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OH SNAP I think Algard is gonna use smoke/Ulgu to distort the sun so the light is going at a different angle!
When you've known him for at least 1% of his lifespan.

Did you intend for people to immediately calculate how long it'll take or did you mean to be facetious?

When we did that change over I believe we had Universal Confusion, Illusion, Cloak Activity, Shadow of Death, Shadow Knives, Shroud of Invisibility, Throttling and Dread Aspect left to learn. We then learned Dread Aspect shortly after/during and that was one, pulling us down to six. We've knocked off the others since then to leave Universal Confusion, Illusion, Cloak Activity, Shadow of Death, Shroud of Invisibility and we'd need to learn everything but Shadow of Death.

Its like three actions at most, two more than likely, and one if we get lucky with the Gacha again to learn them.

My math was specifically about "as of the last update" so all I'm able to read of what you're saying is "You are correct Wallis", so I'm not sure what the disconnect is at the moment.

There was WOG awhile ago that said 5, then we learned Throttling, bringing us to 4 prior to this update.

Can you find said WoG?

You'll never know the results you don't get.

Due to Ranald interference, is the above still applicable?
Divided Loyalties, or how I learned to stop worrying and love the magical superweapons :p

Oh man we are going to make Belegar's week...

I know he said give any overland besieger a 24 hour time limit, but even so.
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Actually, you know, come to think of it? One thing I am kind of hoping might really happen, while we have Algard here? (Also: totally pick Algard for one of the Social Turn options, guys! For that ability to see what more of the interactions between the 3 of them would have been.)

I wanna show him the location of the former Temple of Only Gork. (And tell him about the divine theft stuff, I guess, though we probably already reported that part.)

Partly, because of a vain hope that he might be able to get something from being in that place.

But mostly, because it would just be a cool thing to show to our College Patriarch.
My math was specifically about "as of the last update" so all I'm able to read of what you're saying is "You are correct Wallis", so I'm not sure what the disconnect is at the moment.
Hmm I'm not sure either what the disconnect is.
All I know is we need four more after learning Throttling.
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