore), it's fine.

To pre-empt a third response, actually contacting foreign clans to invite them to get involved in Leaf politics is treason, so the Gōketsu would be unwise to call his bluff.
The actual route that we could use to get there forbidden lore is through Yuno. Since she knows about the five outside of the Nara and is already a Gōketsu we shouldn't have any legal reasons to not get the information from her
Just a fun thought experiment.

No! You take that back! Not a fun thought experiment! (We're sorry for our explosive, oh merciful QMs, they didn't mean it)

[X] [SageMode] These people are family. Let's treat them as such. (All Gōketsu ninja including Haru, Atomu, Rei, etc)

HAZOU: Oh boy! Shikamaru is also committing treason.
SHIKAMARU: *explains away treason a la @Velorien*
HAZOU: You can do that?!
No! You take that back! Not a fun thought experiment! (We're sorry for our explosive, oh merciful QMs, they didn't mean it)

[X] [SageMode] These people are family. Let's treat them as such. (All Gōketsu ninja including Haru, Atomu, Rei, etc)

SHIKAMARU: *explains away treason a la @Velorien*
HAZOU: You can do that?!
Let's be honest: Shikamaru learned it by watching Ami, not Hazou.
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