So next turn, assuming we have doof doing personals (seem to be going for coven so probably not), we should talk to Monogram.
He should be wrapping up remaking o.w.c.a next turn and we can talk about that and about this disaster.
Could get some good stuff out of it if doof shows regret about Lovemuffins orders and show Monogram he does care about people and isn't the same person he was fighting for years. Could also talk about perry.
My other choice for a conversation would be Mirage since she is apparently VITAL to our organization and is now our head spy now that Russ is missing.
Not sure if anyone's mentioned it yet, but remember that L.O.V.E.M.U.F.F.I.N did revive Ghengis Khan and make him 300% more Khan. Just a reminder that they're not completely useless.
It's been mentioned. They have been incredibly useful with their extra floating action.
Unfortunately they have been becoming unmanageable for several turns and all attempts to help them were miserable failures. Leading to where we are now.
I'd love to keep them but not at the cost of hurting our reputation at home and in the USA, costing us lots of money, and upsetting our other heros.
It's a simple cost benefit thing and the costs are too much now.
I'm not happy about it, and it will probably make a new Nemesis for doof, but it is what it is.