Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Voting is open
Well, on a lighter subject during my reread i rediscovered how much I love seeing Mathilde from someone else's perspective, like how before our meeting with Caravello Mathilde was all "Well i can't go myself, but i know! I'll send my puppy! that should put him at ease and do the job"

And then we read about how Francesco is frozen in fear as a gigantic beast with too smart eyes just infiltrated his office and leaves him a message, then he climbs the winding stairs to the peak of Karag Nar, past ultra secure doors and a pillar lit from within with the fires of hell, to a room where the shadows turn to observe him before the sole occupant deigns to acknowledge his presence.
yet another shameless attempt at pathos GO!
"Your province, too. Your people," you say teasingly, and in response he reaches over and takes his flask back.

"Our province," he corrects. You wildly misinterpret what he could mean for a moment.
Van Hal called it our province. Our.

Are we really going to abandon it to vampires and other horrors? Leave it to stand alone without even our hand on its shoulder?
yet another shameless attempt at pathos GO!

Van Hal called it our province. Our.

Are we really going to abandon it to vampires and other horrors? Leave it to stand alone without even our hand on its shoulder?
We haven't abandoned it, we have consistently helped out even when we weren't sure of what reception we would receive. The question is one of abandoning, but whether we decided to commit fully to it or to continue helping them out on the side as we have done previously.
Are we really going to abandon it to vampires and other horrors? Leave it to stand alone without even our hand on its shoulder?
Normally I'd agree with you, but I just don't like Roswita. She's someone who I had no interest in learning more about the moment we joined with the dorfs.

Really, the only interesting bit I can recall related to Roswita as a character (alkaseltzer doesnt count since roswita was basically just bait there) was immediately after we got fired and had to decide which things to give back and what to keep. And even then I already saw the signs regarding how some of the thread fixated on her either based on Van Hal, or a weird "we must prove her wrong/change her mind", or some other weird outlook directed towards interacting with her more.
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Waystone is way ahead, and I'm preferential to Super Nanny a bit. We'll see if it swings again overnight. I know we have a lot of Europeans so it probably will while I'm asleep.

[X] Bodyguard and Tutor to Prince Mandred
Waystones have a strong lead and I don't hate the idea of Markgraf, so flipping to the mono-vote once more.

[X] Bodyguard and Tutor to Prince Mandred
I have to admit, I found it amusing that we had both a vow of poverty and student debt at the same time.

"I'm not allowed money, but I have to pay back the people who told me I'm not allowed money."

I also found it amusing that we cut this Gordian Knot by embezzling the money.

"It's not breaking the vow if it's not my money!"
The Vow of Poverty doesn't prohibit her from making money, it prohibits her from retaining or spending money unless it's for something practical. She's allowed to make as much money as she wants so long as it's actually used for something and in fact that's what journeymen like Mathilde was are expected to do. Shadowmancer journeymen are not prohibited from paying off their college debts or taking jobs to pay off their college debts.
yet another shameless attempt at pathos GO!

Van Hal called it our province. Our.

Are we really going to abandon it to vampires and other horrors? Leave it to stand alone without even our hand on its shoulder?
I was just about to edit my old vote to remove Edgelord, but then you just had to post that!

One of the things I like about this whole quest is that Belegar doesn't feel like Abelhelm 2.0, and while they are both great they each relate to Mathilde in their own way.
The reason Waystones are likely to have more room for personal AP is because there's less of a moral imperative to spend every last AP on the Job than there will be with Sylvania, even accepting we end up spending 3 AP on the job, there's likely to be less scope for on duty actions.

Lets assume we spend four 1/2 actions on wrangling people (Colleges, Eonir, Runesmiths, Priests), chances are there's going to be two AP spent on the job acquiring lore or making connections with other groups, leaving two AP for reactionary choices or personal development/research.

With Sylvania it's much more likely to be six 1/2 actions managing a council. leaving three ap for us to do other things, of which two are probably locked on reactionary actions to deal with crisis or improvement of the region our own personal development will be a very distant priority here, more importantly we're going to stymied constantly by the effects dhar just generally making everything worse.

It's quite possible that if we learn enough from the waystones project we might be able to get the waystones to hoover up all that shitty ambient dhar in sylvania and kick it out of the planet into the vortex. The waystones is going to be a long term project, I'd like it to be the case that the next time we're going to Sylvania we're coming there with a partial solution to the dhar saturation.
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I do like how one of the selling points of picking Waystones as a job is that we'll want to spend less time doing our job.

It's very squirelly logic without being invalid.
With Sylvania it's much more likely to be six 1/2 actions managing a council. leaving three ap for us to do other things, of which two are probably locked on reactionary actions to deal with crisis or improvement of the region our own personal development will be a very distant priority here, more importantly we're going to stymied constantly by the effects dhar just generally making everything worse.
For what it's worth, I would expect the council to handle a lot of those reactionary actions to deal with crisis and improve the region. Particularly the Martial advisor.
[x] The Waystone Project
[x] Loremaster-at-Large of Karak Eight Peaks
[x] Ambassador-at-Large to the Karaz Ankor
[X] Research Sabbatical
[x] Loremaster Sinecure

[X] Seeking adventure as the second coming of Nagash, searching for ways to overcome the final enemy of life.
If Mathilde fails to find a way to bring a Waystone on-line :cry:, but in the process learns a bunch of phat elven magical secrets created by renegade archmages who delved too deeply and too greedily :cool:, can you really call that a failure?
Failed successfully?

Anyway, here's what I expect/hope for/see as unlikely stretch-goals for some of my choices:

  • Expected:
    • Codifying extant knowledge for ease of use.
    • Preserving and accumulating extant knowledge for future generations.
    • Clarifying the issues:
      • How many waystones are lost and where?
      • How many waystones are needed for proper/partial function of the network?
      • How far are various waystones gone (destroyed/inactive/broken/corrupted/stolen etc
    • Sharing the knowledge with people who may need it.
    • Gaining at least minimal additional knowledge of functions and usage of waystones.
  • Hoped for:
    • Turning on/restoring function to at least some waystones.
    • Figuring out how to calibrate waystones in new ways. (What the woodelves probably want. May enable megaprojects.)
    • Using extant waystones in more beneficial ways.
    • Improving Human/Woodelf/Dawi relationships.
    • Protecting waystones from current or future threats.
    • Turning on Golden Age dwarven infrastructure.
    • Mending the Waystone related grudge between Belegar and Thorgrim
  • Unlikely but possible:
    • Repairing/restoring damaged waystone.
    • Figuring out how built lesser waystone-supporting structures. (I.e. bridging the gap between waystones if one in between is missing.)
    • Finding out what is going with Dum.
    • Any Slann/Lizardman interaction.
    • Learning more about multi-wind interactions/Dhar/Qhaysh
  • Expected:
    • Studying more necromancy.
    • Studying, containing, destroying necromantic artifacts.
    • Adventures in one of the more magically interesting parts of the Empire.
    • Visibly improving one of the major long-lasting corrupted places. (Straightforwardly improving the Empire in a way Mathilde is extremely well suited to.)
    • Amusing interactions with Battlewizards and local folk.
  • Hoped for:
    • A return to the old Stirland cast, potentially as subordinate Advisors. (Anton, Priest dude…)
    • Sponsoring a religious/cultural counter-movement to vampire-fealty. (Lore!)
    • Gathering and codifying knowledge dhar-corruption, vampires and other nasties.
    • reverse-engineering more vampire magic / devising and spreading counter-magic.
    • Generally being a badass action-hero.
    • Figuring out the multi-wind magic tongs.
  • Unlikely but possible:
    • Getting permission to (minimally) touch the bad magic to counter it, enabling more powerful anti-vampire spells. (i.e. undead focused army-killers)
    • Figuring out how to keep the dead from auto-spawning/purifying (part of) the land.
    • Learning more about the consequences of waystone failure on a country-wide scale + developing countermeasures.
    • Getting a cool nemesis and eventually removing one or more of the big players down.
    • Figuring out a (theoretical?) way to more permanently take out a vampire, permanently debuff them or at least seal them better.
    • Ascending to a local divinity. (Probably combined with the religious counter-movement.)
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How is tongs in Markgraf and not in Waystones given waystones explicitly is the one that deals with directing massive amounts of magic in close proximity with it out forming dhar?
[X] The Waystone Project
I'm a filthy lurker most of the time, but figured I should chime in for the arguably most important vote of the quest. I cannot deny the call of ancient magical stonehenge, no matter how many very cute scenes I can imagine for supernanny.
More Visions of Possible Futures
OK, so here's my take on the possible futures:

"We can't let that happen, Pan! Elves tricked us! They don't want to restore their old Waystones, they want to connect to the Dawi Network and sap it's power for Laurelorn!" Your eyes filled with tears, you beg Panoramia to stop what she's doing. "You don't understand Mathilde! Laurelorn is the future! I don't expect you Grey eminency to fathom the situation, but for us Jades, it's only logical. Dwarves are exploiting the planet for its resources and riches, elves are trying to protect it! I understood it fully when I was working on restoring the Caldera. Greenskin taint was just the surface. Real issue was restoring the soil from generations after generations of exploit and ruin done by the dwarves. Do you know how exhausting it was to constantly hear the silent weeps of the Nature in the Eight Peaks? Hluodwica could feel it too, but she couldn't do anything about it. But I can. I'm sorry, Mathy. It has to be done."

Panoramia turns her eyes to you. Eyes filled with passion and desire. Eyes that you loved for so long. Eyes that no longer where entirely human. She plays with her tongue, licking her lips and blood stained fangs. You know exactly what she wants and it fills you with dread. You are a Grey Lady Magister. Fighting enemies of Empire and Mankind was your duty and alas, your sweet Panoramia is such enemy now. Roswita's body falls to the ground, but you don't hear the sound it makes. You're too focused on what Panoramia is saying:
"Join me, my sweet Mathilde. Us two together will be unstoppable. First Sylvania, then Stirland, and then finally - Empire! And the World!"

You can't believe it. Entire Imperial Summer Palace for yourself and Pan! And for Heidi with young Mandred, but who cares about them. You weren't surprised when Heidi asked you to acompany her to royal summer retreat, but when she said you can take your girfriend with you it felt amazing! Of course you didn't let it show. You're a Lady Grey Magister with Dawi soul, being stonefaced when needed was as natural as breathing to you. After touring the place as your duties required you find Panoramia sunbathing in the garden, with Mandred sleeping next to her. No, not sleeping - He's not breathing! And he's not under Mockery of Death. He's.. "Pan, what's going on here?! Why is Mandred.. well.. dead? And where is Heidi?"
"Heidi, ah, she went horseriding. She was so glad she could have five minutes just for herself. As for Mandred, I'm sorry Mathilde, but I guess I never told you how we Jades look so young for so long. You see, the secret is some sacrifice here and there. Normally it's a hassle to perform the ritual, but this estate was build on the former place of the old druid temple and with the royal blood within arm's reach it was sooo easy. I just couldn't resist. I hope you're not mad, my love."

Gyrocopter lands with a quiet thud and you disembark. Ah! It's good to be home again. Unfortunately you can't go to your Tower just yet, what you've learned is too important. You need to find Belegar rightaway. Passing through the halls as you near the Throneroom you notice the worrying lack of guard. What is going on? Then you see it. Doors forcibly removed from the hinges, dead Hammerers and halflings, blood stained carpet and on its end the headless body of Belegar. You look up to the throne and see Panoramia sitting upon it playing nonchalantly with Belegar's head. She smiles when she sees you.
"Remember our discussion, Mathy? When you said you were attraced to clever. And interesting. And dangerous. Tell me, how clever, interesting and dangerous does Queen of Karak Eight Peaks sound?" And with that, she throws the dawi head away and puts the crown on her own temples.

You look around, but Panoramia is nowhere to be seen. Where is she? She was supposed to wait here! You try to calm down your nerves, so you can focus on your windsight. Panoramia's vivid jade flare should be easy to locate. There! But what's that strange aura next to her? There's no time! You surround yourself with shadows and use your intangible form to move faster. You run through corridors, focusing your gaze on Pan's flare. Thank Ranald that your windisght is sight-based. Following by gut feeling would be much more hard. You don't waste time opening the last door, but just Substance of Shadow through them. Inside you find only Panoramia. And Warpstone. Lots and lots of Warpstone.
"Ah, you arrived much faster then I anticipated. Looks like Skab and their diversions are as useless as I've been told. It's shame that I could not use Mors anymore. They were a lot more proficient." You blink in confusion. "What are you talking about? And where did that Warpstone come from?"
Panoramia smiles and with snap of her finger, roots strike up from the earth and entagle your legs and arms. "Do you think you are the only one who worships the god of deceit? But your Ranald is as cunning as Mork when it comes to long cons. I'm surprised his Heidi gambit lasts as long as it does. No, the true god of deceit is the one I worship. Not the snake god of old, or some dancing elf. But the God of Horns and Rats. The Underfather himself! While you were running errands for the Count and chasing wild Skab goose, I was snatching their Warpstone. And now, I have enough!"
Since there's wild speculation abound, allow me to toss my own flavour of it into the ring:

Consider, for a moment, the state of the world.

The Dwarves are ground down year on year, as surely as granite is shorn to sand in the face of an unrelenting storm, as their grand mountain halls echo only with the silence of space that should be filled. The Elves are split and diminished, locked in a forever war against their own traitorous kin as they cling to memories of empire. In the face of four and a half thousand years of decline, the greatest bulwarks of order look much more fragile than they once did. Their past glories are more myth than memory, and the great works of cooperation that exceeded either individually lay buried and forgotten, lest they stand as reminders of what was lost after four hundred years of bitter war and shattered trust.

As the story goes, when Pandora opened the box and unleashed all the evils of the world, the last thing left inside was hope, frail and small.

Hope is not putting the world on your back and stuffing all the evils back into the box; it's not miraculously solving all the problems of the setting with gumption and virtue alone. No, hope is waking up one morning and finding the halls of your ancestors slightly less quiet than the day before, moments of shared laughter that defy the looming spectre of solitude and doubt. Hope is a rekindling of old, withered alliances, that quiet confidence that today is better than yesterday, and tomorrow will be better still.

Hope is an ember, faintly glowing and sputtering beneath layers of ash that must be coaxed and tended to, rekindled into a roaring flame that grants warmth and light to all those near.

The birth of an Age of Hope is a task beyond any man, elf or dwarf, no matter how great – and certainly, greater individuals than Mathilde have tried, and failed. But Mathilde finds herself in a unique position to bring people together, that they might succeed united where all had failed alone.

The last time the great races trusted and worked together as one, it birthed the Golden Age, a time of wonders and legend, of glittering spires and works of runecraft and magic that exceeded all that came before.

An Age of Hope wouldn't be the Golden Age. Too much has been lost, too much has been forgotten. But it could be a golden age, a golden age built not by the ossified, shattered titans of old, but by the cooperation of all, spearheaded by the gall, the audacity of the young race of Man to say 'perhaps we can make it better?'. Such a thing would be beyond Mathilde, beyond the scope of the Waystone Project. But perhaps, just perhaps, she could be the catalyst, the nudge that births an avalanche, the whimsical wind that breathes life into the dying ember and sparks an inferno.

Perhaps such a thing would not be so bad.
I do like how one of the selling points of picking Waystones as a job is that we'll want to spend less time doing our job.

It's very squirelly logic without being invalid.

Is it really though? In terms of probable time investment for the job itself, it probably goes Markgraf > Waystones > Bodyguard > Loremaster. Both Markgraf and Waystones will probably include quite a few subordinates and/or allies to interact with + actually getting our own hands dirty.

Bodyguard and Markgraf also make it difficult to use our K8P facilities on a sustained basis (although, I guess we could bring the heir with us to K8P when we want to go research for a few weeks which would be pretty rad).

On the other hand, depending on who's still in Silvania, we might be able to rope in a few highly competent battle wizards to help us in our research. In fact, the battle wizards are an argument for Markgraf that I haven't heard much of.
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OK, so here's my take on the possible futures:

"We can't let that happen, Pan! Elves tricked us! They don't want to restore their old Waystones, they want to connect to the Dawi Network and sap it's power for Laurelorn!" Your eyes filled with tears, you beg Panoramia to stop what she's doing. "You don't understand Mathilde! Laurelorn is the future! I don't expect you Grey eminency to fathom the situation, but for us Jades, it's only logical. Dwarves are exploiting the planet for its resources and riches, elves are trying to protect it! I understood it fully when I was working on restoring the Caldera. Greenskin taint was just the surface. Real issue was restoring the soil from generations after generations of exploit and ruin done by the dwarves. Do you know how exhausting it was to constantly hear the silent weeps of the Nature in the Eight Peaks? Hluodwica could feel it too, but she couldn't do anything about it. But I can. I'm sorry, Mathy. It has to be done."

Panoramia turns her eyes to you. Eyes filled with passion and desire. Eyes that you loved for so long. Eyes that no longer where entirely human. She plays with her tongue, licking her lips and blood stained fangs. You know exactly what she wants and it fills you with dread. You are a Grey Lady Magister. Fighting enemies of Empire and Mankind was your duty and alas, your sweet Panoramia is such enemy now. Roswita's body falls to the ground, but you don't hear the sound it makes. You're too focused on what Panoramia is saying:
"Join me, my sweet Mathilde. Us two together will be unstoppable. First Sylvania, then Stirland, and then finally - Empire! And the World!"

You can't believe it. Entire Imperial Summer Palace for yourself and Pan! And for Heidi with young Mandred, but who cares about them. You weren't surprised when Heidi asked you to acompany her to royal summer retreat, but when she said you can take your girfriend with you it felt amazing! Of course you didn't let it show. You're a Lady Grey Magister with Dawi soul, being stonefaced when needed was as natural as breathing to you. After touring the place as your duties required you find Panoramia sunbathing in the garden, with Mandred sleeping next to her. No, not sleeping - He's not breathing! And he's not under Mockery of Death. He's.. "Pan, what's going on here?! Why is Mandred.. well.. dead? And where is Heidi?"
"Heidi, ah, she went horseriding. She was so glad she could have five minutes just for herself. As for Mandred, I'm sorry Mathilde, but I guess I never told you how we Jades look so young for so long. You see, the secret is some sacrifice here and there. Normally it's a hassle to perform the ritual, but this estate was build on the former place of the old druid temple and with the royal blood within arm's reach it was sooo easy. I just couldn't resist. I hope you're not mad, my love."

Gyrocopter lands with a quiet thud and you disembark. Ah! It's good to be home again. Unfortunately you can't go to your Tower just yet, what you've learned is too important. You need to find Belegar rightaway. Passing through the halls as you near the Throneroom you notice the worrying lack of guard. What is going on? Then you see it. Doors forcibly removed from the hinges, dead Hammerers and halflings, blood stained carpet and on its end the headless body of Belegar. You look up to the throne and see Panoramia sitting upon it playing nonchalantly with Belegar's head. She smiles when she sees you.
"Remember our discussion, Mathy? When you said you were attraced to clever. And interesting. And dangerous. Tell me, how clever, interesting and dangerous does Queen of Karak Eight Peaks sound?" And with that, she throws the dawi head away and puts the crown on her own temples.

You look around, but Panoramia is nowhere to be seen. Where is she? She was supposed to wait here! You try to calm down your nerves, so you can focus on your windsight. Panoramia's vivid jade flare should be easy to locate. There! But what's that strange aura next to her? There's no time! You surround yourself with shadows and use your intangible form to move faster. You run through corridors, focusing your gaze on Pan's flare. Thank Ranald that your windisght is sight-based. Following by gut feeling would be much more hard. You don't waste time opening the last door, but just Substance of Shadow through them. Inside you find only Panoramia. And Warpstone. Lots and lots of Warpstone.
"Ah, you arrived much faster then I anticipated. Looks like Skab and their diversions are as useless as I've been told. It's shame that I could not use Mors anymore. They were a lot more proficient." You blink in confusion. "What are you talking about? And where did that Warpstone come from?"
Panoramia smiles and with snap of her finger, roots strike up from the earth and entagle your legs and arms. "Do you think you are the only one who worships the god of deceit? But your Ranald is as cunning as Mork when it comes to long cons. I'm surprised his Heidi gambit lasts as long as it does. No, the true god of deceit is the one I worship. Not the snake god of old, or some dancing elf. But the God of Horns and Rats. The Underfather himself! While you were running errands for the Count and chasing wild Skab goose, I was snatching their Warpstone. And now, I have enough!"
Waystones sounds like the least terrible option
Voting is open