So for the vote itself:
-Entrance: Given that this gates our living space, our prison AND our superweapon, I think Checkpoint is a given.
-Rooms: Bedroom, Library and Vault are must haves. The question is whether a personal Ranald shrine would be nicer or a practical room? Or a Provision Room so we can continue dwarf assimilation by being suited to siege for a whole year in our room if need be.
Duckling wise, we can categorize into a few groups:
-Growth opportunities:
--Sword Teaching(Hubert, Adela, Gretel) - This would ensure we're less worried about their melee performance next brawl, though next brawl IS a bit away.
--Target Range(Hubert, Adela, Maxmillian) - Or we could encourage them to be better shots. Might encourage Gretel to pick up a ranged spell?
--Adela Engineering - I'd point out that the resident Engineer is a Radical and probably perfectly happy to teach her something with a minimal Favor cost. It'd mean she becomes useful for non-combat activities sooner. Note that this is likely to take 3+ turns to see fruit, though it costs us nothing.
-Research assistance:
--Panoramia's Magic Mushrooms - Research backlog is...research backlog. She's busy for a while.
--Johann's Ratling Gun - I'm guessing Johann's Learning isn't high enough to actually understand what Breach is giving him and he's not about to ask a Journeyman of his own college. That's just embarassing. It might help if we had Adela learn Engineering proper.
--Johann's Puppy Play - Puppy!
--Hubert's Glory - No worries, lots of things to kill here.
--Gretel's Loot - This might work better if we do a combo Loot Everything turn where We, Johann and Gretel go on an acquisition trip
I'm somewhat in favor of setting Adela on her path to being useful for more than stabbing things inefficiently given her low Martial.
-Entrance: Given that this gates our living space, our prison AND our superweapon, I think Checkpoint is a given.
-Rooms: Bedroom, Library and Vault are must haves. The question is whether a personal Ranald shrine would be nicer or a practical room? Or a Provision Room so we can continue dwarf assimilation by being suited to siege for a whole year in our room if need be.
Duckling wise, we can categorize into a few groups:
-Growth opportunities:
--Sword Teaching(Hubert, Adela, Gretel) - This would ensure we're less worried about their melee performance next brawl, though next brawl IS a bit away.
--Target Range(Hubert, Adela, Maxmillian) - Or we could encourage them to be better shots. Might encourage Gretel to pick up a ranged spell?
--Adela Engineering - I'd point out that the resident Engineer is a Radical and probably perfectly happy to teach her something with a minimal Favor cost. It'd mean she becomes useful for non-combat activities sooner. Note that this is likely to take 3+ turns to see fruit, though it costs us nothing.
-Research assistance:
--Panoramia's Magic Mushrooms - Research backlog is...research backlog. She's busy for a while.
--Johann's Ratling Gun - I'm guessing Johann's Learning isn't high enough to actually understand what Breach is giving him and he's not about to ask a Journeyman of his own college. That's just embarassing. It might help if we had Adela learn Engineering proper.
--Johann's Puppy Play - Puppy!
--Hubert's Glory - No worries, lots of things to kill here.
--Gretel's Loot - This might work better if we do a combo Loot Everything turn where We, Johann and Gretel go on an acquisition trip
I'm somewhat in favor of setting Adela on her path to being useful for more than stabbing things inefficiently given her low Martial.