[ ] Research exotic vehicles
DC 100
Lee Industries are veterans in vehicle design, both civilian and military. Integrating their best and brightest into your R&D department and letting them go wild will allow you to unleash truly inventive machines upon the world!
(Reward: Reduced DC to vehicle-related actions like mass transit, unlocks ??? when combined with sublight drives)
[ ] Research sublight drives
DC 140
Jumba's ship may not have a hyperdrive, but what it does have is jet engines, or something like them, at least twice as fast as anything the US military is currently running. And also probably far more efficient. The benefits of this should be obvious.
Rewards: Rapid deployment for your own hero units cross-country, opportunity to begin commercializing alien tech, ??? when combined with exotic vehicles
[ ] Research Uburnium fuel
DC 130
'Uburnium' is a superheavy transuranic element that is astonishingly stable given how far along the periodic table it is. You theorize that it's somehow existing on the Island of Stability, or maybe even the theoretical 'Continent of Stability'. According to Jumba, this is the most abundant, most efficient, and cheapest fuel in the entire universe… and for some ungodly reason, there's not an atom of it on Earth or anywhere else in the solar system. Seriously, you even ran the spectrographs to check. It looks like you're going to have to do things the hard way and synthesize things yourself… or get out there in deep space and look.
(Reward: Option to build a particle accelerator and synthesize Uburnium unlocked, option to search outer space for uburnium unlocked after a space program is developed)
[ ] Decrypt GalFed Computers
DC 140
The GalFed computers onboard the ship were stripped of a lot of their data and functionality so as to make it more difficult for Jumba to use them for evil, but there's still a wealth of data locked away. You're sure that decrypting things will give you a better picture of the galaxy as a whole, and maybe some insight into how these aliens think.
(Reward: Knowledge of galactic-scale politics, happenings, etc)
[ ] Research GalFed Cloaking Tech
DC 140
The cloaking device on the GalFed ship you appropriated isn't the greatest, but it's still way beyond anything on the civilian market, and at least on par with the military's finest toys. It does have a pretty nasty power requirement though, so you're not going to be able to slap it on everything.
(Reward: Cloaking device reverse-engineered)
[ ] Research Fusion Power
DC 105
Now that you've exhausted the possibility of lesser power sources, you think it's finally time to go for the golden goose. Fusion power could theoretically provide you with vast amounts of energy, but the concept is barely out of the planning phase, scientists the world over have been attempting it for years with little success, and there's always some inherent risk involved. This action must be completed several times at successively increasing DCs to unlock fusion power.
(Reward: New research options unlocked, general fame and income)
[ ] Begin the Doofenshmirtz Evil Space Program
DC ???, higher DC indicates higher initial success
Space. The final frontier. The one place you've never managed to crack with any sort of regularity. Sure, you've sent up the odd satellite or twenty, and you even had some plans for a space station in the works, but that literally never got off of the ground. Instead of expanding outward, you can expand upward! Imagine the possibilities! Space Science! A vantage point to spy for aliens unobstructed by a pesky atmosphere! An asteroid belt filled to the brim with valuable minerals!
(Reward: Space program started, research options unlocked, questline unlocked)
[ ] Research Flubber Antigravity
DC 90
It turns out that if you vulcanize Flubber and apply an electric current to it, the resulting substance can produce exceptionally stable gravitons. It might be possible to exploit this and produce effective antigravity technology, though of course you'd have to get past the public opinion of the substance.
(Reward: Flubber Antigravity technology unlocked)