[X] Action Plan: Akatsuki Conversion Plan #1: Hidan And Itachi
Word Count:359
- Unless Hazo's sealing expertise tells him the sealing failures are an imminent danger to the islands, get back to the Shrine in a manner that won't offend Hidan ASAP.
- Don't lie, but if possible don't go out of your way to explain that you had no input on your victory
- Meet up with Itachi:
- He called people stupid, selfish, and ignorant. He's not wrong, but people aren't inherently this way, or we (our two groups) wouldn't be here. This is a self-sustaining system created by vengeance and cutthroat pragmatism.
- Between striking at any possible threat, attacking everyone first...and reaching to the others to find a solution, we know what this world always does, and this is why it's impossible to break this circle.
- Hazou believe this is the biggest obstacle to surpass, and for this to happen, it must first happen between those that seek to change the world.
- Itachi said they don't know how to rule, and neither does Hazou; he's not so arrogant to think he can do everything alone. That's normal, because we are just individuals. Working together is what makes the difference.
- Considering our histories, we shouldn't be capable of working together...and this is why we must. If we can surpass this system, we can find the way to break it everywhere.
- The greatest thing you're offering is the chance to listen and talk:
- If our plans are wrong or inefficient, we can share and improve on them.
- Here and now, let's influence each other without violence.
- You are more than willing to explain your plans, but this is their core motivation, untempered by pragmatism:
- We need to help free people from this system of hate until peace is the norm for them, and they protect peace just like they now fuel war.
- How?
- Target vectors of conflict (Hunger, ignorance, lack of territory, vengeance, etc.).
- Grow, for there many people that believe in peace that just don't realize it.
- Stop other conflicts from happening, for they give fuel for hatred.
- Protect the ones that move towards peace.
- Much, much more, for this isn't something you alone can resolve and this why you're here.
We're short on time, so here's a plan, a little too long, but better than nothing. Still need to word optimize it, but at least it's here.
EDIT:Thanks to
@faflec for the great work in improving this plan