I loved the "chest of Blutdorf shadows" gag.
Also, apparently either Anton's father is as easygoing as Anton himself is, Anton's talked Mathilde up to Anton Senior enough, or Mathilde is
really well-known and popular in Stirland, as it seemed like he wasn't uncomfortable meeting a Wizard (of the Grey) at all.
The part where there's a carved figurine of Mathilde... Well. I'm still somehow surprised and pleased whenever I read reminders and examples of Mathilde's fame, not just impact but
fame, in Stirland. Being from Stirland, having the Peasant origin meaning at least some familiarity with peasants, having Wurtbad connections, and picking Shadowsteed as one of our two starter Ulgu spells which meant that we could travel around everywhere in Stirland... And then 7 and a half years of service in Stirland, climaxing with taking over command of the army and leading it to destroy the Von Carstein's castle.
... And then a few years later, Mathilde shows up to the new Elector Countess' court once or twice, the second time presenting her with a Necrarch Vampire's head. (The government of Stirland, at minimum, and the military of Stirland and the Greatswords of Stirland, would have known what a big deal Alkharad had been, and that it was Mathilde who killed him. Meaning that from them, the rest of Stirland would have heard about it.)
then, Sylvania was flooded with
Battle Wizards. Meaning that everybody in Stirland and Sylvania, got to witness or hear rumors about what
Battle Wizards are like. And how they can render Undead armies and strongholds to ash. In contrast, the Dusk Rider would show up to root out corrupt nobles and conspiracies, was a shadowy co-founder of the big Stirland trading company the EIC, takes up command of the army and leads it to victory in the final siege battle, and sneaks into a Vampire wizard's castle and assassinates him and all his no-doubt terrifying monsters and experiments and minions. (The Necromancy College part isn't known, but "was responsible for killing Alkharad" probably is. And so presumably, the rumors would paint it as "Mathilde snuck into a Vampire's stronghold and
assassinated him in his own home ground.") Huh. Scary and shadowy and can show up unexpectedly to knife monsters and evil-doers, wields a greatsword and once kept an army together and pointed it in the right direction. Stirlanders and Sylvanians have the experience of Mathilde's activities and profile, to contrast with their more recent experience with eccentric Battle Wizards. (Though I just remembered that Mathilde also helped melt the Singing King and his forces, together with Kasmir.) And also, their constant experience with Vampire wizards and Necromancers. Who'd sometimes send swarms of bats into the air to intimidate villages. Or stage mock battles between undead armies.
... I wonder how
the (recent) Van Hals are seen, in Stirland and Sylvania, now? Abelhelm and Roswita both. Well, Abelhelm is known as the Hunter Count, and is remembered fondly, partly due to him ruling and passing away (but succeeding at the military campaign) of course. Roswita has kept up that military campaign. Though has focused more on economics and excisemen. And I think generally has a more visible presence of Witch Hunters to boot.
He eventually succeeds, but the teeth are os large that his mouth is held open in a horrifying grimace. "'ow 'oo 'ey 'oo'?"
Typo, should be "so" instead.