Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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I don't mind sticking her name on it, she's earned it.

[X] Spell name - Mathilde's Rite of Way

[X] Greet and get to know the Wizards joining the Expedition as they arrive at Praag.
[X] Adela, to see how her gradual nepotistic takeover of the Karag Nar Gunnery School is going.
[X] Pay a visit to your fief, to see if anything has changed. It probably hasn't.

Greeting the wizards ,because it gives her a chance to get a read on everyone and maybe show off a bit

Adela, because that got called out by the wizards who see the future and it sounds fun.

The fief, because the expedition already has so many death flags on it that she might as well complete the set.
[X] Spell name - Rite of Way

Simple is better in this case; the Meowthilde meme is mostly out-of-character, and I think focusing on the pun itself is cleaner.

[X] Greet and get to know the Wizards joining the Expedition as they arrive at Praag.

Definitely need to do this, no question.

[X] Adela, to see how her gradual nepotistic takeover of the Karag Nar Gunnery School is going.
[X] Spend some time exploring the Karak now that everyone has spread out into their hopefully permanent Clan Halls.

[] The Amber College, to check in on the salamanders.
[] The Gold College, to see what's become of their research into Skaven technology.
[] Follow up on your donation of the Skaven organ-vat, and see what has been made of it.

I think not voting for these quite yet. We're very low on college favor, but I think that we're also out of time to spend it; anything else we need will be after we're back and we'll have time to do these or write a paper to fund it. We have slightly more urgent things to be doing, e.g. the things that the Celestials told us about and making sure our people are settling in now that the Okral is gone.
[X] Spell name - Mathilde's Rite of Way

[X] Greet and get to know the Wizards joining the Expedition as they arrive at Praag.
[X] Adela, to see how her gradual nepotistic takeover of the Karag Nar Gunnery School is going.
[X] Pay a visit to your fief, to see if anything has changed. It probably hasn't.
Sure, but they'd have less blasting power than making them out of gunpowder.
Considering AV's tendency to devolve into Dhar if given half the chance, I consider this further proof that Dhar/Warpstone is actually safer to use than regular gunpowder.
That would be forbidden. The Articles of Imperial Magic clearly lay down that Mathilde has the right to be a wright of rites, but not wights.
*mumbles about further systemic anti-necromancy discrimination*
The same applied for that one, the identifier mechanism was introduced to the spell in step two.
Fair enough. If that's how it works, then that's how it works. I was thinking otherwise due to this:
If there was no trace of your path that would be a sign that you were wasting power, but on the few flat stretches you can see the wheel marks and footprints you left in your wake, showing that the spell only activated when needed.
Seems to suggest that if Mathilde decided to 'waste' power, spell would cover all tracks.
[X] Spell name - Rite of Way
[X] Greet and get to know the Wizards joining the Expedition as they arrive at Praag.
[X] Adela, to see how her gradual nepotistic takeover of the Karag Nar Gunnery School is going.
[X] Spend some time exploring the Karak now that everyone has spread out into their hopefully permanent Clan Halls.
[X] The Gold College, to see what's become of their research into Skaven technology.
@BoneyM Didn't see this asked yet - is there still a chance that our other ducklings might self-select to accompany the expedition, or has that moment officially passed already? Asking bc if Mathilde thinks there's a chance they might join it seems like it would make sense for her to add at least a few windsoak shrooms that would be useful for her other apprentices. Well, apprentice I guess - it's just Adela that's got a compatible wind with what we've produced so far.

So tl;dr - is there still a chance Adela will choose to join the expedition, and if so can we lay in some Aqshy mushrooms now?
[X] Spell name - Rite of Way
[X] Greet and get to know the Wizards joining the Expedition as they arrive at Praag.
[X] Adela, to see how her gradual nepotistic takeover of the Karag Nar Gunnery School is going.
[X] Spend some time exploring the Karak now that everyone has spread out into their hopefully permanent Clan Halls.
@BoneyM Didn't see this asked yet - is there still a chance that our other ducklings might self-select to accompany the expedition, or has that moment officially passed already? Asking bc if Mathilde thinks there's a chance they might join it seems like it would make sense for her to add at least a few windsoak shrooms that would be useful for her other apprentices. Well, apprentice I guess - it's just Adela that's got a compatible wind with what we've produced so far.

So tl;dr - is there still a chance Adela will choose to join the expedition, and if so can we lay in some Aqshy mushrooms now?
Pretty sure it's too late for that.

Besides, even if Adela were to join, I think we would have wanted to invite her long before now so she could have proper prep time.
Something along the lines of: Battle Magic. For as long as the Wizard sustains the spell, all terrain encountered by them, their steed, and anyone alongside or behind them feels as flat and steady as the most well-maintained road. Its only limitation is that it must hug the physical terrain, so it will still curve with hills and will not be able to bridge deep gorges or chart a route into the sky. The Wizard cannot cast other spells while sustaining [insert name].
there are few problems that arbitrary amounts of Dwarven artifice can't make easier
@BoneyM How much of a rope (chain?) bridge would the Dwarfs need to throw together before Mathilde can Rite of Way a thousand ton landship across a gorge?
[X] Greet and get to know the Wizards joining the Expedition as they arrive at Praag.
[X] Adela, to see how her gradual nepotistic takeover of the Karag Nar Gunnery School is going.
[X] Spend some time exploring the Karak now that everyone has spread out into their hopefully permanent Clan Halls.
[X] Adela, to see how her gradual nepotistic takeover of the Karag Nar Gunnery School is going.
[X] Greet and get to know the Wizards joining the Expedition as they arrive at Praag.
[X] The Dolgan, to get to know the people of the western Steppes who will hopefully be feeding the Expedition.
The article title is Karag, and a chapter referenced also goes with Karag, but the text under the picture and said map both go with Karak.

The wiki swaps between both because it's been called either at some point in time. The Tabletop books call it Karak Dum in all the maps I can find that actually include the keep (8e general book, 7e and 6e Warriors of Chaos), while the Gotrek and Felix novel call the hold Karag Dum (Daemonslayer).

In quest I don't think Boney has ever called it anything other than Karag Dum so I assume that's the one that we're expected to use.
[X] Greet and get to know the Wizards joining the Expedition as they arrive at Praag.
[X] Join Hubert and the Winter Wolves for the final leg of their journey to Praag.
[X] Join Esbern, Seija, and the Knights of Taal's Fury for the final leg of their journey to Praag.
[X] The Dolgan, to get to know the people of the western Steppes who will hopefully be feeding the Expedition.

Missed the Dolgan because they were not under expedition.
A little mystified why this is so popular. I'm not "don't do it" but it seems like the sort of thing that would sneak in as a 4th option in some social vote.
Mathilde is the Loremaster. Knowing where everyone lives, what issues might arise in their new living spaces, and what and how can be done about that is kind of her job?

Not primarily her job...but she does that on a semi-regular basis anyway.
Mathilde is the Loremaster. Knowing where everyone lives, what issues might arise in their new living spaces, and what and how can be done about that is kind of her job?

Not primarily her job...but she does that on a semi-regular basis anyway.

1. No, that would be the Steward's job.

2. She doesn't do it on a semi-regular basis that I can see. She dipped her hand into a couple of groups (the Umdumgi and the Spiders) when the karak was first refounded, but has left it alone since then.
A little mystified why this is so popular. I'm not "don't do it" but it seems like the sort of thing that would sneak in as a 4th option in some social vote.
What's the alternative? If there was a Gunnars option I might take that. I didn't see it if there was. That guy is still a big mystery.

All the college social actions are more thematic to choose when we get back. We're gonna head straight for Altdorf to get caught up on the situation with the bombing and check in with our brand new LM credentials. I don't really care about Julia, she was really impressive when we met her but intrigue 15 isn't that amazing to Mathilde now. I'd be more interested in meeting Roswita, but that's probably not gonna be that interesting either. She's still stalling the Vamps out.
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