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On Thread Etiquette:

I'm not going to weigh in on the logic of either side's arguments, but I will ask that everyone read over what they write and really consider if the words they used are polite and won't be inflammatory intentionally or not. You cant account for people's tolerances perfectly but at least try to say your piece without saying things that can be easily construed as overly dismissive of the other side of the argument, thank you.

Please endeavour to be cordial. :^)
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"Very well then," the Griffon says before plunging his talon into his chest to the surprise of three of the assembled dwarfs.

You will admit you didn't expect that.

It takes a moment or two, the King of the Skies showing not even a hint of discomfort as it tears out its still-beating heart, lightning crackling along its surface, with its talon and offers it to the Whitebeard.

"Should my scions betray you and yours, destroy my Heart, freely given, and slake your vengeance."

"You don't seem all that affected right now Griffon," the Prince says, unphased at the sight of the Griffon's chest reknitting itself over his newly regrown heart.

"Return it to the King of All Mountains, he will know my reason and see the truth of my offering," he replies.

"And if it's a trap?"

"I have too much pride to bring my death upon me in such a way. My death will come on my own terms, glorious and for the sake of my flock," the creature replies calmly.
How very Sean Connery of it.
[X] Plan: Finish Underway, Dowry Pt. 2 and Helter Smelter
-[X] Helter Smelter: You're sure there's a way to more efficiently produce more Adamant, but as it is you can create at least one more smelter to increase your overall throughput. Having one work while the other recharges for instance. You can at least make one or two more before you start feeling as if you're running afoul of the Rule of Pride. [Cost: 3 actions, 1 Voidstone] Productivity Like No Other will proc. +1 Bar of Adamant every Turn instead of every other Turn. (Will count the turn it was done on) Overflow will only add progress to the next smelter and cost another Voidstone. 2 Actions
-[X] [Difficult] Dowry Pt. 2: Two cloaks and an amulet to be ready for the wedding of Prince Durabarr Stonehammer and Princess Orra Ironarm. All that needs to be done nowA multiwork project. [Cost: 3 actions] Due in 2 Turns. 2 Action
-[X] [Simple] The Underway: Otrek is in less of a rush to complete this. The Holds of the North are not waylaid by enemies and are aware that with the way the weather's been, an Underway route is the only reliable way for them to stay connected. [Cost: variable normal and apprentice actions] Productivity Like No Other will proc. 2 Progress per action, 1 progress per apprentice action. 21 out of 30 Progress. 7 progress a turn regardless of input. 1 action
[T2] Giant Spider's Venom

[X] Write in:
-[X] Having them as friends has already saved Dwaf lives, like one of my beardling apprentices
-[X] We work together with goats fine might as well try and make things work with griffons, at least the griffons are better conversationalists then goats
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I dunno, think we'd stand to gain a lot, if it works out. Adamant's somewhat vital to further construction of masterworks on our part, so as nice as getting a great one time use for an artifact out of it would be, upping our Adamant production early on seems like it'll hold more benefits, in the long run.
Not to mention, even if the Heart itself is hardly replaceable, working with it on this project might at the very least give us some insight into how to partially replicate it's effects for other smelters we built with lesser Greedy Troll hearts and the like. We can never have enough Adamant, really.
...Have people considered that their assumptions are just that, assumptions? Because from experience in quests players have from time to time screwed themselves by basing their actions for very important decisions on solely assumptions. If people are wrong we would have wasted a freaking one of a kind item and level 5 tier materials are in fact one of a kind. And there is a good reason that people are advocating only using one more of the Voidstones before considering making more than one Smelter.
[X] Plan: The Gift Giver
-[X] Helter Smelter: You're sure there's a way to more efficiently produce more Adamant, but as it is you can create at least one more smelter to increase your overall throughput. Having one work while the other recharges for instance. You can at least make one or two more before you start feeling as if you're running afoul of the Rule of Pride. [Cost: 3 actions, 1 Voidstone] Productivity Like No Other will proc. +1 Bar of Adamant every Turn instead of every other Turn. (Will count the turn it was done on) Overflow will only add progress to the next smelter and cost another Voidstone. 2 Actions

-[X] [Difficult] Dowry Pt. 2: Two cloaks and an amulet to be ready for the wedding of Prince Durabarr Stonehammer and Princess Orra Ironarm. All that needs to be done nowA multiwork project. [Cost: 3 actions] Due in 2 Turns. 1 Action
-[X] [Difficult] A Higher Standard Pt. 1: You've gazed upon the face of the Ancestors a lot in the past few years, especially when you were making your alchemical flame spitters, and it's inspired you. A banner to rally behind, something that dwarfs will look to and fight all the harder with it at their back. A banner worthy of the hold of Kraka Drakk to be held aloft with pride by an equally worthy standard bearer. [Cost: 1 action] If a rune you want requires special ingredients that you don't have access to I will alert you. 1 action
-[X] Master Rune of Grimnir, Rune of Valaya, Rune of Spellbreaking
-[X] [Simple] The Underway: Otrek is in less of a rush to complete this. The Holds of the North are not waylaid by enemies and are aware that with the way the weather's been, an Underway route is the only reliable way for them to stay connected. [Cost: variable normal and apprentice actions] Productivity Like No Other will proc. 2 Progress per action, 1 progress per apprentice action. 21 out of 30 Progress. 7 progress a turn regardless of input. 1 action
[X] Plan: The Gift Giver

[X] Write in: They have not killed or harmed any dwarves, and they saved the life of my apprentice. They need more time and testing, but what has been revealed so far shows they have enough reliability to not bungle using my craft too much. They hunt trolls and other dark things, which is a mark of good sense.
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[x] Plan Commissions and Trickle

I really don't want to use any Voidstone until we have either a better smelter design (which would likely require studying the Purification Rune, and will take a while) or we have a way to get more.
[X] Plan: The Gift Giver

Good enough, with the good point brought up that they'd get the cloaks and amulet on turn 18 anyway.

[X] Write in: They have not killed or harmed any dwarves, and they saved the life of my apprentice. They need more time and testing, but what has been revealed so far shows they have enough reliability to not bungle using my craft too much. They hunt trolls and other dark things, which is a mark of good sense.
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[X] Plan: The Gift Giver

I didn't think we are doing the standard now but it seems like a pretty good time for it.
[X] Plan: Finish Underway, Dowry Pt. 2 and Helter Smelter
-[X] Helter Smelter: You're sure there's a way to more efficiently produce more Adamant, but as it is you can create at least one more smelter to increase your overall throughput. Having one work while the other recharges for instance. You can at least make one or two more before you start feeling as if you're running afoul of the Rule of Pride. [Cost: 3 actions, 1 Voidstone] Productivity Like No Other will proc. +1 Bar of Adamant every Turn instead of every other Turn. (Will count the turn it was done on) Overflow will only add progress to the next smelter and cost another Voidstone. 2 Actions
-[X] [Difficult] Dowry Pt. 2: Two cloaks and an amulet to be ready for the wedding of Prince Durabarr Stonehammer and Princess Orra Ironarm. All that needs to be done nowA multiwork project. [Cost: 3 actions] Due in 2 Turns. 2 Action
-[X] [Simple] The Underway: Otrek is in less of a rush to complete this. The Holds of the North are not waylaid by enemies and are aware that with the way the weather's been, an Underway route is the only reliable way for them to stay connected. [Cost: variable normal and apprentice actions] Productivity Like No Other will proc. 2 Progress per action, 1 progress per apprentice action. 21 out of 30 Progress. 7 progress a turn regardless of input. 1 action
[T2] Giant Spider's Venom

[X] Write in:
-[X] Having them as friends has already saved Dwaf lives, like one of my beardling apprentices
-[X] We work together with goats fine might as well try and make things work with griffons, at least the griffons are better conversationalists then goats
Giant Spider's Venom? The Master Rune of Fear, against Daemons?
[X] Write in:
-[X] Can't blame them for not having the fortune to be born a dwarf.
-[X] They haven't broken with us so far. Give it a century or two or more and we may deem it natural to trust them.
-[X] They saved my apprentice. Can't pretend it doesn't make me favor them. They have earned some trust at least in that I don't consider them an imminent danger.
-[X] Technically our Runes are magic. Won't pretend otherwise that what a Runesmith does seems just as strange to others as what magic seems to us. We just tend to not mutate and blow ourselves up when we use it. If we distrust everything that has magic we will find that the world is going to be much more frustrating than it already is.
-[X] There will definitely be problems in the future. Never let your guard down but don't pretend that any dwarf is wise enough to correctly identify if a new thing is a threat or not every time.
[X] Plan: The Gift Giver
-[X] Helter Smelter: You're sure there's a way to more efficiently produce more Adamant, but as it is you can create at least one more smelter to increase your overall throughput. Having one work while the other recharges for instance. You can at least make one or two more before you start feeling as if you're running afoul of the Rule of Pride. [Cost: 3 actions, 1 Voidstone] Productivity Like No Other will proc. +1 Bar of Adamant every Turn instead of every other Turn. (Will count the turn it was done on) Overflow will only add progress to the next smelter and cost another Voidstone. 2 Actions

-[X] [Difficult] Dowry Pt. 2: Two cloaks and an amulet to be ready for the wedding of Prince Durabarr Stonehammer and Princess Orra Ironarm. All that needs to be done nowA multiwork project. [Cost: 3 actions] Due in 2 Turns. 1 Action
-[X] [Difficult] A Higher Standard Pt. 1: You've gazed upon the face of the Ancestors a lot in the past few years, especially when you were making your alchemical flame spitters, and it's inspired you. A banner to rally behind, something that dwarfs will look to and fight all the harder with it at their back. A banner worthy of the hold of Kraka Drakk to be held aloft with pride by an equally worthy standard bearer. [Cost: 1 action] If a rune you want requires special ingredients that you don't have access to I will alert you. 1 action
-[X] Master Rune of Grimnir, Rune of Valaya, Rune of Spellbreaking
-[X] [Simple] The Underway: Otrek is in less of a rush to complete this. The Holds of the North are not waylaid by enemies and are aware that with the way the weather's been, an Underway route is the only reliable way for them to stay connected. [Cost: variable normal and apprentice actions] Productivity Like No Other will proc. 2 Progress per action, 1 progress per apprentice action. 21 out of 30 Progress. 7 progress a turn regardless of input. 1 action
[X] Plan: The Gift Giver
Anyways, @Chimeraguard @Garlak if you end up mashing something together in the Whitebeard reply I'll just edit it into my post. Not sure what others will do, but you have something good going.

Unless someone else has a better idea of what to say?
I liked what Chimeraguard and BungieONI said in their posts.
Thoughts for how Snorri might talk about the Gryphons:
-While we've known them only for a short time, they haven't shown themselves to be untrustworthy.
-When Brokk and Snorri first encountered one, said Gryphon specifically only attacked the trolls, and not them, so even when neither side had any real clue what the other was like, there wasn't any outright hostility.
-A gryphon saved Dolgi's life. That's a really big thing for me, and goes a long way for my approval. And apparently Dolgi's even been talking to that specific gryphon.
-The argument could be made that all of those acts were enlightened self-interest (hunting trolls to empower themselves, not hunting Dwarfs because they don't gain anything and have to get into another fight and risk dying), but even with that, Dwarfs who would have died are still alive because of their actions.
Well, keep in mind, we're not trying to convince Whitebeard of this. This is to show what kind of Dwarf we are, what Snorri Klausson thinks about this whole thing, and as such, a look into his mindset in general.

Do we want him to be a full-scale pragmatist, focused on "They're useful, and having them with us will help my Hold and our People"?
Do we want one of his main points to be "They saved the life of one of my Apprentices."?

Or some other series of points/ideas that get across a certain mindset that Snorri's taking with all of this.
Personally I agree with this pretty much. My thoughts on the write in are:

[] Write in:
-[] They have not killed or harmed any dwarves, and they saved the life of my apprentice. (Shows Snorri is a dwarf who cares about dwarf lives in particular)
-[] They need more time and testing, but what has been revealed so far shows they have enough reliability to not bungle using my craft. (Shows he cares about his craft) (Not really happy with this one)
-[] They hunt trolls and other dark things, which is a mark of good sense. (Shows he puts special attention on what has been done so far)

Simple and straightforward. I am not really seeing or feeling much impetus for commenting on their military abilities in comparison to dwarfs, it's pretty obvious if you give it thought and I also don't really want to have Snorri focused on that since in my mind he cares a lot about those closest to him and other dwarfs and his craft being used well.
I'm probably just going to vote for this write-in of BungieONI's outright, unless he writes another one or something.
[] Write in:
-[] They have not killed or harmed any dwarves, and they saved the life of my apprentice. (Shows Snorri is a dwarf who cares about dwarf lives in particular)
-[] They need more time and testing, but what has been revealed so far shows they have enough reliability to not bungle using my craft. (Shows he cares about his craft) (Not really happy with this one)
-[] They hunt trolls and other dark things, which is a mark of good sense. (Shows he puts special attention on what has been done so far)
[X] Plan: The Gift Giver

[X] Plan: The Productive Gift Giver

[X] Write in:
-[X] They have saved multiple Dwarf lives, along with one of my bumbling apprentices
-[X] They hunt those darn greedy trolls
-[X] As far as I know they haven't wronged a dwarf yet.
--[X] overall view on the griffins: cautiously optimistic
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[X] Plan: The Gift Giver
[X] Write in:
-[X] They have not harmed any dwarf even before we could communicate.
-[X] They have fought our common foes.
-[X] Most importantly, they have saved dwarf lives without any obligation, particularly that of my apprentice on his Journey.
-[X] They need time to be tested yet for any flaws, but they have thus far, been honorable and good neighbors. Good metal, but we know not if its iron or gromril.
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[X] Plan: The Gift Giver

[X] Write in: They have not killed or harmed any dwarves, and they saved the life of my apprentice. They need more time and testing, but what has been revealed so far shows they have enough reliability to not bungle using my craft too much. They hunt trolls and other dark things, which is a mark of good sense.