Given how people's main argument against Markgraf is "it is the work of a lifetime" I'm really hoping if Waystones wins we'll have the opportunity to take it up again afterwards. (Although we'll probably have some more appealing options then idk).
That is just the most recent one to pop up, not the only one.
It is going to involve a lot of management, a lot of empire building that some people aren't interested in.
From the job description we know it will definitely involve levying taxes and instilling new religions on uncooperative populace.
Said tasks would also involve
a lot of diplomacy, as it involves diplomancing
1. The populace for goodwill
2. Other nobles for cooperation and trade
3. Religious orders for "why aren't you letting us take over religion here, we want exclusive right"
4. Various knightly orders - for their egos
And all without cool magic stuff at the end. And without the exoaffinity bonus. Or subbing in learning for nerd offs.
Sylvania in general has been noted for being not conducive to spell casting, which would impact non dhar spell research.
It is the least mobile of the jobs, so if we want to explore anywhere else it would involve us leaving our post.
Also, as I noted before, we pretty much talked to only three Sylvanians on screen in the quest, and as one of them said -
"There are two kinds of people in Sylvania," he says softly, as you walk side by side through the valley. "Those that would willingly serve the vampires and necromancers, and those that want to be left alone by any would-be masters."
"And yet you served the Army of Stirland," you note.
"I said people in Sylvania, not Sylvanians," he points out. "The Sylvanians who would prefer a human master, even an Imperial one, over a vampire or a necromancer need only cross a border, and become Stirlanders or Averlanders or Ostermarkers."
Most of the Sylvanians worth their salt left the province already.