Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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The thread voted overwhelmingly to commit to getting invisibility. No wriggling. No some other spell is just as good. Mathilde needs that spell to risk any more assassination runs. That was the lesson you all voted she took from coming as close to death as she ever has.
It looks like words inside certain tags aren't counted towards the 'low content post' detection. I've had it happen when I messed up quote tags and accidentally made the entire post a quote, and it happens when the entire post is in spoilers, too.
Yep, I am having that too.

Oh dear, mixed signals, never a good sign when looking for (possibly imagined) bugs.

Still, the box popping up every time is making me paranoid about being smote from on high.

It looks like words inside certain tags aren't counted towards the 'low content post' detection. I've had it happen when I messed up quote tags and accidentally made the entire post a quote, and it happens when the entire post is in spoilers, too.

Interesting, wonder why EVA-Saiyajin hasn't had that problem, though...
Just want to say... it feels like this thread went through an Ulgu miscast, as everyone's speech is obstructed by those foggy spoilers.
Guess smoky beard wasn't the only effect she had. :p
The thread voted overwhelmingly to commit to getting invisibility. No wriggling. No some other spell is just as good. Mathilde needs that spell to risk any more assassination runs. That was the lesson you all voted she took from coming as close to death as she ever has.
Explicitly other spells would count. Boney said this.
I do know that the wordcount -- for things like when they show up in your Alerts, and in Threadmarks -- does not count words that are in Quotes, and under Spoiler Tabs.

So the "Collection of Important Information (aka the Info Threadmark)" threadmark is said to have 190 words, when it's actually thousands.
You know with how often we pop back to the capital do you think the Gyrocopter is becoming a regular sight and has the pilot started finding out good nearby bars to have a drink in while he wait for Mathilde to finish her shenanigans?
I wonder if it's possible to master Smoke and Mirrors while it's woven into another spell? Perhaps if that spells already mastered itself?

Of course, that's probably a long way off.

I realise this probably a bad question for when you are writing the update but would you be willing to explain some of how runic enchanting works under the grey order college of magic in your view, I'm trying to piece together whether it's feasible to enchant things piece meal to be part of a greater whole or whether things have to be enchanted all at once.

I think the key is in the description we got when first enchanting those pebbles from the street-

1) winds need to be folded into an item over and over to build density
2) winds don't want to be there
3) this changes both the character of the object and of the wind used.

So it's going to be very, very complicated: the factory box is going to need some kinda cybernetic control system to deal with variances in what the wind wants to do while forcing it into an object, AND the variances that come from the wind being used changing twice in character, as it is absorbed into the factory box and then into the item being enchanted, with the understanding that the factory box is going to be starting from a different zero with the next item because the box itself was changed as the wind in the item being enchanted changed. (I think that makes sense...)

So I really don't think there is a way to do it as a production run, because your tolerances change continually in hard to predict ways- the item being enchanted, the factory box, and the winds itself as whim and environment shift.

Kinda like working silver with copper tools. Possible, but not something you can do precision copies with.
Smelling of something usually contaminated by Aqshy? How gauche. And, for an master infiltrator, how incredibly awkward. This could cause him to have to retire from fieldwork.

It's nice to get eventually, but we're no longer on the clock. We've spent a lot of resources on spells recently, and that's had a significant opportunity cost. There are other things that are also important to do. We might want to let Reginald get his beard back before we try again.
That last sentence is... very badly phrased because its saying outright "Never get invisibility." Or any spells for that matter. That sort of thing doesn't get fixed. Its a miscast effect like Unnatural Shadow.

Which is cool if you want to do that, but I'm not going to agree.

We are on the clock based on Boney's post here:

Yes. Cloak Activity is a bit borderline but I'll let it count if that's all you get.
Unless the char sheet gets further updated we don't have any of Invisibility, Illusion or Cloak Activity.

And based on this post we know that Invisibility has this powerful effect in infiltration and assassinations.

Most of the time, it would avoid combat altogether.

Combat initiating was the start of the down hill slide and death we narrowly avoided. It was the root of the entire situation which started this vote and debate in the first place. Thus, taking the thing that makes combat something avoided most of the time in assassinations over the other two options is the most efficient use of our time and more specifically actually solves the original problem instead of dancing around it.

In an assassination and infiltration being able to outright avoid combat altogether more often is more useful than being able to call up an Illusion and it conveniently doesn't require concentration allowing full focus and no penalty for delicate work. And since that's a lot of the situations our magic involves it is more useful than Illusion at leveraging our tactical effects on a strategic scale. Illusion is good for strategic set up and some very specific background stuff for Skaven infiltration.

More to the point, using two actions next turn, one for invisibility, and one for the partials gets us all of these things quick and easy.

Just as a matter of curiosity, is anyone else having "spoilered"messages always ping the "naughty naughty low content post detected" message? (Surely 2-3 line posts don't usually get pinged, or half the posts here would be flagged by it?(maybe it's some weird interaction with the spoiler system, thinks everything inside the spoiler is one word, or something?) )
This has to do with how SV tracks word count in a post, everything in a spoiler ceases to count.
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You know, on reflection I am actually tempted to try to squeeze in another Spell Gatcha and Enchantment lesson next turn. We'll still be building the tower then, and improving Enchantment will presumably still help, and we're getting pretty close to Magic 8, which might also help with such powerful enchantments. It's a bit of a risk that we might not get the right spells - and I'd only take this option if Smoke and Mirrors counted for Unprepared on top of the spells we were told about before.

That last sentence is... very badly phrased because its saying outright "Never get invisibility." Or any spells for that matter. That sort of thing doesn't get fixed. Its a miscast effect like Unnatural Shadow.

Unnatural Shadow is an Arcane Mark, I'm not sure this is, rather than just a Dhar induced mutation.

And I was talking about avoiding Spell Gatcha rather than learning our partially known spells in the Ulgu tower, which seems the more certain option.
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You know, on reflection I am actually tempted to try to squeeze in another Spell Gatcha and Enchantment lesson next turn. We'll still be building the tower then, and improving Enchantment will presumably still help, and we're getting pretty close to Magic 8, which might also help with such powerful enchantments.

Unnatural Shadow is an Arcane Mark, I'm not sure this is, rather than just a Dhar induced mutation.

And I was talking about Spell Gatcha rather than learning our partially known spells in the Ulgu tower, which seems the more certain option.
We're probably going to be building the tower for three turns counting this one given we squeezed in two actions here and there are six actions while putting together the one that overlaps:

[*] Build a Tower of Burning Death (automatic, no action cost, favours and money paid by Belegar)
[ ] Build an incredibly paranoid set of measures to ensure only you can fire it (if not taken, only standard levels of paranoia will be applied)
[ ] Investigate the possibility of increasing the damage [straightforward]
[ ] Investigate the possibility of creating a light source to use the mountain at will at night [tricky] (Overlaps with the very bright light)
[ ] Investigate the possibility of creating a very bright light source to use the mountain at will [very tricky]
[ ] Investigate the possibility of somehow amplifying the Tower with Dwarven runecraft [???]
[ ] Investigate the possibility of whether it could be fired without you [tricky; if selected and successful, paranoia will be ramped up automatically]

[ ] Build a third tower, capable of deploying a Battle Magic spell [straightforward; if chosen, options will be given]

So next turn is another two, and then two after that(probably the other Battle Magic tower at the end loaded up with one of the Ulgu Army Debuffs to make the Shadow a thing that saps your ability to fight while killing you which is a pretty lit aesthetic).

Then however many options might spring from the Battle Magic spell. Probably not many though, the spell chosen will be part of the initial choice obviously but sensible upgrades include boosting the effect and paranoia and firing without us.

Plenty of time to do more learning on Enchantment. Plus it's going to be helpful I imagine for upgrades to the Grey Tower of Dusk and Dawn when those drop in the future, since its a place that is involved with Enchanting.

Well then

Logically, Smoke and Mirrors should satisfy our "Get an exit strategy" scheme. Hard to beat relatively spammable teleportation when it comes to booking it in a hurry.

Did that and Shadow Knives put us over the top to Magic 8?
Plenty of time to do more learning on Enchantment. Plus it's going to be helpful I imagine for upgrades to the Grey Tower of Dusk and Dawn when those drop in the future, since its a place that is involved with Enchanting.

It's more effective to front load the enchantment lessons though, as they'll presumably impact the upgrades we take after and during the turn we take the lessons, rather than automatically being backported. Even if taking enchanting prevents a single upgrade option from failing and having to be retried the next turn, it pays for itself. Not to mention that it might permanently upgrade the result, giving us something that we won't get an opportunity to achieve on a retry.
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Well then

Logically, Smoke and Mirrors should satisfy our "Get an exit strategy" scheme. Hard to beat relatively spammable teleportation when it comes to booking it in a hurry.

Did that and Shadow Knives put us over the top to Magic 8?
Even if they did and even if S&M counts for unprepared, I'd still want to look into getting invisibility at least. It's just too useful to pass up.

Well then

Logically, Smoke and Mirrors should satisfy our "Get an exit strategy" scheme. Hard to beat relatively spammable teleportation when it comes to booking it in a hurry.

Did that and Shadow Knives put us over the top to Magic 8?
Not yet.

I'm pretty sure we need four more spells, and can ignore Shadow of Death. Unless we want to grab it and try to Master it so we can work on synergy with Dread Aspect's Mastery or whatever. Late late late pie in the sky stuff basically.

It helps with the Exit strategy, but Boney has talked about spells that have stealth effects being what we're looking for and that's been described so far as with further clarification Invisibility or Illusion or Cloak Activity.

Well then

Logically, Smoke and Mirrors should satisfy our "Get an exit strategy" scheme. Hard to beat relatively spammable teleportation when it comes to booking it in a hurry.

Did that and Shadow Knives put us over the top to Magic 8?

Very unlikely - we needed 4 more spells to get Magic 8, and only got 2 this turn - and it's not certain how Battle Magic counts.
I see.

Well, I suppose

It's still good, Shadow Knives + Smoke and Mirrors makes Mathilde absolutely fucking diabolical in a complex situation. Throw daggers and disappear off somewhere else in the same motion, and you can never be sure if she's going to show up in your face with cannonsword.

Like, we've got all the pieces now to build a really nightmarish Martial Art
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