Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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Bodyguard in fourth, waystones in the lead? And I thought my morning was bad enough when my fried rice started to burn. At least people seem to like my omake, which is nice.
Also we spent our "embezzled money" on Stirland actions in the end, so he likely found it amusing we were immoral enough to mildly embezzle and dutiful enough to spend our personal funds on doing our job.
I thought she was paying off her student loans? *sigh* Time for a re-read.

Or, possibly, a call to the Pickle for knowledge and enlightenment.
Eh, Abelhelm seemed aware that Mathilde was working for more than just her salary and turned a blind eye to it because she wasn't doing it on the scale of, say, the Professor.
Also the professor was lying about the number of troops in the army to cover his embezzlement which honestly is probably bigger issue than the theft itself.

If that "Von Carstein" had invaded and Van Hal had tried to use forces that were weaker than they should have been it would have been a disaster.
Also the professor was lying about the number of troops in the army to cover his embezzlement which honestly is probably bigger issue than the theft itself.
If that "Von Carstein" had invaded and Van hal had tried to useforces that were weaker tha they should have been it would have been a disaster.
And putting people willing to lie about said numbers into positions of authority.

It was that combination that got him shot.
I have to admit, I found it amusing that we had both a vow of poverty and student debt at the same time.

"I'm not allowed money, but I have to pay back the people who told me I'm not allowed money."

I also found it amusing that we cut this Gordian Knot by embezzling the money.

"It's not breaking the vow if it's not my money!"
...We don't actually start getting EIC funds until literally this coming turn. Until now it's been paying off the loan to found the EIC.
Iirc we founded the company, paid off our student loans, started to pay off the company founding loans, doubled it by buying Markus' share and now we start to get payments.
Iirc we founded the company, paid off our student loans, started to pay off the company founding loans, doubled it by buying Markus' share and now we start to get payments.
No, the company founding loans started to get paid off into it immediately. Wilhelmina wouldn't allow for anything else, and we deferred to her judgement as we utterly bombed the first roll to attempt to understand the EIC.

We did end up finishing paying off the student loans right after we actually passed the roll to understand the EIC, but that was just a coincidence of timing.
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Are you saying we should launch a waystone at Morrslieb? Because I want to remind you that building new waystones, while certainly a possible outcome of the waystone project, is very much a stretch goal and not a certainty and hell who am i kidding let's launch one of those fuckers and see what happens
Just take one from the Vortex, what could possibly go wrong? :V
Are you saying we should launch a waystone at Morrslieb? Because I want to remind you that building new waystones, while certainly a possible outcome of the waystone project, is very much a stretch goal and not a certainty and hell who am i kidding let's launch one of those fuckers and see what happens
Giant Winds powered Rail gun.
Shoot Morrslieb away until it's out of the planet's orbit.

Nothing could go wrong.
Loremaster-at-Large of Karak Eight Peaks
The Waystone Project
Markgraf of Eastern Stirland
Governor-General of Swamp Town

I'm not opposed to basically any of the options proposed, but these are my top picks.

Waystone project seems a bit less interesting to read (out of many good options), but I have faith in BoneyM to make it very entertaining, and its arguably the biggest positive impact on the warhammer world.

Markgraf of Eastern Stirland is the thing I think I'd most enjoy reading/participating in, but it does seem like the least necessary of these options, as its slowly being dealt with anyway.

Do people think the Loremaster option might help push the dwarves into being a bit more willing to adapt & forgive, but giving Belegar more influence?
If not, I think I'd probably drop it in favour of the others.

Governor-General of Swamp Town because I really, really, really want someone to link the Slann up with the rest of the Order forces, and who better than Mathilde? Even if we don't, I love a good kingdom builder.

I know the votes are tight, so I might adjust my vote as time goes on, if I think I'd really prefer one outcome to others. They all seem pretty great though.

Edit: Dropped vote 'X's from his post, as I posted a new, changed vote later on.
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Do people think the Loremaster option might help push the dwarves into being a bit more willing to adapt & forgive, but giving Belegar more influence?
If not, I think I'd probably drop it in favour of the others.
Adventures notwithstanding, I envisage the long term effects or goals to be strengthening the position of Karak Eight Peaks through a combination of increased prestige, strengthened ties, and visible results of improvements to the status quo. That, in turn, can be leveraged to support more radical and progressive movements within the Karaz Ankor, and weaken the traditionalists. Basically imagine if dwarfs like Sky-thane Gotri and Prince Ulthar and King Belegar got more support and traction.
Waystone project seems a bit less interesting to read (out of many good options), but I have faith in BoneyM to make it very entertaining, and its arguably the biggest positive impact on the warhammer world.

Markgraf of Eastern Stirland is the thing I think I'd most enjoy reading/participating in, but it does seem like the least necessary of these options, as its slowly being dealt with anyway.
Boney has said you shouldn't consider the votes this way and simply vote for what you want to read about.

Waystones isn't us making new ones or repairing them it's just seeing if we can learn to turn on existing ones and maybe tap into them. Anything more is the thread putting the cart before the horse.

Markgraf well Mathy is the best suited for it what with the Liber Mortis thing plus experience with undead and vampires. We're also someone Roswita trusts a lot so it'd be easier on her as well. And honestly making Sylvania less of a nightmare is a good thing for the Empire making it a good thing for the setting since stronger Empire = stronger Order.

Reactivating Waystones would help the elves and tapping into them would help dwarves and wizards but not the empire at large at a great scale. Pacifying Sylvania would, when the next great war comes around (and on a long enough timescale it's a when not if).

Loremaster imo is more of the same and we've helped the dwarves so much already beyond what any human is expected to. I'd like to help out the Empire now.
Do people think the Loremaster option might help push the dwarves into being a bit more willing to adapt & forgive, but giving Belegar more influence?
If not, I think I'd probably drop it in favour of the others.
I.... think I'll leave that to someone else to comment on in-depth. (dropping the voter rage)

It's... a lot to ask that one person can change the fundamental nature of a people. (they don't even have a word for forgiveness, just satisfaction and reparation)

I dont think so for forgiveness, I'm (and Mathy in that meeting with the bismark epxpy) not even sure they have that bit of software in their head, but people voting for it might or might not think it's possible. so what I think doest really count here.

Adapt... they did it before, so I can't say no. but again, that's a big ask.
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Holy crap thia particular vote has generated like 130 pages of comments... That is isane. There are plenty of stories on this site that dont even get up too a 100+ pages of comments.
I thought the professor was caught up in the vampire conspiracy, or maybe a member of it? I remember he went way farther than just cooking the books.
Consider this:

the fourth place vote of this voting session has been voted more than the first place vote of any other voting session in this quest, and it has been voted more than most other voting sessions have unique voters (not all, though).

The fifth place vote could probably win a lot of previous voting sessions with its number of voters too. Not all of'em, like chad fourth, but it could probably outdo the majority in this quest.

That's insane.
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