- Assumption: three teams were so incompetent as to need to turn in their word-halves to get to E2, in addition to the brilliant young person who gave their word-half to the proctor.
- E2: 2/8 of bottom-half of Leaf genin were eliminated. Assumption: their eliminators stole their word-halves. Assumption: this percentage is true for all genin. 25% of word-halves of the bottom-half contestants are now in upper-half contestants' hands.
- SuperTeam Leaf, consisting of four teams from upper half of the scoring, captured 12 word-halves during the break. Assumption: this is much better than average for all upper-half teams. On average, only half of them stole one word-half. (less powerful, less successful, some targets already lost word-halves, some upper-half teams were busy with other things...).
- Assumption: E3 was thrice-harder to find than E2. 10% of contestants turned-in word-halves of bottom-half contestants (their own if they're bottom-half, or the stolen ones otherwise).
- E3: No word-halves change hands.
- Eliminations 1: 150 contestants are eliminated: all word-halves not in possession of upper-half teams are lost.
- Then Team Gai and that random team is eliminated; 15 more word-halves are lost.
- E4: 10% more of contestants turn-in word-halves to find the event. During E4, no word-halves change hands.
- Eliminations 2: Assumption: 30% of remaining word-halves are lost. (After Swamp, there was no heavy redistribution for the strongest teams, which means that most of word-halves were in "upper half", not "upper quartile". Top 25% were more successful than Top 50%, but not overwhelmingly so.)
- E5: Three word-halves are turned-in to find the event. Team Uplift takes everyone's personal word-halves save their R1 teammates' and ISC's Blue Team's.
Now to calculate it. BHW = "word-halves in possession of bottom-half contestants", UH = "word-halves in possession of upper-half contestants", WH = "word-halves", BQW = "word-halves in possession of bottom-quartile contestants", UQW = "word-halves in possession of upper-quartile contestants".
1. 300-3x3-1 = 290 WH. UHW = 150. BHW = 150-10 = 140.
2. UHW = 150 + 140/4 = 185 WH. BHW = 105 WH.
3. UHW = 185 + 150/6 = 210 WH. BHW = 105 - 25 = 80 WH.
4. UHW = 210 x 0.9 = 189 WH. BHW = 80 x 0.9 = 72 WH.
6. UHW = 189 WH. BHW = 0.
7. UHW = 189 - 15 = 174 WH.
8. UHW = 189 x 0.9 = ~170 WH.
9. UHW = UQW + BQW. UQW = 189 x 0.7 = 132 WH. BQW = 0.
10. UQW = 132 - 3 = 129 WH.
Conclusions: By E5, only 129-72 = 57 word-halves of disqualified contestants were in play.
Team Uplift: 3 (personal) + 3 (stolen pre-E5) + 54 (stolen: E5) = 60 word-halves.
Everyone else: 54 stolen word-halves.
+ Team Uplift's R1 teammates & ISC's Blue Team: Personal word-halves (15 of them).
How many word-halves Katou conned out of people? How many word-halves Team Kurenai and Team Gensou stole? I think you're better positioned to answer these particular questions, which influences the distribution of the 54 stolen word-halves.
@Adept_Woodwright, what do you think?)