Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Voting is open
[X] [ROOM] Training Hall
[X] [ROOM] Workshop
[X] [ROOM] Keg Cellar
[X] [ROOM] Map Room
[X] [ROOM] Dragon Room
[X] [DWARF] No purchase.
[X] [PURCHASE] No purchase.
[X] [COLLEGE] No purchase.
[X] [COLLEGE] Ulgu Power Stone (5CF)
[X] [ROOM] Dragon Room
[X] [LIBRARY] Ulgu: Esoteric Imperial (50gc+2CF), The Great Steppes: Extensive Imperial+Extensive Dwarven (200gc), The Chaos Wastes: Antiquarian Dwarven (100gc+2DF)
[X] [COLLEGE] Ulgu Power Stone (5CF)
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@BoneyM would Kragg be offended if we asked for a 25 favour talisman to replace the Belt of the Unshackled Mountain? I'm interested in seeing what kind of item we'd get for that price but not if he thinks poorly of us for ingratitude or something.
Having seen that last one, it's actually kind of hard to differentiate something like that from battle magic. I'd say that while the Battle Mages probably look super cool, all the people who saw what we did then have had enough time for it to get a bit fuzzy and let them believe that we were operating on the same level, more or less.

I mean, when you have no idea what you're looking at, 'an army of monsters being cut off from Sigmar's light with such finality that they literally die from it' is about as off the wall as anything else the typical Battle Magister gets up to.
Ah, I more meant that with the Battle Wizards, they had lots of examples of big and explosive magic. Whereas with Mathilde they... didn't.

Which means Battle Wizards are scary and intimidating. Whereas Mathilde left a different impression on them.

So, maybe they know of one time Mathilde pulled off a feat like Battle Magic. But for the most part, Mathilde wasn't very Battle Wizard-like. She was the Dusk Rider, who'd show up to spirit away conspirators and corrupt nobles, who could somehow quickly travel to and show up in places in Stirland, and who lately made a recent brief comeback by assassinating an evil vampire wizard in his own evil lair.

A shadowy rider showing up to strike down enemies in Stirland is spooky and intimidating, but also kind of not-quite-urban-legend-like. ("Not quite" urban legend because this one is actually true, rather than just unsubstantiated rumor like the usual urban legend is.) She was a mysterious spymaster. (And, briefly, not-so-mysterious as she took up command after Abelhelm fell and reduced Drakenhof to rubble with cannons.)

The Battle Wizards are blatant and terrifying in their battlefield effects. Mind, it's not like they turned their powers on the people, of course. But it's still probably scary as hell to hear about an army of skeletons being reduced to ash or the like.
Honestly, even if what we have now is "good enough", going the extra mile for the favor of an Emperor Dragon living in our home/on our doorstep is worth the expenses. Plus, may be useful in the future.
[X] [LIBRARY] Ulgu: Esoteric Imperial (50gc+2CF), The Great Steppes: Extensive Imperial+Extensive Dwarven (200gc), The Chaos Wastes: Antiquarian Dwarven (100gc+2DF)

[X] [COLLEGE] Big Lore of Fire explosion item (20 CF), Ulgu Powerstone (5 CF)
[X] [COLLEGE] Aqshy Conflagration (20CF), Ulgu Powerstone (5CF)
[X] [COLLEGE] Ulgu Power Stone (5CF)

[X] [ROOM] Workshop
[X] [ROOM] Dragon Room
Something the quest has had on its mind since literally the moment we got our Indefatigable Mastery effect for Aethyric Armour is "how do we have this all the time." We can't chain-cast AA: that makes an eventual miscast inevitable, since AA lasts only a few minutes. Enchanting a Mastery is hard; enchanting AA so that the effect would be always-on is also hard; put that together and you get something quite challenging. However, our Magic is now at 9, we've progressed our Enchanting skill to the limit of College classes, we've learned Runes, and we have a number of rare and powerful materials we can use to make this easier, like an Ulgu powerstone and the Helldrake scales. We were hoping for We silk, but that's probably not going to happen soon. So doing this before the expedition, to create a set of robes that protects better than plate armor and makes us immune to fatigue, would be awesome -- if we can manage it.

An alternative plan for the robes that some people have been championing is "forget the Mastery, it's unlikely to happen, but we need some Windherder practice if we're ever going to do anything with that trait," and enchanting it with AA + a spell from another Wind. There are a lot of reasonable options, @Jyn Ryvia did a rundown a while back.

Still a third option for our robes has been people trying to figure out how to get a "ward save" -- a potent defensive effect from the tabletop -- but there hasn't been a lot of focus on that recently because people aren't sure how to actually do it, and so I only mention it for completeness.
Just one thing, is there something that prevents us from doing the Mastery and Windherder to add some basic spells from other winds?

Because including Shield of Aqshy and/or Aqshy's Aegis to make the robe immune to fire would be quite useful, and adding Cleansing Glow to keep itself and Mthilde clean would be the icing on the cake.
Just one thing, is there something that prevents us from doing the Mastery and Windherder to add some basic spells from other winds?

Because including Shield of Aqshy and/or Aqshy's Aegis to make the robe immune to fire would be quite useful, and adding Cleansing Glow to keep itself and Mthilde clean would be the icing on the cake.
Prevent? Not in a strict sense. But it would be hard.
Any Mastery enchantment is difficult on its own. Adding a Windherder on top of that makes it... not quite impossible, but very difficult. And high-magic, high-protection AA is harder to enchant than low-magic, low-protection AA.
Just one thing, is there something that prevents us from doing the Mastery and Windherder to add some basic spells from other winds?

Because including Shield of Aqshy and/or Aqshy's Aegis to make the robe immune to fire would be quite useful, and adding Cleansing Glow to keep itself and Mthilde clean would be the icing on the cake.
Mastery is difficult to do, and adding Windherder makes it harder. Even if we managed to pull it off, it wouldn't work. Shield of Aqshy gives fire resistance, not fire immunity, and Aqshy's Aegis is ineffective against magical fire stronger than the spell. It'd be a CF 20 explosion against a CF 5 defence, so it would definitely fail.
Well, if we manage to pull it off I am sure that we could get a pretty good paper out of it...
We'll need to start earning back our College Favour balance somehow.
Potential spend of 20(!!)CF on the Wondrous Energetic Big Explosion Ring, 5 on a powerstone, 2 on books, plus 10 on Melkoth will leave us with... 1CF remaining. :)
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Hmm, if an interesting Social doesn't pop up we might have another batch of four Romance Socials coming up next round.
Melkoth should be an interesting option, if we do bring him in for a couple of months.
If we're talking social options, one thing I remembered thinking up and getting interested in, was Qrech and how his university classes learning has been going.

Another thing was... Well, it's not just any single social action at all, but rather... Before we leave, I'd like to have sort of like a social roundup? Where we touch base with people we served together or fought together with. Like Kasmir and Ulthar. And perhaps Skaroki, who we shared a drink and talk with, near the tail-end of the K8P expedition. And people we consider near-family or close friends, like Regimand and Anton and so on. Roswita, Algard, Heidi, the K8P council we sort of meet every 6 months so we kind of always are talking with them...

Just... Something that's about "We're going off on a journey that might possible see us dead, or lost and never to return. I want to visit all my friends and family and colleagues and comrades-in-arms and touch base with them, before heading off somewhere I might not come back from."

Not just individually voting exactly, though. But... Hm. Am I making sense?
Just... Something that's about "We're going off on a journey that might possible see us dead, or lost and never to return. I want to visit all my friends and family and colleagues and comrades-in-arms and touch base with them, before heading off somewhere I might not come back from."

Not just individually voting exactly, though. But... Hm. Am I making sense?
We did that before leaving Stirland for the Expedition, so yep, sure.
-[*] Farewell: Visit everyone you've gotten to know during your time in Stirland, let them know where you're off to, and say auf wiedersehen. (does not take an action, incompatible with Free Time)
Though we know more people now. But then again, we're (inadvisedly, imo) bringing several of them along.
Which goes to pay the Hochlander. We're hitting rock bottom levels, basically.
Right, yes, of course, him too. Better hope we can write up some decent quality papers out of our remaining topics.
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We'll need to start earning back our College Favour balance somehow.
Potential spend of 20 on the Wondrous Energetic Big Explosion Ring, 5 on a powerstone, 2 on books, plus 10 on Melkoth will leave us with... 1CF remaining. :)
@TotallyNotEvil asserts that Boney confirmed that the College Favour cost of hiring Melkor to teach us Battle Magic was billable to the Expedition because we're committed to going. I couldn't find this, but I did not look very hard; TNE, if you remember keywords from the conversation, could you dig up the citation?
Which goes to pay the Hochlander. We're hitting rock bottom levels, basically.
Well, we should at least be able to pay for the Hochlander off of the lightbulb papers. After that, we've just got those two old ones from the expedition and one on the AV.

Warp Lightning observations - shared with Adela (FRESH)
Azyr Lighting mechanism - shared with Adela (FRESH)

Waaagh energy and magic witnessed during the Expedition. (FADED)
The Black Orc Warboss' worship of Only Gork, and what you saw of the Rogue Idol ritual. (FADED)

Preliminary paper on Aethyric Vitae. (TIMELESS)

(Huh, wonder how much more Greenskin magic we'd have to see to be able to write a book on it... @BoneyM, is that a possible topic for a book? Would we need to study Goblin shamans as well or something? What parts would we be missing?)

But yeah, we'd better hope that there's some good paper topics during the Karag Dum trip. Which, to be fair, seems like a certainty...
[X] [ROOM] Training Hall
[X] [ROOM] Keg Cellar
[X] [ROOM] Trophy Room
[X] [ROOM] Map Room
[X] [ROOM] Dragon Room

[X] [LIBRARY] Ulgu: Esoteric Imperial (50gc+2CF), The Great Steppes: Extensive Imperial+Extensive Dwarven (200gc), The Chaos Wastes: Antiquarian Dwarven (100gc+2DF)

[X] [DWARF] No purchase.
[X] [COLLEGE] Big Lore of Fire explosion item (20 CF)
[X] [COLLEGE] No purchase
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If it's billed for the expedition, it's expedition property. Embezzlement is bad because they don't let you keep the stuff if they find out. :V
Mother of god, am I reading the vote tally right -- the current leading College purchase is 20 Favor on an Aqshy item??? (For a grand total of 27 College Favor spent in one turn. 20 Aqshy item. 5 power stone. 2 books.)
Kindleflame (Lore Attribute): It is easier to damage someone with Aqshy if he already was damaged with Aqshy recently.
Fireball (10 favors): You fling several fiery missiles at the target squad.
Cascading Fire Cloak (10 favors): You create a fiery shield around yourself and your nearby allies until the end of the battle which burns all enemies in melee with you.
Flaming Sword of Rhuin (10 favors): You enchant weapons of a squad of allies with fire for one turn. Such weapons have easier time wounding enemies and stop regeneration.
The Burning Head (10 favors): You fling a ball of flame that strikes everything in its path. If someone dies from this spell, their comrades may panic after witnessing his horrific demise.
Piercing Bolts of Burning (10 favors): You throw several spears made of fire at the target squad, each of which pierces several people.
Fulminating Flame Cage (11 favors): You trap target squad in a cage made of flames that will damage all of them should they try to move before it dissipates.
Flame Storm (13 favors): You somewhat imprecisely summon a firestorm that damages everyone caught in it.
Guys, there's not a single Aqshy Battle Magic enchant that even costs that much! The majority of them literally cost half that much!

For the love of god, please do not spend a ginormous amount of College Favor on not only an item that we might end up not using a lot at all... But also costs twice as much as a Battle Magic enchant.

For 20 Favor I'd expect/demand an item that would be a foundational part of Mathilde's identity and character, or to always have some sort of use or utility, or just... something that is handy or comforting even if not used but is always at hand. Branulhune we use always. The Seed we've used once or twice on ourselves, and furthermore it came about as part of a character decision to get a healing item after Abelhelm died. The belt defends us against Dhar constantly. (And also makes us hardier and tougher, increasing fortitude. So even if not being activated and countering a spell or Dhar, it's doing work.) The armored robes, we made ourselves, and we wear always. Ranald's Coin, we were gifted and helped earn it, and we use every turn. (The Evercleansing Candle we bought, and have yet to use.) Our staff is a wizard's staff.

This 20 favor explosive thing? What the heck? Hell, I'm actually afraid to have this thing. Because for 20 favor it'd probably be some kind of terrifying weapon of destruction. And if it ever gets stolen or broken or lost or something... Or... Gah.

And then, if it doesn't end up getting used to kill a medium-sized army in the Chaos Wastes, it's going to not have much of a role or place in Mathilde's arsenal. (All her other stuff has a role or place. All her stuff feels like it fits. Except for the Evercleansing Candle, really.)

Just... Why? How did it get to this? I'm way behind on the thread as always of course, but... Seeing this was a shocker.

Also... With this much College Favor being spent at once, if we want to hire Melkoth or another Lord Magister as a tutor again -- or buy College lessons on stuff like mastering our Arcane Marks -- it will be far more dicey. Also, if we want to buy a bunch of magic books or rare books, we will have far less College Favor to spend.

Ah, speaking of, that just occurred to me. We could spend 5ish College Favor on getting aid on our "control your Arcane Mark" attempts. We should think about doing that.
For the love of god, please do not spend a ginormous amount of College Favor on not only an item that we might end up not using a lot at all... But also costs twice as much as a Battle Magic enchant.
Actually, 10 is just the base; it's an additional one per casting number above ten.

However, we have confirmation from Boney that Aqshy is sufficiently lego-y that they can fit twenty favors worth of explosions into a single item.

I guess it'll fullfil the Exemplarious Use Case, at least.
Voting is open