Let's do some further speculation on how loaded people are!
@KidFromPallet has the right track on how much money Drake/Horvarth has to blow. If they're gunning for one item specifically, but Drake wanted to spend some money on a Round 2 item, that means they have 11 points minimum, maybe 13 or 14 at best. I seem to remember an interlude where it says that Horvarth was running out of funds and had to turn to Demona for help...
The Glooms are poor since they've been kicked out of 7D, and already spent some points on Beezlebub. I have a good hunch they might be winning an item in the second round too, so I doubt they'll have enough to spend for Round 3. But let's be generous and say they
might have, oh, 7 points by Round 3 assuming they don't get anything for Round 2.
Assume Xanny is operating on the same 30 points system, maybe a bit more or less up to 5 for error room. Because he's a CEO king.
Monty Hall is subservient to Pandarus, who is a businessman. Now while definitely not on our or Xanny's level, considering this is DVV, he should be rather well off. Lets give them, hmm, 16-20 points maybe.
Now, Demona...well I don't know much about her, but looking her up, she appears to be a rather successful CEO. Assume 20-25 points, although I doubt it's higher. That's king level
wink wink.
Of course this is all speculation, and not the end-all facts. Heck, I don't even know who the other redhead is. Also keep in mind that the most other parties will probably be dipping into their funds during this round. There are 6 different items after all, with varying degrees of interest from those we've spotted.
EDIT: Also I do doubt that any bid from our opponents will go beyond 14 at most. Voting more than double for one item seems a bit excessive. Well, not excessive for us maybe, but in realistic terms (unless they're super desperate).
EDIT 2: Oh, wait, the omake is non-canon. Right, forget I said that last bit about Horvarth.