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You know what.

If we survive this whole expedition, I think we should pop the Question to the pan-pan.

but not before using the metric fuckton of dwarf favor we are going to earn to commission the most blinging runic wedding rings to ever exist!
There wasn't a Storm of Magic when it first disappeared either. The Wastes were further south, but that was a function of the Wastes being expanded by the giant army of Chaos marching south.

Also, unclogging on the way back from Dum involves destroying the waystones and cutting Vlag out of the network permanently.
1) Same amount of magic fuckery involved.
Way more power actually, because expanding the Wastes all the way down to basically Praag requires exponentially more power than fucking with a single dawi Karak under a mountain.

2) A citation for the claim that unclogging a clogged waystone in*checks*three months instead of 3 days would require destroying the waystone?
Would be appreciated.
You know what.

If we survive this whole expedition, I think we should pop the Question to the pan-pan.

but not before using the metric fuckton of dwarf favor we are going to earn to commission the most blinging runic wedding rings to ever exist!
I don't know about timing, but the idea of super runic rings definitely appeals to me. I had the same thought before, even, and just forgot to mention it.
1) Same amount of magic fuckery involved.
Way more power actually, because expanding the Wastes all the way down to basically Praag requires exponentially more power than fucking with a single dawi Karak under a mountain.

2) A citation for the claim that unclogging a clogged waystone in*checks*three months instead of 3 days would require destroying the waystone?
Would be appreciated.
While expanding the Chaos Wastes does take more power, it's not easily accessible power, like a Storm of Magic is. Also it's done by Gods, not by the Sorcerers/Daemons doing the Vlag ritual.

For the clogging ending in the waystones needing to be destroyed:
It would be safe for Mathilde. But this would mean that energy from Karag Dum will never reach Karaz-a-Karak again, even if Karak Vlag is retaken. Every node on the Waystone Network is irreplaceable.
That specific question seemed to imply 'block it and continue with our journey'. Eventually the clog will turn into a permanent accumulation of Dhar that can only be solved by exploding it.
Hard to say. The Karaz Ankor network has a lot more magic flowing through it than the ones the Colleges usually deal with. Mathilde'd start to worry at anything upwards of a month.
So, just completely counting our chickens before they hatch here, but we believe there to be survivors at Dum, and suspect that either there are survivors in Vlag, or something else that lead to Daemons being there(which shouldn't have happened, unless it's to fight other Daemons that were using it as a fort, because the place lacks any significant draw for a Slanneshi.).

Just getting ideas out there how exactly we intend to spend dwarf favor, but it might be possible to broker a deal where individuals and corporations in good standing are allowed to lease(or pay for the construction of, with guarentee or claim on the lease for a certain number of years) dwarven steamships, using coin rather than favor.
I'm pretty sure that this would cause a logistical revolution on the empire, so I want to see it happen.
Anyone have a clue how mich dwarf favor this would cost?
Ingame two updates is one year and Boney has said that the relationship progresses offscreen even if there isn't enough spare wordcount available for us to see it. One year is fast but not absurdly so.
I've got that in mind, but I'm talking entirely from a reader perspective. Too quick to jump straight to marriage when there's been so little wordcount dedicated to the relationship.
So, just completely counting our chickens before they hatch here, but we believe there to be survivors at Dum, and suspect that either there are survivors in Vlag, or something else that lead to Daemons being there(which shouldn't have happened, unless it's to fight other Daemons that were using it as a fort, because the place lacks any significant draw for a Slanneshi.).

Just getting ideas out there how exactly we intend to spend dwarf favor, but it might be possible to broker a deal where individuals and corporations in good standing are allowed to lease(or pay for the construction of, with guarentee or claim on the lease for a certain number of years) dwarven steamships, using coin rather than favor.
I'm pretty sure that this would cause a logistical revolution on the empire, so I want to see it happen.
Anyone have a clue how mich dwarf favor this would cost?
Probably a lot. The Dwarfen fleet is pretty small, and is basically always in use. Also, they're all massive guild secrets, so you wouldn't be able to get people allowed to operate or build them. You'd probably be able to swing borrowing them and their crews, but even then you;d probably be restricted to which ships/how many you can use, with a predilection for Monitors.
...Yeah, now I'm definitely imagining if the whole Empire was built around Ranaldian virtues the way the canon Empire is built atop Sigmarite values.
Ranald can only make an unhealthy society better. In a healthy society, he will worsen it. A good example of how is present in the reasons why making him the god of the EIC is nothing but a bad idea.
What the Bursar doesn't know won't hurt her!

Also, thats why we rune them laddy!
It's a talisman, so we'll either have to replace the Belt of the Unshackled Mountain (not a bad idea actually; a 25 favour item would give us something more powerful than it, but then it's 50 favours total for both rings), or we need to have its runes be the kind that you activate and then replace one of our Activated items. (The Candle of Cleansing Radiance, certainly.)

EDIT: Also important to note that we'll want to rune our kickflip pistols once we get them, which can cost up to 30 favours as well. We will certainly not have the favour to get both.

EDIT2: Panoramia is not good enough in dwarf eyes to be given a 25 favour item. Mathilde only got something of the calibre of her Belt because Kragg was there to smack her if she cocked up. They're not going to give an even more powerful item to Pan, who has not proven herself to the same degree that Mathilde has.
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Probably a lot. The Dwarfen fleet is pretty small, and is basically always in use. Also, they're all massive guild secrets, so you wouldn't be able to get people allowed to operate or build them. You'd probably be able to swing borrowing them and their crews, but even then you;d probably be restricted to which ships/how many you can use, with a predilection for Monitors.
The idea is that they retain dwarven engineering crews(at minimum), but imperial coin is funneled into expanding dwarven shipbuilding with the intention of allowing the dwarves to build more ships and fill more of the imperial demand(with the companies that funneled coin into the dwarves also profiting from the new steamships they're now operating.)

We must be approaching the point where it might be possible to just buy the secret of steam engines off of the dwarves on the behalf of the imperial engineering school or EIC or something.
Sigmar got several engineering secrets and ironworking off of the dwarves, and that secret was both more threatening to the Karaz Ankor, and more holy, on account of how it was discovered by an Ancestor God, not some engineer years later.
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Unclog them on our way back from Dum.
Leaving them clogged for the weeks the journey to Dum would take leads to Bad Things. Pretty sure there is QM word on this.

And if worst comes and Mathilde and everyone who knows about the clogging dies in the Wastes (or timey wimey stuff happen), this leads to Even Worse Things.

Also the vote was structured so that the vote to go to Dum is "No", and any other vote means dealing with this situation.
EDIT2: Panoramia is not good enough in dwarf eyes to be given a 25 favour item. Mathilde only got something of the calibre of her Belt because Kragg was there to smack her if she cocked up. They're not going to give an even more powerful item to Pan, who has not proven herself to the same degree that Mathilde has.
I wouldn't be so sure about that. Mathilde got the belt back when we'd settled a few grudges and little else, IIRC. Panoramia, by this point, has played a massive role in feeding an entire Karak and making sure it stays fed for centuries to come, not even counting her own efforts to help the K8P Expedition. Also, both us and Kragg will be in the Karak to keep an eye on her as well.

Although the real question is whether the Empire even has a tradition of wedding rings. Proposal and marriage might be carried out in entirely different ways, like with that apparent Stirlandian tradition of giving somebody a wooden spoon to show romantic interest. @BoneyM can you clarify?
I wouldn't be so sure about that. Mathilde got the belt back when we'd settled a few grudges and little else, IIRC. Panoramia, by this point, has played a massive role in feeding an entire Karak and making sure it stays fed for centuries to come, not even counting her own efforts to help the K8P Expedition. Also, both us and Kragg will be in the Karak to keep an eye on her as well.

Although the real question is whether the Empire even has a tradition of wedding rings. Proposal and marriage might be carried out in entirely different ways, like with that apparent Stirlandian tradition of giving somebody a wooden spoon to show romantic interest. @BoneyM can you clarify?
This was answered ages ago. It's a wedding pot, wedding rings ain't a thing for the empire
The only result when I search for the keywords "wedding" and "pot" is this post.
Tome of Salvation, pages 153 and 154
One tradition that appears throughout the Empire at marriages is the gifting of a jug, plate, bowl, or other fragile item. It is considered law that a couple may divorce if the item is ever shattered. This can occur both intentionally or by accident, although it's considered extremely poor form to break up families due to the accidental breakage. However, given the superstitious nature of most Old Worlders, the breakage of the "Wedding Jug" is often seen as a bad omen for the marriage's future. Also, others often see the state of the item as a measure of the marriage—a clean and polished jug indicates a happy union, while a dirty or cracked jug shows strife and problems.
I read you saying something about Mathilde's knowledge about the dwarf waystones being potentially capable of setting off a civil war.

But isn't it the fact that they're all feeding into Karaz a Karak the fact that might set off a civil war?
So would it be fine just telling them that Karaks are waystones on the network, that she believes that the power feed leading into Vlag is coming from Dum, and that the K8P waystone stopped sending power when it fell?
(Thus maintaining the impression that the waystones probably feed into Ulthuan.)

Well yes, but at that point you're not giving them Mathilde's knowledge about Dwarf waystones, you're telling lies that are going to either spiral or unravel quickly at the inevitable follow-up question of 'wait, our Karaks are fueling Elven magics? why hasn't something been done to stop this?'.

Do we have any indication whether or not this power feed could have only been what power was picked up along the way by the chain between Dum and Vlag?

The Karaz Ankor network doesn't work that way. Power is not picked up along the way between Karaks.

@BoneyM If we do the Clog, what's the effect going to be upstream? Or to be more specific, how long until the effects are felt upstream? I'd hate for it to turn out that bringing back this hold turns out to doom the other one because they deliberately overloaded the connection to keep themselves out of the warp.

It doesn't have effects upstream. It's one-way.

Although the real question is whether the Empire even has a tradition of wedding rings. Proposal and marriage might be carried out in entirely different ways, like with that apparent Stirlandian tradition of giving somebody a wooden spoon to show romantic interest. @BoneyM can you clarify?

Exchanges of gifts is common in courtship, particularly among the upper classes, but there's no widespread tradition of wedding rings. The closest equivalent is some piece of fragile crockery is gifted to the newlywed couple, and there's a lot of superstitions tied into the fate of said crockery. In a lot of the Empire, if it's shattered either deliberately or by accident, that alone can be considered sufficient grounds for divorce.
Exchanges of gifts is common in courtship, particularly among the upper classes, but there's no widespread tradition of wedding rings. The closest equivalent is some piece of fragile crockery is gifted to the newlywed couple, and there's a lot of superstitions tied into the fate of said crockery. In a lot of the Empire, if it's shattered either deliberately or by accident, that alone can be considered sufficient grounds for divorce.
That is such an umgi thing. Hopefully Belegar gives Mathilde and Panoramia a more durable variant.
I'm wondering, what kind of threat does Slaanesh have that could take down Deathfang? Aside from sheer numbers of course.
Grey wizards can't own property not of practical purpose. Also she's been our girlfriend for like two updates.
if we're lorekeeper, Knight/Thane/Dame ,Lady Magister,CEO who regularly cavort with faction leaders.

Well the bar for "practical" is significantly raised. Because our convenience is the convenience of others that depend on us.
Practicality dictates that we have access and ownership of a great many things for the betterment and security of the many many people and institutions that depend on us.

That is the truth of power. And the greatest loophole around the vow of poverty.
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