Any victors from the below will trigger a subvote for how you'll spend time with them. Choosing any of these will represent a first tentative expression of romantic interest. While this would not be a soft-lock, it could be awkward to walk that back if Mathilde decides her heart lies elsewhere.
[ ] [ROMANCE] Journeywoman Panoramia
[ ] [ROMANCE] Magister Johann
[ ] [ROMANCE] Elector Countess Roswita van Hal
[ ] [ROMANCE] Baron Anton Kiesinger II
[ ] [ROMANCE] The Ice Dragon of Karag Zilfin
[ ] [ROMANCE] Chief Bombardier Oswald Oswaldson
Fellow Wizards
[ ] Gretel, who's apparently spending her newly-earned wealth to make herself at home.
[ ] Hubert, as he settles in to his niche with Ulrikadrin.
Karak Eight Peaks Notables
[ ] Belegar, to discuss the northern Karaks and the Expedition.
[ ] Elder Hluodwica, High Priestess of Esmerelda and civilian leader of the Eight Peaks Halflings.
[ ] Francesco Caravello, proud Viceroy of the Undumgi.
[ ] Sir Ruprecht Wulfhart, leader of the frontier town of Ulrikadrin.
Foreign Relations
[ ] Barak Varr, to watch the progress of the canal.
[ ] Stirland, to see for yourself how the war against Sylvania is progressing.
Friends Abroad
[ ] Kasmir, to see how he's keeping himself busy in Sylvania.
[ ] Julia, to see what she has gotten up to as Stirland's most experienced spy master.
[ ] Eike Hochschild, to get to know your future business partner.
Following Up
[ ] The Amber College, to check in on the salamanders.
[ ] The Gold College, to see what's become of their research into Skaven technology.
[ ] Follow up on your donation of the Skaven organ-vat, and see what has been made of it.
[ ] Pay a visit to your fief, to see if anything has changed. It probably hasn't.
[ ] Other (write in)