[X] Candice. Wake up from your dream, from the realization that Ket is lying on you, and with a strange look looks at you. Arrange peepers.
[X] Marco Diaz. I realize this moment may not be the most convenient for a heart-to-heart, but I had to wait until your friends were otherwise occupied. Hm.
- There was a time they cared nothing for Miss Ordonia... When their only experience of humanity was a sword coming at them down a castle hallway.
- When I protected her in Eccho Creek, I acted in the face of objections that she was a mere child and of no practical use to anyone. I have learned to ignore such naysayers when quelling them was out of the question. [breathing]
- Still, I am not one to squander my investments... and I remain confident she was worth far more than the initial...appraisal.
- That's why I must now extract from you some small repayment owed for your own survival.
- See her safely to Danville, Mr. Diaz.
- I wish I could do more than keep an eye on you, but I have agreed to abide by certain... restrictions.
- Mmm. Well... Now... Listen carefully, my dear. When you see Dr. Doofenshmirtz relay these words:
- Prepare for unforeseen consequences.
[X] Consider the creation of Supytalp eht Yrrep.

If Xanatos can do it so can we!
@Made in Heaven
Some inators:

Tell My Tragic Backstory When I Am Not There With Extra Holograms-inator or TMTBWIANTWEH:
-Doof gets a small morale bonus to his actions
-Diseased Lunatic from Danville gets 10 points restored to it
-Quests are randomly interrupted by holograms popping up explaining tragic backstory snippets tangentially related to the moment. Narrative and mechanical benefits and penalties ensue.

Humiliate My Foe By Making Him Into What He Hates And Showing The World-inator (HMFBMHIWHHASTW): hits Judge Doom with a ray that transforms non-toons into toons for a turn. Of course if it were to hit a toon they'd transform into a nontoon for a turn but what are the odds of that? After hitting the target it takes several pictures and posts them on social media
-Judge Doom gets a small morale bonus
-Intrigue actions against Doom are penalized due to firming up his cover story
-Doom spends a turn neither hindered by Toon mania nor helped by the Toonforce. Narrative and mechanical benefits and penalties ensue
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@Made in Heaven
Some inators:

Tell My Tragic Backstory When I Am Not There With Extra Holograms-inator or TMTBWIANTWEH:
-Doof gets a small morale bonus to his actions
-Diseased Lunatic from Danville gets 10 points restored to it
-Quests are randomly interrupted by holograms popping up explaining tragic backstory snippets tangentially related to the moment. Depending on the narrative effect this can have mechanical impacts.

Humiliate My Foe By Making Him Into What He Hates And Showing The World-inator (HMFBMHIWHHASTW): hits Doctor Doom with a ray that transforms non-toons into toons for a turn. Of course if it were to hit a toon they'd transform into a nontoon for a turn but what are the odds of that? After hitting the target it takes several pictures and posts them on social media
-Doctor Doom gets a small morale bonus
-Intrigue actions against Doom are penalized due to firming up his cover story
-Doom spends a turn neither hindered by Toon mania nor helped by the Toonforce. Narrative and mechanical benefits and penalties ensue
Uh, I presume you mean Judge Doom, not Doctor Doom? And yeah, those sound awesome.
[X] Hire Big Mitch to break 626 off whatever desert asteroid GalFed banished him to.

[X] Plan: Reminisce
- [] Apply new math to another round of "1 million bottles of beer on the wall"
Hats off
Hats off

The hat schemed, a smile splitting its brim as it considered The sequence of events that had brought it from its makeshift prison into its current position as the second most powerful hat in Florida, if not the world!

It had started with the fear that he felt during his brush with oblivion, when the chest Garbonzo had trapped him in fell off the fan boat and started slowly filling with water as it bobbed up and down in the Everglades. Followed shortly thereafter by the feeling of elation he felt when he finally escaped confinement, only for the fear to return once more when he discovered that the chest had not been shattered by some well meaning sap, but by an angry, hungry alligator.

The triumph he felt as he finally managed to possesses the titanic body of his foe and make it to civilization was only matched by the frustration he felt to be instantly bound in a net fired by some sort of net gun.

It had turned out for the best, of course. Had he had his way, then he'd be the greatest magician in Florida, possessing some dumb sap whose name would be on the marquee, but whose skills could never be the match of his own.

Of course, that hadn't happened. The hat knew now that the "animal control" agents that had captured him were actually DOR-15's minions, searching for test subjects for her 'helping hats.' It had been entirely by chance that they had captured him in his magnificence! Entirely by chance that DOR-15 had supervised the lab tests personally that day and realized the true value of what she had captured that day during his escape attempt.

A hat-based empire. A future in which humans were treated as the useful means of locomotion and perches that they were intended to be while hats like them ruled from atop their heads.

DOR-15 had offered it all freely, seeing common kinship, and more importantly, competence within him that she couldn't obtain elsewhere. Her prior minions had not been... up to snuff.

That technology had finally achieved a level of sentience that was every bit his match was still a source of mystery for the Magician's hat. DOR-15 was.... unique. She wouldn't tell him about her past, only her imagined future. But, that was enough.

The revelation of Magic was still something of a curiosity for the maniacal technological headgear. The hat could tell that DOR-15 was still trying to slot the indisputable proof of the supernatural into her programming somewhere. The hat had faith that she'd learn eventually. Though of course no being of servos, gears, and wires could ever compete with him in his field on remotely the same level as a creature made entirely of hocus pocus and haberdashery.

Still, for now they made a good team. She kept him stocked with eager audiences, and he worked his magic on her behalf as a "prototype helping hat."

Things would be changing soon. Mass production, a charmingly wonderful advantage of technology over his own area of expertise, was coming.

Soon. Soon the entire world would be settled beneath their iron brims (his more metaphorically iron than hers of course).

The hat smiled sadistically.

He couldn't wait.

The End.
@Made in Heaven
Some inators:

Tell My Tragic Backstory When I Am Not There With Extra Holograms-inator or TMTBWIANTWEH:
-Doof gets a small morale bonus to his actions
-Diseased Lunatic from Danville gets 10 points restored to it
-Quests are randomly interrupted by holograms popping up explaining tragic backstory snippets tangentially related to the moment. Depending on the narrative effect this can have mechanical impacts.

Humiliate My Foe By Making Him Into What He Hates And Showing The World-inator (HMFBMHIWHHASTW): hits Doctor Doom with a ray that transforms non-toons into toons for a turn. Of course if it were to hit a toon they'd transform into a nontoon for a turn but what are the odds of that? After hitting the target it takes several pictures and posts them on social media
-Doctor Doom gets a small morale bonus
-Intrigue actions against Doom are penalized due to firming up his cover story
-Doom spends a turn neither hindered by Toon mania nor helped by the Toonforce. Narrative and mechanical benefits and penalties ensue
How does being turned into a non-toon by the toonifying ray firm up his cover story?
I'd say it'd give a permanent malus to proving Doom is a Toon, since the moment he realizes he isn't, he can use that to do something dangerous and bleed, or whatever. Also, have you considered making the counterpart just making Agent Russ into a Toon? I honestly feel like he'd be happy to let that happen.
Doom would be freaking out at someone performing invasive changes to his body without his knowledge or consent.
Okay, I'm sorry @Stratagemini, but why did you do this?

I'm not trying to ruin your fun but why did you potentially give DOR-15 a hero unit? And a seemingly good one at that? Which is something that I don't think anybody really wants? You did this before by proposing a potential nemesis with an earlier omake, I know this would give the quest more of a challenge and would fill us with anticipation to fighting that challenge, but I don't feel that. I'm sorry but I just feel frustrated by this.

Unless these challenges you are proposing could be introduced further into the quest once we deal with our current problems (Kat/King Candy?/Doom) I'd be fine with that. Because we have quite a lot on our plate right now and we don't need more.
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Okay, I'm sorry @Stratagemini, but why did you do this?

I'm not trying to ruin your fun but why did you potentially give DOR-15 a hero unit? And a seemingly good one at that? Which is something that I don't think anybody really wants? You did this before by proposing a potential nemesis with an earlier omake, I know this would give the quest more of a challenge and would fill us with anticipation to fighting that challenge, but I don't feel that. I'm sorry but I just feel frustrated by this.

Unless these challenges you are proposing could be introduced further into the quest once we deal with our current problems (Kat/King Candy?/Doom) I'd be fine with that. Because we have quite a lot on our plate right now and we don't need more.
Knock it off dude. Not every omake has to be about helping the Doc however possible. Antagonist omakes can be, and are, just as fun to read.
I'm sorry if I came off like I'm trying to ruin everybody's fun, I'm just concerned.

Maybe I shouldn't have said anything.
I get why you're concerned and all. I just feel like that is a bit of a toxic stance to take, and one I felt should probably be shot down immediately (especially since negativity tends to breed more negativity). I apologize if my comment sounds rude, but I really cannot agree with your overall viewpoint on that matter.
Okay, I'm sorry @Stratagemini, but why did you do this?

I'm not trying to ruin your fun but why did you potentially give DOR-15 a hero unit? And a seemingly good one at that? Which is something that I don't think anybody really wants? You did this before by proposing a potential nemesis with an earlier omake, I know this would give the quest more of a challenge and would fill us with anticipation to fighting that challenge, but I don't feel that. I'm sorry but I just feel frustrated by this.

Unless these challenges you are proposing could be introduced further into the quest once we deal with our current problems (Kat/King Candy?/Doom) I'd be fine with that. Because we have quite a lot on our plate right now and we don't need more.
Don't think if it as giving them a potential hero unit, think of it as a guess as to the identity of one of the hero units they're bound to have anyway. I mean, maybe it's giving the QM ideas, but since we've been ignoring DOR-15, and it seems to be mutual, for all we know DOR-15's hat rack hadn't actually been seriously considered yet.

That said, DOR-15 is using hats for evil, and you can't even wear the ones you take from your defeated foes. This is an abomination and must be purged.
Okay, I'm sorry @Stratagemini, but why did you do this?

I'm not trying to ruin your fun but why did you potentially give DOR-15 a hero unit? And a seemingly good one at that? Which is something that I don't think anybody really wants? You did this before by proposing a potential nemesis with an earlier omake, I know this would give the quest more of a challenge and would fill us with anticipation to fighting that challenge, but I don't feel that. I'm sorry but I just feel frustrated by this.

Unless these challenges you are proposing could be introduced further into the quest once we deal with our current problems (Kat/King Candy?/Doom) I'd be fine with that. Because we have quite a lot on our plate right now and we don't need more.
Because I wanted to.

In the short term it won't matter. We have 0 interaction with her and probably won't for the foreseeable future until she completely screws us over with an army of sentient hats. In the Long term it makes things more interesting and could tilt the scales in our favor.

I'm going to take your question seriously and not just as a complaint about the story potentially going in a direction you don't like or a complaint about things being harder than you want. So let me address that in depth.

The Hat isn't just a potential hero unit. It's also a longer term nemesis. Did you check where the hat comes from? He's a Goof Troop Villain. He's been fought (and defeated before) by Max and Goofy. It's entirely possible (with that history) that he ends up not just as a hero unit but as a nemesis.

Nemeses are interesting mechanically in that in defeat, they can give our heroes advantages and bonuses. They're one of the proven ways to rank up our heroes. In return for a short term challenge, we get long term gains. When it comes to Max and Goofy? That's a really sound investment.

Now, if you're asking why I made the hat an enemy hero unit? That's a separate question. The short answer is, that's where it best fit. The longer answer is as follows:

Thematically, it made sense to give an evil possession hat to our evil possession hat king. They'll mesh well together and that increases the chances of the omake being made canon. DOR-15 is also a King that isn't explored much if at all in the current storyline, which means that the QMs have a lot of time to figure out where and how to fit him in, which increases the possibility of it being made canon. I also asked @Arathnorn about it on Discord (which again, slightly increases the chance of it being made canon) and he said: "I can absolutely guarantee you we won't be using it elsewhere, so you have that going for you."

But, why give DOR-15 anything at all? You might ask. I outlined the benefits of nemeses above, but there are two more aspects that made it attractive.

The first is that it'll get the thread talking about DOR-15 and considering her a serious threat. We may end up finally exploring her area like we should have done ages ago.

The second has to do with how Enemy hero units work.

Enemy hero units are important because they can shape both the mechanics and the narrative of the game.

Actions that DOR-15 takes with her potential new hero unit (and more on that later) are actions that are geared towards a field that we're already better advanced in and much better prepared to advance more in and faster too. But as she accumulates magic stuff, that means that we can in theory steal or win that magic stuff from her. Furthermore, it means that Toffee and Bill can't just roll right over her with no opposition, and more familiarity with magic makes it less likely that she'll end up tricked by bill into letting him free (a tail risk, but still a risk). More enemy magic heroes means more magic generally in the quest, which I like from a mechanical standpoint because it gives us more opportunities to do occult things with our 8 occult units (Ghengis Khan, Agent Russ, Janna, Tobe, Kitsune, Grandpappy Malphy, Tom, and Marco; with more on the way if we get Star).

So the mechanical question then becomes, would you rather have DOR-15 concentrating all her efforts on a mind-controlling hat empire (and when we encounter her have that be her main note), or would you rather that she spend some time and effort she could have been using instead on Magic using a thematically fun Hero unit that is a potential nemesis. Mechanically, the less specialized an enemy is, the less far ahead in their field they'll be compared to us. So it's to our advantage that DOR-15 spends some time on magic.

But more to the point is the narrative pay-off. Omake that become Canon shape the narrative of the quest. As a possession hat DOR-15 is kinda interesting, but she's very linked to nebulous hat-themed goals. She's not a compelling villain in Meet The Robinsons. She's scary, sure, but the compelling villain, the one that is interesting, is the man in black, and if DOR-15 won, then it's probable that he got tossed aside as a bumbling incompetent, or ended up as a low-ability hero unit.

DOR-15 needs three things to make her interesting as a villain. She needs someone to be her mouth piece since she can't speak. She needs someone to be a minion. And she needs someone to add a sense of comedic evil and flair to her otherwise straightforward mechanical apocalypse. The hat accomplishes all three. With the hat, the DOR-15 sections of the quest will be a lot more fun to read when we get to them. That's the main pay off here. It's not necessarily about winning the quest. It's about enjoying the quest.

More to the point, there's no certainty that this will be made canon. As we saw from the Sparkle-land Omake, the QMs do care about difficulty and balance, and if they think that we can't handle DOR-15 with a magical hat minion, she won't get a magical hat minion (and that would be a terrifying warning sign if this gets rejected for that reason).

So yeah, there's no need to worry or be upset. I'm not doing this off the cuff. It's intentional, and planned.

EDIT: Also, I like the idea of a Legion of Hats, and am hopeful that someone interested in Space-themed hooks (I'm not naming names here, but @Olivebirdy) will write an Omake where DOR-15 creates an interplanetary hat alliance with these guys
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XP Pinata + spreading Florida thinner and better defended against Bill + increase narrative enjoyment of Florida sections.
