Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Voting is open
Personally, I'm actually a fan of the big Aqshy item splurge. The Bright College has an incredibly well established enchanting history, so they've likely got the chops to actually make something worth that price.

I can't speak to what Boney would do, but for me, I'd probably go with a counterpoint item to the seed of regrowth - something similarly implanted into Mathilde's other arm, which combined give a "rebirth and flame" phoenix theme.

It gives the item cohesion with Mathilde's existing items - it's not "she has this and that and the other thing", it's "she has Branulhune, the Belt of the Unshackled Mountain, and the Phoenix Seeds".
[X] [LIBRARY] Ulgu: Esoteric Imperial (50gc+2CF), The Great Steppes: Extensive Imperial+Extensive Dwarven (200gc), The Chaos Wastes: Antiquarian Dwarven (100gc+2DF)
[X] [ROOM] Map Room
[X] [ROOM] Workshop
[X] [ROOM] Trophy Room
[X] [ROOM] Gyrocopter Hangar
[X] [ROOM] Dragon Room
[X] [COLLEGE] Big Lore of Fire explosion item (20 CF)
[X] [COLLEGE] No purchase

Changed my mind. We already have a power stone, if we want another we can get it later. Save the CF for now, just in case.
I agree with Garlak, and add to it that we still have the books on the Ancestor Gods to buy for sharing with Cython.
We have those, they were added to our library for free after the Cython social action.
Gods and Divinity - Dwarven Ancestor-Gods
Grungni +1 - Dwarven
Valaya +1 - Dwarven
Grimnir +1 - Dwarven
Thungni +1 - Dwarven
Smednir +1 - Dwarven
Morgrim +1 - Dwarven
Gazul +1 - Dwarven
We did not possess these before the social turn.
[X] [COLLEGE] Big Lore of Fire explosion item (20 CF)
Personally, I'm actually a fan of the big Aqshy item splurge. The Bright College has an incredibly well established enchanting history, so they've likely got the chops to actually make something worth that price.

I can't speak to what Boney would do, but for me, I'd probably go with a counterpoint item to the seed of regrowth - something similarly implanted into Mathilde's other arm, which combined give a "rebirth and flame" phoenix theme.

It gives the item cohesion with Mathilde's existing items - it's not "she has this and that and the other thing", it's "she has Branulhune, the Belt of the Unshackled Mountain, and the Phoenix Seeds".
Ah yes, the Quintessential low-investment Pyromancer build. A single Chaos Fireball and a really hot flame. :V
[X] [COLLEGE] Big Lore of Fire explosion item (20 CF)

Ah yes, the Quintessential low-investment Pyromancer build. A single Chaos Fireball and a really hot flame. :V

Dark souls despite being even darker than warhammer at times, has magic systems that are the way fuck less of a pain in the ass, but capable of similar levels of bullshit.

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[X] [LIBRARY] Ulgu: Esoteric Imperial (50gc+2CF), The Great Steppes: Extensive Imperial+Extensive Dwarven (200gc), The Chaos Wastes: Antiquarian Dwarven (100gc+2DF)
[X] [DWARF] No purchase.
[X] [PURCHASE] No purchase.
[X] [ROOM] Training Hall
[X] [ROOM] Map Room
[X] [ROOM] Keg Cellar
[X] [ROOM] Trophy Room
[X] [ROOM] Dragon Room

I've got no real opinion on the Aqshy item so I'm staying out of that vote. The rest seems reasonable.
Hmm, here's something interesting I just realized that kinda-sorta supports my "counterpoint to the Seed of Regrowth" idea:

On the "official" wheel of the Winds, Ghyran and Aqshy are polar opposites of each other, and intersect precisely perpendicular to the Ulgu-Hysh axis.

As I recall, BoneyM isn't a fan of that wheel and isn't really using it, but it's still a neat association.
Hmm, here's something interesting I just realized that kinda-sorta supports my "counterpoint to the Seed of Regrowth" idea:

On the "official" wheel of the Winds, Ghyran and Aqshy are polar opposites of each other, and intersect precisely perpendicular to the Ulgu-Hysh axis.

As I recall, BoneyM isn't a fan of that wheel and isn't really using it, but it's still a neat association.
The ways all these arrows are pointing agitates me.
@TotallyNotEvil asserts that Boney confirmed that the College Favour cost of hiring Melkor to teach us Battle Magic was billable to the Expedition because we're committed to going. I couldn't find this, but I did not look very hard; TNE, if you remember keywords from the conversation, could you dig up the citation?
After a quick search of posts I tagged Boney, I think I am going off that question asked by another player.
@BoneyM To clarify: as we are volunteering and self improvement counts as job actions, do we get job-billable expenses for things like tutors?
[X] [ROOM] Explosives Laboratory
A room with enough reinforcement and baffles to withstand all but the most inadvisable of experiments.
[X] [ROOM] Training Hall
A room for mastering martial combat, including a sparring area.
[X] [ROOM] Workshop
A room dedicated to the more mundane crafts, with tools for woodworking, engraving, etching, scrimshawing, and sewing.
[X] [ROOM] Keg Cellar
It's easy to cultivate a taste for beers and ales when living in a Dwarfhold. A cellar would pay for itself, as it's much cheaper to buy a freshly-barrelled ale and let it age than it is to buy it after it's ripe and ready to drink.
[X] [ROOM] Trophy Room
Your collection of mementos is growing large and impressive enough to deserve a room to itself, complete with tasteful little plaques describing the circumstances under which you acquired each piece.
[X] [ROOM] Map Room
A room dedicated to the cartographer's art, filled with large, flat surfaces to unroll maps onto and heavy objects to pin down the corners.
[X] [ROOM] Guest Room
You already have one. Perhaps you could use another.

[X] [LIBRARY] Ulgu: Esoteric Imperial (50gc+2CF), The Great Steppes: Extensive Imperial+Extensive Dwarven (200gc), The Chaos Wastes: Antiquarian Dwarven (100gc+2DF)

[X] [DWARF] No purchase.
[X] [DWARF] Runic Banner for the expedition, 15 DF. (Vitae)
[X] [COLLEGE] No purchase.
[X] [COLLEGE] Ulgu Power Stone (5CF)
[X] [PURCHASE] No purchase.

Split between not buying anything for the Dwarf purchase, and the idea of some kind of Runic Banner for the expedition. Only thing is, am not sure whether to make it a "move through hazardous terrain" Banner, or a protection-from-Chaos Banner... ... Also not sure how much Vitae-sourced Dwarf Favor to spend on it. Went for 15 DF, but am thinking that 20 may be more appropriate. But then again, 20 starts getting a bit pricey. (But then again, we gain 1 gallon of Vitae each turn, and have 12 gallons, so...) Anyway. That's why I'm voting for both no purchase, and runic banner. As I'm not sure what I want, or how much I want to spend on it, yet.

Still. Runic Banner for the expedition caravan, or Runic inscriptions on Steam Wagons. If not this turn, mmmaybe the next? Dunno. I don't think anybody else has been enthused by the banner idea (whether from the Colleges of Magic or the Dwarf Runesmiths) when I've brought it up, so.
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[X] [LIBRARY] Ulgu: Esoteric Imperial (50gc+2CF), The Great Steppes: Extensive Imperial+Extensive Dwarven (200gc), The Chaos Wastes: Antiquarian Dwarven (100gc+2DF)

[X] [DWARF] No purchase.

[X] [COLLEGE] Ulgu Power Stone (5CF)

For the Robes?
I can understand picking a big bright bomb but I would prefer to spend favor on a BM enchantment of our choosing rather than an item box. I trust Boney but I simple dislike the very idea of so much CF (which is running dry) on it. I could vote for a BM item but its to late for that now.

On a personal note, I dislike the fact Mathilde seems the only one tk run around with things like the seed. But well, its a sound investment.

[X] [COLLEGE] No purchase

[X] [ROOM] Workshop

[X] [ROOM] Keg Cellar

[X] [ROOM] Dragon Room
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2 DF for one that works on scrolls or sheets, 5 for one that can work with a book. Though it won't make writing any faster, as most of the time is spent forming and revising the ideas, not the actual act of writing. Someone remind me to add a transcription-enabled room to the list of possibilities at the end of this turn.
@BoneyM Didn't see this on the list or see anyone reminding you. So here's that reminder for the transcription-enabled room.
[X] [COLLEGE] Big Lore of Fire explosion item (20 CF), ulgu power stone (5 CF)

[X] [COLLEGE] Aqshy Conflagration (20CF), Ulgu Powerstone (5CF)

[X] [ROOM] Trophy Room
[X] [COLLEGE] Big Lore of Fire explosion item (20 CF), ulgu power stone (5 CF)

[X] [COLLEGE] Aqshy Conflagration (20CF), Ulgu Powerstone (5CF)

I'm pretty sure these are the same thing, but the vote for just the item and the vote for the item plus a powerstone seem like they would be counted separately, and I have been convinced that I do want the primal pyromancies of old Master Salaman.
[X] [ROOM] Dragon Room
[X] [ROOM] Training Hall
[X] [ROOM] Workshop
[X] [COLLEGE] Big Lore of Fire explosion item (20 CF), ulgu power stone (5 CF)
[X] [LIBRARY] Ulgu: Esoteric Imperial (50gc+2CF), The Great Steppes: Extensive Imperial+Extensive Dwarven (200gc), The Chaos Wastes: Antiquarian Dwarven (100gc+2DF)
[X] [ROOM] Explosives Laboratory
[X] [ROOM] Trophy Room
[X] [ROOM] Dragon Room
[X] [ROOM] Workshop
[X] [ROOM] Map Room
@TotallyNotEvil asserts that Boney confirmed that the College Favour cost of hiring Melkor to teach us Battle Magic was billable to the Expedition because we're committed to going.
I think, when talking about hiring He Who Rises in Might, Black Foe of the World, to be our Battle Magic teacher, who bears the cost is a moot point. Because the answer is everyone.

(You probably meant Melkoth there.)
Voting is open