Ami doesn't have access to Shadow Clone because she's a Mist jonin, and SC is a Leaf jutsu. Keiko has said that Ami has been personable as long as she can remember, and we got that one interlude with AMI members.

I'd surmise that Ami has different caricatures of people that she acts like to approximate how real people behave. Similar to how sociopaths can seem completely normal due to imitation of emotions felt by other people, Ami absorbs people around her and creates personalities to respond to whoever she's with. This explains her initial calibration with Hazou. She feels the emotions but doesn't necessarily know how to communicate with people so she observes what actions and words cause a certain reaction and then copies them.
I'd surmise that Ami has different caricatures of people that she acts like to approximate how real people behave. Similar to how sociopaths can seem completely normal due to imitation of emotions felt by other people, Ami absorbs people around her and creates personalities to respond to whoever she's with. This explains her initial calibration with Hazou. She feels the emotions but doesn't necessarily know how to communicate with people so she observes what actions and words cause a certain reaction and then copies them.

I'm actually rather intrigued by Ami's character and I want her to eventually join the ranks of Noburi and Akane in terms of how regularly she appears. We don't know what caused her particular brand of... personality. She's shown genuine regret/remorse in her inability to help Keiko more, a certain degree of honest affection towards Hazou (whether platonic or romantic is anyone's guess, I'm definitely not the right person to ask about that), a begrudging respect towards the ideal of Uplift, and an intense passion to never sell away her heart or her freedom. Were it not for her mysterious Ultimate Goal that she's willing to put everything (save her heart and her freedom) on the line for, I'd be more vocal about bringing her into Hazou's inner circle.
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Probably not. She doesn't have Shadow Clone. But she is doing something to offset the effect of the Frozen Skein. And it is probably horrifying.
We've seen her use the frozen skein, and it looked about the same as when Keiko uses it. We've also seen Ami acting in a cold and calculating manner much the same as one would expect a normal Mori with the frozen skein to act.

I think she has one personality with the frozen skein, and a bunch of other ones (like her happy, outgoing personality) that don't have the frozen skein.
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I'm actually rather intrigued by Ami's character and I want her to eventually join the ranks of Noburi and Akane in terms of how regularly she appears. We don't know what caused her particular brand of... personality. She's shown genuine regret/remorse in her inability to help Keiko more, a certain degree of honest affection towards Hazou (whether platonic or romantic is anyone's guess, I'm definitely not the right person to ask about that), a begrudging respect towards the ideal of Uplift, and an intense passion to never sell away her heart or her freedom. Were it not for her mysterious Ultimate Goal that she's willing to put everything (save her heart and her freedom) on the line for, I'd be more vocal about bringing her into Hazou's inner circle.

I enjoy seeing her appear too. She has such a fun and interesting personality. I think she appreciates Hazou's honesty and that his mind, with all his lists, works similarly to hers (however the Frozen Skein interacts with her).

I think what it comes down to, in the end, is trust. We can't trust her with things because, as you pointed out, she has her secret goal. Furthermore, she's as clear as mud to us whereas she seems to know what we want and how we're going to act. Adding in the fact that she's a jonin and ostensibly loyal to Mist first and we can't afford to truly bring her in until we've either leveled socials or found out enough information to understand her.

I'm 100% down for including Ami more in things, but we should definitely keep them as low priority things that she can't do anything with, such as the one salt making trip we took with Naruto. Hard to make an OPSEC mistake with straightforward, low-priority objectives.
I enjoy seeing her appear too. She has such a fun and interesting personality. I think she appreciates Hazou's honesty and that his mind, with all his lists, works similarly to hers (however the Frozen Skein interacts with her).

I think what it comes down to, in the end, is trust. We can't trust her with things because, as you pointed out, she has her secret goal. Furthermore, she's as clear as mud to us whereas she seems to know what we want and how we're going to act. Adding in the fact that she's a jonin and ostensibly loyal to Mist first and we can't afford to truly bring her in until we've either leveled socials or found out enough information to understand her.

I'm 100% down for including Ami more in things, but we should definitely keep them as low priority things that she can't do anything with, such as the one salt making trip we took with Naruto. Hard to make an OPSEC mistake with straightforward, low-priority objectives.

You know, I've been thinking about the subject of trust lately. Mostly because of Keiko's revelation that she's part of an Illuminati group dedicated to preserving the world and guarding it from malicious Outer Beings that have been sealed away. Keiko has other obligations, other responsibilities, and one day may need to betray our trust as a result. However, knowing Keiko as we do, we know that she would never, ever, do such a thing lightly. And she would only ever do it if were the only option, or if it were legitimately the best option. Like Hazou said, "trust can be rebuilt."

I think that we can trust Ami, at least with the less valuable op-sec stuff. We know her well enough to know that she's on our side, and that we're her friend and that she's ours --well, as we define the term, rather than how she defines it. Knowing what we do about her, I think that we can safely assume her Ultimate Goal is at least somewhat benevolent, especially since it doesn't openly contradict Uplift.

At some point I'd like to do two things along these lines. 1) ask Keiko if Ami can be trusted. To ask Keiko to take a mental step back and, objectively, give us her opinion on this. We might also want to ask Snowflake, if only because it would make the scene that much more interesting. 2) tell Ami what we told Mari, minus our deductions about the Forbidden Five. That the very fabric of reality is an existential threat to humanity and that, if something isn't done, our species will eventually be thanos'd. On the off chance that she doesn't already know, we get an ally against the Out. If she already does, then we still get an ally against the Out. Existential (or would it be ontological, in the case of the Out?) Threats are great for uniting people.

And it's worth mentioning Ami is very much NOT on the side of the Mori, so even if she deduces that we know about the Forbidden Five, I find it very unlikely that she'll try and go after us for it. She knows that we're on the same side because, if nothing else, uncaging an Outer Entity would also burn Uplift to the ground.

Besides, Yuno knew and she only seemed to get a very, very stern talking to about op-sec from the Nara, who are actually allied with the Mori in more than name.
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[X] Action Plan: R&D Superpowered

Flashback time: Hazo's birthday party.
Prepare a shark trench coat:
  • Fund a team to capture sharks for their leather. Make sure that they are well equipped so they all come back in one pieces.
  • Commission said trench coat.

As usual, consult and sanity check with family.

R&D Initiative:
  • Start a development group for a sled staffed with mostly civilians. Hazo and Kagome may assists in the development process.​
    • Ideally, there will be multiple options, preferably, downgradable or upgradable. Saddlebags for adult doggos, harness & sled, chariot, and sealtech.​
      • Each option have their own pros and cons. Sealtech likely is the best but makes Doggos dependent on the Goketsu clan. Saddlebags is simplest but tiring. Sled likely to work but require more effort to develop. Chariot have less fiction, but more fragile.​
  • Fund a glassworking group to reinvent the telescope.
  • Create a clan-wide reward system for innovation based loosely on Asuma's contest:
    • It is the burden of the applicant to prove that they deserved being rewarded for their work.
      • Looking for: impact and practicality, replicable and teachable.
    • Two types that will be rewarded:
      • Incidental inventions/innovation not directly related to mandated projects
        • This is in addition to existing bonus for project completion.
      • Any inventions or innovation made by independent initiatives.
    • Grants shall be made available to proven inventors to undertake long-term R&D projects of uncertain outcome or for knowledge's sake.
      • inspiration: Hazo made insights using unintended functionality or observation of nature(skywalker, skyslider).
  • Possible rewards:
    • Accolades, money, investments...and so forth.
  • Finish work on the casino seal variant.
  • Message the Otter for info where last scroll is located.

Clarify and rephrase. Added reason why for long term R&D projects. Note possible rewards.
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[X] Action Plan: R&D Superpowered

[X] Action Plan: A brief dive into non-linear time

@Oneiros @Kiba could Noburi talk with inuzuka beastmaster about dog harness and pouch systems? We dont need to reinvent wheels, just offscreen it
We know her well enough to know that she's on our side
Minor quibble: we have evidence that our goals intersect, for now. There's no hiding that Ami's invested a lot into the AMI and KEI, and those two organizations are collectively rooted in highly liberal thought and inter-village cooperation, very similar to our own highly liberal thoughts involving inter-village cooperation.

The key difference is that Ami is not aligned with us for our sake, or with our actual goals. If there comes such a point where Ami's goals require inciting conservative and xenophobic thought, then she will flip 'away from our side' very easily because she does not define herself along our axis.

Consequently, I trust Ami as an ally of convenience, not as a true ally. This isn't as bad a situation as it sounds, though, as until and unless our goals ever properly diverge there's much to be gained by working with Ami to advance both of our goals.

(My best estimation of Ami's end-goal, taking over the world, isn't even strictly opposed to our own goals. A world ruled by Omnikage Ami is a world not tearing itself apart by world wars, and if Hazou and Ami are allies of convenience all the way up to the top it's likely that we'll be in position to implement Uplift for the good of Ami's Empire. This sort of end-state I would consider a win condition, imo)
[X] Action Plan: R&D Superpowered

I feel like we should give you a chance to get those telescopes @Kiba

Although 'look into optics' is way too vague imho.

I mean, usually the optics surrounding us are not-vague and look bad, so vague might be an improvement? Oh, you meant for lenses? That'll just let people see our next treason from farther away!

Sadly, the EN does not have pizza.


[P] Food Plan: Invent Pizza
-Make sure to use regular tomatoes, not Chakra tomatoes. Leaf's survival depends on that difference.
My best estimation of Ami's end-goal, taking over the world, isn't even strictly opposed to our own goals.

She may have some quibbles about the whole "Obtain effectively unlimited power and use this to rewrite the universe's framework into something less held-together-with-ducktape while solving the world's myriad problems before using the stones to destroy the stones softlocking our status so that none may revert the changes done." thing though.
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@Oneiros If you can, could you replace your plan with mine? It's the same thing, only with 11 words cut out of it so it goes under 300 (it's 299 words exactly).
[X] Action Plan: A brief dive into non-linear time
  • Flashback to Hazou's Birthday
  • During timeskip commission a Sharkskin/Megalodon leather jacket for Noburi's birthday
  • Answering the Dog Problem:
    • Our solution is three-tiered. Run by Canoe (let her know when you'll be summoning her for this; no need to be rude) to be sure there's no cultural/pride things we'll run afoul of in our suggestions, if Hazou's training is not sufficient for him to know)
    • First, most fast to deploy: Saddlebags sized for dogs with pockets for pups. We also have a jutsu that allows for fine manipulation that does not require hand seals.
      • Pros: Quick to get for them, effective at distributing puppies without harming their necks, or straining their caretakers' mouths, may be stored in storage seals
      • Cons: Doesn't actually help them go any faster for the number of puppies they'd carry
    • Second, basic sleds, pulled by dogs in quick-release halters/harnesses
      1. Pros: No need to move pups between bags when their caretakers need a break, moderately faster movement, may be stored in storage seals
      2. Cons: Lower comfort due to no shock absorption, difficulty with non-prairie terrain
    • Third, more complex, potentially sealtech constructions
      1. Pros: Faster, higher comfort levels, less exhaustion on caretakers' part
      2. Cons: Dependent on more complex constructions; difficult to replace, sealtech means more dependence on Hazou and dogs that can activate seals, as well as additional failures.
  • Begin work on Casino seal variant from before the chunnin exam tournament
    • Use 2 Fate points to tag aspects (Jiraiya's notes & Promising Sealing Student)
    • Use SSA when infusing a prototype and spend 48hr on theoretical research before trying again
    • Use SC to increase safety. Work with Kagome to design protocols
  • Have Noburi send a message to the otters
    • Check with Mari 1st
    • We're searching for their summoning scroll and wondered if they had any information on it
(My best estimation of Ami's end-goal, taking over the world, isn't even strictly opposed to our own goals. A world ruled by Omnikage Ami is a world not tearing itself apart by world wars, and if Hazou and Ami are allies of convenience all the way up to the top it's likely that we'll be in position to implement Uplift for the good of Ami's Empire. This sort of end-state I would consider a win condition, imo)

We know little about what Ami's "empire" would really be, so far she has been acting as a politician. Hiashi for example was fully willing to support Tsunade and Lee's wishes to aquire more power and act as Hokage, so Ami generally being pro clan-less doesn't really help us to judge her.

She may have some quibbles about the whole "Obtain effectively unlimited power and use this to rewrite the universe's framework into something less held-together-with-ducktape while solving the world's myriad problems before using the stones to destroy the stones softlocking our status so that none may revert the changes done." thing though.

Well she is influenced by an eldritch abomination, maybe giving her the power to rewrite reality is not a positive thing for humanity.
We know little about what Ami's "empire" would really be, so far she has been acting as a politician. Hiashi for example was fully willing to support Tsunade and Lee's wishes to aquire more power and act as Hokage, so Ami generally being pro clan-less doesn't really help us to judge her.
imo the fact that she's been happily willing to use liberal strategies like 'help the clanless' and 'cooperation between villages' suggests that as Omnikage she at least won't be opposed to us doing similar strategies to improve her Empire.

edit: plus once she has absolute power she'll want to make Keiko happy and we've infected her with Uplift already, so there's that.
imo the fact that she's been happily willing to use liberal strategies like 'help the clanless' and 'cooperation between villages' suggests that as Omnikage she at least won't be opposed to us doing similar strategies to improve her Empire.

So far nobody has opposed us to help civilian and clanless, only the Shimura vote was blocked and that was more or less what Ami wanted. Most ninja just don't invest much time and/or money if they don't gain anything. Mari for example told us that making a lot of money with her chocolate scheme isn't a danger because Asuma will make more money via taxes, same here, why would Ami (or anyone else) stop us if our ideas and projects benefit her.

And I doubt her end-goal is just "take over the world" and that's my point, we don't really have any proof that we can safely support all of her ambition without knowing what she wants to create.

Ami does seem to craft her persona to improve relations, so let's not take everything we see and hear from her at face value. I wouldn't take her arguments about Ren as gospel, no idea what really happened between Ren and her (plus the rest of the village).
Dunno if this has been discussed already but my main uneasiness with sending Condor refugees to the Dogs is whether the humanitarian benefit is worth the reputational cost to the Pangolins and to the Dogs. Who might look at us sideeyes for sending the Pangolins enemies to them.

I agree that continuing the talk with Ami bout 7Path alliance sounds good. Although I'm a bit uneasy of Hazou inadvertently ruining Ami's plan if he gets involved.