[x] Contact your team.
-[x] Fukushima proposes a mutual defense agreement. Start discussion early.
-[x] Excuse yourself when sparring starts.

[x] Spar: Agree.
-[x] Clarify appropriate levels of force/escalation.
-[x] Go all out (within agreed guidelines), don't avoid quick ways to resolve the fight. Avoid excessive collateral damage.

[X] Defense Pact: You're interested.
-[X] Let Yuki know you're conferring with Tomoe Mami.
-[X] What opponents is she anticipating on her end?
--[X] You're out to help all Magical Girls. You will defend Fukushima if needed, but given the option would prefer to make peace with hostiles, either after fighting or before it comes to that.
-[X] Bring up comments/concerns from your friends.

[X] Payment:
-[X] Agree to provide antimagic enchantments.
-[X] Haggle a bit, erring on the side of generosity.
-[X] Agree formally to the arrangement, then provide payment (including Clear Seed).

[X] Vote in abbeyance, as appropriate.

150/200 words.

I think this is clearer than Vebyast or Onmurs votes.
-[x] Go all out (within agreed guidelines), don't avoid quick ways to resolve the fight. Avoid excessive collateral damage.
I think that I'd appreciate some expansion here, especially since we could use it to reinforce the value of the Clear Seed.

-[] Go all out. Don't avoid quick finishers.
--[] Discuss collateral damage. Even with free cleansing and a proving ground, you wouldn't want to mulch something that'd take a month to reinvest.

Otherwise looks good.
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[ ] Discuss concerns regarding collateral damage. It'd be hard to imprison Anri here if you've leveled the building.

[x] Contact your team.
-[x] Fukushima proposes a mutual defense agreement. Start discussion early.
-[x] Excuse yourself when sparring starts.

[x] Spar: Agree.
-[x] Clarify appropriate levels of force/escalation/collateral. Despite free cleansing, you wouldn't want to destroy anything too valuable.
-[x] Go all out (within agreed guidelines), seize opportunities to quickly end the fight. Don't risk civilians.

[X] Defense Pact: You're interested.
-[X] Let Yuki know you're conferring with Tomoe Mami.
-[X] What attackers does she anticipate?
--[X] You're out to help all Magical Girls. You will defend Fukushima if needed, but given the option would prefer to make peace with hostiles, either after fighting or before it starts.
-[X] Bring up comments/concerns from your friends.

[X] Payment:
-[X] Agree to provide antimagic.
-[X] Haggle, erring on the side of generosity.
-[X] Formally agree, then provide payment (including Clear Seed).

[X] Vote in abbeyance, as appropriate.

148/200 words. Should address @Vebyast's concerns.
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It occurs to me that Sabrina's care about collateral damage is another parallel she has with The Doctor. Good men don't need rules, and people that aren't walking WMDs don't need to so strongly emphasize avoiding collateral damage.

I'm sad that we won't get to impress upon Yuki just how bullshit we'd be if we cut loose. Maybe just a little speech? :p

"Next item. Collateral damage and intensity. If we fought in this building, I'd expect you to open by trying to stop time in the room I'm in or some similar exotic game-ender. My opening move, then, would be to distract you. Taking into account the magic you've invested in your defenses and your experience level and likely nerves of steel, I'd accomplish this distraction by raising the average energy level inside my radius to somewhere around the unification energy for the electroweak force and burning for the edge of the building at several kps-squared. So we're obviously not doing that."

[x] Redshirt Army
@Vebyast: That's a lot of words. "How about I don't level the building and you don't do anything I have to level the building to counter?" will fit in the vote itself.
Obviously that's not a vote. More thinking out loud - Just saying we can level the building is one thing, I want to see her reaction to our thinking for how we'd go about leveling the building.
[x] Contact your team.
-[x] Fukushima proposes a mutual defense agreement. Start discussion early.
-[x] Excuse yourself when sparring starts.
I'll point out that most of our team is still in school. Mentioning the idea to them is a good idea, but they almost certainly won't be able to focus on it before school is out.

[x] Spar: Agree.
-[x] Clarify appropriate levels of force/escalation/collateral. Despite free cleansing, you wouldn't want to destroy something valuable.
-[x] Go all out (within agreed guidelines), don't avoid quick ways to resolve the fight. Don't risk civilians.
We should probably put any additional or special tactics here. Not just our agreement to the rules of engagement. Honestly, I espect that's exactly what the additional 50 words are for here.

-[] mask your grief fog with gas
Might help to avoid pinging her senses when we make the fog to help get a bullshit attack in.


If we want, there's also a notable, very justifiable reason not to go for the gem and dismemberment in this spar: Even a fight to get our measure like this is also useful practice for later and against unknown opponents. Practicing with non-extreme measures now means we're that much better equipped later.

[X] Defense Pact: You're interested.
-[X] Let Yuki know you're conferring with Tomoe Mami.
-[X] What attackers does she anticipate?
--[X] You're out to help all Magical Girls. You will defend Fukushima if needed, but given the option would prefer to make peace with hostiles, either after fighting or before it starts.
-[X] Bring up comments/concerns from your friends.

Not sure if it's the time or not but It might be worthwhile to note that reduced witch-hunting due to clear seeds is a problem we intend to figure out and ask if, she has interest setting something up to deal with that, as long as we're in the business of pact making.


It occurs to me that Sabrina's care about collateral damage is another parallel she has with The Doctor. Good men don't need rules, and people that aren't walking WMDs don't need to so strongly emphasize avoiding collateral damage.

I'm sad that we won't get to impress upon Yuki just how bullshit we'd be if we cut loose. Maybe just a little speech? :p

"Next item. Collateral damage and intensity. If we fought in this building, I'd expect you to open by trying to stop time in the room I'm in or some similar exotic game-ender. My opening move, then, would be to distract you. Taking into account the magic you've invested in your defenses and your experience level and likely nerves of steel, I'd accomplish this distraction by raising the average energy level inside my radius to somewhere around the unification energy for the electroweak force and burning for the edge of the building at several kps-squared. So we're obviously not doing that."
Personally, I'm of another opinion: if impressing upon her our sheer bullshittery is desirable, I'd instead go for saying just enough to let her imagine. IE: talk about plans for molecular manufacturing when she takes note of our fog or asking if Sasami'd be willing to talk shop on how to make lasers more videogamey and less... "all the blindness!"

After all, hype and horror both lie in what's not said and seen, rather than what is.
It occurs to me that Sabrina's care about collateral damage is another parallel she has with The Doctor. Good men don't need rules, and people that aren't walking WMDs don't need to so strongly emphasize avoiding collateral damage.

Okay, I'm intrigued by the Sabrina-Doctor comparison, and don't think I've seen it before. Could you give me a link/summary/whatever?
Personally, I'm of another opinion: if impressing upon her our sheer bullshittery is desirable, I'd instead go for saying just enough to let her imagine. IE: talk about plans for molecular manufacturing when she takes note of our fog or asking if Sasami'd be willing to talk shop on how to make lasers more videogamey and less... "all the blindness!"

After all, hype and horror both lie in what's not said and seen, rather than what is.
That's a fair point.
We should probably put any additional or special tactics here. Not just our agreement to the rules of engagement. Honestly, I espect that's exactly what the additional 50 words are for here.
I think that significant detail isn't quite doable right now, given that we don't yet have the feedback about Yuki's expectations for intensity, nor do we know what kinds of hax she has that we need to counter.

That said, wouldn't be against brainstorming a general approach. I think that I'd go Shaker 10 or 11, starting with sensory disruption.

At any level of intensity: Combat-density fog for both perception (likely already necessary because she'll be using her territory to hide) and additional distraction (WIIIIIIITCH). Bonus points if we can vary the density or active properties of the fog to cause surges in witchiness that we can use to disguise real attacks and to build paranoia. Wrap ourselves up in a sphere of grief for armor, scatter around a few shells that're externally identical but actually just hollow decoys. Pull the utility fog in to 80m or so so the center of the fog doesn't give away which sphere is the right one. Put our body in a different sphere than our soul gem to see if we can give her a nasty surprise at some point?

At higher levels: Fill our apparent volume with high-intensity diffuse light, not enough to cause fires but enough to totally blind anyone inside. Maybe stop it from going further with a shell on the edge of our apparent radius. See if we can quickly fabricate some selenium compounds to also force her to turn off her sense of smell. At higher intensities still, make noise, enough to force her to turn off her ears. I don't know if deactivating senses requires any concentration but it can't be free, and even if she's using her building for perception, even a small loss in situational awareness could make a difference. If we think we can do it without causing collateral damage, blow out her eardrums; that's painful, requiring her to either turn her sense of pain off (further detachment) or heal it (distraction).

If we're really going for broke and she has some kind of isolation field that'll mitigate collateral damage, or if she's inside our radius and we can suppress vibrations at the edges, make those loud noises by cruising around in our grief-spheres at supersonic speeds.
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Good men don't need rules, and people that aren't walking WMDs don't need to so strongly emphasize avoiding collateral damage.
If only the world were so simple and pleasant. In reality, any idiot with a gun can accidentally kill someone half a mile down the road or six apartments over. Stray bullets care little for drywall or doors or furniture or appliances or most things that would be in their way in a typical city. Any time you pull the trigger without knowing what your backstop is, you're taking a gamble with innocent lives. Increasing the destructive power increases the risks, but anything that can hurt can kill, and anything that can kill can kill the wrong people.

The Fukushima girls forgot that, and three people in Sendai died. Anri stopped caring about that, and almost killed the occupants of an apartment building.

If Sabrina swings her warhammer, she needs to consider who it might hit. If Sabrina were ever to fire the gun that Homura gave her, then she would need to consider who it might hit. If Sabrina fires Prima Luce then she needs to consider who it might hit, who it might miss but scald through convection, and who it might miss but blind through reflection. If Sabrina decides to play with grand unification energy, then she needs to consider that she'll probably vaporize several city blocks and produce a blast wave that will level much of the city while poisoning the survivors with radiation.

The scale might be different, but all of these things can kill innocent people if used carelessly, and might even do so if used carefully. We have to respect the danger they represent and not employ them thoughtlessly.
[x] Don't contact your team yet.
-[x] An extended discussion in person will be better than than trying to brief them remotely.
[x] Spar: Agree.
-[x] Clarify appropriate levels of force/escalation/collateral. Despite free cleansing, you wouldn't want to destroy anything too valuable.
--[x] But goad Yuki, "Give me the word to cut loose and I'll show you what I can really do."
-[x] Go all out barring gem shots (within agreed guidelines).
--[x] Combat-density fog, Sabrina in a sphere of grief for armor surrounded by decoy shells, fill volume with high-intensity light and sounds, grief constructs materializing out of the air to restrain and attack
[X] Defense Pact: You're interested.
-[X] Let Yuki know you'll be conferring with Tomoe Mami.
-[X] What attackers does she anticipate?
--[X] You're out to help all Magical Girls. You will defend Fukushima if needed, but given the option would prefer to make peace with hostiles, either after fighting or before it starts.
-[X] You'll be in touch later after thinking it over.
[X] Payment:
-[X] Agree to provide antimagic.
-[X] Haggle, erring on the side of generosity.
-[X] Formally agree, then provide payment (including Clear Seed).
[X] Vote in abbeyance, as appropriate.
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I wonder if Yuki has any Witches laying around for us to fight. She owns the city; if there're any witches around I'd imagine she can lead us right to them. If we're really lucky she'll even be able to tell us that the Witch hasn't abducted anyone yet and we can just nuke the entire interior of its barrier without a care in the world. Just fighting a Witch, or telling her that we can rend them, isn't a great demonstration, but we still haven't tried lasering a Witch without even stepping away from the entrance to the Labyrinth, and testing with an absolutely silly output setting would probably send a good message.

(...Huh. That might explain how her team survived to get so badass, now that I think about it. That's a fantastic power for keeping your team flush with seeds. As long as Kyubey doesn't try to starve you out, and being mercenaries probably makes you more useful to him alive (and causing trouble) than dead.)
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