Personally I am going to push for Star Botterfly as the one we do first, since the first one we make should have the most narrative significance and thus it will be the special one. As such I think Star Botterfly would be the best first option, plus if we do it right she can be the Super Prototype for the future Doppelganger bots.
I think it would be easier to take over Latveria than make Drusselstien worth the trouble.
Buy it, burn it down, rebuild it, change the name to Latveria?

... Okay, wait. I just realized that Drusselstein is largely ignored by the rest of the world and nobody wants to remember it exists. Bueno Nacho is largely ignored by the world and nobody wants to remember it exists.

... If we open up a Bueno Nacho franchise in Drusselstein, we will be invisible!

Edit: by the way, the reason I made that connection? It's because "burn it down and make a new one" is pretty much the game plan for Bueno Nacho, too.
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Not to mention the Action Economy of these damn things. It takes... essentially two Learningactions to make one Bot. And there's a chance we flub the rolls. So yeah.

Hey! We can use this as a chance to deliberate on which Dopplebot to do first!

[X] Wendy Wower
I'm pretty alright with doing a Wendy Doppel first during the crit round, especially since Marco won't be available until next turn anyways.
Does anyone know how "intense" the crits are next turn? I know from this that I doesn't if the actual roll is a crit as long as it passes, but does that mean that a 3x crit is reduced to a 2x crit by default? Because that can greatly impact the viability of doppeling next turn instead of the turn after
Does anyone know how "intense" the crits are next turn? I know from this that I doesn't if the actual roll is a crit as long as it passes, but does that mean that a 3x crit is reduced to a 2x crit by default? Because that can greatly impact the viability of doppeling next turn instead of the turn after
Yes. It is reduced to binary extremes. We can only have normal crit fails and normal crit successes next turn. Going above or below the threshold for either will just make it default to one or the other.
[X] Robo Astley

Robo Astley. I'm sorry, the chance to meme on MCP/King Candy is to much to resist, so I've gotta at least put it out there. I do like the ideas of Botterfly and Robo Rogers, and I wouldn't mind a Wowerbot, but I've just gotta vote for this one first.

Besides, this vote doesn't matter anyway, seeing as how we most likely won't be doing any AI duplicates in the near future, given how tight our Learning actions are right now. We've got Genetics to keep Jumba happy alongside massive Income/Prestige, the other AI options that actually let us learn things about AI so we can finally think about Norm, not to mention all the other one off choices and/or choices that open up other tech trees (Extradimensional, Zero Point Energy, SHIVA, etc.).

It just isn't really economical to spend one or more of our very limited research slots on getting another Hero Unit when we already have other options to get Hero Units. Although, we might eventually get a Hero with a "Build Robot Doppelganger" Personal like how Mirage has a "Recruit from Rolodex" Personal.

Buy it, burn it down, rebuild it, change the name to Latveria?

... Okay, wait. I just realized that Drusselstein is largely ignored by the rest of the world and nobody wants to remember it exists. Bueno Nacho is largely ignored by the world and nobody wants to remember it exists.

... If we open up a Bueno Nacho franchise in Drusselstein, we will be invisible!
Alternatively, the people of Drusselstein actually like the terribleness of Bueno Nacho enough that the franchise becomes a hit there. Having practically no sanitation to speak of and food that could very well poison you might just feel like home to a people who steadfastly refuse to give up the 'medieval era peasant' life style.

Does anyone know how "intense" the crits are next turn? I know from this that I doesn't if the actual roll is a crit as long as it passes, but does that mean that a 3x crit is reduced to a 2x crit by default? Because that can greatly impact the viability of doppeling next turn instead of the turn after
There was never a distinction between 3x crit and 2x crit, to my knowledge. Everything twice or greater than the DC was just a crit success, no matter how much it actually exceeded said DC. I could be wrong, but that's how I remember it.
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How dare you! How dare you all spoil the sanctity of this joke vote with your silly serious pragmatism! Curse you! CURSE YOU, DOOFQUEST - A DISNEY VILLAINS VICTORIOUS CK2-STYLE QUEST QUESTERS!

Wowerbot, but I've just gotta vote for this one first.
No, no, Astley needs to be a disenbodied AI so we can mail it to people! Heck, it can be our cyber-defense AI, it just forces attackers to watch endless rickroll videos.
Okay, Tom's retaking the mandatory lessons on tempting fate. I mean, our territory has one of the largest concentrations of Toons in the world, right? We pretty much HAVE to have this covered during Employee Orientation.