Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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[X] Bodyguard and Tutor to Prince Mandred
[X] Markgraf of Eastern Stirland
[X] Seeking adventure as the second coming of Nagash, searching for ways to overcome the final enemy of life

[X] Bodyguard and Tutor to Prince Mandred

Approval vote woo!
Personal attacks now?

I'm just pointing out that they are emphasising parts that are, in the job description, deemphasised. (is that a word? it doesn't look like a word but my correction is not pinging it...)

I mean, you seem to have a very strange view of what being the administrator of a province sized region entails, if you somehow think that we can make it work without needing to set up a taxation structure.

(And getting a tax structure working in a region where people would rather pay taxes in blood than in gold... ouch.)
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that is literally the opposite of want was in the job description.

Rose literally said 'I don't care about the taxs'

Literally (word of the day for me it seems.)
It won't be a focus, but it was explicitly stated that taxes would be levied immediately. Markgraf, as a ruler job, has facets that will apply to almost all of our stats, not just the martial/intrigue focus of rooting out vampires. This makes Mathilde uniquely qualified not only through her anti-necromancy traits, but because so many of her stats are so damn high and can apply to the various things that need doing.

Job OptionEnemy Threat
Diplomatic/Political Issues
Is there Intrigue?
Research Potential1​
Is Ranald Amused? (Piety)Money Management (Stewardship)
Markgraf of Eastern StirlandHigh - Vampires/NecromancersModerate - Sylvanian IntegrationHigh - Rooting out Necromancers/VampiresModerate - Vampire LootModerate - Sylvanian IntegrationModerate - Develop Sylvania
We'll be levying taxes right from the start because it'll give us justification for digging through financials, but they'd be nominal and you'll have broad powers to waive them wherever necessary to secure cooperation. I don't care if Stirland doesn't see a penny from Sylvania for the next century, I just want to make sure it doesn't see a Vampire from it."

Taxes will definitely be a thing, though Mathilde will have more or less complete control over them.

Roswita is just making it clear that the actual priority is that Sylvania cease being an existential threat to the Empire as a whole, and profit isn't even a tertiary concern by comparison.

However, you can't operate a polity without polity-level income, so we can't just go 'ok all taxes are waved'- Roswita will be willing to continue funneling money into this, but Stirland isn't rich in the first place and they've been fighting a war for the past decade. The Markgraff does need tax income simply to avoid financially crippling Stirland.
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that is literally the opposite of want was in the job description.

Rose literally said 'I don't care about the taxs'

Literally (word of the day for me it seems.)

That is not what she said.

We'll be levying taxes right from the start because it'll give us justification for digging through financials, but they'd be nominal and you'll have broad powers to waive them wherever necessary to secure cooperation.

This is what she said. While we have the authority to waive taxes as needed, we still have to
1. implant them first
2. create the infrastructure to collect them
3. levy some taxes against some of the people for a. Vampire intel and b. For the action of waiving taxes to have an effect.
4. Funding
that is literally the opposite of want was in the job description.

Rose literally said 'I don't care about the taxs'

Literally (word of the day for me it seems.)
We'll still have to investigate the nobles and talk to them to make sure they understand why they aren't being taxed, and that it is mostly temporary. On the other hand, if we don't levy some taxes, how are we going to fund the massive amounts of work Sylvania needs? Its infrastructure is a mess and the recent conquest will not have improved it. Our job as Markgraf will be to build that up, not just root out the hidden vampire cults.

I really enjoy civ building, I'd be reasonably happy with the Howling River option, but that's because its building up from scratch and is a blank slate. Sylvania isn't.

Loot from the Kurgan camp; weapons and the altar to Mannslieb. So, five items total added to our queue.

I vaguely remember having taken samples from Dum that we could study later in better conditions, but I may have made that up? I will trawl for the Boney posts another time.
I forgot about the stuff from the Kurgan camp! That Mannslieb altar intrigues me greatly.
Everyone who has the interest can pull up the most current tally by going to the Thread Tools menu at the top. This is effectively a content-free post. Please don't.
If you want to say something about the current vote totals, actually say them, don't just post the tally.
When I'm on a mobile device going to the thread tools is finicky. So I appreciate the tally posts.
As I understood it, the point of the tax remark was basically that Rosi doesn't particularly care if our efforts in Sylvania make a net profit or a net loss (assuming it's not breaking Stirland's bank, obviously). What she cares about is rooting out the vampires, and if we can use taxation or waiving it as a tool for that then we're free to go ahead and do so.
[X] Markgraf of Eastern Stirland
[X] Bodyguard and Tutor to Prince Mandred
[x] Loremaster-at-Large of Karak Eight Peaks
I mean, you seem to have a very strange view of what being the administrator of a province sized region entails, if you somehow think that we can make it work without needing to set up a taxation structure.

(And getting a tax structure working in a region where people would rather pay taxes in blood than in gold... ouch.)
I don't think there will be none:

but its not the core of the job: its something we will have a steward focus on unless the nobles are eyeing the vampires again.

and in that case its a martial action, not a Steward action

that's the job, not to get involved with every bit of running the place, just the bits at risk of vampire or vampire cults.

at that point, we get involved.

edit: I'm not saying that we wont have to do that stuff, But I'm anyoed that its the focus of the argument as if its the core of what we will be doing.
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Personal attacks now?

I'm just pointing out that they are emphasising parts that are, in the job description, deemphasised. (is that a word? it doesn't look like a word but my correction is not pinging it...)

I would kindly ask you to not baselessly accuse other users of resorting to personal attacks as a means of discrediting their point. If you are currently in a frame of mind where 'I'm not convinced that you've thought this through' is reading as a personal attack, I'd recommend that you disengage from the argument.
I don't think there will be none:

but its not the core of the job: its something we will have a steward focus on unless the nobles are eyeing the vampires again.

and in that case its a martial action, not a Steward action

that's the job, not to get involved with every bit of running the place, just the bits at risk of vampire or vampire cults.

at that point, we get involved.

We are definitionally involved in every element of running the place, the same way Abelheim was definitionally involved in every element of running Stirland.

That's what being the Markgraf means.
Forget taxes, there's an untapped gold mine in the region. It'd probably be relatively easy for Mathilde to set up, too, given building a mine is an easy sell for DF trading.

Heck, one of Mathilde's advantages in the position is going to be how she can easily commission the dwarves of Zhufbar for help when appropriate.
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Honestly, I think if Mathilde was asked to snoop around Talabecland's EC (the current strongest candidate), it might actually be palatable. From what we know:
- Talabecland is where Dieter IV's dynasty went to consolidate power
- Talabecland forced Van Hal not to touch the northern trade and take Schultz in exchange for their vote
- Talabecland had to desperately avoid grudges from Karak Kadrin when the canal business came up with Ostermark
- Talabecland traders bought peat from the vampires

None of those are incriminating on their own, but taken all together, it starts to paint things in a bad light.

I was doing a reread for some point or another and came across this:
"If memory serves, the Knights came of their own accord, and Talabecland has actually contributed nothing," Van Hal notes, and Schultz is unable to meet his eye. He watches the man for another moment, before turning to Gustav. "News from the dwarves?"

So that's another mark against Talabecland's EC.
Do you hate dark magic? Dhar gets you down, and Chaos just kills your mood? Then invest in Waystones today! Siphon away such ruinous powers with an ancient, patented funnel system that also stratifies such nasty pollutants into more rarified, useful components! The only thing cleaner is the kinetic energy of tectonic plates, but the Lizardmen turned down our offer of collaboration on that by killing our messengers and turning our new world office into a crater.
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Rulership demands complete attention, it's not something can be half assed and still get good results, going Markgraf is the option most likely to complete overtake our time and leave any research and adventuring in the past, i just don't see Mathilde not giving the work her all.

We are going to have advisors, but we still need the AP for advisor actions, it's not going to be "Let Kasmir handle it", it's going to be "Use your religious advisor to instill this practice in Helfenn" with the corresponding AP cost, there is no going around that, unless we are hands off and become one of those counts hunting in the woods while someone else rules in our place, and after that what's the point?
I forgot about the stuff from the Kurgan camp! That Mannslieb altar intrigues me greatly.
It intrigues me too. Divine magic is my personal hobbyhorse in the eternal debate of What Shit From The Backlog Should Mathilde Poke At Next, so more baseline for comparison for the "how does the AV react to Divine power" action is very exciting.
Having more divine artefacts could come in handy when doing that research, but the thread doesn't need to micromanage precautions and Mathilde won't just be slam-dunking the coin into a barrel of Vitae.
Do you hate dark magic? Dhar gets you down, and Chaos just kills your mood? Then invest in Waystones today! Siphon away such ruinous powers with an ancient, patented funnel system that also stratifies such nasty pollutants into more rarified, useful components! The only thing cleaner is the kinetic energy of tectonic plates, just the Lizardmen turned down our offer of collaboration on that by killing our messengers and turning our new world office into a crater.
All according to The Great Plan*

*Plan means keikaku
Do you hate dark magic? Dhar gets you down, and Chaos just kills your mood? Then invest in Waystones today! Siphon away such ruinous powers with an ancient, patented funnel system that also stratifies such nasty pollutants into more rarified, useful components! The only thing cleaner is the kinetic energy of tectonic plates, just the Lizardmen turned down our offer of collaboration on that by killing our messengers and turning our new world office into a crater.

Waystones to the Moon? 🚀🚀
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