Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Voting is open
Aqshy is more universally applicable, and we have a handy-dandy 15 DF belt that makes us immune to fire. Plus, Aqshy is way less likely to fuck with our spellcasting than emitting a ton of Hysh is.
We are, but our robes aren't. I mean, still a lot of fair point, and at least we won't kill ourselves, but it could still be indirectly dangerous.
[X] [DWARF] Have a Grandmaster Dwarf Engineer repair and reverse-engineer the Empire's Steam Tanks (10 Dwarf Favor)
[X] [COLLEGE] No purchase.
[X] [COLLEGE] Ulgu Power Stone (5CF)
[x] [ROOM] Map Room
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We are, but our robes aren't. I mean, still a lot of fair point, and at least we won't kill ourselves, but it could still be indirectly dangerous.
Obviously we don't want to be doing that as anywhere to first resort, but if we're caught in a small room or tight tunnel or just surrounded or even grappled by something terrible? EXPLOOOOOSION!
A dragon guest room might entice a certain exiled Asur dragon prince to visit more.

Or Imirk. Because dragons.

Or Elspeth von Draken.
And because only a certain type of person would build one.

basically all good reasons to build a dragon room.
[X] [LIBRARY] Ulgu: Esoteric Imperial (50gc+2CF), The Great Steppes: Extensive Imperial+Extensive Dwarven (200gc), The Chaos Wastes: Antiquarian Dwarven (100gc+2DF)

[X] [ROOM] Map Room
[X] [ROOM] Dragon Room
[X] [ROOM] Keg Cellar
[X] [ROOM] Training Hall
[X] [ROOM] Workshop
[X] [ROOM] Guest Room

[X] [COLLEGE] Ulgu Powerstone (5CF)
[X] [COLLEGE] Aqshy Conflagration (20CF), Ulgu Powerstone (5CF)
[X] [COLLEGE] Big Lore of Fire explosion item (20 CF), ulgu power stone (5 CF)
A dragon guest room might entice a certain exiled Asur dragon prince to visit more.

Or Imirk. Because dragons.

Or Elspeth von Draken.
And because only a certain type of person would build one.

basically all good reasons to build a dragon room.
I feel like the day Imrik visits a human wizard in a Dwarfhold is going to be the day of End Times except written well. You tell me how unlikely that is.
[X] [LIBRARY] Ulgu: Esoteric Imperial (50gc+2CF), The Great Steppes: Extensive Imperial+Extensive Dwarven (200gc), The Chaos Wastes: Antiquarian Dwarven (100gc+2DF)

[X] [COLLEGE] 2x Powerstones (10 CF)
[X] [COLLEGE] Ulgu Power Stone (5CF)

[X] [DWARF] Get Runes on your Dwarf Revolvers 30DF
Very useful if we end up fighting Khorne's boys and don't wont to fight them in melee.

[X] [ROOM] Keg Cellar
[X] [ROOM] Trophy Room
[X] [ROOM] Provision Room
[X] [ROOM] Training Hall
[X] [ROOM] Workshop
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Only if we're dumb with it, which why would we be?
We only need the fireproof bit at all if we're dumb with it—or desperate—so the point still stands. I will admit it's probably the best idea, and I can only imagine what twenty favor would get us when the biggest item on the regular list, at mom least of Aqshy, only costs thirteen, but i thought it worth noting that the "fireproof" argument does have some flaws.
[X] [ROOM] Dragon Room
[X] [ROOM] Provision Room
[X] [ROOM] Armoury

This is approval voting right?
I don't have to have an opinion on everything for the vote to be counted?
For those arguing against the Map Room because we have MMAP, remember that she uses regular maps as a reference point to draw them, and having all the various maps in one place makes for a great setting to consider all the various active situations going on and to redraw the MMAPs as needed. Remember Abelhelm's maps are how we figured out the trade motivation for Ostermark! And for the expedition to KD, we had to use a map on loan from the University of Altdorf. Give Mathilde's MMAPs some maps in the Map Room!
[X] [ROOM] Dragon Room
[X] [ROOM] Training Hall
[X] [ROOM] Workshop

[X] [COLLEGE] No purchase.
[X] [DWARF] No purchase.
[X] [PURCHASE] No purchase.
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[X] [LIBRARY] Ulgu: Esoteric Imperial (50gc+2CF), The Great Steppes: Extensive Imperial+Extensive Dwarven (200gc), The Chaos Wastes: Antiquarian Dwarven (100gc+2DF)
[X] [DWARF] No purchase.
[X] [COLLEGE] Aqshy Conflagration (20CF), Ulgu Powerstone (5CF)
[X] [COLLEGE] Big Lore of Fire explosion item (20 CF), ulgu power stone (5 CF)
[X] [PURCHASE] No purchase.
[X] [ROOM] Training Hall
[X] [ROOM] Workshop
[X] [ROOM] Keg Cellar
[X] [ROOM] Trophy Room
[X] [ROOM] Dragon Room
All in all it's a very pleasant evening, and though you doubt you brought all that much honour to Ranald, it made for a good excuse to catch up and have a nice time together.

And although she did not steal the 'cheap' sword and the 'cardboard' crossbow, one can see that she stole that old man's heart and place herself in the 'Nice reliable friend of my son' box.

Warming snippets like these really makes me glad that we decide that Mathilda should have a live instead of one track focussing on killing the next Orc with Sword of Almost Infinity.
[X] [LIBRARY] Ulgu: Esoteric Imperial (50gc+2CF), The Great Steppes: Extensive Imperial+Extensive Dwarven (200gc), The Chaos Wastes: Antiquarian Dwarven (100gc+2DF)

[X] [ROOM] Dragon Room
[X] [ROOM] Training Hall
[X] [ROOM] Workshop
[X] [ROOM] Map Room

[X] [COLLEGE] Ulgu Power Stone (5CF)
Lemme shill for the map room for a second:

• We're just about to do a ton of mission critical scouting for the Dum Expedition, which means compiling all our scouting notes into a cohesive whole that Dwarf non-radicals can happily use to plan. Having a map room to do this in makes for a good scene.

• We're planning to do a bunch of mapping in the future, to do the K8P MAPP project. This gives us a natural place to pin our notes to all the walls while we meticulously make sure every detail matches up to dwarf standards.

• We're slowly becoming a larger and larger political player. Having a map room where we can brood over Marienburg/The Next Waaggh/Lustria and the Waystone Network can give us some sweet introspective scenes in the future.

• We're the Mathilde, of the MAPP. Having a swanky map room that we can show to guests is super on brand.
Though, quick question: are Chaos Dwarves, aka Fire Dwarves, fire-immune?
The Infernal Guard and K'daai are resistant, and there's a magic item that gives resistance as well.

The real issue is the Great Taurus, which is both completely immune to fire, and actually heals from it. So, if we see anything that looks like a bull deamon, avoid any fire, yeah?

[X] [ROOM] Map Room
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[X] [LIBRARY] Ulgu: Esoteric Imperial (50gc+2CF), The Great Steppes: Extensive Imperial+Extensive Dwarven (200gc), The Chaos Wastes: Antiquarian Dwarven (100gc+2DF)
[X] [DWARF] No purchase.
[X] [PURCHASE] No purchase.
[X] [COLLEGE] Ulgu Power Stone (5CF)
[X] [COLLEGE] No purchase.
[X] [ROOM] Training Hall
[X] [ROOM] Workshop
[X] [ROOM] Keg Cellar
[X] [ROOM] Dragon Room
[X] [ROOM] Map Room

EDIT: Upon reconsideration while I do want a fire nuke item to serve as a panic button when Mathilde is swarmed under by weak enemies 20 CF is grossly excessive, when we can get a 10CF item of cascading fire cloak which will get the job done just fine for half of the cost, we have a constant CF drain from the Hochlander, we are running low on paper topics, and there might be better uses for the favor latter.
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Lemme shill for the map room for a second:

• We're just about to do a ton of mission critical scouting for the Dum Expedition, which means compiling all our scouting notes into a cohesive whole that Dwarf non-radicals can happily use to plan. Having a map room to do this in makes for a good scene.

• We're planning to do a bunch of mapping in the future, to do the K8P MAPP project. This gives us a natural place to pin our notes to all the walls while we meticulously make sure every detail matches up to dwarf standards.

• We're slowly becoming a larger and larger political player. Having a map room where we can brood over Marienburg/The Next Waaggh/Lustria and the Waystone Network can give us some sweet introspective scenes in the future.

• We're the Mathilde, of the MAPP. Having a swanky map room that we can show to guests is super on brand.
I think all of those scenes would be better in one of the rooms we already have, either our library, our parlor/entryway (with Column of Gazul), the Room of Serenity, or our Duckling meeting room. At this point, creating more rooms just dilutes the relevance and emotional attachment to existing rooms. Our current rooms have history, adding places just to have places seems uninteresting.
I notice there's a lot of talk about making robes, could someone summarize how the discussion on those has progressed for someone who hasn't followed the thread the last few updates in favor of waiting until there was something to vote on?
I notice there's a lot of talk about making robes, could someone summarize how the discussion on those has progressed for someone who hasn't followed the thread the last few updates in favor of waiting until there was something to vote on?
Maximum Aethyric Armour with Mastery, plus power stone. I personally hope for helldrake scales too though that hasn't been discussed much.
[X] [ROOM] Training Hall
[X] [ROOM] Dragon Room
[X] [ROOM] Gyrocopter Hangar
[x] [ROOM] Guest Room
[X] [COLLEGE] Aqshy Conflagration (20CF), Ulgu Powerstone (5CF)
[X] [COLLEGE] Big Lore of Fire explosion item (20 CF), ulgu power stone (5 CF)
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Voting is open