Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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So 'the silver savage' going to be our new elf nickname then? I suppose given we will be heading to Nagarythe the 'savage' part will make apt but how will we explain the silver? Should we start wearing lighter robes?

Silver is pretty close to grey, and we're the Loremaster of the Queen of the Silver Depths. And by elf standards, we are pretty savage. As far as names go, it fits quite well.
I'm not romatically inclined to Anton at all, but I am very glad that it looks like we'll be meeting with him - he's been an excellent friend to us for a long time now, and I'd like to say our farewells before heading off to hell in case things go poorly.
[X] [ROMANCE] Elector Countess Roswita van Hal
[X] [ROMANCE] Baron Anton Kiesinger II
[X] [ROMANCE] The Ice Dragon of Karag Zilfin
[X] [ROMANCE] Chief Bombardier Oswald Oswaldson

I'll romance round Good Hope, and round the Horn, and round the Norway Maelstrom, and round perdition's flame before I give it up!
[X] Barak Varr, to watch the progress of the canal.
[X] Kasmir, to see how he's keeping himself busy in Sylvania.
[X] Julia, to see what she has gotten up to as Stirland's most experienced spy master.
[X] Eike Hochschild, to get to know your future business partner.
I'm not romatically inclined to Anton at all, but I am very glad that it looks like we'll be meeting with him - he's been an excellent friend to us for a long time now, and I'd like to say our farewells before heading off to hell in case things go poorly.
Also, we will probably get an update on his own romance quest.

That'd honestly be enough for me to vote for the option even if it wasn't for the shipping.
[X] Agree
[X] [ROMANCE] Journeywoman Panoramia
[X] [ROMANCE] Magister Johann
[X] [ROMANCE] Elector Countess Roswita van Hal
[X] [ROMANCE] The Ice Dragon of Karag Zilfin
[X] Kasmir, to see how he's keeping himself busy in Sylvania.
[X] The Amber College, to check in on the salamanders.
[X] Follow up on your donation of the Skaven organ-vat, and see what has been made of it.
[X] Pay a visit to your fief, to see if anything has changed. It probably hasn't.
[X] Agree
[X] [ROMANCE] Elector Countess Roswita van Hal
[X] [ROMANCE] Baron Anton Kiesinger II
[X] [ROMANCE] The Ice Dragon of Karag Zilfin
[X] [ROMANCE] Chief Bombardier Oswald Oswaldson
I'm stoked to be hanging out with asarnil and deathfang. Maybe he will teach us a dragon language we can use to talk to Ellen (I can't keep calling him "ice dragon" classic dragon pickup lines.
[X] Agree
[X] [ROMANCE] Baron Anton Kiesinger II
[X] [ROMANCE] Chief Bombardier Oswald Oswaldson
[X] [ROMANCE] Elector Countess Roswita van Hal
[X] [ROMANCE] The Ice Dragon of Karag Zilfin

Save me a spot on that bandwagon!
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[X] Agree
[X] [ROMANCE] Anton Kiesinger II
[X] [ROMANCE] Oswald Oswaldson
[X] [ROMANCE] Elector Countess Roswita van Hal
[X] [ROMANCE] The Ice Dragon of Karag Zilfin
[X] Agree

[X] [ROMANCE] Elector Countess Roswita van Hal
[X] [ROMANCE] Baron Anton Kiesinger II
[X] [ROMANCE] The Ice Dragon of Karag Zilfin
[X] [ROMANCE] Chief Bombardier Oswald Oswaldson
The Drucchi do have a string of city-sized watchtowers to defend against the forces of Chaos, seems likely they would have had at least one Everchosen show up on their doorstep to justify that expense.
Holy crap The Wall from Game OF Thrones would make perfect sense for Kislev to build.

[X] Agree
[X] [ROMANCE] Elector Countess Roswita van Hal
[X] [ROMANCE] Baron Anton Kiesinger II
[X] [ROMANCE] The Ice Dragon of Karag Zilfin
[X] Barak Varr, to watch the progress of the canal.
[X] The Amber College, to check in on the salamanders.
[X] Follow up on your donation of the Skaven organ-vat, and see what has been made of it.
[X] Stirland, to see for yourself how the war against Sylvania is progressing.
[X] [ROMANCE] Journeywoman Panoramia
[X] [ROMANCE] Elector Countess Roswita van Hal
[X] [ROMANCE] Baron Anton Kiesinger II
Horse drawn wagons are perfectly viable.

Here pics;

Wooden rails, too, in the second.
"The silver savage from Sylvania!"
New title? New alliterative title!
So, Ice Witches will make Mathilde pay for their aid instead of Dawi. Grumble grumble
As well as- they mentioned prices between the Dawi and themselves.
Sadly, Asarnil and Deathfang aren't an option for the Social Options. Aw.
There's 10 actions to spend before we leave, five of them are categorically locked on scouting and recruiting
I disagree about the absolute inviolability of pre-expedition scouting actions. We now have dragon air cover and sight range, as well.
I agree it's awkward on a narrative level, but also, like... these characters aren't necessarily going to wait for us to get to them.
Awkward to be advocating for mass block votes on a 'whole Social turn filled with romance options' too, for those who'd rather there weren't any.
Once again Magister Mathilde demonstrate her incredible diplomatic skills worthy of a Magister of the Grey Order!
Worthy of a Lady Magister, perhaps?
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[X] Agree
[X] [ROMANCE] Elector Countess Roswita van Hal
[X] [ROMANCE] Baron Anton Kiesinger II
[X] Kasmir, to see how he's keeping himself busy in Sylvania.
[X] Barak Varr, to watch the progress of the canal.
[X] Eike Hochschild, to get to know your future business partner.
[X] Elder Hluodwica, High Priestess of Esmerelda and civilian leader of the Eight Peaks Halflings.
[X] [ROMANCE] Magister Johann

I personally favor Johann over Panoramia (largely because Mathilde and Johann would be an amazing battle-couple) so I'm throwing that vote in on principle, but apart from that... eeh, I'm pretty sure the dragon vote is gonna win, but I think that it's a bit silly. Roswita and Anton, meanwhile, are not my preferred romantic candidates, but I am curious as to how they're doing!
[X] [ROMANCE] The Ice Dragon of Karag Zilfin
[X] [ROMANCE] Chief Bombardier Oswald Oswaldson
[X] [ROMANCE] Baron Anton Kiesinger II
[X] Kasmir, to see how he's keeping himself busy in Sylvania.
[X] Hubert, as he settles in to his niche with Ulrikadrin
[X] Julia, to see what she has gotten up to as Stirland's most experienced spy master.
Also note the "her gold wizards". She just had to say that she was going, and bam. Automatic yes from max and johann. Loyalty and trust :). They're marching to hell with us, no questions asked
'the silver savage' going to be our new elf nickname then? I suppose given we will be heading to Nagarythe the 'savage' part will make apt but how will we explain the silver? Should we start wearing lighter robes?
We wield a Gromril Greatsword, wear a Gromril Belt, and hold a staff of bone which emits silvery fog. I'd say we're pretty covered on that front.
It's complex. Azrildrekked is, if I'm not forgetting my Khazalid is one-who-completed-silvery-journey. Azril is the mst tricky part of the title, as it means silvery metal (possibl weapon metal), yet not silver. It was speculated to be an older term fro Gromril. And in this context it can also stand for Vala-Azril-Ungol, the ancient name of k8p. So, I'd boil it down to "one who ended Karak Eight Peaks jounrey". Can either be taken as a varient of crusader title, or, my favorite, "one who ended the wandering of Karak Eight Peaks people".
But a translation I really like is 'Silver Undertaker'. Unfortunately the triple meaning of 'undertaker' doesn't work in Khazalid.
The Reikspiel name of Karak Eight Peaks focused on the majesty of the mountains, but the Khazalid name of Vala-Azril-Ungol tells another story. 'Queen of the Silver Depths' goes the translation, but the metal 'silver' is Agril. Azril can mean the colour silver, and as Eight Peaks did mine and export a great deal of silver, most human scholars assume that is the origin of the name. But Agril and Azril aren't related in that way; the suffix -ril simply means a beautiful metal, and Azril has a second, older meaning, as Khazalid often gets crowded around metal names. Ag-ril is the aged metal, because its colour brings to mind the hair of a Longbeard. Az-ril is the weapon-metal, known better in these times as Grom-ril, the metal of defiance

...matilde is the gromril savage :V
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