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Any plan to grant more institutional access to the colleges needs to have some very explicit mechanisms to prevent someone like Egrimm von Horstmann mucking things up. Even extremely high level college Magister Lords can be subverted by chaos or other things after all, and most orders are much less strict in their vetting than the Grey.* Even worse, college magisters are not immune to the sense of entitlement and bullshit that lead to things like a castle getting destroyed because they wouldn't pay the literal penny they shorted the dwarves on.

I'm rather sad that Boney has nixed any knowledge idea. I'd been hoping that after seeing Kragg's conversations with Algard over the winds there would be something useful we could learn about them from getting the perspective of a people who don't use the winds in a similar way.

I do like the idea to use a small amount to make our living quarters even more comfortable, particularly using the light rune to avoid triggering our arcane mark with open flames. Maybe trick out our bathroom even more? Otherwise materials seems like the best option.

*And the Grey let Mathilde "I read the liber mortis in my spare time" through.
I'm rather sad that Boney has nixed any knowledge idea. I'd been hoping that after seeing Kragg's conversations with Algard over the winds there would be something useful we could learn about them from getting the perspective of a people who don't use the winds in a similar way.

Their version of magic is a guild secret, a clan secret, and a cult secret all at the same time. It's amazing they let people know that Runes even exist.
Their version of magic is a guild secret, a clan secret, and a cult secret all at the same time. It's amazing they let people know that Runes even exist.
Well yes but given Kragg was happily having conversations on the nature of magic with Algard I was hoping to get something in that vein out of them. Something that they wouldn't mind sharing.
Hmm, thinking on that whole puppy anology from earlier, I wonder what the discovery of AV would be considered, since it's apparently a big enough discovery to put Runesmiths as a whole in our debt.
If ever there was a time to combine boons it might be now. Use the transcendent boon to get that dreadnought, then crazy runesmith favor to just riddle the thing with runes. Have the most enchanted boat in existence. Black arks can fuck off.
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Gah, it's my turn to be caught in the "it's time to sleep but also I'm hoping the update might post at any time" conundrum.
I'm in the same boat as well. Considering I ended up starting a cult to a daemon (albeit one not allied to the Ruinous Powers) thanks to lacking sleep, I should probably go to bed already.

Eh, it's Sunday tomorrow, I can afford to stay up a couple more hours.
If one of our long term goals is securing a longer invitation to Ulthuan, maybe we can ask for the phoenix crown and return it to the elves.
If one of our long term goals is securing a longer invitation to Ulthuan, maybe we can ask for the phoenix crown and return it to the elves.
That would require a much larger and absolutely ridiculous debt from the Karaz Ankor as a whole, not just the Runesmiths. Something like, for example, restoring their entire Waystone network connection. Or something.
If one of our long term goals is securing a longer invitation to Ulthuan, maybe we can ask for the phoenix crown and return it to the elves.
Boney's already said that they'd refuse to give it to us if they thought we'd give it to the elves. Getting respected enough to change that... might not be possible.

Maybe after the elves apologise for shaving the dwarfs' ambassador and beg for forgiveness.
It'd also be nice if they'd stop shaving Dwarfs.
Actually speaking of elves, the dwarfs probably looted a number of magical artefacts from them in the War of Vengeance. Assuming they didn't break them all they might still have some that'd be useful to us. Might be Cataclysm Spell tier stuff there.
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If one of our long term goals is securing a longer invitation to Ulthuan, maybe we can ask for the phoenix crown and return it to the elves.
There's been a discussion about this before:

How many favor for the Crown Of Ulthuan? Cause casually passing that to say...Alith Anar, Teclis or Asarnil before we go on our Dark Elf Killing Spree would dramatically change the nature of our Ulthuan Vacation.

I mean, Finbar is a hack and I dislike him but fixing dwarf/elf relations over killing dark elves sounds swell.
All of them forever. The Phoenix Crown was declared as the duly exacted payment for the few thousand grudges leading up to and including the War of Vengeance/Beard. The only real ways to make them give it up would be to convince them that the War was in error (so make it so Ulthuan is no longer responsible for all those grudges), give them something of equal value to show the Elves have learned and are choosing to give payment to settle the Grudge, or by military force. None are very likely.
This is absolutely the case for getting the Crown to return to the Elves, but if Mathilde wanted to get her hands on it for non-Elf uses, there might be room for negotiation.
Oh, I just had a great idea. What if we give Roswita an item with the Ancestor Rune of Valaya? That way if she dies she'll come back to life. An item with Regrowth would do the same but she'd reject such an item because of her phobia, but she'd accept the magical artifice of the dawi.
Oh, I just had a great idea. What if we give Roswita an item with the Ancestor Rune of Valaya? That way if she dies she'll come back to life. An item with Regrowth would do the same but she'd reject such an item because of her phobia, but she'd accept the magical artifice of the dawi.
Would she though? It's still magic.
She would. Her phobia specifically excludes dwarf magic. Cult of Sigmar even says it's kosher. I mean she carries the Runefang on her all the time right?
...that seems like a massive double-standard. I mean, I agree that it seems to be the case, and technically dwarf magic is much safer, but... when you consider magic itself to be unnatural and a curse it just seems kinda stupid to say "except those guys. Those guys are cool." Freaking Warhammer.
...that seems like a massive double-standard. I mean, I agree that it seems to be the case, and technically dwarf magic is much safer, but... when you consider magic itself to be unnatural and a curse it just seems kinda stupid to say "except those guys. Those guys are cool." Freaking Warhammer.
Wind magic is Chaos magic - this is truth, not just propaganda, to the shock and disappointment of Teclis' students. Dwarf magic is not Chaos magic.
Dwarven magic does have the advantage of being entirely reliable, it won't randomly explode or corrupt you. That's a pretty big difference.
Edit: this is a long shot, but Karaz-a-Karak may also retain sealed records of the collaboration between elven wizards and runesmiths that could be very enlightening.
I really like this idea. We can even share it with the College, in return for some tasty College favor.
A cool new gun and some infrastructure sound fun too (I particularly like the practise multi-wind casting area).

As for my own ideas:
Force-field talisman. Get runic talisman that provides a force-field, if not for us then maybe for Wolf.

Banner Runes. There are some pretty nice banners that Dwarfs can make, they're good just for ourselves or effective when working with others. We've got the favor to spare so why not?
Master Rune of Grungi: 5+ Ward Save for units within 6 against shooting attacks and magic missiles (60 points)
Master Rune of Valaya: gives a +2 to any dispel attempts and at the start of the next friendly magic phase dispels any remains in play spell on a 3+ (roll each spell separately) (65 points)
Strollerz Rune: gives the bearers unit the vanguard special rule (35 points)

Awesome Airship/Flying Tower: Hell yes! All the other wizards will be green with envy.

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