Anyone have any ideas for tags? "battle mountain" (or the long version of it) or "commence primary ignition" come to mind, of course. Also something Eye of Sauron related.
Boiling forth from the structure is a gushing sea of Orcs and Goblins, and even as some tumble into lava-flooded ravines or are obliterated by lightning strikes, the majority keep going as the power of the Waaagh fills them with bloodlust.
With a terrible groaning that drowns out everything else, the earth tears itself open in front of the lines of man as the greenskins near, and hundreds, thousands tumble in as the press that continues all the way to the Citadel makes stopping or even slowing impossible, and the embrace of molten rock accounts for every one of them.
For one, singular instant, I noticed there was invisitext there and became instantly convinced it was going to say "The romance novels she got from the drucchi prepared her for this."
You know, I think it would be a reasonable idea to pick the "Add More Paranoia" Tower option the next turn...
I mean, this tower's probably exceeded expectations and fears, so... All the more important to have good security for it, yeah? (So long as, like, of course, the precautions don't actually get in the way of using it well y'know? No counter-productiveness, please. Hopefully, anyway.)
Anyone have any ideas for tags? "battle mountain" (or the long version of it) or "commence primary ignition" come to mind, of course. Also something Eye of Sauron related.
Dwarves and internal magic don't tend to mix very well, especially over extended periods of time. Its one thing to try an emergency revival, another entirely to
Also from what we can tell their birthrate problem is more cultural than biological. Dwarves tend to have children deliberately, for specific purposes, rather than to sate their libido, so they tend to have the Heir, the Spare, they really want to bring another child into this world going into the dumps?
The problem with Dwarf population is that 1 in 4 Dwarf births are women, women typically only have four children in their lifetime at most, and the men often die so they can't keep their numbers up. Also, Dwarfs take way too long to grow up, they're only considered to be adults at 30 years old, and only truly respected at 70. All of that together makes for a cocktail of misery for Dwarf population numbers.
You know, I think it would be a reasonable idea to pick the "Add More Paranoia" Tower option the next turn...
I mean, this tower's probably exceeded expectations and fears, so... All the more important to have good security for it, yeah? (So long as, like, of course, the precautions don't actually get in the way of using it well y'know? No counter-productiveness, please. Hopefully, anyway.)
Anyone have any ideas for tags? "battle mountain" (or the long version of it) or "commence primary ignition" come to mind, of course. Also something Eye of Sauron related.
You know, I think it would be a reasonable idea to pick the "Add More Paranoia" Tower option the next turn...
I mean, this tower's probably exceeded expectations and fears, so... All the more important to have good security for it, yeah? (So long as, like, of course, the precautions don't actually get in the way of using it well y'know? No counter-productiveness, please. Hopefully, anyway.)
Anyone have any ideas for tags? "battle mountain" (or the long version of it) or "commence primary ignition" come to mind, of course. Also something Eye of Sauron related.
Female Protagonist jumped to the top of the tag word cloud. A few hours ago, before it was added to this quest, it didn't even appear. Now it's the biggest.
Good lord, I wonder if Kragg decided to do something with Ancestor Runes for this...
And just imagine. Imagine how it might get once we reveal the Quintessence to him, too... What might we get up to then?
Actually... Having Essence on hand might also have very interesting potential for battle-towers and enchantments too, might it not? It offers a way to recharge a tower or bound spell or magic item...
... Or. What about the opposite?
Is it possible to make a tower, or set of 8 towers, that could work on making more of such Quintessence? (AP-hell-problems.jpg)
Dwarves and internal magic don't tend to mix very well, especially over extended periods of time. Its one thing to try an emergency revival, another entirely to
Yeah, that was... another thing I was thinking about. "Should I re-post that post now, or wait until after the update...? ... Well, it couldn't hurt to bring up the topic again, I guess."
But that's a good point, yes. The update may give us a catchy turn of phrase or descriptor or bit of dialogue, that we could work with.
[*] Plan Redshirt v5 (Different Max Action)
-[*] COIN: Gambler
-[-] MAX: Allow him to spend his time on patrol with the gyrocopters so he can finally get to shoot something from one. (NEW)
-[-] JOHANN: Learn a skill: Pugilism, from a trainer.
-[*] DUCK: Work with Panoramia to see if your planned shadow murder tower could also come in handy for the crops in the East Valley.
-[-] EIC: Have the EIC assist with Princess Edda's search for weavers.
-[-] WE: Hire a Priest of Esmerelda to teach the We.
-[*] Travel to the Grey College and attend lessons there:
--[*] Enchanting
--[*] Attempt to Learn Multiple Spells
---[*] Apply Coin
-[*] Investigate the possibility of whether it could be fired without you [tricky; if selected and successful, paranoia will be ramped up automatically]
--[*] Spend 10 College Favor to entice Algard to help build the tower.
-[*] Investigate the possibility of somehow amplifying the Tower with Dwarven runecraft
-[-] OVERWORK: Seek to establish an in-depth understanding of the Skaven as an individual.
-[*] PENTHOUSE: Have additional rooms excavated underneath your Penthouse: -75gc for 3 rooms.
-[-] SERENITY: Write a paper on the suite of advanced zombie empowerment and control spells used by Alkharad and his disciples.
You've been neglecting the more mundane parts of your living quarters in favour of the fantastical, but you're finally dislodged from the entrance hall / bedroom / library you've been calling your home all this time and forced to move everything down into the unused room beneath on a temporary basis, at least until the next floor down is excavated and you can start setting up a proper home. Teams of smiths and architects stream in and out as the framework of the Grey Tower is reinforced with steel. And not just any steel, but steel that was smelted in the furnace that the Smelters and the Runesmiths of Karak Azul work together on, where every ingot is watched from birth to ensure no pesky Chamon sneaks in. Thorek's Apprentices guard the construction day and night to keep the metal untainted as well as to ward off ambient Azyr, and many find it more difficult than they expected because they're to ignore Ulgu instead of chasing off every wind. Thorek is merciless, considering it a good mental exercise.
The foundations simply need to be magically inert and stable instead of being the intricate enchanted components that will make the tower work, and they need to be far deeper than mere structural integrity would require to make the mountain become conceptually connected to the tower instead of merely the landscape it was built upon, so that will take a fair bit of time and you need only be present every other day or so. So you'll be spending the rest of your time for the next while in the Grey College, brushing up on your enchanting prowess and trying to fill in the gaps in your infiltration toolkit.
Despite your advancement in almost every other magical field, you've been letting your natural talents for enchantment lie neglected, and when you figure out which lecture matches your current skill level you're more than a little put out to find yourself sharing the audience with apprentices. But despite your misgivings, the teacher proves to be quite knowledgeable on the subject and easy to understand. He's one of the members of the Involuntary Retirement Club, who made powerful enough enemies that even with their abilities, leaving the College grounds for extended periods is no longer feasible for them, and many fill their hours with teaching. All go by the name of Grey, despite their deeds being famous enough in the Grey College that everyone knows them.
Despite the skill of your teacher and more than a few long discussions during Office Hours, pushing the limits of your enchantment ability is a long, uphill battle that you need to engage your full concentration to make progress in, and you're forced to ignore innumerable intriguing tangents and niche avenues of improvement to focus entirely on the fundamentals. After an excruciating month-long slog, you're finally able to claim to have reached a new level of understanding for enchantment, and are eager to go do something else, anything else.
Luckily for you, the other purpose for your being here is a lot more engaging: spells.
[A Reconsideration of Suitability: 37+37(College Rep)+10(Great Deed)+20(Ranald's Blessing)=104.]
Your primary hope is that there'll be someone teaching Shroud of Invisibility, or failing that Cloak Activity or Illusion, anything to make you less likely to end up perforated by Orc choppas. But when you start asking around the College Secretariat about class availability, significant, thoughtful looks start being exchanged, and even though you know each of them could tell you in an instant which classes are available, you're told to wait while they check and they disappear into the depths of the College. Trying to figure out if your initial guess as to what's going on is possibly true or mere blind hope, you do your best not to fidget as you wait and after what feels like a lifetime, the Secretary returns and starts to lay out the available courses, but also tells you to leave your schedule open for a week-long period in the near future. He doesn't say why, and in the Grey College, if a Secretary doesn't say why, asking is an open invitation to be fed a shaggy dog story.
To your utter frustration, the scheduling seems deliberately designed to obstruct you, and the only available teacher for a spell you don't already know is someone teaching Shadow Knives. Which, okay, certainly a powerful and very useful spell, but that does nothing to fix the 'being murdered by Orcs' problem. You swallow your emotions, thank the Secretary for his time, and book the timeslots.
Shadow Knives is a spell that doesn't mesh well with Ulgu, name notwithstanding. Each Wind has areas in which it dominates and areas in which it can barely touch, and unfortunately, Ulgu is not the best fit for direct assault. But the world being what it was, that hadn't stopped a lot of past and present Grey Wizards from trying anyway, and one of the very few usable results was Shadow Knives, tapping into the cultural association of stealth with short blades to find an edge case where Ulgu can be convinced to produce a projectile weapon. It was still tricky enough that it took a Grey Magister to do what almost any Bright Apprentice could manage, but it was easily scalable and came with the side-benefit of ignoring magically-inert armour in favour of embedding itself in living flesh or unliving magical construct. Your familiarity with blades makes the visualizations easy, but that the blades you're familiar with are significantly longer means it takes some time and practice to produce a trio of normal-sized daggers instead of what appears to be a stretched-out poniard. But you're finally able to consider the spell properly learned just as you reach the time period you were told to set aside.
You're glad you did. The faint smell of an uncleaned hearth forewarns you of Regimand's arrival, and that he simply appears in a chair opposite you instead of some more dramatic arrival indicates his weariness. Your questions are derailed when you notice the neatly-bound beard you've always known has disappeared, and instead faint wisps of smoke emanate constantly from his shockingly bare chin and cheeks. Amid grumbling at himself, he tells of his pursuit through the Middle Mountains of a Tzaangor Beastlord that had survived the extermination of their Warherd, but in a magical battle that had stretched from Hovelhof to Mierach, he had finally won by feinting with a deliberately malformed spell and then striking as the Tzaangor leapt on the opportunity. The result, it seems, was... that.
"Probably permanent, they tell me," he grumbles. "Better than losing a limb or an organ, I suppose, but..." he sighs. "Never mind. Now, you've been turning heads. Bad business, that was. Normally their own jealousy and paranoia prevents them from just mass-producing necromancers, but there's always going to be exceptions and it's a damn good thing you caught it before it had a chance to bloom. So partly because of that and partly because 'Court Wizard to a Dwarfhold' has been raising an eyebrow or two, it's been decided that you're to be given full access to Battle Magic." He raises a hand. "Don't celebrate just yet. Smoke and Mirrors is a grey area and I'll be more than happy to teach you that, but I've never taken a step further and I recommend you think long and hard before you do. Ulgu is my partner. Ulgu has been your partner. But that changes once you start channelling enough of it for Battle Magics. Enough magic in one place makes magic remember where it comes from, and it will be a war between you and Ulgu every time you use it." He grips his armrests and hauls himself to his feet. "I've said my piece, now let's get you teleporting."
Distracted though you are by the sight of a chin that's been covered for longer than you've been alive, you're glad that it's Regimand teaching you. Smoke and Mirrors is a devilishly tricky spell, and only the lexicon of jargon he uses to understand Ulgu and passed on to you allows him to teach you its workings in the mere weeks you have available. The spell itself is bizarre, as instead of being a single piece of magic, it is broken up into five components that can be inserted into any sufficiently powerful spell, and it can actually be easier to cast in this way than it is on its own. However, before you can learn to incorporate it into other spells you need to be able to cast it on its own, and for the first time you experience channelling Ulgu in quantity sufficient to shape a battlefield. It is not a good experience.
As Regimand said, Ulgu is your partner. You've grown used to its quirks and foibles, and have even been shaped by it even as you shaped it. But the personality of the Wind changes when there's enough of it in one place, and instead of being merely inherently ephemeral, it manifests a deliberate capriciousness that requires every ounce of your attention just to remain in control of. But you remain determined, and when it finally spots an opening and tears itself free, you grip it twice as hard and slam it into the array of copper studs protruding from the wall of the high-risk training room, and it's whisked away to wherever rogue magical energies are sunk. Perhaps it's your imagination, but the spell seems to cooperate a little more after that.
Finally you experience the extremely disconcerting sensation of changing your position between one instant and the next, and smile with pride as Regimand claps you on the shoulder, and watch the dispersing mist that retained your shape in your previous position for a fraction of a second.
You return to the Karak that has become your home just as the framework is complete, and calling in favours of your own and making promises on behalf of King Belegar, you assemble the team that will lay down the base design of the tower, some of whom can only venture this far due to the gyrocarriage able to whisk them across the continent. Magister Grey, who recently taught you and is a master of the fundamentals of enchantment. Lord Magister Melkoth, who somehow altered the nature of time itself to make his age impossible to calculate because he got sick of birthday parties as he approached an age in the triple digits, who also uses an illusion to hide the cane he leans upon. Lady Magister Grey (no relation), who discovered the origin of the Hellcannon, detonated one of the few foundries dedicated to them, and subsequently wrote the book on the anatomy of the previously little-known Hobgoblins with the steady stream of subjects sent to her in the form of assassination attempts. Not least of all, Magister Patriarch Algard himself, tempted out of the office by a Grey Wizard going all-in on weaponizing a wizard's tower. And, of course, scowling and making everyone very uncomfortable as the magic in their bodies pooled in the side furthest from him, Kragg the Grim.
It was quite a council, and as the wizard in residence, you were technically in charge. You rally your confidence and lay out the fundamental design: a tower-sized combination of focus for and bound spell of Burning Shadows, enhanced by runecraft.
"Right from the start," Lord Magister Melkoth grumbles, "for the Bound Spell you'll either need to pre-enchant the target selection, or have it require a magically-compatible thinking mind to provide that knowledge."
"We could certainly set up a small array of magical signatures," Magister Grey points out. "Greenskins, of course. Ogres. Undead. Beastmen, if you get them this far south."
"Oh, right, remind me to read you in later," Magister Patriarch Algard says.
Magister Grey blinks at the Magister Patriarch, but as no explanation is forthcoming, he plows on. "Daemons we could do, but unfortunately there's no visible magical signature that could adequately tell if a human was aligned with Chaos. Unless they're so saturated as to be obviously mutated, but that's only ever a minority of those hordes."
"Will the passage of the sun be suitably cooperative?" Lady Magister Grey asks. "Many have been enthusiastic about the possibilities of Burning Shadows, only to have their plans undermined by its limitations."
You'd prepared for this, and had just hoped for an opportunity to show it off. With a moment of concentration with your MAP you project a shape for Ulgu to run through in the air, creating a model of the now-familiar Eight Peaks and their surrounds. "The Halflings already calculated our latitude by human reckoning; we're at about sixty percent north by the Praag-Norden wasteline, or about forty by the theoretical Northern Chaotic Pole, roughly equal to Verezzo." You trace two sets of lines. "We're looking at an almost exact east-west shadow on Sonnstill, which in the east covers the entire Eastern Path and the easternmost twenty percent of Death Pass, and in the west encompasses the entire Caldera and Eastern Valley. On Mondstille, the caldera and the Eastern Path are entirely spared, but about eighty percent of Death Pass falls under its shadow throughout the day."
Lady Magister Grey considers the projection. "Is that peak taken?"
"Kvinn-Wyr is overrun by trolls. We've been leaving them as an obstacle to the enemy."
"Shame. A neighbouring tower on this 'Kvinn-Wyr' would give year-round coverage of the Eastern Gate and its approaches."
"A possibility for the future, along with a similar set-up on Karags Yar and Zilfin. King Belegar would quite like daily area denial on the Eastern Gate, but he believes the two-month period it would scour the entire Eastern Path would be a boon on its own."
"I could sleepwalk through a mere ten-month siege," Kragg confirms.
With the plan's plausibility confirmed, the long process of planning the enchantment begins.
With this much accumulated expertise, there was never any chance of failure, and the Tower quickly takes shape, from the rotating chair for the optional Grey Wizard to the retractable panels on each wall to give line of sight to the targets. In this phase it's Magister Grey that outshines everyone else, building in the Bound Spell single-handedly and working in an expandable bank of magical signatures, adding Greenskins, Ogres, Beastmen, Undead, and four varieties of Daemon from the College's archives, and with some muttering also incorporates the Skaven one from the part of the College's archive he previously had no knowledge of. Anyone with a basic knowledge of enchantment and decent Magesight could add to the array, and your level of ability with each would allow you to add some very specific sets of signatures indeed.
The power supply is taken care of easily enough, as Lady Magister Grey simply links the Tower of Dawn and Dusk that your project is built atop directly into it. This should allow enough power for perhaps ten minutes of operation twice a day as the Ulgu waxes at dawn and dusk, and the Ulgu-rich environment of the room below is altered slightly to act as a battery, and is able to retain at least a couple of hours of continuous operation. All without the involvement of any Grey Wizard - with yourself or someone of similar skill at the helm, it could be used near-continuously.
Then, to your surprise, Algard approaches you. "So," he says, seemingly confused. "The problem is that the sun is in the wrong place some of the time, right?"
You blink at him. "Yes?"
"Why don't you just move it, then?"
What. "What?"
"Well, not move it, move it. But just, you know. Swap two parts of the sky for a bit."
What. "What?"
"So the sun can shine the shadow wherever you want it to."
You try to find thoughts. "That... would help, yes. Is that feasible?"
He shrugs. "With three, four power stones? Sure. Can't have a proper Tower without power stones. I'll rustle them up."
You stare after the Magister Patriarch as he bustles off, cheerfully humming.
You're reeling from that encounter as you almost run into Kragg and Gunnars. "So," Kragg says, launching straight into conversation and leaving it to any listeners to catch up at their own pace. "Grungni discovered many of the Runes, and Thungni discovered most of the rest. But I've been reminded that it was Gazul that discovered the Runes of Grungni, Valaya, and Grimnir. And, of course, the Rune of Gazul." Gunnars nods in confirmation. "Didn't sit right with me that this masterwork of yours is all about something called 'Burning Shadows' but there's no actual fire, and since you're a fan of swords, I decided there was no better fire than that of Gazul's burning sword."
"As far as I understand, it shouldn't interfere with the workings of your magic," Gunnars says. "Zharrvengryn is not of normal fire. It consumes light, rather than emitting it."
You give your stunned acquiescence, and for weeks you watch as Algard and Kragg have loud but enthusiastic disagreements over the fundamental nature of magic, and day by day the largest Rune you have ever seen is constructed out of layer after layer of ground diamond. Apparently Gazul's realm is metaphorically below the mountains, and diamonds are born literally below the mountains, so there's a conceptual link between the two. Unlike other Runes you've seen made, this one doesn't snap into a new nature once complete; the air chills in an instant as a blue fire you can only see out of the corner of your eyes burns its way slowly through the diamond dust, leaving it transparent and utterly invisible unless you can spot how light bends as it passes through the Rune. Then, to your surprise, it is not installed in the tower. It is, instead, buried in the deepest point of Karag Nar, right on the boundary between where mountain ends and where the rest of the world begins. It's also directly under the tower, measured to within a hair, and over the course of weeks a steel beam is built from the tower to the Rune, displacing several rooms in the process and leaving a rather forbidding steel pillar glowing with a faint blue light in the center of your entrance hall.
The downside to all of this is that when you ask Panoramia if she thinks it'd be a good idea to use the eternally-burning fires of Dwarven Hell to weed her gardens, she laughs, looks at you, realizes you're not kidding, says "no" a lot and then runs away.
With Panoramia having turned down your generous offer to revolutionize agriculture, you've got the time you set aside for that burning a hole in your metaphorical pocket.
[ ] DUCK: Work with Panoramia for her to finally get around to investigating the greenskin mushrooms she found. [ ] DUCK: Work with Panoramia to see if your planned shadow murder tower could also come in handy for the crops in the East Valley.
[ ] DUCK: Help Johann try to raise his new rat-wolf pups. With Wolf, if he's willing.
[ ] DUCK: Johann's investigation into the ratling gun has hit a wall. See if you can help.
[ ] DUCK: Each of your three ducklings can fight in melee. Spar with them, and teach them what you can.
[ ] DUCK: Magical target-shooting is rough on normal targets. Set up a specialized target range for your ducklings, and for any other wizards at Eight Peaks.
[ ] DUCK: Adela's interested in mechanics, see if anyone you can introduce her to would be willing to teach her.
[ ] DUCK: Hubert wants glory. Take him on a sorty against whoever Dreng says it would be most useful to raid.
[ ] DUCK: Gretel's motivated by wealth. Take her on a raid against whoever might have something worth stealing.
And in the time you're not giving new dimensions to Karag Nar's translation of Sunrise Mountain, you've got your new rooms to fill some hours. With the first room no longer functioning as... well, as everything, you've got a few different ways you could redesign it. The most obvious is to put in some comfortable seating, maybe a fountain, perhaps restore the mural and expand the balcony. The second is to make it a monument to your exploits and show off some of your more memorable keepsakes and trophies, with a nice display for your published papers and books. Alternately, you could make some concessions to paranoia and turn the entry room into an extremely defensible checkpoint, to ensure that surreptitious entrance becomes impossible and forced entry would require an army.
Design of your Entrance Hall:
[ ] ENTRANCE: Pleasant foyer
[ ] ENTRANCE: Trophy room
[ ] ENTRANCE: Checkpoint
[ ] ENTRANCE: Escherian Nightmare
[ ] ENTRANCE: Other (write in)
Then you've got four other rooms; a few uses suggest themselves immediately, but there may be more esoteric possibilities.
[ ] Bedroom Silk sheets will have to wait until Princess Edda finds some weavers. Also includes a nice comfortable dog bed for Wolf, a bookshelf for your recreational reading, and a wardrobe of grey robes.
[ ] Library Separated into three sections: Normal, Magical, and Classified. This allows guests to peruse portions of your library in accordance with their status. Includes a comfortable reading area and a few more private nooks; will be the home of your incredible dragon-skull chair.
[ ] Vault To keep safe your wealth, your secrets, and your miscellaneous esoterica.
[ ] Shrine to Ranald The room where you mugged Mork with Him is all well and good, but something convenient and private might be nice.
[ ] Explosives Laboratory A room with enough reinforcement and baffles to withstand all but the most inadvisable of experiments.
[ ] Training Hall A room for mastering martial combat, including a sparring area.
[ ] Firing Range A room for training and trialling firearms and ranged offensive spells.
[ ] Provision Room A room filled with provisions and water sufficient to sustain a single person (and their dog) for a year.
[ ] Bath Room Between Dwarven plumbing and a combination of runes and enchantment, you could create a private bathroom that would make Emperors envious.
[ ] Sitting Room A room dedicated to socializing, from morning tea to formal meetings.
[ ] Guest Room For when you have visitors; can fit three comfortably, or up to six if enough of them are on good terms with each other.
- There will be a one hour moratorium, mostly because I'm sure there are other rooms people can think of.
- Speaking of, if there's a room you think should be added, let me know.
- The rest of the turn will be sorted in the next update.
- How the rooms are placed in comparison to each other will be decided once they're all chosen, but there's a staircase and series of hallways to access all the rooms without having to go through others.
- If you angle the sun correctly - which you can, thanks to Algard - you can have the Burning Shadows work on the West Gate.
The downside to all of this is that when you ask Panoramia if she thinks it'd be a good idea to use the eternally-burning fires of Dwarven Hell to weed her gardens, she laughs, looks at you, realizes you're not kidding, says "no" a lot and then runs away.
The downside to all of this is that when you ask Panoramia if she thinks it'd be a good idea to use the eternally-burning fires of Dwarven Hell to weed her gardens, she laughs, looks at you, realizes you're not kidding, says "no" a lot and then runs away.
The downside to all of this is that when you ask Panoramia if she thinks it'd be a good idea to use the eternally-burning fires of Dwarven Hell to weed her gardens, she laughs, looks at you, realizes you're not kidding, says "no" a lot and then runs away.
You could, but the Empire doesn't really have a bathing culture (outside of some parts of Ostland and saunas) so it's not something you can share without giving people wrong ideas.
Oh my god, this really is going to be a Wonder of the World when we're done.
Honestly, the whole pile looks pretty comprehensive? I don't see us needing any new rooms for now other than the ones on the list.
Fuck me though, even learning Battle Magic is dangerous. You've got to cast it at a penalty the first time to lock it in, and as we saw, even Mathilde has an uphill battle in ideal circumstances.
Still, cleared for full access--even though anything beyond Smoke and Mirrors is probably unneccessary until we have a staff and we've cracked Magic 8.
The downside to all of this is that when you ask Panoramia if she thinks it'd be a good idea to use the eternally-burning fires of Dwarven Hell to weed her gardens, she laughs, looks at you, realizes you're not kidding, says "no" a lot and then runs away.