Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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ELF: Ulthuan has many opportunities to capture Druchii. The Empire has very few. I strongly favor sending this guy to the Spymaster or the Grey College for that reason.

That's because the Empire basically doesn't interact significantly with dark elves, so doesn't need the intelligence they can provide. Ulthuan does. The Imperial Spymaster or the Grey College will have some theoretical curiosity. Ulthuan has an active need to know and the means to take advantage of what they learn.
[X] ELF: Extradite him to Ulthuan. (+???)
[X] SKAVEN: Claim him.
[X] PUPS: Send them to the Amber College. (+College favour)
[X] AXE: Split it.
[X] OOZE: Claim it.
[X] BOOK: Hand it over to the Dwarves. (Dwarf favour)
[X] GOLD: Cede it.
A guest who doesn't (indeed, physiologically can't) speak the local language probably knows a lot less than a formerly very high status skaven who lost a political conflict.
A guest who was probably in the business of purchasing merchandise almost certainly at least understands the language of the seller.

-[X] ELF: Claim him.
-[X] SKAVEN: Claim him.
-[X] PUPS: Cede them.
-[X] OOZE: Cede it.
-[X] AXE: Split it.
-[X] BOOK: Claim it.
-[X] GOLD: Cede it.

[X] Plan HUMINT But With Money
by picklepikkl

The purpose is to interrogate the elf and the skaven for info relevant to K8P campaign. Then send the elf off to whoever we want after interrogation is complete. Keep the rat and the book to learn Queekish, we can then make copies of the book for favour. Ceding things I'm not interested in to Johann.
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[X] Plan Not Everyone Loves Ulthuan
- [X] ELF: Send him to the Grey College for questioning.
- [X] SKAVEN: Claim him.
- [X] PUPS: Cede them.
- [X] OOZE: Cede it.
- [X] AXE: Split it.
- [X] BOOK: Hand it over to the Dwarves.
- [X] GOLD: Cede it.
This is a very strangely generous plan.

We Cede three things to Johan, Claim one, and split credit on three (Elf, Axe, Book)
[X] Plan Imperial Intelligence and Skaven Research
- [X] ELF: Send him to the Grey College for questioning.
- [X] SKAVEN: Claim him.
- [X] PUPS: Cede them.
- [X] OOZE: Send it to any College that will take it.
- [X] AXE: Split it.
- [X] BOOK: Claim it.
- [X] GOLD: Cede it.

[X] Plan Elf Connections and Skaven Research
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A guest who was probably in the business of purchasing merchandise almost certainly at least understands the language of the seller.

The purpose is to interrogate the elf and the skaven for info relevant to K8P campaign. Then send the elf off to whoever we want after interrogation is complete. Keep the rat and the book to learn Queekish, we can then make copies of the book for favour. Ceding things I'm not interested in to Johann.

How? He literally is physiologically incapable of understanding the 'spoken' language. They'd have communicated in a mutually comprehensible trade tongue, the way merchants have always done.

The northern empire gets raided near constantly by Druchii Corsairs. Which I'm 90% sure this guy is, as an aside.

The northern Empire comes strongly pre-raided by the Norscans, who are also a barrier to the dark elves. I also don't believe that it is near constantly raided by the Druichi, simply because it's not worth as much as attacking the much longer coats of the other Old World nations and the rest of the world and there aren't that many black arcs.
[X] Plan Breaching The Unknowns
-[X] ELF: Extradite him to Ulthuan. (+???)
-[X] SKAVEN: Claim him.
-[X] PUPS: Cede them.
-[X] OOZE: Claim it.
-[X] AXE: Cede it.
-[X] BOOK: Claim it.
-[X] GOLD: Split it.
I'm wary of mailing the ooze somewhere instead of delivering it in person.
Should something jostle that containment and it breaks then we might have a bioweapon on the loose.
Made a few changes to Plan Equitable Split for those interested.

[X] Plan Equitable Split
-[X] ELF: Claim him.
-[X] SKAVEN: Send him to the Grey College for questioning. (+College favour)
-[X] PUPS: Send them to the Amber College. (+College favour)
-[X] OOZE: Cede it.
-[X] AXE: Claim it.
-[X] BOOK: Send it to the Colleges. (+College favour)
-[X] GOLD: Cede it.

We should definitely try and claim the Axe since it sounds like it's worth a hell of a lot of Dwarf favour.

Sending the Skaven and the Book to the Grey college so they can try to learn the Skaven language. Getting paid to have someone else deal with the drudge work of putting together a language, nice.

We'll grab what we can from the Elf and then sell him off to whatever party is interested and willing to pay, probably the college.
[X] Plan Elf Connections and Skaven Research
And one for Elf door opening. Elven tutors would go a long way to expanding our research once we start hitting walls.

Plan Elf Connections and Skaven Research also does both. You might want to vote for that too.

The point I've made about this plan- if you're voting for it in hopes of maximising 'Elf Favour' or similar-
Unless you Claim the Druuchi first, we'll be splitting whatever credit they offer with Johann.
Full Credit requires we claim him first. I'd suggest Ceeding the Ooze...
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Yes nothing stopping Mathilde from first interrogation then favors.

Though we need to make a copy of the chaos dwarf book and give back the original for dwarf favor. Aand double check it its okay to make a copy too??
[X] Plan Elf Connections and Skaven Research

At least maybe being able to hand over a written Queekish dictionary to the higher Imperial echelons might count as a great deed.
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