Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Voting is open
A Lore of Fire nuke would be better. It can hurt living creatures too, but it's also a lot better at sabotage and we are immune to fire, so we can be more free and versatile in its use. I recommend voting for my college vote.
Sensible, but I don't see any spell that seems better than Purple Sun of Xereus.

Flame Storm (13 favors): You somewhat imprecisely summon a firestorm that damages everyone caught in it.
I don't like the "somewhat imprecisely" part, feels like we could friendly fire someone on accident.
[X] [LIBRARY] Ulgu: Esoteric Imperial (50gc+2CF), The Great Steppes: Extensive Imperial+Extensive Dwarven (200gc), The Chaos Wastes: Antiquarian Dwarven (100gc+2DF)
[X] [ROOM] Map Room
[X] [ROOM] Workshop
[X] [ROOM] Trophy Room
[X] [ROOM] Gyrocopter Hangar
[X] [ROOM] Dragon Room

A Lore of Fire nuke would be better. It can hurt living creatures too, but it's also a lot better at sabotage and we are immune to fire, so we can be more free and versatile in its use. I recommend voting for my college vote.

I mean, I'm also down for that, but you didn't specify a spell. BoneyM could give us anything, or maybe the bright college would reject a request so vague. They're not the dwarves.
How does leather block the winds? That's literally just tougher skin. I could definetly get some metals grounding magic and causing problems though.

Our enchanted robes will be better than leather armor though most likely so I'm definitely not trying to start an argument. I'm pretty used to Robed-Only Wizards.
Leather is what we use to hold the Ulgu in our current set of robes.

Edit: Found quote
An outlay of a few silver coins gets you a good leather skin, which you slice into a series of squares. Being originally part of an animal, it would theoretically retain magical energies better than most, and would retain the connection between the squares as they were once part of the same animal. Using reflected and concentrated sunlight, you slowly and carefully burn the appropriate sigils into each piece, doing your best to ignore the smell.

You need to put the pieces aside and work out on paper the correct way to divide the spell up so it can be split between different squares and still combine back together, which takes days of work as you convert the spell to thamaturgic equations and then try to find the best way to split it, and then convert the divided fragments back into pieces of incomplete spellcraft which then have to be made into enchantment, but you're unable to find a way to make an enchantment both self-contained and fragmented, so you have to go back to the beginning and convert the process of enchantment into thaumaturgic equations so you can derive that into fragments. By the time it's complete you're wondering whether the holding-the-robes-immobile thing would have been easier, but you press on.

Each of the squares of leather, when enchanted, is magically useless; it's only in combination with the 15 other leather squares and the 15 other fragments of the enchantment that they combine to form a working piece of magic. Or so the theory goes, and you've no way to check whether it works until all sixteen pieces are enchanted, and each square is a full day's work in itself. A week passes, then another, and finally you've got the end result ready for testing. You impatiently sew each of the squares into place in the lining of your robes and then wear them, feeling the unfamiliar weight they add to your usually so familiar robes. Then you press down on the square of leather on your left hip, and the familiar grey sinks into inky black as shadow rises from the weave of the fabric and spreads over your exposed skin. An experimental knife-cut on a sleeve fails to penetrate it, and then another on your palm similarly fails to cut, and you smile.
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Sensible, but I don't see any spell that seems better than Purple Sun of Xereus.

I don't like the "somewhat imprecisely" part, feels like we could friendly fire someone on accident.
BoneyM said the Lore of Fire has no shortage of big explosion spells. Flame Storm isn't the only big explosion spell it has, because if it was, that would count as a shortage.
[X] [DWARF] No purchase.
[X] [COLLEGE] No purchase.
[X] [PURCHASE] No purchase.

That two-three AP could be used for so much useful stuff, Learning to see through pall of darkness, Arcane mark control, spell creation, Ulgu Tongs, The unique sword style more AV research.
I agree with this, and I don't even like Ulgu Tongs. Still better than a crossbow.

On the subject of the battle magic argument, I might be willing to support a vote to develop the Dammerlichtreiters battle magic, using apparaitions, both because it is more interesting than most and because they would make a decent "fuck that guy" spell, while we already have MMM for AOE ruining-of-days. Yes, it doesn't deal damage, but it cripples people badly enough that it doesn't need to, it still does the job of AOE suppression. Also, Dammerlichtreiters make a decent emergency meat-shield if we encounter a Hypothetical Bloodthirster, which makes them more useful than most battle magic if the worst should happen.

However, I feel that developing Branhulne should be a higher priority, since we know that will be useful.
How does leather block the winds? That's literally just tougher skin. I could definetly get some metals grounding magic and causing problems though.

It would likely have started as Ghur and then had chemical treatments done to it that changed its nature. It's far enough from being magically neutral that it would interfere with the flow of magic, and you really don't want eddies in the Winds when you're trying to turn it into spells. Theoretically you could choose a material that resonates with your Wind and then carefully treat it so that no part of it interferes at all but it's much less work to simply enchant or cast Aethyric Armour.
BoneyM said the Lore of Fire has no shortage of big explosion spells. Flame Storm isn't the only big explosion spell it has, because if it was, that would count as a shortage.
Fireball (10 favors): You fling several fiery missiles at the target squad.
Cascading Fire Cloak (10 favors): You create a fiery shield around yourself and your nearby allies until the end of the battle which burns all enemies in melee with you.
Flaming Sword of Rhuin (10 favors): You enchant weapons of a squad of allies with fire for one turn. Such weapons have easier time wounding enemies and stop regeneration.
The Burning Head (10 favors): You fling a ball of flame that strikes everything in its path. If someone dies from this spell, their comrades may panic after witnessing his horrific demise.
Piercing Bolts of Burning (10 favors): You throw several spears made of fire at the target squad, each of which pierces several people.
Fulminating Flame Cage (11 favors): You trap target squad in a cage made of flames that will damage all of them should they try to move before it dissipates.
Flame Storm (13 favors): You somewhat imprecisely summon a firestorm that damages everyone caught in it.
This is the full list of College Aqshy BM. Burning Head, then? Piercing Bolts also an option, though it doesn't really explode, and all the others are more like buffs.
Just to reiterate my earlier question, in case it got buried in the vote, it is possible to get an accessory that could give us Dwarven Earth Sense or Life Sense or other things of that nature to help with Scouting out confusing Skaven/Dwarf Tunnels? Seems like something she'd really want given how often were wandering aimlessly behind enemy lines in tunnels.
It was answered:
No, it's a set of learned skills rather than a literal sense.
It would likely have started as Ghur and then had chemical treatments done to it that changed its nature. It's far enough from being magically neutral that it would interfere with the flow of magic, and you really don't want eddies in the Winds when you're trying to turn it into spells. Theoretically you could choose a material that resonates with your Wind and then carefully treat it so that no part of it interferes at all but it's much less work to simply enchant or cast Aethyric Armour.
E.g the only ones with the time and skill to work on a perfectly magic neutral full set of amour is the high elfs
Is there a particular reason why we wouldn't want to have a ring/wand of [insert nuke spell]? Seems like it'd be awfully useful for battles, or for extracting quickly
If we go for the BOOKBOON it is extremely important to add a Scriptorium and a School of Translators on the side... If not the use that Mathilde and many others would have of the Library will be quite limited...
Assuming those are things Dwarves believe a Great Library ought to have, that'll come standard. I suspect it's likely, given what we've seen of how their Loremasters operate.
Is there a particular reason why we wouldn't want to have a ring/wand of [insert nuke spell]? Seems like it'd be awfully useful for battles, or for extracting quickly
Because we can't order [insert spell here], we need to order a specific one, and insufficient consensus has developed for what specific one to get.
If we get a Magic Item of Burninating, I'd go for the Fulminating Flame Cage spell - it's slightly better for escaping pursuit. If something's dumb (or tough) enough to tank the damage of going through the flames, well, it's no worse than if you used a regular "burn that thing" spell, and if they stop rather than take damage then you have more time to get away.
Nice to see Mathilde spend some time with her brother.

[X] [ROOM] Training Hall
[X] [ROOM] Workshop
[X] [ROOM] Trophy Room
[X] [ROOM] Gyrocopter Hangar
[X] [ROOM] Dragon Room

[ ] [ROOM] Provision Room
[ ] [ROOM] Keg Cellar
[ ] [ROOM] Armoury
[ ] [ROOM] Guest Room
Wouldn't object but won't advocate.

[ ] [ROOM] Explosives Laboratory
We are not an engineer. The inadvisable experiments we do are magical and thus belong in the Oh Dear tower.

[ ] [ROOM] Firing Range
We spent half an AP building a public one. We don't need a privet range.

[ ] [ROOM] Map Room
Mathilde her her MAP. She does not need a room with a large table.

[X] [DWARF] No purchase.
[x] [ROOM] Training Hall
[x] [ROOM] Workshop
[x] [ROOM] Map Room
[x] [ROOM] Guest Room
[x] [ROOM] Keg Cellar

[x] [DWARF] No purchase.

[x] [PURCHASE] No purchase.

[X] [LIBRARY] Ulgu: Esoteric Imperial (50gc+2CF), The Great Steppes: Extensive Imperial+Extensive Dwarven (200gc), The Chaos Wastes: Antiquarian Dwarven (100gc+2DF)
[X] [ROOM] Dragon Room
[X] [ROOM] Workshop
[X] [ROOM] Trophy Room
[X] [ROOM] Keg Cellar
[X] [ROOM] Training Hall
[X] [DWARF] No purchase.
[X] [COLLEGE] No purchase.
[X] [PURCHASE] No purchase.
[X] [LIBRARY] Ulgu: Esoteric Imperial (50gc+2CF), The Great Steppes: Extensive Imperial+Extensive Dwarven (200gc), The Chaos Wastes: Antiquarian Dwarven (100gc+2DF)
Voting is open