Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Voting is open
Ah. It must have been happening longer since August 14th then.

And no, they suddenly started infesting old posts of all sorts. ((For example, opening up the Threadmarks into Reader Mode, for the early story updates? Yeah, they're infested with them. And those posts haven't been edited since 2018.))

Are you saying that they're actually recurring though? They're popping back up after being deleted? Well that's... annoying.

And also means that they'd be essentially impossible to keep clean off of old story update posts for any GM in the Quest forum, then, as only Informational posts tend to be edited regularly much.

I'm almost positive I've had to knock them off the charsheet at least twice.
Plan: Pegasus 0.2
- [ ] [LIBRARY] Ulgu: Esoteric Imperial (50gc+2CF), The Great Steppes: Extensive Imperial+Extensive Dwarven (200gc), The Chaos Wastes: Antiquarian Dwarven (100gc+2DF)
- [ ] [COLLEGE] Battle trained Pegasus and Trainer (13 CF)
- [ ] [DWARF] Get Runes on your Dwarf Revolvers 30DF

Better rune gun added.
Plan: Pegasus 0.2
- [ ] [LIBRARY] Ulgu: Esoteric Imperial (50gc+2CF), The Great Steppes: Extensive Imperial+Extensive Dwarven (200gc), The Chaos Wastes: Antiquarian Dwarven (100gc+2DF)
- [ ] [COLLEGE] Battle trained Pegasus and Trainer (13 CF)
- [ ] [DWARF] Get Runes on your Dwarf Revolvers 30DF

Better rune gun added.
I don't think these are plan votes.
@picklepikkl can I get your ideas on Dwarf and College favor spending? You're usually really well thought out.
I actively oppose the pegasus option. I'd prefer to wait on runing up our guns until after the expedition, so we can get in good with Zhufbar engineers and can enter the Kickflip Zone. I'd be OK with buying a College Favour item to cast Ruin The Day Of That Fucker In Particular, but don't have strong opinions.
No, I meant your budget, not the subsidy Belegar gives us. Like, your budgets are based on the subsidy, but I think they should be based on the subsidy+income. Instead of aiming to spend only 50gc over the subsidy, I think you should instead aim to spend only 50gc after adding both the subsidy and our income together.
Ah. I don't want to do that; I'd like our default to be "we make more money than we spend," so that every now and then we can afford to drop a ton of money all at once without worrying too much.

That said, it seems likely at this point that we'll get BOOKBOON and it will change all our purchasing priorities.
Right out of Mathilde's Apparition school. Just make a whole new one to use. Can't be so hard, I did it as a journeyman.
Even better; a folk tale about a being that is specifically inclined to ward off evil things, as its basic urge.

Of course, actually poking Riders in Red until they mutate to fit the new niche sounds like an exercise in - f u n -, but it's a really close starting position and a well-defined ending position, so if it's the Dusk Rider herself poking them to be Dusk Riders I think I can see where our 'the creator of the spell usually has an easier time of it for some reason' bonus might end up coming from.
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Ah. I don't want to do that; I'd like our default to be "we make more money than we spend," so that every now and then we can afford to drop a ton of money all at once without worrying too much.
We already can afford to drop a ton of money all at once without worrying too much. We've been able to for a long time and will be able to for a long time still.
Plan: Pegasus 0.3
[ ] [LIBRARY] Ulgu: Esoteric Imperial (50gc+2CF), The Great Steppes: Extensive Imperial+Extensive Dwarven (200gc), The Chaos Wastes: Antiquarian Dwarven (100gc+2DF)

[ ] [COLLEGE] Battle trained Pegasus and Trainer (13 CF)

[ ] [DWARF] Get Runes on your Dwarf Revolvers 30DF

Apparently these are not planed votes.
I'd be against a pegasus even if it was free. I do not want another pet to eat up screentime and do not want it as another factor we have to juggle.

I'm against runing any of our guns given we can get better guns we'll want to rune after the Expedition.
Are the gun-runers thinking the same thing on both? Or, like, one gun slanted towards accuracy, and one slanted towards raw hitting power?

It does seem like an expenditure that might be made redundant, by future, better guns. And the point about not spending more on secondary weapons than our big stick is well made.
Even better; a folk tale about a being that is specifically inclined to ward off evil things, as its basic urge.
I think the nature of the original Apparition is very important to the process of controling and directing them (so you only need a lighter touch)- so this would more be about smiting that evil, than protection per say.
Perhaps the FIFO used in Burning Shadows could serve the basis for target selection, too?
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Panoramia's Letter Home 3
Hi Mom and Dad,

The sleeping season is here, and so I hope I'll get around to writing up my recent experiences in more detail, as demanded. I'll append it to this letter as it's finished, so you may have to do some sorting.

I'm sad to say we probably won't be seeing each other anytime soon, unless you come to visit me here. The only justification I really have for such a trip would be my magisterial exams, and I won't be taking them.

I hope it doesn't sound like I've given up. I haven't. Even as the leaves tremble on storm days, my duramen knows this to be correct. What would I have to gain? The moons wax and wane, the seasons rise and fall, and the earth knows not of petty titles. It's the invention of man, only man cares for its impressions, and I care not to impress.

Which is to say, the Halflings are already paying magisterial rates anyway.

When I first set out on my Journey, I wanted to be Magister, because it was the thing to do. Then I saw works of greatness, and the greed of men got to me. I saw myself in the treetops where all would gaze upon me with awe. I saw my story written in the annals of history.

Foolish. I've not archived such, but stood right next when they handed out the awards. Greatness is long periods of boredom, followed by a brief moment of excitement and then maybe a group of people claps. I can get the same with a nice pie on pie week. Or just any pie, really, the halflings are good like that. And any who judge them for that or their standards of greatness is the greater fool.

Perhaps it sounds like I am justifying my failure, my surrender. Perhaps it sounds as if I love the halflings because they, like me, are lacking. No. Even we Jades make the mistake of disregarding the quiet strength of the earth. But halflings never do, because they live it.

As I sit here, on the flanks of Karagil, I look upon my valley. I look upon a blank book of history. Why try for a record in the histories of man and dwarf when I can write my own history in the earth. Campfire tales sputter out and dusty tomes crumble, but with the greenery as my singing witness, my legacy will only grow.

Mathilde has turned the darkness of the stones into terror and blood, lead armies to impossible victories, and produced magical annihilation on a scale that is simply impossible to truly grasp. And yet, without someone to come and light a candle in the dark and clean the blood, all it amounts to is blood on dark stones. And that is so heartbreakingly pointless.

Kragg the Grim has lived a thousand years, and made a thousand works of legend, but they sit in a thousand vaults and have been used perhaps once. I'd rather feed ten thousand, day after day, for as long as the earth endures.

My legacy will outlive them all.

Ok, so maybe I'm getting ahead of myself. I wouldn't have this chance without them, but I hope you feel the truth of my words. If another of our Order comes to visit, they can read my histories, and perhaps I'll receive a fancy title, or perhaps I won't. All it amounts to is a few coins on the tithing, and all that means is whether the halflings will consider it business or religious duty to feed me.

On a less soul searching topic, Mathilde told me the story of how she got her puppy, though I won't repeat it here because it's not mine to tell. It was surprisingly Grey though, almost uncharacteristically for her.

She did point out something funny to me: Ulgu naturally makes for Showmen and Mystics. What's the funny bit? Consider that this means the Grey College might have ended up as the Great Altdorf Carnival. Next time you meet a Grey, imagine him as a Ringmaster. Nothing will knock them out of their smug routine as the suspicion that someone is just barely holding back giggles.

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We already can afford to drop a ton of money all at once without worrying too much. We've been able to for a long time and will be able to for a long time still.

I'd rather spend our money on other things, like potentially funding a research institute or fitting out a gyrocarriage. Books are very nice, but I don't want to spend large fractions of our income on them when we'll get them eventually and we can get other things too.
I'd be against a pegasus even if it was free. I do not want another pet to eat up screentime and do not want it as another factor we have to juggle.

I'm against runing any of our guns given we can get better guns we'll want to rune after the Expedition.

You keep saying that even though we can't get obsession for the Pegasus. It's going to be our battle mount, not our pet. That's a different relationship from the beginning.
So, like, I think he's a misfit too, just in a less-obvious sort of way. All the history of the Golds, from before they were even a College, was aimed at permanent transmutation in the form of alchemical transformations of substance, and then this punk-ass kid is like "ALL OF YOU ARE DUMB AND YOUR METHODOLOGY IS ALSO DUMB, ALLOW ME TO PRESENT MY OWN SOLUTION VIA REDEFINING THE PARAMETERS OF THE PROBLEM."

Wanna bet that "Hey, Max, if you're serious about this, you should totally go south and get dwarves to teach you" was an idea a superior in the College proposed to him?
Good gods, is that what made him despise Johann for a bit? He saw Max's thesis and punched it in the teeth.
"Max, philosophy aside, this isn't really what they're talking about when it comes to transmutation."
We already can afford to drop a ton of money all at once without worrying too much. We've been able to for a long time and will be able to for a long time still.
I agree, but I think people are more willing to accept spending above our subsidy as long as our total money is still going up.
I'd be against a pegasus even if it was free. I do not want another pet to eat up screentime and do not want it as another factor we have to juggle.

I'm against runing any of our guns given we can get better guns we'll want to rune after the Expedition.
I concur with all of this. That said: people voting to buy runes for our guns, please pay at least some of the cost with AV.
Even better; a folk tale about a being that is specifically inclined to ward off evil things, as its basic urge.

Of course, actually poking Riders in Red until they mutate to fit the new niche sounds like an exercise in - f u n -, but it's a really close starting position and a well-defined ending position, so if it's the Dusk Rider herself poking them to be Dusk Riders I think I can see where our 'the creator of the spell usually has an easier time of it for some reason' bonus might end up coming from.
Nobody could have a better affinity than the person its literally based on. This is a case where "Be more like me" is genuine and potentially useful advise.
Guys, I don't know where your heads are at, but I'm not voting for spending more DF than we spent for Branalhune on runing our sidearms.
We have loads of DF, we are getting even more DF after the Expedition and we still have the AV...

It is easily affordable and it gives our most underpowered part of our arsenal a significant increase in its effectiveness without costing us AP so I think is a solid investment...
Guys, let's hold off on getting our Runed guns until after we've had the chance to enter the Kickflip Zone. Runesmiths don't have the ability to be too creative in that area, so we can outsource that to the radical folks on the radical zone. They got a rapid firing battle cannon with a tendency to jam? Reliability and Accuracy runes. Machine pistols? Runes to make each of the many bullets hit much harder. Flamethrower pistols? Apply even more fire.

Let's wait to see what all the options are before we splurge there.

Gyrocarriage seem so like a neat purchase so we can start mucking about with enchanted engineering.

On the rooms: Trophy Room or we riot.
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A wooden statue of yourself, carved by a settler of the Hunter's Hills as a ward against the Undead.
I don't think anyone pointed it out, but this is now on our character sheet in our Home in K8P section.

The whole holiday gathering was extremely cute. A lot longer than I expected, but my guess is that the tale grew in the telling.
Gyrocarriage seem so like a neat purchase so we can start mucking about with enchanted engineering.

On the rooms: Trophy Room or we riot.
I'd rather wait until after the expedition to muck around with enchanted engineering.

Agreed on Trophy Room. The statuette of herself needs a place of honor, or possibly to lurk in the shadows, I haven't decided.
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If our goal for the guns is to grab the best possible, then we should wait after the KD expedition.

If our goal for the guns is to help us live longer, then we should upgrade them before the expedition so we can benefit from the increased utility.
Voting is open