Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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"The tower, the mountain, or the sun?"
/DBZAbridged "My son, the planet, or me?" "... Yes."
Wasn't someone talking about giving the mountain shadow tentacles? My bet's on ambulatory mountain.

Wait a second, who called the Kroak collab? Give that person some dice, they're on fire!
Mayhaps Keveler the Sane Celestial liked Matty so much he went to have a talk with that magic toad that kicked his ass?
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Hopefully the... gestures in the direction of Ranald fuckery THIS obviates the need for us to spend a tower action next turn. Would really like a turn off to learn Invisibility, learn Queekish, study the We's communication in preparation for writing the book, and BUILD THE TEMPLE TO OUR GOD WHO HAS BLESSED US OVER AND OVER AGAIN.

Also, I am so glad I bought a month of premium last week, because I can just go through and Meow-react to all the Ranaldposting.
Hopefully the... gestures in the direction of Ranald fuckery THIS obviates the need for us to spend a tower action next turn. Would really like a turn off to learn Invisibility, learn Queekish, study the We's communication in preparation for writing the book, and BUILD THE TEMPLE TO OUR GOD WHO HAS BLESSED US OVER AND OVER AGAIN.

Also, I am so glad I bought a month of premium last week, because I can just go through and Meow-react to all the Ranaldposting.
Yeah pretty much what I want to do.

Just take a turn to do light work and carefully carefully build his temple while learning and thinking.

Thinking lots on whatever fuckery she's about to see.
You know what? I think everything's going to JUST. FINE.

(Please ignore the fact that everything is, infact on fire, it's supposed to be like that) :V
Fun Reminder; there was a whole thing about how it would be irresponsible for Mathilde to not be involved with every step of the Tower Construction process, as the one in charge of getting the project done. Ergo, whatever is about to happen, she is going to be involved with it too, whether she likes it or not. :V
Ya know Ranald likes Cats... do Dwarves have any opinions on Cats?

I mean the Skaven being afraid of them should be a plus and they are actually reliable provided you know how to treat them.
So, thinking on it, our tower is basically gonna be the Eye of Sauron right? With how it can just change the direction it's looking at on a whim and basically burn anything it's looking at?
Oh snap

K / Smoke and Mirrors: The mark of a Grey Battle Wizard is the ability to weave teleportation cantrips into other spells they cast. They appear to jump around the battlefield at will, hopping anywhere within short range with every spell they cast.

K / Shadow Knives: You conjure and throw several knives (scaling with magical ability and mastery of the spell) at a target at short range that passes through any non-magical armour.
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So, thinking on it, our tower is basically gonna be the Eye of Sauron right? With how it can just change the direction it's looking at on a whim and basically burn anything it's looking at?
Yep. That's been a meme about it more than once in fact!

Its great!

I *really really really hope* it has a Bitchin Control Throne.
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