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I don´t really understand why we should step down from our position as Loremaster of K8P... Not, really we have most of our friends living there, our girlfriend lives there, our job is interesting and varied, we have time for our personal research, we are well known and respected and I consider it almost impossible to meet a better boss than Belegar (or at least a boss to whom we would have a better relationship)...

Remember this?

"Eight Peaks reconnected, and we thought, okay, that's good for the Dwarves, but Dwarves being Dwarves, no real relevance to us. But then Boris passes on the transcript of the lecture on greenskin magic, which some of our mages found intriguing because, of course, we're not capable of lowering ourselves enough to understand their magics. So we had a look into you, and when we realized that someone with an affinity for understanding magics is in Eight Peaks and working with the Dwarves, we had to speak with you. We've got our own piece of the network just as the Dwarves do, and if we could bring a few more Waystones online, it could do a lot of good for us - and our friends and allies. So we want to open a relationship with your King Belegar, in the hopes of beginning joint research into the Waystone Network."

That would potentially be its own job, separate from the Loremaster position. A dedicated Waystone researcher. That's the alternative I've heard that would be most tempting.
If we want to talk on the Empire side, I do think you have to take into account that to some degree this is "as expected for a Lord Magister".

I mean yes, sure, have some backslaps for it at the College, but they appoint people as Lord Magisters because they're expected to pull off shit like bringing back lost karaks. That's why she gets the fancy stripes on her robe sleeves and the authority to decide, "in this case clogging a waystone is the right call" without having to answer tough questions later.

Speaking of, I guess 'religious revolution' or however you would refer to this situation can be added to the possible consequences of screwing with waystones by lecturer :p
Note the difference between this and a Tzeentch plan. Ranald usually lets the roulette wheel spin (maybe the watchman dies to early, for example), after he has rigged the game. And he needs to do this, as he doesn't have anywhere near the power to consistently manipulate stuff to go in his favor. In contrast, Tzeentch would have about 17 different cults, all doing something different, with there interactions somehow insuring that everything goes right, and also have a much bigger payoff than potential follower ends up safely at a college. He sets up a nonlinear Rube Goldberg machine, and is constantly having to ensure everything on it's multiple paths all work in concert correctly while it is running. But he's so powerful, he gets away with his inefficient methods. If Ranald and Tzeentch had similar power, Ranald would win unless Tzeentch got lucky, but since Tzeentch is so much more powerful than Ranald, there's no comparison.
Don't forget, of course, just the sheer extent of self-sabotage Tzeentch has included in all his plans. At least half of those cults will be actively undermining the objectives of the ones assigned to this plan, so that no matter what happens, Tzeentch can truthfully claim for all that happened, including the events that hinder his "goals" to have been part of his plan all along.
I fail to see how that is interesting enough to step down from our post in K8P...

Well we would still be working for Belegar is the thing, living in the same place and answering to the same boss. The difference is that we'd have only one project assigned and be expected to be on it for decades, while Belegar assigns the "random weirdness of the year" to some other Loremaster. The Waystone project would probably involve travel across the world, tracing the waystone network and trying to understand it, while still keeping K8P as "home base".
Well we would still be working for Belegar is the thing, living in the same place and answering to the same boss. The difference is that we'd have only one project assigned and be expected to be on it for decades, while Belegar assigns the "random weirdness of the year" to some other Loremaster. The Waystone project would probably involve travel across the world, tracing the waystone network and trying to understand it, while still keeping K8P as "home base".
If our new role doesn't in involve a clean break from K8P entirely, the players cannot be trusted not to try and do our replacement's job for them on the grounds that we have higher stats/are uniquely suited to helping/whatever.
If our new role doesn't in involve a clean break from K8P entirely, the players cannot be trusted not to try and do our replacement's job for them on the grounds that we have higher stats/are uniquely suited to helping/whatever.

(glances over at Stirland and the continuing offer of options to "do something" there)

Well I can't say you're completely wrong, but it's the sort of thing I feel we would eventually wean the thread off over a number of turns as we became satisfied there's no major crisis. Still, it's probably not worth an extended debate over a vote that remains far in the future and requires us to first survive the Chaos Wastes.
Honestly I bet that the moment Belegar hears that we're now formally considered a clanless dwarf he'll adopt us into Clan Angrund.

I can already picture Belegar and the rest of the Clan all somehow dying, leaving us the only Clan member left, making us the only legitimate ruler of K8P, making everyone maximum amounts of suspicious despite the fact that we are 100% innocent.
Unfortunately, this is Warhammer and thus we can't have nice things. But damned if I wish that couldn't be the case, just for one man in the Hashut slave pits or in the deep woods of the Drakwald. :(
This is Warhammer Fantasy, minus End Times, nice things can definitely be had. They're rarer and harder fought than they are in most fantasy but they are there. And sometimes they even stick around indefinitely.

WH40K is the one where nice things only exist long enough to be snatched away.
So, the quest is reaching the points where the memes become self-meta?
First the dwarven infection spread, and soon Flight School?
What is next on the list?
I have previously put forward the notion that the Inspiration motivation:
[ ] Inspiration: To you, this position is merely a stepping stone towards a pet project that consumes you.
One inspired super-project of dubious utility and questionable safety with bonuses to working towards it when given official permission; minor maluses to all other projects as you neglect them in favour of tinkering with your passion. Completing a super-project will give you peace for a few years until a new one occurs to you.
had jumped through the fourth wall and infected the thread, via the Wisdom's Asp. See my completely sane and unrambling thoughts on the subject here.
They're rarer and harder fought than they are in most fantasy but they are there. And sometimes they even stick around indefinitely.

Nitpick, but considering how hard and bloody battles tend to be even in optimistic fantasy, nice things are certainly rarer and less certain, but I wouldn't say that they are harder fought.

In fact, I think that a big part of the reason good things are less certain is because the good guys are not as heroic and thus refuse to fight as hard, risk their life or their bottom line as much as in most fantasy , plus they are far less willing to put aside their differences even when the enemy is at the gates.
You know, I feel sorry for Vlag. Learning Imperial Wizards existed was one thing, let alone getting saved by one, but now she's also a dwarf. Hopefully the sheer weirdness will make them actually accept that this really isn't a Slaaneshi ploy.
You know, I feel sorry for Vlag. Learning Imperial Wizards existed was one thing, let alone getting saved by one, but now she's also a dwarf. Hopefully the sheer weirdness will make them actually accept that this really isn't a Slaaneshi ploy.
"So it turns out that the suspiciously daemonette shaped Zhufi was really a dwarf all along? Pull the other one, it's got bells on."
"So, if I'm officially a proper, proven Dawi..."
"...Don't say it."
"And proper Dawi only worship authentic Ancestor Gods, as is right and proper..."
"Does that make Ranald..."
Belegar grimaces, while Ulthar scratches his chin, thoughtfully.

Mathilde thus achieves her long-held wish of legitimatising Ranald worship, very much (not) as expected. :V
We were able to get through to the Vlagians because our sales pitch was deliberately disappointing. The first person to tell them about K8P is going to get shot.

Slaanesh : "ewww, not even I am that weird, that's weird shit bruh"
As pointed out in-story, Slaanesh made things pleasurable and tempting. Their actually Dwarven savior having been reborn as one of the people who were hunted down and burned just a couple hundred years ago would probably be pretty bad. Before it was happenstance, now it's just cruelty.
Actually random thought for a potential position if we decide to step down from the Loremaster stuff, namely as the official Ambassador of the Karaz Ankor to the Empire which naturally necessitates a post in the royal court.

Simultaneously we get a position (likely with some help from the Empress) where we are the Empire's official ambassador to the dwarves who goes to them whenever the Empire wants to speak about something.

Essentially we become the primary go-between for all communications between the two.
The Emperor and the High King wouldn't (or at least shouldn't) agree to that because no matter how honorable and trustworthy she might be, they'd both see that there would be a massive conflict of interests somewhere in there. Because sometimes the two allied nations don't want the same thing and if they don't have two ambassadors each advocating for one side then they are essentially just abdicating all such decisions to Mathilde as the arbiter of right and wrong.

Maybe the High King would like to go for it due to not understanding the massive issue after Mathilde has proven herself worthy of it, but the Empire would either see this as having subverted the Karaz Ankor ambassador by default and expect Mathilde to act that way, or consider it a major loss for being faced with an ambassador that knows far to much about them and start thinking whether they should apply Article 1 on her.
If our new role doesn't in involve a clean break from K8P entirely, the players cannot be trusted not to try and do our replacement's job for them on the grounds that we have higher stats/are uniquely suited to helping/whatever.
We can't do a proper Dawi Loremaster's job for them. Not only won't the new Loremaster let us, we haven't really been doing a proper Loremaster job most of the time in the first place. Our job has mostly been a mix of Crazy Court Wizard Troubleshooter, Liason to the Umgi Zhuf Guilds of Altdorf, General Umgi Expert and Supernatural Ranger Hero Unit.

@BoneyM If we stop being Loremaster, what happens to all the books we bought on Belegar's dime?
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or consider it a major loss for being faced with an ambassador that knows far to much about them and start thinking whether they should apply Article 1 on her.

Good luck to them applying Article 1 for nebulous reasons. They'll draw the wrath of the entire Karaz Ankor. Even if the Karaz Ankor sees them as an oath, they will think this kind of application against an allied polity is a silly bugger designed to dishonour their heroine. Anyone who thinks this is a good idea should be beheaded.
We can't do a proper Dawi Loremaster's job for them. Not only won't the new Loremaster let us, we haven't really been doing a proper Loremaster job most of the time in the first place. Our job has mostly been a mix of Crazy Court Wizard Troubleshooter, Liason to the Umgi Zhuf Guilds of Altdorf, General Umgi Expert and Supernatural Ranger Hero Unit.
Doesn't matter, people will vote to try anyway.
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