Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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[X] Plan Imperial Intelligence and Skaven Research

Difference from my plan is trivial.
The point I've made about this plan- if you're voting for it in hopes of maximising 'Elf Favour' or similar-
Unless you Claim the Druuchi first, we'll be splitting whatever credit they offer with Johann.
Full Credit requires we claim him first. I'd suggest Ceeding the book...
I'm fine with sharing any possible Elf favour.
I'd rather translate the book first, for maximum intel for the Dwarfs.
Dark elves are no less knowledgeable in magic than high elves. That's our best source of obscure magic theory for a foreseeable future. Let's pull a second coming of Nagash on the Druchii.
I want to keep the elf.

Let us continue the "great and noble" tradition of the worlds most powerful and influential human magic users forcing useful info out of dumbass dark elves :D
Impossible. This is a male elf, and the only male dark elf that can do magic is Malekith. Aside from him, male dark elves are prohibited from learning magic on pain of death, so the dark elves' magic-users are (again, aside from Malkeith) exclusively female. This dark elf can teach us nothing of magic.
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[X] Plan Imperial Intelligence and Skaven Research
[X] Plan Elf Connections and Skaven Research
[X] Plan HUMINT Promise
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The point I've made about this plan- if you're voting for it in hopes of maximising 'Elf Favour' or similar-
Unless you Claim the Druuchi first, we'll be splitting whatever credit they offer with Johann.
Full Credit requires we claim him first. I'd suggest Ceeding the book...

Fair point, though it would eat even more action.

[X] Plan Elf Connections and Skaven Research
Question for those planning to claim both the skaven and the dark elf: where do you plan to scrounge up the time for interacting with them? One I could understand taking and maybe Belegar will let interrogation of that one be the next turn's task if we're lucky, but two very different directions of interrogation? Mathilde already has a backlog of papers to write, preferably while they're fresh; more studies of Aethyric Vitae and Ranald's Coin sitting in the queue; spell study, whether getting Invisibility at once or finishing the partials to play the spell lottery again; bunch of people wanting to make use of Mathilde's super scouting abilities to see what's under the other peaks; and whatever else I've forgotten.
I'm reminded of this quip again:
I mean, if that's what you guys want to do okay, that's why I give you options, but a big chunk of feedback lately has been about the action crunch but every time I look away you're tightening the screws on yourselves.
Impossible. This is a male elf, and the only male dark elf to do magic is Malekith. Aside from him, male dark elves are prohibited from learning magic on pain of death, so the dark elves magic-users are (again, aside from Malkeith) exclusively female. This dark elf can teach us nothing of magic.

While I broadly agree that he probably is not a magic user, saying it's impossible is a bit like saying there are no hedge mages in the Empire because non-college magic is illegal.
Just finished update, and apologies if this has been brought up - but if we could get a Uglu wizard from the colleges to help, they could cast mindhole on the Skraven prisoner we have while learning the language? That way the Skraven will never known how much they have taught at the end of each session.

Possibly one that has a smart famalair with a good sense of smell and communication bond for the non-verbal aspects?

Also, I'd love for punch-wizard to get his own anti-dhar rune item if at all possible for himself so he does not go mad over time due to warpstone exposure. So I'd like to give him the axe if possible.
ELF: Ulthuan has many opportunities to capture Druchii. The Empire has very few. I strongly favor sending this guy to the Spymaster or the Grey College for that reason.
Don't they have very few opportunities to capture dark elves because dark elves are far away and mostly not a problem for the Empire? If the Empire can't use much of the information they get from the elf but the Ulthuan elves can then I don't see much point in giving our captive to the Empire.
I find myself rather uninterested in their ichor.
We have our own ichor, going on eight years now.
Think of the possibilities, though! We could mix them together in a completely responsible and safe experiment that definitely won't result in the accidental creation of evil, warpstone-tainted slimes and gelatinous cubes!
Question for those planning to claim both the skaven and the dark elf: where do you plan to scrounge up the time for interacting with them? One I could understand taking and maybe Belegar will let interrogation of that one be the next turn's task if we're lucky, but two very different directions of interrogation? Mathilde already has a backlog of papers to write, preferably while they're fresh; more studies of Aethyric Vitae and Ranald's Coin sitting in the queue; spell study, whether getting Invisibility at once or finishing the partials to play the spell lottery again; bunch of people wanting to make use of Mathilde's super scouting abilities to see what's under the other peaks; and whatever else I've forgotten.
I'm reminded of this quip again:
I think it's a quick claim-then-ship-to-Ulthuan for Full Winds of Magic Insight Favour points on Mr Pointy Elf.
Another note about the potential corsair. As he's this far south he'll know nothing about what any groups of dark elves that would potentially be raiding the Empire. THe dark elves aren't a hive mind, they're a fractured society united by fear of the Witch King. Whichever Corsair groups are raiding the north wouldn't share anything about their activities with a rival group. The chance of him knowing anything relevant to the Empire should be vanishingly small as a result, even if there's currently a Black Ark parked in the Sea of Claws actively raiding Nordland.

While I broadly agree that he probably is not a magic user, saying it's impossible is a bit like saying there are no hedge mages in the Empire because non-college magic is illegal.

Magical ability is apparently visible to sufficiently good Magesight of the kind elves have. Unless a male magic user gets good enough at his studies to cast a spell to disguise his soul fast enough, he'd probably be caught very quickly. It's not impossible, but it's so exceptionally unlikely we can probably dismiss the probability.
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I also don't believe that it is near constantly raided by the Druichi, simply because it's not worth as much as attacking the much longer coats of the other Old World nations and the rest of the world
The sea of claws trade route encompasses 3 separate trading hubs (Which often trade with Ulthuan), 2 Brettonian baronies, 2 Imperial Province and Kislev. I'm not sure how much better a raiding target you can get.
I wonder if we can make our Skaven prisoner the co-author of any papers or books we write on the Underempire with his intelligence. His name on the book would certainly be an eye catcher!

And hey, maybe Skaven can earn College favor!
Magical ability is apparently visible to sufficiently good Magesight of the kind elves have. Unless a male magic user gets good enough at his studies fast enough, he'd probably be caught very quickly. It's not impossible, but it's so exceptionally unlikely we can probably dismiss the probability.

It depends on how much time this one spends far from the centers of dark Elf power, a Corsair would hjave the most time to learn magic in secret away from the prying eyes of the Sorceresses.
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