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It was supplied to the Expedition by the Karaz Ankor for the purchase of food. If you turn it to some other purpose you'll have to justify or repay it when you return home.
Also fair. I just figured someone would probably bring it up if and when the time came, and wanted to make sure before I let myself get my hopes up when the thought entered my head. It would have made me much more willing to risk even going for the slave halls if I thought we had enough money to back buying everyone there.
I have zero intention of visiting Uzkulak again.

It'd just lead to the same arguments as last time, and we'd still be incapable of actually doing anything about it.*

Feels like just digging for misery.

(*barring going full necromancer or whatever, which is completely unacceptable to me given what it'd do to the quest as a whole.)
Just some thoughts before I go to sleep. Currently Karag Dum is silent, they must know that we can not stay here forever. If Karag Dum decides to start signalling back to us then I say we listen. If they do not attempt to make contact we'll leave. We are not here to act as their advocates, if what they are doing is as righteous and unambiguously good as some people seem to think, then maybe they'll try to communicate.

On the other hand trying to infiltrate Karag Dum to find evidence that what they're doing is actually fine is a bit like a lawyer breaking into a prospective clients home to find evidence they are innocent of a crime. It won't endear us to them if we survive. I would just like to plead with people to manage their expectations and also look at the situation from Dum's point of view rather than our out of universe one.
I had the thought that Karag Dum might have sealed their windows long ago to prevent insanity from staring into the chaos wastes and/or chaos taint coming in through them, in which case they could neither recieve nor send semaphore signals. We are a Thane and Loremaster of Karak Eight Peaks, them refusing us entry once we get there is a Grudging, they might not be able to turn off their beastman defense system though.

So, 378 point build, with
The Taint (fear test entering woods containing Morghur)
Hordes of Morghur (all beastmen led by Morghur are Unruly)
Insane Wanderer (Morghur moves like a Chaos Spawn, i.e. 2d6" at random)
Spirit Essence of Chaos (anyone within 8", friend or foe, that fails a Ld test takes D6 Strength 4 hits with no Armour saves, and if they take damage, they're Chaos Spawned; any missile or spell targeting Morghur from more than 12" doesn't hit)
Despiser of Civilizations (Unbreakable, Immune to Psychology, Hatred towards all enemies)
Beast-Roar (counts as having the brayhorn; any fleeing troops in his army automatically rally)

He may have:
Bray-Staff of Morghur and Stones of the Skull Cave (Wizards that miscast and roll doubles get Spawned)
Skull-Weave (causes terror, any unit attacking Morghur in close combat suffers -1 to hit)
This guy seems way less hardcore than Examplarius. The only thing concerning is the fear test when entering forests and terror, but with 28 piety, the brave trait, and the belt, this seems doable. I admit I haven't played tabletop warhammer in a long time, so I could be mistaken.
We are a Thane and Loremaster of Karak Eight Peaks, them refusing us entry once we get there is a Grudging

It really isn't. Kings have the final say in who does and does not enter their Hold. The only exception would be an explicitly an envoy of the High King, and even then their responsibility would be limited to cracking the door open enough for a message to be recited or handed over.
Alright, now that I'm back from work it's time to effortpost my theory.

Firstly, and most importantly to my theory, BoneyM is unwilling to change Morghur's Khazalid name from Cor-Dum to the correct Gor-Dum, even though it's currently limited to four instances that would need changes. This implies that the reason Morghur's Khazalid name doesn't fit with the rest of the language is important. Another thing I find notable is that per the wiki, the Dwarfs have never had a notable conflict with Morghur, so it seems off that they would have a special, invalid name for a foe that they've never had notable conflicts with. So why would the Karaz Ankor have an abnormal name for Morghur? What does Cor mean? What language is it from? And for the current situation, why is Morghur guarding Karag Dum?

I think the answer to this lies in the Dwarf golden age, before the War of Vengeance. Morghur first appears in canon after the Asrai make Athel Loren their home, but there is no detail on his origin, so he could easily have existed prior to this. And we know that before the War of Vengeance Ulthuan and the Karaz Ankor worked closely on many things. A quick look at the wiki will reveal that Eltharin has a 'C,' and a deeper dive reveals that 'Cor' is a valid syllable in the language, as it appears in the Asrai word for the Lady of the Lake. Unfortunately there isn't enough detail on Eltharin to determine what 'Cor' would actually mean as a word. (@BoneyM since Mathilde speaks Tar-Eltharin, would she have any idea about this? Or would pre-Sundering Eltharin be too different from Tar-Eltharin for her to say?)

So my theory is that the Dwarfs encountered Morghur before, alongside elves. And the most notable occasion the two races fought alongside each other is when Snorri Whitebeard and Malekith fought to rid the Old World of the remnants of the Chaos forces after the Coming of Chaos! I think that Snorri and Malekith fought and defeated Morghur before Ariel was even a twinkle in her mother's eye. Up to this point, this explains why Morghur's Khazalid name breaks the rules of the language, and why the Dwarfs wouldn't want to speak of it. But I think this theory can go even further. After all, isn't there another central aspect to the current mysteries with an abnormal Khazalid Name?

Karag Dum's name implies that it's just a mountain, or Karag, rather than a Dwarfhold, or Karak, despite clearly being a Karak. More than that, its location makes no sense with the other information we have. The Norscan Dwarfs were isolated by the Coming of Chaos, and remained so until Thorgrim Grudgebearer. According to the wiki, the Chaos Dwarfs also lost contact as of the Coming of Chaos, though their loss was more sinister. In this quest we also know that the Holds were turned into Waystones through collaboration with the Elfs in the Golden Age, after both groups lost contact. Dum is as far east as the Chaos Dwarfs, and further north than the Norscan Dwarfs. How did they retain not just contact, but enough contact to share the bounty of one of the greatest megaprojects the Dwarfs have ever done?

I think that Karag Dum was near the first Morghur's base of operations, or was otherwise near where he made his last stand. Knowing that Morghur would reincarnate if slain, Snorri and Malekith sealed him beneath a nearby mountain, with a convenient surviving dwarf fort - Karag Dum. Not yet developed enough to be considered a proper Karak. Snorri and Malekith arranged for the expansion of the fort, and a joint garrison to both maintain Morghur's bindings and keep an eye on the Wastes. This proved to be a center of joint research between the two peoples, until Caledor and the War of Vengeance. Without the elves the bindings faded over time, but the Runelords of Karag Dum were more willing to maintain the knowledge from the elves, eventually changing their name to Runemasters.

Which brings us to Asavar Kul. The Runemasters of Dum have been delaying Morghur's next incarnation each time he dies, and are doing so as Chaos waxes in power before Asavar Kul. They also have a wealth of lore on the gods of the Elves, and lore that the greater Gunesmiths Guild has forgotten or forbidden. As they are cut off, they dedicate themselves to Elven gods, rather than just the Ancestors, and gain incredible power in doing so. Power enough to bind Morghur to their service, or cleanse him. I'm not sure what god is responsible for the sands (maybe Asuryan? Ellinill? One of the Ellinilli?), but I believe that the forest is caused by a divinity that we know is gaining influence in the Old World at this time - Anath Raema.
It...could work. Yes...Ariel first sensed Morghur as the birth of a terrible thing into the world a few centuries after the Time of Woes (I'll look up a more exact time when I can), and if anything in this theory might have allowed Morghur to escape in around that time, or at least loosened the bonds enough for him to start, it would have been that cataclysm. Or perhaps he escaped immediately following the Time of Woes, by suicide or his captured spirit (not his form) doing so and the Runemasters spent a long time holding him back until they could no longer stop him from reincarnating into some poor soul, to which Ariel sensed him. And Runemaster is an easy mix of the Runelords/Smiths and Loremaster titles from each race.

I'm not so sure about the Elven gods worship idea, but the first bit would fit quite a few things in the greater lore and the worldbuilding of this quest, as well as other plausible theories suggested.
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This guy seems way less hardcore than Examplarius. The only thing concerning is the fear test when entering forests and terror, but with 28 piety, the brave trait, and the belt, this seems doable. I admit I haven't played tabletop warhammer in a long time, so I could be mistaken.
He's not much of a leader or a fighter for a guy who blocks you from having a general in your army, or mortals, or daemons, and might Chaos Spawn all your own dudes. He seems more like a puzzle boss that changes the nature of how his army functions.

I kinda like heroes like that, though; the big complaint about Belegar on tabletop is that he's basically just a stronger Dwarf Lord.
He's not much of a leader or a fighter for a guy who blocks you from having a general in your army, or mortals, or daemons, and might Chaos Spawn all your own dudes. He seems more like a puzzle boss that changes the nature of how his army functions.

I kinda like heroes like that, though; the big complaint about Belegar on tabletop is that he's basically just a stronger Dwarf Lord.
yeah, it's also interesting that the Chaos spawn on spellcasting is only on Miscasts, makes me feel a lot more cinfident that we can get by with Illusion + invisibility + maybe smoke and mirrors without getting instagibbed.
yeah, it's also interesting that the Chaos spawn on spellcasting is only on Miscasts, makes me feel a lot more cinfident that we can get by with Illusion + invisibility + maybe smoke and mirrors without getting instagibbed.
Well, considering how scared Mathilde was, I don't know if we can count on tabletop rules.

But I admit I also felt like people were blowing his powers out of proportion.
This guy seems way less hardcore than Examplarius. The only thing concerning is the fear test when entering forests and terror, but with 28 piety, the brave trait, and the belt, this seems doable. I admit I haven't played tabletop warhammer in a long time, so I could be mistaken.
He's way worse. The chaos spawn isn't just a save or die, it's a save or start fighting everyone around you. It's even worse than an explosion, as the rest of your troops have to deal with killing the new chaos spawn. You can't kill him from a great distance, as projectiles just fail. You you'll lose tons of soldiers attacking him from up close, as even if you don't fail your roll, your buddy might, then attack you. And magic anywhere in the battlefield now might instagib you, with the same problem of turning into chaos spawn and attacking allies. All your troops are scared of him as well. He's an army killer by himself.

Meanwhile, the rest of the herd is also attacking, and any sort of organized line might get suddenly screwed up by a chaos spawn appearing.

If anyone thinks his powers aren't that bad, he is the equal of the Everqueen in her own forest(EDIT: Nevermind, it's even worse. He regularly goes up against the Avatar of Isha, not some measly Everqueen). Or just look around you and see how many armies he has destroyed. He is one of the names you run from, especially if you're a caster.
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Can Mathilde pull it off? Probably. But if she leaves anything at all that can lead back to the Expedition, or even if she leaves nothing and Tzeentch decides to respond to a prayer for answers, the consequence would be obliteration. Game over for Mathilde, for Snorri and Ruprecht and Joerg, for all the Wizards that she brought on this Expedition. That's something that I feel needs to be stated up front.
I think earlier in this arc I didn't realize quite how small the expedition is to be honest. And that everyone on it is on some level okay with the possibility of dying ignominiously if, say, the Dolgans or any of the other tribes decided to be particularly pissy towards us. (Well, it's already worth it for the return of Vlag it sounds like but before they knew that)
It really isn't. Kings have the final say in who does and does not enter their Hold. The only exception would be an explicitly an envoy of the High King, and even then their responsibility would be limited to cracking the door open enough for a message to be recited or handed over.
If the High King himself showed up would they be obligated to let him all the way in?
Honestly it's too difficult to say, Morghur is just such a unique entity. Maybe if you could somehow fleshcraft a Mutalith Vortex Beast.

I'm guessing it's a combination of being "born" a Dwarf and being in the confines of the Hold's draining (?) field contribute to the lack of insanity around him.
This reminds me of Mathilde's conversation with Gunnars about how Dwarves gain their resistances towards magic and chaos.
I dunno- it seems like a plausible set of quasi-stable equilibra in multi-player prisoners dilemma games. I liked it a lot, but the key to the quasi-stablility is the assurance that each player WILL choose betray if it benefits them, so there's no point in opening with cooperation in the hopes of a long-term alliance.
Perhaps, but numerology fails to account for any other strategic variables and could be easily misinterpreted - see Qrech's opinion on Mors-Moulder-Drazh Orcs-Dwarves conflict - Moulder (IIRC) thought this was "4 for feed", but actually it was two threes because of dispositions and by their attack they exposed themselves. These are interesting shortcuts for "conflict of spheres in vacuum" situation, but trying to fit reality into them often would become more tedious than just conducting analysis from scratch.

I'm too late for the vote discussion, but still:
Bray-Staff of Morghur and Stones of the Skull Cave (Wizards that miscast and roll doubles get Spawned)
That wizards only spawnify on miscast instead of about every spell is very significant and making me willing to risk consequences by experimenting with casting casting here.
Of course it's purely OOC knowledge, and I wouldn't imply that Boney's world works exactly like in wargame, but I have two theories as to how this effect might work:
1) Wizards draw ambient energies of their Wind(s) and with them Chaos energies from Morghur, destabilising magic within them and inducing spawndom.
2) Morghur's aura vastly amplifies magic gone chaosy, i.e. miscasts, inducing spawndom.
Second theory seems more plausible to me overall (any surviving wizard filtrates their magic from Dhar/Chaos energies/whatever). Actually this may include escalating magic chaosiness overall, therefore inducing more miscasts, which is something to be worried still, especially considering this:
And then the Alriksson crests a final rise and the landscape opens up before you, and you barely manage to release the Rite before shock tears it from your grasp.
is basically description of a (handled) miscast, that potentially could be from Morghur's aura, as well as from shock as Mathilde thought.
Still, the important consequence would be that spawndom is only possible when miscasting is possible. Therefore, cast-and-forget spells - like Shadowsteed - wouldn't induce spawndom by merely existing effect, and enchanted items would be safe to use. Therefore checking this theory, by testing how our enchanted items and cast-and-forget spells' effects behave among other things, is important to enable using some of the important Mathilde's abilities (Shadowsteed) and more free use of spellcasting in general. Considering that this "Morghur" lacks any other manifestations of his Chaos aura, I'm willing to risk here.

@BoneyM would testing enchanted items fall under "volunteer to test Morghur's ability" vote, and I presume Mathilde would test cast-and-forget spells' behaviour if this option (somehow) would win?

[x] Volunteer to test Morghur's reputed ability to turn anyone using magic nearby into Chaos Spawns
[x] Approach the Kul camp peacefully and attempt to discuss the Karak with them
[x] Approach the Kvellige camp peacefully and attempt to discuss the Karak with them
[x] Fortify here and see if anything interesting happens over the next day
[x] Attempt to approach Morghur to see if he can be communicated with
[x] Attempt to scout the forest at the base of the Karak
[x] Attempt to infiltrate the Karak with magic
[x] Attempt to infiltrate the Karak without magic
[x] Attempt to intercept a Kurgan war-party en route to attack the Karag and the Beastmen
[x] Ask for a volunteer to test Morghur's reputed ability to turn anyone using magic nearby into Chaos Spawn
He's way worse. The chaos spawn isn't just a save or die, it's a save or start fighting everyone around you. It's even worse than an explosion, as the rest of your troops have to deal with killing the new chaos spawn. You can't kill him from a great distance, as projectiles just fail. You you'll lose tons of soldiers attacking him from up close, as even if you don't fail your roll, your buddy might, then attack you. And magic anywhere in the battlefield now might instagib you, with the same problem of turning into chaos spawn and attacking allies. All your troops are scared of him as well. He's an army killer by himself.

Meanwhile, the rest of the herd is also attacking, and any sort of organized line might get suddenly screwed up by a chaos spawn appearing.
Well yeah, in terms of armies it is probably worse, although beastmen don't have great leadership themselves IIRC. I was just confused as to why people were acting like he would instakill mathilde if he caught her, no questions asked, while the actual stats make it seem like as long as she does not rout she can just kill him, heck, according to these stats he is not normally even cognizant enough to move in the right direction, much less catch up to us reliably if he spots us.
Again, *please* stop pinging Boney every other post? There are a lot of us and the thread moves fast. Hey respond if he wants to.
Well yeah, in terms of armies it is probably worse, although beastmen don't have great leadership themselves IIRC. I was just confused as to why people were acting like he would instakill mathilde if he caught her, no questions asked, while the actual stats make it seem like as long as she does not rout she can just kill him, heck, according to these stats he is not normally even cognizant enough to move in the right direction, much less catch up to us reliably if he spots us.
He doesn't have to even notice us to instagib us. If Mathilde miscasts anywhere that would be considered on the same battlefield as him, she's instagibbed. He also, lorewise (the game is designed to be balanced), can't be injured permanently by normal means. In lore, killing him was beyond the Avatar of Isha, who had to draw on the forest's power to do so, and even that wasn't permanent. None of the elves weapons could even harm him.

Also, given that the winds look like a kaleidoscope, the chances of us miscasting seem even higher than normal. And note that we probably are usually okay with slight miscasts occasionally, but even a slight miscast is insta death.

Casting magic is stupid under such conditions. Don't do it until we are sure that it is safe. Fortunately, by waiting a day, we can see what happens to spellcasters from the hopefully attacking other tribes. If we don't see magic cast, that also tells us that they had good reason not to bring the shaman, or the shaman knew not to cast, so that's evidence it's not safe.
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If the High King himself showed up would they be obligated to let him all the way in?

The right of the High King is to travel freely within the Karaz Ankor, but the responsibility of the High King is to preserve the rights of the Kings of the Karaz Ankor, including their right to say who can and cannot enter their Hold. So it's a grey area.

@BoneyM would testing enchanted items fall under "volunteer to test Morghur's ability" vote, and I presume Mathilde would test cast-and-forget spells' behaviour if this option (somehow) would win?

She'll do everything in her power to maximize information gained while minimizing risks.

Well yeah, in terms of armies it is probably worse, although beastmen don't have great leadership themselves IIRC. I was just confused as to why people were acting like he would instakill mathilde if he caught her, no questions asked, while the actual stats make it seem like as long as she does not rout she can just kill him, heck, according to these stats he is not normally even cognizant enough to move in the right direction, much less catch up to us reliably if he spots us.

In a one-on-one fight Mathilde might kill Morghur. Or her lungs might mutate into new legs first. Or her arm could fall off, mutate into a Chaos Spawn, and try to kill her. Or one of the skulls in his beard could gibber brain-scorching secrets and she stands their paralysed while Morghur tears her apart.

Seriously considering a threadwide ban on posting any tabletop statlines because this is the kind of thing it leads to, people disregarding everything said IC and OOC and looking at the raw numbers and saying 'our number is bigger than his number, what's the problem?'
Seriously considering a threadwide ban on posting any tabletop statlines because this is the kind of thing it leads to, people disregarding everything said IC and OOC and looking at the raw numbers and saying 'our number is bigger than his number, what's the problem?'

For what it's worth I think it would improve the tone of the discussion. It's one thing to talk about lore, that can come up with interesting theories, this is just a glorified versus debate using a system we are not using for this quest.
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