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We need to complete our spellbook below battlemagic. Each invented spell allows us to omit one of the standard one (in our case we sub MAP for obsolete Shadow of Death). Before this turn we had 6 standard spells not-yet-learned and needed to learn 5 of them to improve our Magic. After this update we'll need
four, because we learned Shadow Knives.
Battle Magic doesn't count - we had WOG that "Battle Magic is its own reward".
There was WOG awhile ago that said 5, then we learned Throttling, bringing us to 4 prior to this update.
Considering her track record, I'm putting money on the first...
I am too by a wiiiiiiiiiiiiiide margin. Her skills are pretty solid on keeping her out of Miscast trouble so long as she doesn't start spamming battle magic for everything but she's frequently being pit against bigger and nastier things.
I am too by a wiiiiiiiiiiiiiide margin. Her skills are pretty solid on keeping her out of Miscast trouble so long as she doesn't start spamming battle magic for everything but she's frequently being pit against bigger and nastier things.
To be fair, it's not hard to find enemies who are bigger than her. :V
Burning Shadows can be resisted if you are tough or large enough(same thing often)
This is a very good point, especially since we are likely to fight trolls soon. I really don't want to give this project two more actions, though; next turn we need to learn Invisibility (1 action) and talk to our new friend (1 action). I would also really like to do the "investigate how the We communicate" action so that we can, when writing the book, get every possible breakpoint (right now it's missing that).

So much to do, so much to see, so what's wrong with making your doom fortress only extremely killy instead of arbitrarily killy?
To be fair, it's not hard to find enemies who are bigger than her. :V
And it will make the quest a Shadow of the Colossus meme whenever she has to fight a Bonegrinder Giant or heaven forbid a Dragon in single combat.

*has a thought, goes to check something*

Hmm, Mathilde would come up to about a Bloodthirster's backwards ankle.
There was WOG awhile ago that said 5, then we learned Throttling, bringing us to 4 prior to this update.

Depending on how long ago that "awhile" was it may be somewhat obsolete. Problem is, Throttling was added to the system not so long ago (definitely after hiatus) and initial model (and numbers) didn't include it. Initially we were going to receive last Magic upgrade on spellbook completion (with breakpoint upgrades along the way), but then the matter was muddled with the addition invented spells (that can replace standard ones) and Throttling (which exists in legal limbo).
This is a very good point, especially since we are likely to fight trolls soon. I really don't want to give this project two more actions, though; next turn we need to learn Invisibility (1 action) and talk to our new friend (1 action). I would also really like to do the "investigate how the We communicate" action so that we can, when writing the book, get every possible breakpoint (right now it's missing that).

So much to do, so much to see, so what's wrong with making your doom fortress only extremely killy instead of arbitrarily killy?
Well the solution is make it able to fire at any time in any direction, because that way you can maintain it on an army for longer. (it is worth noting this is a mountain sized shadow so we're talking movement of hours either way)

Continual application may well allow it to get through such toughness under the right circumstances so it reduces the problem space. I agree that if we must only take one action, the "shoot at any time" one is the one to go for.
You've got Kragg and Algard, so those aren't dicerolls, those are 'roll to see what cool shit you get'. I'm gonna roll two d6s, first is Kragg. They're all good results, but trust me. You'll want higher numbers. You'll really want sixes.

You'll never know the results you don't get.

W. A. H. T.

What the hyper donkey fuck.
Does this mean that Kragg and Algard ended up in a competition-off or showing-off, and just ended up egging each other on to greatness...?
Wait hold on, I just realized. We've got a Ranald tag, a Kragg tag...

This means we need an Algard-related tag, now.

Also our mountain needs a tag too. Perhaps something like "fully armed and operational battle mountain" for our FULLY ARMED AND OPERATIONAL BATTLE MOUNTAIN. (Whether the tag is all caps or low caps, I leave to others to determine.:p)
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I think we know who is to thank for this.

Praise Corporal Snuggles, Avatar of Ranald!

Also, this settles it. When we get out of action crunch, that Ranald temple is going up to the Gambler. No ifs, ands, or buts.
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