Any plan to grant more institutional access to the colleges needs to have some very explicit mechanisms to prevent someone like Egrimm von Horstmann mucking things up. Even extremely high level college Magister Lords can be subverted by chaos or other things after all, and most orders are much less strict in their vetting than the Grey.* Even worse, college magisters are not immune to the sense of entitlement and bullshit that lead to things like a castle getting destroyed because they wouldn't pay the literal penny they shorted the dwarves on.
I'm rather sad that Boney has nixed any knowledge idea. I'd been hoping that after seeing Kragg's conversations with Algard over the winds there would be something useful we could learn about them from getting the perspective of a people who don't use the winds in a similar way.
I do like the idea to use a small amount to make our living quarters even more comfortable, particularly using the light rune to avoid triggering our arcane mark with open flames. Maybe trick out our bathroom even more? Otherwise materials seems like the best option.
*And the Grey let Mathilde "I read the liber mortis in my spare time" through.
I'm rather sad that Boney has nixed any knowledge idea. I'd been hoping that after seeing Kragg's conversations with Algard over the winds there would be something useful we could learn about them from getting the perspective of a people who don't use the winds in a similar way.
I do like the idea to use a small amount to make our living quarters even more comfortable, particularly using the light rune to avoid triggering our arcane mark with open flames. Maybe trick out our bathroom even more? Otherwise materials seems like the best option.
*And the Grey let Mathilde "I read the liber mortis in my spare time" through.