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Van Hal doesn't truly know that she is a vampire. He and the other Wich Hunters have their suspicions, but that is all.

In the scant privacy of a tent pitched outside the walls of Nachthafen, Van Hal nods as you give your report on the Countess. "It fits what we know - 'we' being the Witch Hunters. She's been under suspicion for quite some time, but by chance or artifice she's always been far down the list of priorities. It's not like there's any shortage of targets in Sylvania."

"So do you think she's a vampire?"

He waves a hand vaguely. "Impossible to say. The possible reasons for her lying are as devious as those for revealing the truth. Whatever she is, she's cooperating, and said cooperation cuts half a year of our timetable for marching on Drakenhof."
We don't know she is a vampire for sure, we just got our suspicions like them, it's not like we have investigated her thoroughly after all.
Do we actually care whether she is a vampire? If she pays her taxes, isn't killing peasants faster than the average noble (easy enough to find out) and isn't actively trying to kill us/destroy Stirland (harder but not too difficult to keep an eye on) I don't see the problem. If the priests or similar take umbrage they can take it up with her themselves.
Do we actually care whether she is a vampire? If she pays her taxes, isn't killing peasants faster than the average noble (easy enough to find out) and isn't actively trying to kill us/destroy Stirland (harder but not too difficult to keep an eye on) I don't see the problem. If the priests or similar take umbrage they can take it up with her themselves.
Better kill her to be safe, I sure as hell wouldn't trust one of the abominations and if someone found out we knew and didn't do anything the diplomatic scandal would be terrible.
Well since we aren't going to be bringing Gabriella on as an informant and giving her unofficial patronage it's time for the other alternative.


We've got our entire army sitting in her city, we should just go kill her. I certainly don't want her sitting around plotting whatever it is that vampires plot while we're not watching.
Assault on Drakenhof, Part 1: An Army Assembles
[*] Plan Light and Death
-[*] Send for Battle Wizards from a College of Magic (pick which, can be taken multiple times).
--[*] Order of Light
--[*] Amethyst Order
-[*] Recommend to Van Hal:
--[*] Grand Theogonist
--[*] The Slayer Keep, Karak Kadrin, is close enough to Sylvania to inspire a dislike for it. Ask if they'd be willing to join in.

The meeting isn't quite the return to status quo that you'd hoped, since there's only one topic on the agenda: the assault on Drakenhof. But it's still good to see faces you've seen far too little of in the past two years, and you exchange a few words before you have to get down to business. On one side of the spectrum, Anton has greatly enjoyed his travels throughout the Empire and beyond, and speaks of them with his characteristic enthusiasm at every opportunity. On the other, the Purge seems to have visibly aged Wilhelmina, who features new lines on her face and an almost constant harried look as she dashes around, trying to keep tens of thousands of men fed and supplied.

When everyone is gathered, Van Hal takes the lead. "The army of Stirland is significantly below strength," he begins, "but that's more than made up for by the Throng of Zhufbar. It's a rare blessing to approach the end of a campaign with greater forces than one started with, but that's no excuse not to try for more. Suggestions?"

"Not mercenaries," Wilhelmina says immediately. "Stirland's coffers are hurting as it is. In fact, we could use food a lot more than steel. Perhaps the Moot could contribute?"

"Battle Wizards," you say. "The Amethyst and Light Orders in particular."

"Cavalry," Gustav says. "Without the pistoliers all we have are knights. Averland's army is currently mopping up greenskins, surely they could spare some of their horsemen."

"I'll mention the need for cavalry in Reikland," Anton puts forward. "Or we could go to Bretonnia - none better for mounted warriors."

"While you're in Reikland, you should see the Grand Theogonist," you suggest. "Perhaps he could contribute, either on his own behalf or by flexing some theological influence."

"Cannon," Schultz says, his eyes aglow. "One simply cannot have enough. We should talk to Wissenland."

"I agree with Mathilde, the Theogonist should be brought in," Kasmir says. "Or the Templars of Sigmar."

"If Schultz wants more cannon, who better than the dwarves?" Wilhelmina suggests. "Send to Zhufbar, add your own request to reinforcements to that of the Throng."

"Or the Slayer Keep," you say. "They're near enough to Sylvania to have an enmity for it."

Van Hal looks down at his notes, tapping the nib of his quill against the page thoughtfully. "Anton, Mathilde, Kasmir, head to Altdorf. Anton, get any help the Emperor will provide. Mathilde, see to whatever wizards you see fit. Kasmir, the Grand Theogonist - if any cause is holy, this one is. Schultz, Gustav is right, we need cavalry. Head to Talabecland, see if any more knights are willing to join this crusade. Gustav, how well do you get on with dwarves?"

"We share a love of blackpowder and beards," he says with a grin.

"Then head to Karak Kadrin. See if they're willing to seek their Doom in Sylvania. Wilhelmina..." he hesitates, then balls his hand into a fist. "Visit the Moot. Ask their help in this matter. If the Hills can be tamed, they'll go some way to replacing the land the Moot took from Stirland."


The trip to Altdorf is long, even after Kasmir reluctantly accepts your offer of a tireless shadowhorse, and your pace too rapid to spend much time in conversation. Even in the inns you stay in, the two of them are too exhausted by the tireless gaits of their mounts to be good company. So you pass the time reading and ignoring the looks the other two give you as you casually page through a book while riding at a full gallop.

When you finally arrive, since you're still a journeywoman it's not permitted for you to seek lodgings inside the Grey Order, so you get a room in the same tavern that Kasmir and Anton are staying in. As a courtesy, you write a note to your Master to let him know you're in town; because you know him, you leave it locked in a chest in your room and aren't even surprised when it's no longer there the next morning, and he joins you for breakfast.

"Been keeping busy?" he asks as you sit at the table, and you note that breakfast is already waiting for you. And it's the breakfast you would have ordered for yourself. You deny your Master any sort of surprised reaction you know he's going for, and start to dig in.

"Fairly. A little academia, a bit of networking, a touch of crafting the epilogue to the Vampire Wars."

"So I've heard. Decent work on all three fronts. You going to go for Magister soon?"

You shrug. "Things have been busy."

"Always will be. That's the nature of the world we live in." The innkeeper appears at his shoulder, and your Master reaches out and takes the tankard of cider without looking. "Though the business in Sylvania is a decent reason to put things on hold elsewhere. I take it that's what brings you here?"

"It is."



"Hmm." He drinks deeply from the tankard. "Purple?"

"And white."

He winces. "Red."

"No. The Hierophants."

He sighs. "Sigmarites. Okay. I can at least give you an in with the former, but I doubt anything can help with the latter." He finishes his drink and rises. "Come back soon. It's about time you graduated."


The Amethyst College overlooks the vast cemetery of Old Altdorf, and you spend some time taking in the sight. The cemetery is filled primarily with victims of the Red Pox, a terrible cousin to the Black Death that so shaped Sylvania's history, and you wonder at that. Was it chosen because a cemetery is a cemetery, or was there some deeper meaning? The Red Pox was before the Orders were founded, but if there was some magical underpinning to the Red Pox as some theorize there was for the Black Plague...

But that was irrelevant to the matter at hand. You turn to the open doors, and give them a long look. The magic woven into the portal - both in the poetic sense of the doorway, and in the literal sense of the actual portal that overlays it - is impossible for you to follow, densely woven and tucked in on itself again and again like a tapestry. The uninvited go one way, where they wander empty rooms filled with an aura of subtle terror until they either lose their nerve and run or are given an invitation to join the Amethyst Order. Members go another, into the actual College, where they can go about their work without interruption. For invited guests, however...

You tap the tarnished brass bell hanging by the door, and immediately a cowled steward appears in the doorway, his face masked in shadows but giving the impression of peering out at you. "Dame Mathilde Weber," you say to him, or possibly it. "I'm expected." The figure looks at you for a moment longer, then nods and disappears back into the depths of the building. You turn back to the view of the cemetery, which stretches uncomfortably far, and has an almost bulging aspect to it, as too little land was asked to hold too many bodies.

Were you not a wizard, the man you had come to meet would have appeared at your shoulder suddenly and without a sound; but out of respect, fellow wizards are paid the courtesy of audible footsteps. You turn to face the man; he is dressed in purple robes so deep as to be almost black and has the look of a man in the twilight of his life, with bags under his eyes and bushy grey eyebrows, and the air of a man whose twilight has lasted a long, long time. His staff is a scythe, and you know from reputation that it's as practical as it is ceremonial, the blade razor-sharp and the haft built to channel Shyish. "Patriarch Hexensohn," you greet him.

"Journeywoman Weber," he replies. His voice is unexpectedly deep and rich.

"I'm here today as Spymistress of Stirland, rather than as a wizard."

"Ah." He smiles, gently. "Does Sylvania stir?"

"We've decided not to wait for it to start spewing out horrors," you reply. "Stirland, Ostermark and Zhufbar are all marching against it; the Haunted Hills, the Ghoul Wood and the Dead Wood have all been purged. Now the combined forces of Stirland and Zhufbar are marching on Drakenhof."

"The castle or the town?" he asks thoughtfully.


"Ambitious. And you want our help?"

"Who better to counter the necromancy that is sure to be thrown at us?"

"Who indeed." He looks out over the graveyard, and silence stretches between the two of you. "This would be under Abelhelm Van Hal?"

"He is the Elector Count of Stirland."

"Mmm. Old name. Interesting name. I take it you know the history?" You give him a flat look, and glance pointedly down at your grey robes, and he smiles. "Shadowmancers tend to be more interested in the present than the past."

You frown. "I know of Frederick Van Hal. I also know of thirteen centuries of loyal Witch Hunters."

"No aspersion intended." He looks at you searchingly, and you return the look with a glare. You're no peasant to be put off by the robes and scythe; you are practically a Magister of the Grey Order and you will not be intimidated. "Mm. Yes, I think it would be for the best if our Order were to be present for this campaign. Tell your Elector Count Van Hal to expect us." Somehow, it sounds more like a threat than an offer of assistance.

"Thank you," you say, nevertheless. Whatever gets them to Sylvania, you think to yourself.


Contact with the Hierophants is a lot more difficult than ringing a bell. It takes you some time to track down even a trace of an idea of where to find them, and you're eventually directed to a maze of streets in the poorer part of town. The tale you were told speaks of standing at a certain point on a street corner and turning ninety degrees in six different ways; you opt for standing near that certain point and grabbing the first person that's glowing. That person, a young lad with a stutter, is told to bring his Master out to have a chat, he agrees nervously and scampers off into the bizarre dimensional knot on the street corner. You scowl at it.

A few minutes later, the man's Master emerges and comes over. The man is utterly bald, his skin is as pure-white as his robes, and his eyes glow. He hurts to look at. "A Shadowmancer, seeking the Order of Light. It almost sounds like the start of a riddle."

"I'm here on behalf of Stirland, not the Grey Order," you reply. "We're assaulting Sylvania, and seek the assistance of the Light Wizards."

"Sylvania, hmm? Interesting." He purses his lips thoughtfully. "We're aware of the assault, and have decided our attentions are needed elsewhere. However, I am due a holiday and this does seem interesting. Tell your master that the Sunscryer will join in the fun."

By the time you've formulated a response, he's turned and disappeared into the dimensional snarl. You glare, then throw a rock at it. The rock passes through the empty air without effect, but it makes you feel better. You've wasted enough time chasing after the stupid Light Wizards too good to have a street address. It's time to return to Stirland.


The army you left in Stirland has swelled further by the time you return; of note to you specifically, it's swelled by four wizards - the two wizards you met in Altdorf and two amethyst Battle Wizards besides. You don't like what could have brought the Patriarch of the Amethyst Order here, but it's too late to take it back now.

The council convenes once more to discuss the additions made, and you take the lead to get it over with. "The Amethyst Order's Patriarch has come in person," you say, to raised eyebrows, "and he's brought two battle wizards besides. I was also able to get a Magister from the Light Order to attend." You look across the table at Van Hal, trying to communicate your concerns, and you think it works; his expression is more wary than you'd expect from someone who just had four theoretically friendly battle wizards dropped in his lap.

"I'm sure they'll make themselves useful," he notes. "Anton?"

"The Emperor sent the Altdorf Company of Honour," he reports happily. "Though I don't know why it's called that, because it's actually a Regiment."

"It started as a Company, and the name stuck," Gustav replies. "They recruit the best and bravest from the other regiments of Altdorf. Highly-trained, well-equipped, and ferocious in battle."

"I had hoped for more from the Emperor than a single regiment, but I suppose as regiments go... Kasmir, how did Altdorf treat you?"

"Not well, I'm afraid. The Ar-Ulric has backed the Middenland land claims, and in response the Grand Theogonist has backed Nordland. He's completely preoccupied with matters up north, and has no attention to spare for matters here." Kasmir's tone is very carefully neutral.

Van Hal opens his mouth to reply, and then just sighs. "Very well. Herr Schultz, how was your visit home?"

"Talabheim is always a jewel," he says, "but sadly, they're unable to contribute more than they have."

"If memory serves, the Knights came of their own accord, and Talabecland has actually contributed nothing," Van Hal notes, and Schultz is unable to meet his eye. He watches the man for another moment, before turning to Gustav. "News from the dwarves?"

"They've sent a Throng," he reports plainly. "Four thousand dwarves, including about five hundred Doomseekers. Their leader spent about a week comparing ancestry with Thori and then placed his forces under the Throng of Zhufbar, so he can concentrate on seeking his own death."

"I daresay they'll find Sylvania suitable. Wilhelmina?"

"The Moot was very welcoming, doubly so when they learned why I'd come. They've been watching Stirland, and are happy that we've been carving grazelands from Sylvania instead of pursuing revanchism against them. The bulk of their contributions are in the form of food for the final leg of the campaign, but they've also sent two regiments of archers."

"I suppose a halfling can pull a bowstring as well as a man can. And with those regiments, they've exceeded the manpower contributions of the rest of the Empire combined." He glances down at his notes. "The Throng of Zhufbar's reinforcements aren't quite what was hoped - apparently the beastmen in the lower levels of their hold weren't as pacified as they appeared - but they have increased their artillery considerably. That's the final additions to our army - not as much as I'd hoped, but better than I'd feared. Now all that remains is to plan, and to march." He drums his fingers against the table. "Anton, you're to return to Wurtbad."


"No arguments. If all goes wrong, you are to keep Stirland together until a successor is chosen. Wilhelmina, go with him. You've given me far too many years to fall in battle, and you can coordinate the supply train just as easily from there." She doesn't look happy, but she nods. "Everyone else, now's the last chance to seek employment elsewhere." Gustav snorts a laugh at the thought, Kasmir makes no reaction, and Schultz wavers for a moment before apparently coming to a decision, and he remains silent. It doesn't even occur to you that you, too, should be considering your options until later. Van Hal smiles. "Very well. Let's plan the end to this campaign."


There are, as it turns out, three very different ways to go about things, and the differences come down to the inherent ambiguity of 'Drakenhof'. Because there is a town of Drakenhof, which intelligence suggests is in the sway of some 'Countess von Carstein', and there's Castle Drakenhof, some way upriver and built perilously atop a mountain peak, that Van Hal is determined to see destroyed.

The first plan is to blaze a path along the eastern edge of the Haunted Hills, ford the river as close to Drakenhof as possible, and besiege it, ignoring the town of Drakenhof altogether. This has the advantage of simplicity and means the majority of the supply lines are on the controlled side of the river, but it does leave anyone within the town free to act however they desire to disrupt the attack.

The second plan is to ford instead at the town of Drakenhof, and assault and take the town with the element of surprise. If it works, this would result in a fortified forward base to operate out of while still having the supply lines mostly on the purged side.

The third plan is to acknowledge that trying to ford a river in early spring is ridiculous, and to instead cross at the bridge at Pfaffbach and go up the road towards Castle Drakenhof, taking the village of Regrakhof and the town of Drakenhof as you go. This means the supply lines will be almost entirely on the unoccupied side of the river, but it does have the advantage of pre-existing bridges and roads, and the nearby population centers will be taken out of play.

The conversation is going back and forth; Gustav likes the simplicity of the first plan, Kasmir supports the second out of caution for what evils the town may hold, and Schultz favours the third plan for practical, logistical reasons. Van Hal sits back, staring at the map thoughtfully. What is your thoughts on the matter?

[ ] Plan One: The towns and villages are distractions. We should go straight for Castle Drakenhof.
[ ] Plan Two: We can't leave the 'Countess' in play. Strike at the town of Drakenhof.
[ ] Plan Three: Pre-existing roads and bridges are necessary for a proper supply line. We should go via Pfaffbach.

Whichever plan is chosen, where do you plan to be for the opening stages of the siege?

[ ] By Van Hal's side, whatever happens.
[ ] With the rank and file; your display at Fang Island has made you a balm for morale.
[ ] With your fellow wizards, so that you can work with them on the magical side of things.
[ ] With the dwarves; you hope to make a good impression on them.
[ ] With Asarnil. Your Shadowsteed means you can keep pace with him, and why would you pass up the chance to fight alongside a dragon?
[ ] Bugger this for a game of soldiers. I'm going back to Wurtbad.

Total Forces:

Lords and Heroes
Elector Count Abelhelm Van Hal
Marshal Gustav von Jungfreud
Journeywoman Mathilde Weber, Grey Wizard
Magister Patriarch Viggo Hexensohn, Amethyst Wizard Lord
Magister Sigismund Herwig, Amethyst Battle Wizard
Magister Marike Grünberg, Amethyst Battle Wizard
Magister Jovi Sunscryer, Light Wizard
Asarnil the Dragonlord
Thori Stoneheart, Dwarf Thane
Narfi Hammerfist, Dwarf Engineer
Giantslayer Bjorgvin, Dwarf Slayer

Army of Stirland
12,000 spearmen
7,000 swordsmen
9,000 crossbowmen
800 pistoliers (dismounted)
500 greatswords
70 cannon
20 mortars

Throngs of Zhufbar and Karak Kadrin
6,000 Warriors
2,000 Miners
4,000 Thunderers
1,500 Quarrelers
500 Slayers
40 cannon
30 grudge throwers
20 organ guns

Black Guard of Morr, 1,000 knights
Talabeclander Knightly Orders, 400 knights
Altdorf Company of Honour, 2,500 infantry
Halfling Regiments, 5,000 archers
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The council convenes once more to discuss the additions made, and you take the lead to get it over with. "The Amethyst Order's Patriarch has come in person," you say, to raised eyebrows, "and he's brought two battle wizards besides. I was also able to get a Magister from the Light Order to attend." You look across the table at Van Hal, trying to communicate your concerns, and you think it works; his expression is more wary than you'd expect from someone who just had four theoretically friendly battle wizards dropped in his lap.
I'm very glad Van Hal knows us so well
[X] Plan Two
fallback point and FOB is just smart strategy. Amateurs study tactics, professionals study logistics
I'm not voting just yet but I like plan 3. Taking out the population centers and keeping things logically simple sounds good. Do you guys think we have the forces for it?
[X] Plan Three: Pre-existing roads and bridges are necessary for a proper supply line. We should go via Pfaffbach.

[ ] By Van Hal's side, whatever happens.
[ ] With the rank and file; your display at Fang Island has made you a balm for morale.
[ ] With your fellow wizards, so that you can work with them on the magical side of things.

Can't decide between these.
[ ] By Van Hal's side, whatever happens.
[ ] With the rank and file; your display at Fang Island has made you a balm for morale.
[ ] With your fellow wizards, so that you can work with them on the magical side of things.

I feel like these are the most practical for Mathilde. While it would be cool to fight alongside Asarnil, it's not really needed, and while dwarves are cool, trying to force ourselves into their army on the eve of a major campaign...that can go horribly wrong in several ways. Mostly Grudges.
It is for logistical concerns that I would suggest Plan 3.

It's early spring which may mean that snow could be melting from the lower mountains which would raise the river we are supposed to cross. I find that crossing a river when the river has the potential to be rising and swelling to be crazy, no matter the surprise that could be achieved through the act.

We have cannons, dwarfs, food carts, munitions, and men that all have to cross that river. I don't see it going particularly well.

While the enemy might ambush the supply trains if we use option 3, we have about 1,400 knights that can provide a mobile protection scheme. Whether they would agree to do that is another matter though.

An army marches on its stomach, and I fear that catastrophe could strike our supply lines if we choose a river fording option.
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