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I wonder if we could make a Seviriscope for a dwarf by doing something with the Rune of Brotherhood with a wizard and runelord who know each other very well, with the wizard knowing arcane dwarf and the rune that allows transcription/reverse transcription of dwarven languages. Basically, have the Rune of Brotherhood (and other runes in the array) be the only thing that touches the dwarf's mind, with it somehow taking direct information from the Wind enchantment and contextual knowledge and understanding from the wizard.
I think we might have better luck with an Illusion output and dump it out there than to try to interface it like that. Its a full spectrum sensory illusion that all happens outside the body.
From Warhammer Dwarfs 8th Edition, page 56
Even as a beardling, Grimm exhibited all the signs of a skilled inventor; when other aspirants were still learning basic principles, he had already constructed a self-lighting pipe, a steam-powered beard-braider and a double-barrelled rifle that could kill a half-dozen grobi with one shot. [...]

Grimm's rebellious ways are not unexpected, for his father also went beyond the experimentations attempted by all headstrong young Engineers. Only a tragic accident and the ritual humiliation ofa close comrade forced Burlok to change his ways, and many say that Grimm is heading down the same wrong path. Unheeding of advice, Grimm continues to forego the precision tuning so beloved by his guild and instead focuses on the trial and error ofhis own bold inventions. He has devised a telescopic sight that fits over his battle helm and better allows him to triangulate aiming computations, and those who have fired using his enhanced black powder and modified crossbow bolts find their range greatly increased. In emulation of his father's augmentations, Grimm has invented his own steam-powered gauntlet, thus increasing his own strength significantly.
Looks like the dwarfs have steam-powered augmetics, just like the Empire does in WFRP 4e. And his father isn't a radical anymore, which means the technology is fairly mature rather than something new.
You know, when all those translations kick in, the dwarves may be about to add so many Grudges to the tally, that the High King might have anemia for a while.
To a degree, I wonder if we could try to show Kragg what we see in Bok with Illusion.
Just superimpose the Illusion precisely, on top of what we see.

If that doesn't work, the Enchanted goggles might be required to work like A.R. goggles, showing in a limited arc what our Magesight would reveal to us. Would it be possible to 'encode' that into an enchanted item, based on Illusion, I wonder?

Hmm. The proposal is serious, but me being me.... hmm.
Mathildes Aethyrical Sevir Kaleidoscope
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Is there anything we actually want or need right now? Because buying something just because we can seems like a waste. I'd rather bank it. I'd also like to give at least a tithe of it to the colleges, even if no one expects us to. We've just had such an excess of it in total that we should spread the love around at least a little.
You want to... tithe favor? As stated, I'm pretty sure it doesn't work like that. Even then, I really don't think this should become another matter of letting massive debts sit for a while. Chances are that's why Boney straight up warned us that we should start talking about a way to spend the favour.
Kragg: why didn't you bring it to me?
Mathilde: you were busy with Bok, and i can't help you with that...
Kragg: ... Fine!

All our favor is gone :)

Kragg, to Thorek: That' is my Mathilde. GO FIND YOUR OWN!

And thus begins the newest, most secretive genre of romance: Runesmith romance, featuring Runesmiths chasing after wizards :V
Edit: and of course runesmiths feuding about the attention of wizards... :V
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I think one if the first problems for a Seviroscope is developing a witchsight notation, although Mathilde is more lucky in that regard, as she gets most info in visual form. However, some she gets in smell/taste form (waagh, for example), and that needs to be converted.
I think one if the first problems for a Seviroscope is developing a witchsight notation, although Mathilde is more lucky in that regard, as she gets most info in visual form. However, some she gets in smell/taste form (waagh, for example), and that needs to be converted.

That's true but as long as the notation or equivalence is consistent then a person with obsessive levels of focus and a lifespan measured in millennia is going to be able to make use of it be able to study things even if it would be slow. Kragg is at the stage where anything would be better than what he could do right now.
I think one if the first problems for a Seviroscope is developing a witchsight notation, although Mathilde is more lucky in that regard, as she gets most info in visual form. However, some she gets in smell/taste form (waagh, for example), and that needs to be converted.
Mmmm, perhaps. The required scope of application is limited- seeing what's in Boks 'runesoul'. We'd only need to 'encode' the information required to convey those...
If it can do more (on a better roll, say), that's a boon, but perhaps not strictly required. Illusion can do sight, sound and smell- so it might struggle with our metallic-waaagh-taste sense, yes.
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That's true but as long as the notation or equivalence is consistent then a person with obsessive levels of focus and a lifespan measured in millennia is going to be able to make use of it be able to study things even if it would be slow. Kragg is at the stage where anything would be better than what he could do right now.
Mapping each aspect of a sense to algebraic vector notation might work, though since its a highly subjective sense that needs to be exhaustively converted to numbers and cannot be assisted, Mathilde may feel like spitting blood at the end of it.
A reminder that we can not cast MMAPP yet, and that it would make an amazing vector for conveying visual information without having to have a spell's magic interact with anyone directly.
I got nothing for non visual senses, though.
A reminder that we can not cast MMAPP yet, and that it would make an amazing vector for conveying visual information without having to have a spell's magic interact with anyone directly.
I got nothing for non visual senses, though.
Illusion does every sense. Its normally used for illusions but holographic interfaces are fine too.
We'd need another Enchantment skillup though, which fortunately, is the same skill we'd use for making our staves extra fancy.
Renegade Lahmian with nonstandard curses. Tears of the Innocent and the Touch of Laiteru, or however you spell that, rather than sunlight or running water. It makes sense that a rare combination like that would be kept secret and safe while she built up her power, but her master bit it before they could undo the mental blocks keeping her from realizing her true nature and acting out of character.
What about a Carstein? Our most likely sire is Abelheim, and it would be fitting that he's of that line. Maybe an attempt to restart, so his descendants are less disappointing monsters. that are meant to be given to people via bolt thrower are probably okay?
... sounds about right.
When Mathilde has a cat moment and drops the head of an enemy leader on you, firing it back at them with a ballista sounds dwarfish.
Like if the puppy picked up a marker in its mouth and started drawing differential equations on the whiteboard.
I want this so bad.
I'm telling you man become the family dog! That way we can get head pats for the little bro and the big bro will secretly pet us when nobody is around cause he can't let anyone see he is such a softy. Maybe if we are lucky his girlfriend will come over one day and the everqueen will pet us too!
This is total nonsense. We would be the family cat.
Because "and then Mathilde was a wisdom asp", sounds like a very fun twist outcome to the thread's AV obsession.
Twist? I've been hoping for that outcome for a while now. It's one of my ascension plans. I think I at least mentioned it the madness before the last update.
"No, no. The Runesmithing isn't the good news. Whatever gave you that idea?"
"So I went to KraggThorek with a little project I've been working on. Turns out he's a fan! Anyway, I need a few negotiators for a trade relationship with the Colleges, you know how dwarfs are with debts. Drives the poor dears nuts."
"What? No, that's not the best kind of news. Here's some Queekish, bye."
And then Mathilde runs away giggling.
What about if we used the favours to get the runesmiths to make that massive rune-powered mine cart (read: train) that Belegar's council thought was too expensive to make? Connecting directly to Karak Azul or Barak Varr would be massively economically and militarily good.
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For runesmith favor: How about a mega-gun (or more accurately, small handheld projectile thrower, acronym pending).
The idea of a runed gun has been around for a while, but never caught on because the favor-to-bang rate is expected to be poor since guns are too new. One option would be to use a highly compact crossbow instead, but that would need engineering favor too, and probably have similar issues.

BUT: Isn't Thoreks whole deal going "here's a rune solution, you don't need no weird engineering"?

So, fully runic gun. There's at least one solid option for accelerating the projectile (Kraggs rune on the hammer of a revolver). Or whatever other thing Thorekt decides to use to show up Kragg (because the strength thing is Kragg's rune the same way the 'Superior Skill' rune was aimed at Thoreks pet project). I think stiring up the rivalry would be good for both. It gives Kragg some excitement (you know he's had a ton of fun with the sword, even if he'll never admit it), and it might push the runic development in general. If the two preeminent figures are doing it, then it must be the right and proper thing to do, right?

The gun might also be a better stealth option than anything possible with gunpowder, so there's a good niche for it there.
EDIT: It will also be cool.
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