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Can't speak it, but understanding it is another matter.

How can we understand when we don't have a Skaven's sense of smell or hearing? We can't hear in the frequencies of the squeaks or smell their musk with any accuracy. Maybe we can train Wolf to understand Queekish, but it's impossible for us unless you want to mutate Mathilde.
[ ] Plan Intelligence and Accolades
- [ ] ELF: Extradite him to Ulthuan (+???)
- [ ] SKAVEN: Claim him.
- [ ] PUPS: Cede them.
- [ ] OOZE: Send it to any College that will take it.
- [ ] AXE: Cede it.
- [ ] BOOK: Claim it.
- [ ] GOLD: Split it.

Basic idea: Keep the balance between claim and cede even. Cede the axe and the pups because the latter we have basically zero uses for, and the former only gives us dwarven favor. Dwarven favor isn't a unique resource for us and we are probably going to get a good windfall from Karagril and translating Queekish. More than that, we gain things by Johann becoming more liked by the dwarves. It gives him more resources to play with which is good for us as his employer and they start respecting another wizard more which helps Wizard PR.

Claim the book and the skaven. The skaven teaches us Queekish because we've been waiting for that for a while and likely gets us a bunch of college/dwarf favor. It also gives us an insight into Skaven society in general and the situation in K8P in particular. The book also expands the things we can do. It's a favor mine as well as a general lore mine.

Ooze - I don't really care? I want to keep it, but keeping a living thing as part of your backlog seems like a risky thing to do. Off to the colleges I suppose.

Elf - We have no idea how much we can get for sending it to Ulthuan. For all we know, we'll get zilch. I suspect it'll end up on a roll. That said, we have a lot of stuff we want from Ulthuan. They've studied multi-wind interaction, the nature of the warp, the nature of divinity. All the stuff we're currently trying to understand. Even the chance of making a connection with Ulthuan seems incredibly worth it to me.

Gold - Split it. It balances the whole thing and we do actually need gold. Every time we spend something there is arguments about us running out of gold. This is the solution and for those worried about the bursar -
You hesitate, thinking of the Bursar, but this definitely falls into the category of fish jumping aboard.
This is fine. Plus, I want to walk into the grey college with a chest full of gold again. :V

Learning the written version of Queekish, we can probably do that. Learning the spoken version? Impossible. Skaven communication is done through whiskers, musk glands and sensitive noses and high pitched squeaks in frequencies humans can't hear.
We can still understand it. That said, we don't actually know that. Boney did warn us about making assumptions before we actually try learning the language. Besides, we are an illusionist. We have a better chance than anyone else.
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If ooze is edible for spiders, it might make a cool recycling facility. Organic garbage -> spider food.
How can we understand when we don't have a Skaven's sense of smell or hearing? We can't hear in the frequencies of the squeaks or smell their musk with any accuracy. Maybe we can train Wolf to understand Queekish, but it's impossible for us unless you want to mutate Mathilde.
For all we know we'll only be missing on sarcastic intonations.
I wonder how exactly he knows Khazalid.

I mean, my gut reaction was "Book on Chaos Dwarf beasties + Skaven that can speak Dwarf? Holy shit, must be a Chaos Dwarf who got hit by the Dreaded 13th Spell!" but that was just a kneejerk reaction. It's possible that the Skaven really is just a Skaven, and that he learned the Dwarf language... ... somehow.

Why does a prisoner know Khazalid? Why was be both imprisoned and knew Khazalid? A prisoner that knows Khazalid. Hrm.

... Well I mean. If he's actually from another clan. If it's actually some other clan that had had knowledge of Khazalid, and Clan Moulder merely kidnapped and imprisoned him and used him as a source of information... That would mean there's some other Skaven out there that know Khazalid? I dunno, not sure. ... Maybe this guy was dealing with Chaos Dwarfs. Maybe that's how some Skaven learned Khazalid; from Chaos Dwarfs. (Just... Would Chaos Dwarfs be any more willing to teach their language to outsiders than normal Dwarfs? I doubt that.)

This mystery is a little bit weird, but not unsolvable and not unable-to-be-reasoned-out.

In a more general sense though, I wonder what the trading languages are between beings like Skaven, Chaos Dwarfs, Dark Elves, and Greenskins. Is Reikspiel or some human language common? Or does one of them learn the other party's language (i.e. Dark Elf learning Queekish, or Skaven learning Druhir. Skaven learning Orcish to speak to Night Goblins.)
[X] Plan Equitable Split
-[X] ELF: Claim him.
-[X] SKAVEN: Send him to the Grey College for questioning. (+College favour)
-[X] PUPS: Send them to the Amber College. (+College favour)
-[X] OOZE: Cede it.
-[X] AXE: Claim it.
-[X] BOOK: Send it to the Colleges. (+College favour)
-[X] GOLD: Cede it.


Keep the Elf until we find out about the local situation. Then give the Elf to the college for lots of favour and then once they've wrung him for everything he's got they can send him off to Ulthuan if they feel like it. A sufficiently good argument could see me swap this to the Spymaster.

For the Skaven we have AP hell going on and decided not to take the language perk. Let's let someone else deal with the trouble of learning the language and get paid for it too. This could be swapped to the Dwarfs easily enough but we're shooting for that Lord Magister position so we should aim to impress the Grey College when we can.

Not seeing much use for the wolf-pups personally. The College or giving them to Johann is fine.

The mystery ooze is right up Johann's alley. Also I don't really see many wizards particularly wanting this and be willing to give a lot of favour for the mystery Skaven ooze.

A Rune-axe that causes Kragg to double take sounds like it's worth a crap load of favour. Definitely inclined to go for the whole score on this thing. Mega Dwarf Favour, too delicious to pass up.

The book of anatomy is interesting. Either the Dwarfs or the College would likely be interested. It might work well with our prisoner though so sending it to the College.

The gold is probably the least valuable thing here. As such giving it to Johann for more favour elsewhere is quite good for us.
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- [ ] OOZE: Cede it.

Johann can decipher this with a couple of spells, so he could breach any secret benefits to Order very quickly without us.

[ ] AXE: Split it.
Remember it's not just *Favour* (the currency) this major rune find will also boost Dwarf Rep.
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Learning the written version of Queekish, we can probably do that. Learning the spoken version? Impossible. Skaven communication is done through whiskers, musk glands and sensitive noses and high pitched squeaks in frequencies humans can't hear.
We're a really, really paranoid Eshin who only ever communicates through written messages. Or something like that, I don't really know. It was just a thought, unless there's some sort of Ulgu spell that could let us replicate those effects as well. Or the Coin covers that part. It's a possibility at least.
Hmm... Wear a face mask? Or gas mask? Your tongue got cut out, or your throat got damaged? Your face (whiskers, etc) got damaged?

That would explain why a Skaven wouldn't be able to speak.
Elf - We have no idea how much we can get for sending it to Ulthuan. For all we know, we'll get zilch. I suspect it'll end up on a roll. That said, we have a lot of stuff we want from Ulthuan. They've studied multi-wind interaction, the nature of the warp, the nature of divinity. All the stuff we're currently trying to understand. Even the chance of making a connection with Ulthuan seems incredibly worth it to me.
Even if our prisoner is a big name among his kind, and from his presence in among the rats without any escort or personal slaves I suspect he isn't, I doubt he'll net us anywhere near enough favor to get anything meaningful anytime soon. I doubt that the sort of favors you say we should seek are cheap, as well. Turning him over to the Empire, though, or the Grey College? Immediate, quantifiable gains for both ourselves and for the Empire.

@WorldSlayer Still about a half hour on the moratorium.
[X] Plan Imperial Intelligence and Skaven Research
- [X] ELF: Send him to the Grey College for questioning.
- [X] SKAVEN: Claim him.
- [X] PUPS: Cede them.
- [X] OOZE: Send it to any College that will take it.
- [X] AXE: Split it.
- [X] BOOK: Claim it.
- [X] GOLD: Cede it.
I wonder how exactly he knows Khazalid.

I mean, my gut reaction was "Book on Chaos Dwarf beasties + Skaven that can speak Dwarf? Holy shit, must be a Chaos Dwarf who got hit by the Dreaded 13th Spell!" but that was just a kneejerk reaction. It's possible that the Skaven really is just a Skaven, and that he learned the Dwarf language... ... somehow.

Why does a prisoner know Khazalid? Why was be both imprisoned and knew Khazalid? A prisoner that knows Khazalid. Hrm.

... Well I mean. If he's actually from another clan. If it's actually some other clan that had had knowledge of Khazalid, and Clan Moulder merely kidnapped and imprisoned him and used him as a source of information... That would mean there's some other Skaven out there that know Khazalid? I dunno, not sure. ... Maybe this guy was dealing with Chaos Dwarfs. Maybe that's how some Skaven learned Khazalid; from Chaos Dwarfs. (Just... Would Chaos Dwarfs be any more willing to teach their language to outsiders than normal Dwarfs? I doubt that.)

This mystery is a little bit weird, but not unsolvable and not unable-to-be-reasoned-out.

In a more general sense though, I wonder what the trading languages are between beings like Skaven, Chaos Dwarfs, Dark Elves, and Greenskins. Is Reikspiel or some human language common? Or does one of them learn the other party's language (i.e. Dark Elf learning Queekish, or Skaven learning Druhir. Skaven learning Orcish to speak to Night Goblins.)
He could be an Eshin, they're the spies and assassins of the Skaven race. If anybody knows Khazalid, it would be them.
Learning Skaven Tongue lets us listen in on them. That kind of intelligence is not to be underestimated. I don't know another Grey Wizard alive that's this deep in with the Skaven, in terms of having access to multiple clans, and a safe retreat path from scouting them. Such might exsist, but we need the language a lot. I would not mind teaching it to another, but we need that thing. Hells, just imagine what we can do with it and doppelganger. Assuming we can learn it.
An argument in favor of keeping an elf: we can study and impersonate him. We need a disguise to pass by in a skaven society, and dark elf envoy sounds like a great one.
I wonder how exactly he knows Khazalid.

I mean, my gut reaction was "Book on Chaos Dwarf beasties + Skaven that can speak Dwarf? Holy shit, must be a Chaos Dwarf who got hit by the Dreaded 13th Spell!" but that was just a kneejerk reaction. It's possible that the Skaven really is just a Skaven, and that he learned the Dwarf language... ... somehow.

Why does a prisoner know Khazalid? Why was be both imprisoned and knew Khazalid? A prisoner that knows Khazalid. Hrm.

... Well I mean. If he's actually from another clan. If it's actually some other clan that had had knowledge of Khazalid, and Clan Moulder merely kidnapped and imprisoned him and used him as a source of information... That would mean there's some other Skaven out there that know Khazalid? I dunno, not sure. ... Maybe this guy was dealing with Chaos Dwarfs. Maybe that's how some Skaven learned Khazalid; from Chaos Dwarfs. (Just... Would Chaos Dwarfs be any more willing to teach their language to outsiders than normal Dwarfs? I doubt that.)

This mystery is a little bit weird, but not unsolvable and not unable-to-be-reasoned-out.

In a more general sense though, I wonder what the trading languages are between beings like Skaven, Chaos Dwarfs, Dark Elves, and Greenskins. Is Reikspiel or some human language common? Or does one of them learn the other party's language (i.e. Dark Elf learning Queekish, or Skaven learning Druhir. Skaven learning Orcish to speak to Night Goblins.)
I figure leadership just picks up local languages, cause otherwise you're reliant on subordinates to taunt enemies, interrogate captives, make demands or read captured documents and you'll want to at least be able to double check their work from time to time to avoid a knife in your back.
Sides, it's not like languages are that hard for the ratties.
An argument in favor of keeping an elf: we can study and impersonate him. We need a disguise to pass by in a skaven society, and dark elf envoy sounds like a great one.

Dark elf envoy is also the opposite of average and inconspicuous, so it is likely that Take No Heed and Coin won't work with that disguise. That means nothing will stop Skaven from asking awkward questions like "what are you doing here?"
Even if our prisoner is a big name among his kind, and from his presence in among the rats without any escort or personal slaves I suspect he isn't, I doubt he'll net us anywhere near enough favor to get anything meaningful anytime soon. I doubt that the sort of favors you say we should seek are cheap, as well. Turning him over to the Empire, though, or the Grey College? Immediate, quantifiable gains for both ourselves and for the Empire.

@WorldSlayer Still about a half hour on the moratorium.
You have to start somewhere. The point isn't that we'd get favor. The point is that we'd make a connection. An increase in favor also means an increase in reputation. It means that the elves are willing to sell us things by name that they don't usually let unknown outsiders have.

We aren't going to make any connections with Ulthuan by absolutely ignoring them when we get the chance. This is the first chance we had of getting on Ulthuan's good side. Do you have any other ways to attract their interest?

On the other hand we aren't exactly lacking in methods to help the college or the empire. Quite the opposite in fact.
I wonder how exactly he knows Khazalid.

I mean, my gut reaction was "Book on Chaos Dwarf beasties + Skaven that can speak Dwarf? Holy shit, must be a Chaos Dwarf who got hit by the Dreaded 13th Spell!" but that was just a kneejerk reaction. It's possible that the Skaven really is just a Skaven, and that he learned the Dwarf language... ... somehow.

Why does a prisoner know Khazalid? Why was be both imprisoned and knew Khazalid? A prisoner that knows Khazalid. Hrm.

... Well I mean. If he's actually from another clan. If it's actually some other clan that had had knowledge of Khazalid, and Clan Moulder merely kidnapped and imprisoned him and used him as a source of information... That would mean there's some other Skaven out there that know Khazalid? I dunno, not sure. ... Maybe this guy was dealing with Chaos Dwarfs. Maybe that's how some Skaven learned Khazalid; from Chaos Dwarfs. (Just... Would Chaos Dwarfs be any more willing to teach their language to outsiders than normal Dwarfs? I doubt that.)

This mystery is a little bit weird, but not unsolvable and not unable-to-be-reasoned-out.

In a more general sense though, I wonder what the trading languages are between beings like Skaven, Chaos Dwarfs, Dark Elves, and Greenskins. Is Reikspiel or some human language common? Or does one of them learn the other party's language (i.e. Dark Elf learning Queekish, or Skaven learning Druhir. Skaven learning Orcish to speak to Night Goblins.)
I'd guess some form of Riekspiel is common. The DE would learn it so they can tell people what they're going to do to them. The Greenskins speak a slightly debased version of it as their native language, Skaven would learn it so they can spy on the humans better, and the CD would probably learn it so they don't have to teach slaves or Norscans Khazalid.
Just study him and write up a disguise portfolio for him if we need to disguise as an elf. Keeping him for longer than that is not worth it.
But we have to keep him at all if we want to do that. If we vote to send them off to the elves or the Empire we will be doing that right away we won't get an opportunity to interrogate him or study him.
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Dark elf envoy is also the opposite of average and inconspicuous, so it is likely that Take No Heed and Coin won't work with that disguise. That means nothing will stop Skaven from asking awkward questions like "what are you doing here?"
We have the Deciever. This is the kind of thing it was made for.
Whatever bad blood there once was between Johann and Maximilian must have evaporated, or perhaps the latter is too upset to pass up a shoulder to cry on, as Maximilian bemoans the battle that never was from eastern edge of the caldera, where the gyrocopters have landed to preserve fuel but still be on hand and the siege weapon teams have stood down from full readiness. Your rescue of him comes at Johann's thinly-veiled relief, and as the two of you make your way back into the Citadel, Maximilian turns his woes on the cannoneers, who seem equally disappointed.
Poor Max.
We'll get him a beer.
Johann doesn't have the ability to summon a magical horse, but you're quite shocked to learn that he doesn't need one to keep pace with you. Enchanted gold, it seems, not only makes him stronger and tougher - it also removes his capacity to feel physical fatigue. He's not at all out of breath when you reach Karagril and dismiss your steed, nor, now that you watch closely, is he breathing at all, except when required for speech. "It's one of the most recent things I had done," he says casually as the two of you make your way deeper under the mountain. "I've a gift for the more literal applications of the Wind of Metal, but it's still quite a tricky ritual under the best of circumstances, and trying to convince yourself to inhale molten gold isn't the best of circumstances. But it does mean that I don't need to breathe."

"Useful," you comment, keeping envy out of your voice. It's a fact of life when dealing with members of other Colleges that they'll have access to capabilities that would be astoundingly useful; you can only imagine how infuriating it must be to someone who doesn't have their own suite of magical abilities to comfort themselves.
We suspected but good to have it confirmed. He's tireless and never runs out of physical stamina.

*quietly puts another mark on the Johann love interest perks*
"I've got a number of flasks and bombs to take advantage of it with, but it is restricted to solo adventures. For now, anyway. I hope to find one of those Skryre gas-rats and figure out how their masks work."
It'd be on the menu at some point next year. We'd go on a Jolly Adventure.

I'm kind of curious how their masks even work on warpstone based poison gas, but I'd probably count figuring out a workable gas mask as a necessity before any serious fighting with Skryre. Its like having flamethrowers against trolls.
[Infiltration: 87+21=108.]
[Moulder vs Red Fang: ???]
[Moulder vs Mors: 18+15(relative strength)=33 vs 49.]

It's been some time since you've had to infiltrate somewhere without being able to use Ulgu to cut corners, but blazing a trail for Johann makes it clear your skills are just as keen as ever and you easily slip past the roaring, screeching din of a Skaven-on-Skaven battlefields and on-edge guard posts into the unprotected underbelly of Clan Moulder, normally swarming with activity but practically deserted with most fighting, some hiding, and more than a few having fled. You're also able to gauge the battles you saw while slipping past, and while Moulder does seem to have the advantage in strength it seems that Mors' desperation is enough to tip things in their favour so far, even before Dwarven intervention.
The sweet, sweet sound of your enemies killing each other.

[Looting: Intrigue, 97+21=118. One roll in each category.]
Johann: "I need to go with Mathilde more often, the loot rolls are crazy with her around."
"What in Teclis' name is an elf doing here?" Johann says, standing over the unexpected figure's senseless form.

"Nothing good, I'd wager," you reply, looking past him into the being's quarters. The door was unlocked and the furnishings inside bordered on decadent, so you're pretty sure he's not a prisoner. You reach past Johann and gather Ulgu in your palm, and a touch and a thought plunges the elf into a deathlike torpor. "We'll take him with us and question him later."

"You speak elf?"

"You don't?"
Johann: "Really, when did she find the time to learn to speak elf?"
Instead of responding Johann drags the unconscious figure inside and closes the door, and the two of you begin to search the room, your attention quickly going to the chest on a writing desk, which reveals the gleam of gold when opened.

"Why are they pink?" you wonder aloud, running your fingers through the coins.

"Lustrian gold?" Johann suggests.

"How would they have gotten here?" You see a language you recognize and pick one up. "Port Reaver. Okay, it must be. Are there Skaven in Lustria?"

"No idea," Johann says, picking a coin up and rubbing it between two golden fingers. "Jewellers call it 'rose gold' when they're trying to bilk a noble. Feels about a quarter copper, maybe less."
Gold is nice, but we got lots of gold sources. Not that more would be a problem, but its probably up there on the list of things to trade off if we had something we want more.

Besides, Johann needs the cash more, if he plans to gild more internal organs.
"Maybe our new friend had a previous career as a pirate." You hesitate, thinking of the Bursar, but this definitely falls into the category of fish jumping aboard. Johann gives up on suppressing the sparks from the shock-whip he was examining, and rolls it in the elf's bedsheet as you turn your attention to the axe mounted above the desk. It's definitely Dwarven, so you place it atop the chest.
Bursar: "So...where do you even find Lustrian rose gold while at Eight Peaks?"
Mathilde: "My boat isn't even at sea, some seagulls drop fish on deck anyway."

The shock whip might be an interesting curio. Makes a nice trophy.
...wait, isn't that the Moulder control whip?

What happens if a Moulder Warbeast is confronted with whips on BOTH sides?
A shelf of books attracts your attention, but you quickly realize they aren't reference material, but instead somewhat like your usual recreational reading but with the risque cranked up to the point where it's definitely obscene and possibly blasphemous. Your searches don't reveal anything else of interest, so the two of you move on.
*Checks the library*
Romance +2 - Extensive Imperial / Extensive Druchii

The Dark Elf sure has good reading material.
Maybe we should get Extensive Bretonnian Romance to bring balance to the force with incredibly chaste and pure romances.

"A laboratory," Johann says, his voice thick with disgust.

"I've seen laboratories. I've got a laboratory. This is an abattoir." You grimace at a rack of still-bloody instruments, and with trepidation lean over the wide metal drum splattered with old blood. But instead of a pile of gore and viscera, you see inside a strange, faintly-glowing ooze. You frown at it, and select the cleanest of the implements to give it a poke; it clings onto the tool but relinquishes its grip when you shake it, and you see the gore has been cleaned off it. You uncork a flask of blood and pour it in, and watch as it soaks into the ooze, and then with a set of clamps and a lot of care, you gather up a flaskful of it for future investigation.
Wonder what the ooze does. It LOOKS like its being used as a cleaning agent, but we never know unless we study it.

Anyone think this might be their recycle bin? For rendering down the spare parts back into nutrient sludge for the next project.
You add it to the 'take' pile next to what look like a set of microscopes that Johann's collected, and then you venture into one of the two back rooms.
Microscopes. Nice. Might have better resolution than Imperial options.
You turn from them and instead examine the haphazard pile of books next to a stained dissection table. Most appear to be lab notes, badly-bound and the handwriting barely legible, but tucked into a corner you find a well-bound (in leather, and you try not to imagine the source) tome that when opened displays grisly anatomical charts of Dwarves. Or so you initially thought, but each depiction of their head or skull shows prominent tusks and a few show horns, and as the book continues it starts to depict some sort of Dwarf-centaur. These must be the Chaos Dwarves, that the Dwarves you know are so reticent to speak of.
*Checks Paper ratings*
-Subject: Rare(Multiple rare varieties of enemy faction) +1
-Insight: Revolutionary(Completely new information on Chaos Dwarves,) +2 OR Shattering(New information on dwarf biology) +3
-Delivery: Max can make it Compelling +1
-Familiarity: Exotic(Dark Lands) +1
-Might be Precious(I THINK the dwarf centaurs are secret?) +0 - +1
-Thorough(Skaven put it 'on the slab' literally) +1
-Varied(Skaven very clearly have used a lot of samples) +1
-Tactically Relevant(Enemy of the Empire) +1

...jebus, that is one heck of a paper.
The caged Skaven seemed to grow confident from your lack of threatening moves, and start to chitter what you assume to be Queekish entreaties at you, and with an effort of will you ignore their pleas. But just before you turn to leave, you hear the last thing you expected from a Skaven mouth. "Umgi! Elgramraki anokrit umgi! Orbarazar!" You stare at the Skaven that had spoken, managing to keep shock from showing on your face. With your attention on it you see this one is larger than the others, both taller and more muscular, and the injuries it bears seem deliberate cruelty rather than the casual cruelty of Moulder experimentation. "Orbarazar!" it repeats.

You consider the Skaven. The creatures are known to be untrustworthy, but that their society even exists is proof that intimidation works, and you feel confident that you could sufficiently intimidate a solitary prisoner. Despite the best efforts of a few of the Grey Order, there's yet to be any success in translating the language of the ratmen, but with a common language you might be the one to change that. You make your mind up. "Ip. Afthagit, afuzkul." The Skaven nods rapidly in agreement to your threat, and you gather Ulgu once more and press your hand against the bars. It stares at your hand curiously, and cautiously extends its paw to touch it at a jerk of your head, and then slumps into the torpor of Mockery of Death.
Taller, more muscular, actively tortured.
Somehow speaks Khazalid reasonably fluently.
Somehow trusts a random human wizard who snuck into the Moulder base and kept calm when all the other Skaven are panicking and fear-musking.

I'm PRETTY sure most regular dwarves would literally die before teaching a Skaven anything, much less their language.
Chaos Dwarves might be evil and crazy but they're still no less stubborn.

So, how?!
The possibilities are fairly slim, its either a captive Skaven Warlord or a 13th Spell victim.
With the stated intent of a punitive raid, the Throngs disengaged just after Clan Moulder started crumpling, and from what they saw Clan Mors barely managed to beat the Red Fang Orcs to the previously-Moulder territory, sparking the first of what is likely to be a constant war of attrition between the two. Without Dwarven intervention it seems the Orcs would have beaten Clan Mors, and would no doubt have swept upwards to seek their lost outpost and then to seek to reconquer it. Those that lost their lives raiding Clan Moulder saved even more lives, as instead of revanchist Orcs, the Karagril front is likely to be a cautious and unspoken detente with the outcast Skaven.
Excellent, working just fine.
As the Throngs march back to the Citadel and construction begins on the Karagril fortifications and the Silver Tarn aqueduct, you and Johann consider your haul.
Aqueduct already going. Bless the dwarves construction speed.

[X] Plan Imperial Intelligence and Skaven Research

This one looks fine

[X] Plan Elf Connections and Skaven Research
-[X] ELF: Extradite him to Ulthuan. (+???)
-[X] SKAVEN: Claim him.
-[X] PUPS: Cede them.
-[X] OOZE: Send it to any College that will take it. (+College favour?)
-[X] AXE: Split it.
-[X] BOOK: Claim it.
-[X] GOLD: Cede it.

And one for Elf door opening. Elven tutors would go a long way to expanding our research once we start hitting walls.

[X] Plan Breaching The Unknowns
-[X] ELF: Extradite him to Ulthuan. (+???)
-[X] SKAVEN: Claim him.
-[X] PUPS: Cede them.
-[X] OOZE: Claim it.
-[X] AXE: Cede it.
-[X] BOOK: Claim it.
-[X] GOLD: Split it.

Tossed one up for claiming the Ooze and having Johann spend one of his job actions Breaching the Unknown on it.

E: this is good too

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You have to start somewhere. The point isn't that we'd get favor. The point is that we'd make a connection. An increase in favor also means an increase in reputation. It means that the elves are willing to sell us things by name that they don't usually let unknown outsiders have.

We aren't going to make any connections with Ulthuan by absolutely ignoring them when we get the chance. This is the first chance we had of getting on Ulthuan's good side. Do you have any other ways to attract their interest?

On the other hand we aren't exactly lacking in methods to help the college or the empire. Quite the opposite in fact.
Other Ways: Asarnil's Memoirs
Helping Empire: How many of those methods involve helping the Empire against Naggaroth in particular, though?
Again, we probably can't distinguish the musks well enough, or perceive the higher pitched sounds. Non-written Comprehension will probably be limited, to a degree adjudicated by a dice roll, most likely.
That said, don't make assumptions about the extent to which smell is required before Mathilde actually studies it. Maybe it's complete gibberish without a smell component, or maybe it's just missing the equivalent of tone and you'd still be able to communicate to some extent.
This also doesn't prevent us from bringing in Skaven for interrogation and have Wolf around to translate for us.
Voting is open