If I didn't have my heart set on gambling for both items, I'd go for [ ] Secure the Book. Reason being, if someone wins this very contested auction for the talisman, their name will be revealed. If someone wins this, it's a reasonable thing to assume that they're a collector, and might have more of them. If we win the talisman, we won't know who else wants it and can afford it.
Good. At least some potential attackers will have, or their boss will have, others. Collecting goes both ways after all, and getting the leads on other talismans would be fantastic!
Of course she would give a general overview of it. She wants people to buy the Encantus.

Why wouldn't she give a brief overview of it? The fact that you need a focus to use to Encantus is irrelevant.
It would give the Magic Bazaar a bad reputation, is why she wouldn't.
Hm...I'd admittedly prefer veteran Encantus, but I've been convinced to get the Talisman. Besides, now that we're a member of the magical community, maybe we can do something like a targeted search for an Encantus?

[X] Plan: Expert Advice
Why exactly would it give the Auction a bad reputation?

Most people in the magic community would know that you need a focus to use the spells that the Encantus can teach.
No they wouldn't, you would know that if you didn't refuse to read what is actually written.

Common knowledge for the Merlineans and Morganians isn't common knowledge for other occult disciplines.

Beyond that, why don't you think Feldrake's staff could be a focus?
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I am morbidly curious to know what Janna wants to use the devil's signature for. Also, yay for Max finally starting to see his potential!
It would give the Magic Bazaar a bad reputation, is why she wouldn't.
Not really. For one, this auction is explicitly hosted by a dark sorceress. "Honor among thieves" only goes up to a certain point. She only has to give a basic description, as she has done with the other options. It was even explicitly stated by MiH earlier that the reason there isn't a "set" of talismans here was to potentially muddy the waters and hype the auction by either Xanatos or Magica, so she's not exactly above being deceptive to make money.
Our next bet should probably be prepping to do the space quest, as it's something that Doof could probably lead on, and if it takes a lot of learning rolls, we can improve that stat.
[X] Plan: Expert Advice

It's not the only Encantus around. I lay good odds on us either finding another one of those during the magical world tour, Grunkle Mal owning one, or us getting enough magical knowledge from these events that the Encantus is no longer needed. Even if none of these are true, we can always steal it at a later date, using our one of a kind spy-on-people talisman.
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No they wouldn't, you know know that if you didn't refuse to read what is actually written.

Common knowledge for the Merlineans and Morganians isn't common knowledge for other occult disciplines.

Beyond that, why don't you think Feldrake's staff could be a focus?

"Ahhh, now this is a very special item. An Encantus!"

Magicia allows a moment of drama before carrying on. You notice several figures in the audience sitting up straighter.
Notice how people sat up straight before she explained what the Encantus was? It's almost as if they knew what it was. Mind you, only Horvath is from The Sorcerer's Apprentice.

Stuff like a focus is something that is easy to notice. The Encantus also records all magical-history and known figures, for the Sorcerer's Apprentice canon anyways. That would still be incalculably useful.

Felldrake's staff is not from The Sorcerer's Apprentice. @Made in Heaven has avoided merging canon in that specific way.
Our next bet should probably be prepping to do the space quest, as it's something that Doof could probably lead on, and if it takes a lot of learning rolls, we can improve that stat.

By Space Quest do you mean starting a Doof Evil Space Program, researches towards space things like sublight drives, One Man's Trash, or something else entirely?
The space program unlocks a space questline.

So research stuff to prepare for taking that action.
Universal Translator was good for that, but I guess you're thinking of sublight drives, exotic vehicles, and fuel, either unburnium (after the program starts?) or flubber(for power and antigravity).

Actually, a Diplo Xanatos for Flubber Campaigning with a promise to give him the stuff as well might be good, in general.
Here are all the options which probably could help us with the Space questline. With the actual start option being bolded.

[ ] Research exotic vehicles
DC 100
Lee Industries are veterans in vehicle design, both civilian and military. Integrating their best and brightest into your R&D department and letting them go wild will allow you to unleash truly inventive machines upon the world!
(Reward: Reduced DC to vehicle-related actions like mass transit, unlocks ??? when combined with sublight drives)

[ ] Research sublight drives
DC 140
Jumba's ship may not have a hyperdrive, but what it does have is jet engines, or something like them, at least twice as fast as anything the US military is currently running. And also probably far more efficient. The benefits of this should be obvious.
Rewards: Rapid deployment for your own hero units cross-country, opportunity to begin commercializing alien tech, ??? when combined with exotic vehicles

[ ] Research Uburnium fuel
DC 130
'Uburnium' is a superheavy transuranic element that is astonishingly stable given how far along the periodic table it is. You theorize that it's somehow existing on the Island of Stability, or maybe even the theoretical 'Continent of Stability'. According to Jumba, this is the most abundant, most efficient, and cheapest fuel in the entire universe… and for some ungodly reason, there's not an atom of it on Earth or anywhere else in the solar system. Seriously, you even ran the spectrographs to check. It looks like you're going to have to do things the hard way and synthesize things yourself… or get out there in deep space and look.
(Reward: Option to build a particle accelerator and synthesize Uburnium unlocked, option to search outer space for uburnium unlocked after a space program is developed)

[ ] Decrypt GalFed Computers
DC 140
The GalFed computers onboard the ship were stripped of a lot of their data and functionality so as to make it more difficult for Jumba to use them for evil, but there's still a wealth of data locked away. You're sure that decrypting things will give you a better picture of the galaxy as a whole, and maybe some insight into how these aliens think.
(Reward: Knowledge of galactic-scale politics, happenings, etc)

[ ] Research GalFed Cloaking Tech
DC 140
The cloaking device on the GalFed ship you appropriated isn't the greatest, but it's still way beyond anything on the civilian market, and at least on par with the military's finest toys. It does have a pretty nasty power requirement though, so you're not going to be able to slap it on everything.
(Reward: Cloaking device reverse-engineered)

[ ] Research Fusion Power
DC 105
Now that you've exhausted the possibility of lesser power sources, you think it's finally time to go for the golden goose. Fusion power could theoretically provide you with vast amounts of energy, but the concept is barely out of the planning phase, scientists the world over have been attempting it for years with little success, and there's always some inherent risk involved. This action must be completed several times at successively increasing DCs to unlock fusion power.
(Reward: New research options unlocked, general fame and income)

[ ] Begin the Doofenshmirtz Evil Space Program
DC ???, higher DC indicates higher initial success
Space. The final frontier. The one place you've never managed to crack with any sort of regularity. Sure, you've sent up the odd satellite or twenty, and you even had some plans for a space station in the works, but that literally never got off of the ground. Instead of expanding outward, you can expand upward! Imagine the possibilities! Space Science! A vantage point to spy for aliens unobstructed by a pesky atmosphere! An asteroid belt filled to the brim with valuable minerals!
(Reward: Space program started, research options unlocked, questline unlocked)

[ ] Research Flubber Antigravity
DC 90
It turns out that if you vulcanize Flubber and apply an electric current to it, the resulting substance can produce exceptionally stable gravitons. It might be possible to exploit this and produce effective antigravity technology, though of course you'd have to get past the public opinion of the substance.
(Reward: Flubber Antigravity technology unlocked)
I would be fine with putting off Flubber antigrav, if we haven't campaigned for Flubber yet. The cloaking stuff could be useful for more covert space actions. I'm not sure about Fusion, but it seems like something which could tangentially be related to space, so I left it anyways.
[X] Plan: Expert Advice
-[X] Spend points on the Yáng Talisman
--[X] 17

I want to see if we can get the full set someday :)

Regarding the Cookbook and the Ninja Magic manual from last turn, I'd be ok with letting Xan-Xan looking at ours if he lets us look at his :)
Encoder book? More than one copy. Learns you magic. paints target on back for sorc apprentice shenanigans. Everyone wants.

Devil skin book? mega evil. cannibal. maximum spookhouse. gross. Witches come and point out max is a virgin. Feels bad

Talisman? Schrodinger's sheep/goat. Floaty bod powers. Fights on a plane that the greatest threat fights on. Tussles with the Dream Queen. Goblin completionist. Russ approval.

There's no contest. Like. We can slap this talisman on TEMUJIN and he can flex at mindscape enemies until they weep. Or give it to Russ for his fight against The Blot. EZ PZ
Here are all the options which probably could help us with the Space questline. With the actual start option being bolded.

I would be fine with putting off Flubber antigrav, if we haven't campaigned for Flubber yet. The cloaking stuff could be useful for more covert space actions. I'm not sure about Fusion, but it seems like something which could tangentially be related to space, so I left it anyways.
Buying Wyndcomm would probably also help, as it's an aeronautics and satellite company. It's still too early for plans, but what I'm currently thinking is Exotic Vehicles, Comedize Supply Lines and Castle Doofhawk immediately, then next turn we could buy Wyndcomm and start our space program.

By the way, if we're thinking that talismans combo, what's likely to happen if we give both of the ones we have to a single person, and what's gonna happen if we collect them all?

Aaaand, if I'm rambling anyway, looking at the Hero Cards, I quite like Frugal Lucre, Spydah, Momokase, and The Arrow. Frugal Lucre and The Arrow have three stars of Stewardship, Spydah and The Arrow have 3 stars of Intrigue and the former specializes in tech sabotage, and Momokase has 4 stars of Intrigue.

We should recruit Candace for the Doof Troop. She's cool.
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Buying Wyndcomm would probably also help, as it's an aeronautics and satellite company. It's still too early for plans, but what I'm currently thinking is Exotic Vehicles, Comedize Supply Lines and Castle Doofhawk immediately, then next turn we could buy Wyndcomm and start our space program.
Ehh, I'd rather go for sublight drives. We still need Lee on Diplomacy, and he is the best guy we can have research Exotic Vehicles. Also, I doubt that the Thread will vote for anything that isn't Translate Odd Transmissions. That would probably take up Von Drake's action, so that means Wendy would probably be on doing our AI research.

That does mean we would have to put Jumba on a personal action. Which I don't really want to do right now. At all.

I would prefer if we didn't start the space program until we have finished all of the space-related research.
Would Comedize Supply Lines also extend towards space? Could we use that to make it easier to put satellites into space? Does Max and/or Goofy want to become an Astronaut once they complete College?