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Johann is currently planning on repeating the ritual to fix his sight, and doing that sort of thing would mess that up.

Sure but the other points still stands, Johann is literally crippled right now and I think an action towards helping him would be rather sensible even if it has nothing to do with fixing his eyes. Helping him hone his magesight for instance would do double duty.
Ducklingwise hm. My priority right now is like

1) Hubert- He needs to wizard up or mosey on. Learn a spell ya dang jock! You could be a flying, lightning flinging, probability tampering magic swordsman if you just applied yourself!

2) Johann- Getting him operational is pretty important, sooner the better, but at least he'll be able to try again with time even if we don't help out.

3) Adela- More experiments. More papers. Let's go! Also learn some more spells you dang gearhead!

4) Max- I'd like to push him toward magistering eventually, and he's building up a good paper credit portfolio for proving he's been journeying well. I don't imagine he'll actually leave anytime soon though, so it works for us either way. Also learn some more spells you dang bookworm!

5) Panoramia- She could go get her Magister exam done and save a little bit of tithe money, but no real rush. Maybe pick up some spell scrolls while she's at school.

6) Gretel- She's made herself a permanent fixture and has plans to entertain/improve herself. Also learn some more spells you dang goth!
Flex actions upcoming- I'd like to support our local wizards, I think. Panoramia needs help polishing for magister, we promised Adel that we'd write a paper on skaven lighting with her, and honestly Gretel might be a really good choice to take up to Sylvania some time to see the dead and the battle magic.
I would like to help her polishing for Magister by looking into those shrooms with her, if it goes well, those would be nice to have under her belt imo.

Also, to do anything with Hubert at all.
Sure but the other points still stands, Johann is literally crippled right now and I think an action towards helping him would be rather sensible even if it has nothing to do with fixing his eyes. Helping him hone his magesight for instance would do double duty.
He'll be trying again as soon as his eyes aren't open wounds. That should only be a few weeks, frankly; maybe a month or two. He'll definitely be going in the next turn.
Ducklingwise hm. My priority right now is like

1) Hubert- He needs to wizard up or mosey on. Learn a spell ya dang jock! You could be a flying, lightning flinging, probability tampering magic swordsman if you just applied yourself!

2) Johann- Getting him operational is pretty important, sooner the better, but at least he'll be able to try again with time even if we don't help out.

3) Adela- More experiments. More papers. Let's go! Also learn some more spells you dang gearhead!

4) Max- I'd like to push him toward magistering eventually, and he's building up a good paper credit portfolio for proving he's been journeying well. I don't imagine he'll actually leave anytime soon though, so it works for us either way. Also learn some more spells you dang bookworm!

5) Panoramia- She could go get her Magister exam done and save a little bit of tithe money, but no real rush. Maybe pick up some spell scrolls while she's at school.

6) Gretel- She's made herself a permanent fixture and has plans to entertain/improve herself. Also learn some more spells you dang goth!
With Johann, we can't really do anything to speed up his recovery; healing magic can't be safely used on his eyes for several years, but he can try the ritual again as soon as they're fully scarred over. Basically, we're stuck waiting on that and don't have any way to reduce how long it'll take. What we probably can do, however, is help him out during the recovery period so he's not quite so crippled during it.
I would like to help her polishing for Magister by looking into those shrooms with her, if it goes well, those would be nice to have under her belt imo.

Also, to do anything with Hubert at all.
Eh... Panoramia's in absolutely no hurry to get herself promoted, and she's got her job well handled at the moment. Not a lot we can really do there that'll actually be useful and appreciated- in her position, 'Magister' is just a fancy title with no real value.
Not a lot we can really do there that'll actually be useful and appreciated\

"Okay, leave him alone," you say, and Hubert is foolish enough to shoot you a grateful look. "Whatever form of dismounted swordplay he practices with the General is between him and her." Gretel and Adela dissolve into laughter, and Max and Johann are both fighting back grins. Panoramia, to your surprise, is blushing almost as much as poor Hubert. Weren't Jades supposed to be more worldly?

How about sharing some romance novels? :V
What we probably can do, however, is help him out during the recovery period so he's not quite so crippled during it.

Eh... Panoramia's in absolutely no hurry to get herself promoted, and she's got her job well handled at the moment. Not a lot we can really do there that'll actually be useful and appreciated- in her position, 'Magister' is just a fancy title with no real value.
Regarding Johann, I'd actually prefer to not spend an action helping him - he has wolf-rats to assist, I'm presuming wolf will be ok with being his seeing eye dog (that can talk!) on occasion, and as further argument, the man has the pride of someone who has succeeded in a sink or swim environment - though I'm not going to argue too hard against helping our (temporarily) blind friend on principle now, I'll argue instead as to why the things I want more are better...

...I really do hope Wolf helps Johann on his own initiative.
Regarding Panoramia; I totally agree. She's ok with not being Magister, it gets her nothing from her pov.

I'm just really interested in those 'shrooms, and am hoping to pitch the idea to the "pro magister" groups and different people who are "pro 'shrooms" so that they consolidate on this compromise position so we can get it voted in (because it will help with her magister test if the 'shrooms action goes well when she gets round to it)

Tell, me reader, don't you love 'shrooms? ;)

Edit: One thing we can do is if Johann's only got enough cash for one and a bit more tries is maybe give him a small interest free loan if he fails a second time, (depending on just how expensive the procedure is.)
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Regarding Johann, I'd actually prefer to not spend an action helping him - he has wolf-rats to assist, I'm presuming wolf will be ok with being his seeing eye dog (that can talk!) on occasion, and as further argument, the man has the pride of someone who has succeeded in a sink or swim environment - though I'm not going to argue too hard against helping our (temporarily) blind friend on principle now, I'll argue instead as to why the things I want more are better...

...I really do hope Wolf helps Johann on his own initiative.
Regarding Panoramia; I totally agree. She's ok with not being Magister, it gets her nothing from her pov.

I'm just really interested in those 'shrooms, and am hoping to pitch the idea to the "pro magister" groups and different people who are "pro 'shrooms" so that they consolidate on this compromise position so we can get it voted in (because it will help with her magister test if the 'shrooms action goes well when she gets round to it)

Tell, me reader, don't you love 'shrooms? ;)
Mushrooms in a curry or stir fry, or lightly fried by themselves with garlic and butter, are absolutely delicious. Raw, it very much depends on the type- chestnut and white mushrooms work pretty well, but I'm not so keen on some others.
Mushrooms in a curry or stir fry, or lightly fried by themselves with garlic and butter, are absolutely delicious. Raw, it very much depends on the type- chestnut and white mushrooms work pretty well, but I'm not so keen on some others.
I'm actually not big fan, they're alright now as an adult, but mostly have them fried (though garlic makes everything better). Hated them as a kid though.

Some peeps I met once had them in tea, and it's fun to make jokes about that sort of thing, but apparently they taste like how old sweaty socks smell :/.

"Hallucinogenic mushrooms, not even once! (They taste bad, apparently)"
With Johann, we can't really do anything to speed up his recovery; healing magic can't be safely used on his eyes for several years, but he can try the ritual again as soon as they're fully scarred over. Basically, we're stuck waiting on that and don't have any way to reduce how long it'll take. What we probably can do, however, is help him out during the recovery period so he's not quite so crippled during it.

Getting him operational to me more means making sure he can get around the Karak and such, whether he's working full-time or not. Whether that's hiring a guide for him or getting the wolf-rats like seeing eye training or what I dunno!

His workhorse "cheat the information out of the object" spells should theoretically still work for deciphering things, so we could still put him on Examine The Thing tasks if we were feeling mean. :V The one spell just specifies needing to touch the object at least.

I'm presuming wolf will be ok with being his seeing eye dog (that can talk!) on occasion,

Johann and Wolf don't share a spoken language. :V
Inflexible Magic: While his magic excels at a handful of tasks, some have proven to be completely out of his reach.
Inflexible Magic, eh.
No knowledge of the language of College Magic, huh.
Young Apprentice Johann blowing off boring Lingua classes to try to sneak peaks at Magisters undergoing Gilding, or to go sneak into/punch up non-gold-Wizard Alchemist Labs.
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As a rule of thumb, physical effects are fine, mental effects are not. There's some evidence that mental runes might be able to apply to non-Dwarves, but that has a sample size of a single event and there's a huge amount of variables that would need locking down before you should feel at all comfortable entrusting Mathlide's brainmeats to it.

Oh yeah, that whole human mercs affected by Kragg's rune thing that may or may not have affected their brains thing.

Uh...thinking about it maybe we should have looked into that.
I could have sworn there was a scene where he admitted he didn't speak Lingua but I was actually remembering the bit where we captured a druchii, and he was like "You speak elf?" And Mathilde immediately came back with "You don't?"

My head combined the scene with the Reikspiel+Bad Reikspiel quote from a few weeks ago. :V Got the spirit of it right still though!
Oh yeah, that whole human mercs affected by Kragg's rune thing that may or may not have affected their brains thing.

Uh...thinking about it maybe we should have looked into that.
Thing is, we have exactly zero IC justification for doing so. I don't think we even know Kragg used a rune on them, let alone what it does and how it works. And even if we do learn about it IC... well, honestly? Kragg would be far better suited to investigating the consequences than we are. We know next to nothing about runelore in general and actually nothing about the specific rune in question, while he's the greatest living master of the art.
Really, Johann being blind is just part of his training montage. If you're going to be a sneaky punchwizard, you better learn how to punch in darkness.
Hence why we need to train him in aura vision(mage sight).

So what if you cannot see light reflected off their bodies if you can simply see the Winds gathering inside their souls!
Hence why we need to train him in aura vision(mage sight).

So what if you cannot see light reflected off their bodies if you can simply see the Winds gathering inside their souls!
"OH SHIT! What is that colosal void, like a gaping, hateful wound into the very fabric of magic!?"

"It's just Kragg, you learn to ignore the constant push upon our tainted souls, look he is coming this way, hi Kragg!"
Kragg would be far better suited to investigating the consequences than we are. We know next to nothing about runelore in general and actually nothing about the specific rune in question, while he's the greatest living master of the art.
He probably needs some reminding too.

Mathilde: Could you please Do This Thing before all these guys die of old age? And also get back with the results before I die of old age?
There is no way Johann doesn't speak lingua praestantia.

It sure doesn't make a boatload of sense for wizard folk, but also the same 'Johann only speaks Reikspiel/Bad Reikspiel' response has been broken out in two different translation situations, so Big Shrug.

Until otherwise corrected I'm just chocking it up to being a weirdness related to his being a one aspect savant with Chamon, whilst being incapable of even some basic spells. 🧙‍♂️
Is it bad that I want to use this opportunity to get Mathilde and Johannto get together, via the Florence Nightingale effect? It'd take place organically in the narrative itself but it does feel rather opportunistic/manipulative.
Until otherwise corrected I'm just chocking it up to being a weirdness related to his being a one aspect savant with Chamon, whilst being incapable of even some basic spells. 🧙‍♂️
I mean, Johann has basically memorized two or three spells (Tale of Metal, Breach the Unknown, and the super-coordination one), while all the other stuff he does has been alchemy/engineering/melee combat. That doesn't really count for 'knowing' lingua praestantia.

So, yeah - its weirdness related to Johann's Chamon idiot-savant thing.
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