Smelling of something usually contaminated by Aqshy? How gauche. And, for an master infiltrator, how incredibly awkward. This could cause him to have to retire from fieldwork.
It's nice to get eventually, but we're no longer on the clock. We've spent a lot of resources on spells recently, and that's had a significant opportunity cost. There are other things that are also important to do. We might want to let Reginald get his beard back before we try again.
That last sentence is... very badly phrased because its saying outright "Never get invisibility." Or any spells for that matter. That sort of thing doesn't get fixed. Its a miscast effect like Unnatural Shadow.
Which is cool if you want to do that, but I'm not going to agree.
We are on the clock based on Boney's post here:
Yes. Cloak Activity is a bit borderline but I'll let it count if that's all you get.
Unless the char sheet gets further updated we don't have any of Invisibility, Illusion or Cloak Activity.
And based on this post we know that Invisibility has this powerful effect in infiltration and assassinations.
Most of the time, it would avoid combat altogether.
Combat initiating was the start of the down hill slide and death we narrowly avoided. It was the root of the entire situation which started this vote and debate in the first place. Thus, taking the thing that makes combat something avoided most of the time in assassinations over the other two options is the most efficient use of our time and more specifically actually solves the original problem instead of dancing around it.
In an assassination and infiltration being able to outright avoid combat altogether more often is more useful than being able to call up an Illusion and it conveniently doesn't require concentration allowing full focus and no penalty for delicate work. And since that's a lot of the situations our magic involves it is more useful than Illusion at leveraging our tactical effects on a strategic scale. Illusion is good for strategic set up and some very specific background stuff for Skaven infiltration.
More to the point, using two actions next turn, one for invisibility, and one for the partials gets us all of these things quick and easy.