Something the quest has had on its mind since literally the moment we got our Indefatigable Mastery effect for Aethyric Armour is "how do we have this all the time." We can't chain-cast AA: that makes an eventual miscast inevitable, since AA lasts only a few minutes. Enchanting a Mastery is hard; enchanting AA so that the effect would be always-on is also hard; put that together and you get something
quite challenging. However, our Magic is now at 9, we've progressed our Enchanting skill to the limit of College classes, we've learned Runes, and we have a number of rare and powerful materials we can use to make this easier, like an Ulgu powerstone and the Helldrake scales. We were hoping for We silk, but that's probably not going to happen soon. So doing this before the expedition, to create a set of robes that protects better than plate armor and makes us immune to fatigue, would be awesome -- if we can manage it.
An alternative plan for the robes that some people have been championing is "forget the Mastery, it's unlikely to happen, but we need some Windherder practice if we're ever going to do anything with that trait," and enchanting it with AA + a spell from another Wind. There are a lot of reasonable options,
@Jyn Ryvia did a rundown a while back.
Still a third option for our robes has been people trying to figure out how to get a "ward save" -- a potent defensive effect from the tabletop -- but there hasn't been a lot of focus on that recently because people aren't sure how to actually
do it, and so I only mention it for completeness.