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@BoneyM now is ABSOLUTELY not the time with other Wizards present, but what does Mathilde think of the feasibility of porting the Second Secret over to Dwarven runecraft?
Anti-magical items of "Fuck Dhar" seem a lot safer than actually-magical items of the same. And both seem safer than training wizards in a Dhar manipulation technique.

Also, am I correct to imagine the various magisters involved in this entire process are pretty damn happy with the chance to learn about Runes straight from the fucking mouth of Kragg himself? As I understand it, this is a first-time-since-college-founding opportunity.
@BoneyM I believe you said earlier that letting the tower fire in any direction would allow it to fire at night. Does Algard's solution still give us that capability?

Only for a couple of hours on either side, after that the sun is out of range.

@BoneyM now is ABSOLUTELY not the time with other Wizards present, but what does Mathilde think of the feasibility of porting the Second Secret over to Dwarven runecraft?
Anti-magical items of "Fuck Dhar" seem a lot safer than actually-magical items of the same. And both seem safer than training wizards in a Dhar manipulation technique.

Runes can't directly control wild magic, except in the way that a bowling ball directly controls a set of pins.

Also, am I correct to imagine the various magisters involved in this entire process are pretty damn happy with the chance to learn about Runes straight from the fucking mouth of Kragg himself? As I understand it, this is a first-time-since-college-founding opportunity.

They're definitely listening avidly to him and Algard debating.
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@BoneyM We can assume that after seeng this absolute madness of a result for the Tower of Doom thingy, we won´t have any tower action avaible for the next turn, no?

Or could this beautiful monstrosity be upgraded somehow?

Are there any shinies we really wanted from the list of upgrades, to install next turn? Extra damage (maybe redundant with Runecraft), extra security? Because we might be able to tell Belegar we finished early, and get the go-ahead to work on the AV next turn.
@BoneyM We can assume that after seeng this absolute madness of a result for the Tower of Doom thingy, we won´t have any tower action avaible for the next turn, no?

Or could this beautiful monstrosity be upgraded somehow?

There are still possible additions, but I'll have a vote to decide whether to call it done or not.

So there's no way to use one of the moons?

The light's not quite strong enough for most of the phases of one, and using the other would be inadvisable.
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dwarfen god of the underworld, the anchoring rune is on the exact point where it transitions from earth to mountain.

Did Kragg just retool Burning Shadow so it targets the underway in the target zone too?.

No, it's actually impossible, I refuse to believe it because it would mean we've already won the campaign.
Thank you very much.

Anyway, I think that the pretty foyer option is going to be undercut a little by the MASSIVE STEEL BEAM EMANATING THE ENERGIES OF DWARF HELL rising up through it, so maybe we should lean into the intimidation factor and just go for Checkpoint.

Nonsense, it's a conversation starter! I mean the conversation would probably start with 'and please don't touch the hell rod' but still, it counts!

Seriously though, I feel like we should make it into a pleasant foyer. It has the best view in eight peaks, it would be a shame to ruin it. We can still improve our security later on.
So there's no way to use one of the moons?
Not bright enough.


Are there any shinies we really wanted from the list of upgrades, to install next turn? Extra damage (maybe redundant with Runecraft), extra security? Because we might be able to tell Belegar we finished early, and get the go-ahead to work on the AV next turn.
The Runecraft definitely obviates damage and security concerns. Gazul doesn't fuck about.
"Didn't sit right with me that this masterwork of yours is all about something called 'Burning Shadows' but there's no actual fire, and since you're a fan of swords, I decided there was no better fire than that of Gazul's burning sword."
"Why don't you just move it, then?"

What. "What?"

"Well, not move it, move it. But just, you know. Swap two parts of the sky for a bit."

What. "What?"

"So the sun can shine the shadow wherever you want it to."

You try to find thoughts. "That... would help, yes. Is that feasible?"

He shrugs. "With three, four power stones? Sure. Can't have a proper Tower without power stones. I'll rustle them up."

You stare after the Magister Patriarch as he bustles off, cheerfully humming.
You're not entirely sure but you're reasonably confidence that the nega-flames of the Dwarven Death God have more punch than the standard spell, yeah.


I really want to use our tower now.

I also can't wait to tell Belebro just what we did. "So about that weaponized mountain... we succeeded. Any army attacking within LOS(Line of shadows) dies. It even only works on categories we've narrowed down to be all enemies. Also, also its burns our foes not just with shadow magic, but with the fires of DWARVEN HELL."



dwarfen god of the underworld, the anchoring rune is on the exact point where it transitions from earth to mountain.

Did Kragg just retool Burning Shadow so it targets the underway in the target zone too?.

No, it's actually impossible, I refuse to believe it because it would mean we've already won the campaign.
Yeah I read that as him transforming Karag Nar into a simulacrum/sympathetic metaphor for Gazul's Sword in the mortal world.
I just remembered that the other council members weren't privy to the briefing on the tower with Belegar. The next council walkabout is going to be a treat.
They might have picked up on some unusual activity in Karag Nar beforehand.
The downside to all of this is that when you ask Panoramia if she thinks it'd be a good idea to use the eternally-burning fires of Dwarven Hell to weed her gardens, she laughs, looks at you, realizes you're not kidding, says "no" a lot and then runs away.
Wise call, I feel.
The Charming Journeys of Panoramia Quest: Happy Halfling Homesteading isn't really set up for Death-God Shadow-Acid pruning.



dwarfen god of the underworld, the anchoring rune is on the exact point where it transitions from earth to mountain.

Did Kragg just retool Burning Shadow so it targets the underway in the target zone too?.

No, it's actually impossible, I refuse to believe it because it would mean we've already won the campaign.

Sadly not, it was just required for the Rune to work. The top of mountains is not its natural domain.

Yeah I read that as him transforming Karag Nar into a simulacrum/sympathetic metaphor for Gazul's Sword in the mortal world.

Wait, no, this explanation is better.
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So I really want some poor orks to come and assault the mountain now just to see our new toy in action. Also I wonder is this enough to qualify for magister lord now after all we are learning battle magic as well. But I feel we need to finish all the lesser spells before moving on to the battle magic it is about time we got shroud of invisibility.
Yeah, we just need to provide a night light now. Compared to what's been done already, shouldn't be that hard.

And I'm happy with the current level of security (that being +1 Paranoia and the Wrath of an Ancestor God), so that should be the only thing left to make it basically perfect.
You've got Kragg and Algard, so those aren't dicerolls, those are 'roll to see what cool shit you get'. I'm gonna roll two d6s, first is Kragg. They're all good results, but trust me. You'll want higher numbers. You'll really want sixes.

You'll never know the results you don't get.


Then, to your surprise, Algard approaches you. "So," he says, seemingly confused. "The problem is that the sun is in the wrong place some of the time, right?"

You blink at him. "Yes?"

"Why don't you just move it, then?"

What. "What?"

"Well, not move it, move it. But just, you know. Swap two parts of the sky for a bit."

What. "What?"

"So the sun can shine the shadow wherever you want it to."

You try to find thoughts. "That... would help, yes. Is that feasible?"

He shrugs. "With three, four power stones? Sure. Can't have a proper Tower without power stones. I'll rustle them up."

You stare after the Magister Patriarch as he bustles off, cheerfully humming.


You're reeling from that encounter as you almost run into Kragg and Gunnars. "So," Kragg says, launching straight into conversation and leaving it to any listeners to catch up at their own pace. "Grungni discovered many of the Runes, and Thungni discovered most of the rest. But I've been reminded that it was Gazul that discovered the Runes of Grungni, Valaya, and Grimnir. And, of course, the Rune of Gazul." Gunnars nods in confirmation. "Didn't sit right with me that this masterwork of yours is all about something called 'Burning Shadows' but there's no actual fire, and since you're a fan of swords, I decided there was no better fire than that of Gazul's burning sword."

"As far as I understand, it shouldn't interfere with the workings of your magic," Gunnars says. "Zharrvengryn is not of normal fire. It consumes light, rather than emitting it."

You give your stunned acquiescence, and for weeks you watch as Algard and Kragg have loud but enthusiastic disagreements over the fundamental nature of magic, and day by day the largest Rune you have ever seen is constructed out of layer after layer of ground diamond. Apparently Gazul's realm is metaphorically below the mountains, and diamonds are born literally below the mountains, so there's a conceptual link between the two. Unlike other Runes you've seen made, this one doesn't snap into a new nature once complete; the air chills in an instant as a blue fire you can only see out of the corner of your eyes burns its way slowly through the diamond dust, leaving it transparent and utterly invisible unless you can spot how light bends as it passes through the Rune. Then, to your surprise, it is not installed in the tower. It is, instead, buried in the deepest point of Karag Nar, right on the boundary between where mountain ends and where the rest of the world begins. It's also directly under the tower, measured to within a hair, and over the course of weeks a steel beam is built from the tower to the Rune, displacing several rooms in the process and leaving a rather forbidding steel pillar glowing with a faint blue light in the center of your entrance hall.

The downside to all of this is that when you ask Panoramia if she thinks it'd be a good idea to use the eternally-burning fires of Dwarven Hell to weed her gardens, she laughs, looks at you, realizes you're not kidding, says "no" a lot and then runs away.

And just like that, the ship has sunk. Sorry, kiddo, your ambition must overween at least this much to fly Air Mathilde.
Oh come on, I actually found that adorable
If anything it bumped the ship up a few levels in my book

~Come baaack Panoramia~

Seriously though, their dynamic rapidly grows on me
Throw some extra security in there for maximum possible safety, Belegar told us to make sure this thing is safe, best not fuck about with it.
Are there any shinies we really wanted from the list of upgrades, to install next turn? Extra damage (maybe redundant with Runecraft), extra security? Because we might be able to tell Belegar we finished early, and get the go-ahead to work on the AV next turn.
We might want to go extra paranoid on the security depending on how the security investigation plays out, or try for the "at night" trick, but honestly "an arbitrarily targetable doom fortress that only works eighteen hours out of every twenty-four" seems good enough to me. I don't care about those extra six so much that I want to spend an extra action on it.

Next turn I feel we've got three actions locked in: Learn Invisibility, learn Queekish, and build a temple to Ranald. The fourth action could be another tower-improvement one, but I really want us to study the We's communication; not only does it unlock "writing the entire book on the We" to recoup some of our spent College Favour, but it might give us useful insights for our communication with a Very Good Dog.



dwarfen god of the underworld, the anchoring rune is on the exact point where it transitions from earth to mountain.

Did Kragg just retool Burning Shadow so it targets the underway in the target zone too?
Oh, I misread it. I thought it said "underworld" again, not underway, that is, targeting the souls of those in the shadow, permanently erasing them.
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