Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Voting is open
Plan You can take the girl out of the spymaster but not the spymaster out of the girl.
[ ] ELF: Claim him.
So versatile, want the eltharin to qweekish option, want the intel. Considered getting Elf Favor but...maybe later once we know what they're worth
[ ] BOOK: Claim it. If we can translate this horror text becomes the Rosetta stone of breaking Skaven intelligence.
[ ] SKAVEN: Claim him. Qweekish to khalazid, heck yeah. Also. Who is he? Mors stormvermin maybe?
[ ] PUPS: Cede them. Maybe he needs familiars.
[ ] OOZE: Cede it. It eats stuff, a pretty cool alchemical solvent that seems closer to Johanns field than ours.
[ ] AXE: Split it. Once we know what it does we can write a paper on it together. Itll be a bonding experience.
[ ] GOLD: Cede it. We dont really need the money, let him have the 1500 gold. Annual bonus time. BEST BOSS EVER.

We are gonna need a bigger boat.
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The issue with sending the elf to the Grey College is that it best delays and at worst prevents the high elves getting actionable intelligence out of him.

The second issue is that there basically isn't any actionable intelligence that the EMpire can extract from a dark elf. The Empire has the smallest and least valuable coastline of any Old World nation, so is meaningfully raided less than anyone else, and also has the worst navy. It can't project force, and the internal politics of the Druichi and their plans are almost completely irrelevant to them. It's not as if this one likely corsair would know anything about what the masters of the other Black Arks are planning on doing.

By contrast, the high elves have both the experience to interrogate elves that the Grey College will lack, they have the context to understand what he's talking about, and have the global power projection to do something about what they learn, as opposed to the Empire, for whom its basically irrelevant.

Much the same applies to Mathilde claiming him. We do our best for the forces of order by packing him off to the high elf embassy in Altdorf on a gyrocopter today. That should get us an introduction to meet the elven ambassador, putting Mathilde on their radar and opening the door for future collaboration. It should also, in the long run, hopefully give us a role as a deniable channel of information between the elves and the most pragmatic dwarven king in existence. It's the social connections that make this such a valuable option. The high elves will know that we did the right thing by them by hustling the dark elf to them, and their ambassador should appreciate that. This is basically an ice breaker for us.
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Tossed one up for claiming the Ooze and having Johann spend one of his job actions Breaching the Unknown on it.
What I was actually going for was 'let him have the icky stuff and not waste (half) our time on it'. :V

This also doesn't prevent us from bringing in Skaven for interrogation and have Wolf around to translate for us.
Yes, as we both effectively said- it's likely gonna come down to a dice roll.
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The issue with sending the elf to the Grey College is that it best delays and at worst prevents the high elves getting actionable intelligence out of him.

The second issue is that there basically isn't any actionable intelligence that the EMpire can extract from a dark elf. The Empire has the smallest and least valuable coastline of any Old World nation, so is rarely meaningfully raided, and also has the worst navy. It can't project force, and the internal politics of the Druichi and their pans are almost completely irrelevant to them. It's not as if this one likely corsair would know anything about what the masters of the other Black Arks are planning on doing.

By contrast, the high elves have both the experience to interrogate elves that the Grey College will lack, they have the context to understand what he's talking about, and have the global power projection to do something about what they learn, as opposed to the Empire, for whom its basically irrelevant.

Much the same applies to Mathilde claiming him. We do our best for the forces of order by packing him off to the high elf embassy in Altdorf on a gyrocopter today. That should get us an introduction to meet the elven abassador, putting MAthilde on their radar and opening the door for future collaboration. It should also, in the long run, hopefully give us a role as a deniable channel of information between the elves and the most pragmatic dwarven king in existence,
On the other hand we can interrogate the elf about local matters.
Plan You can take the girl out of the spymaster but not the spymaster out of the girl.
[ ] ELF: Claim him.
So versatile, want the eltharin to qweekish option, want the intel. Considered getting Elf Favor but...maybe later once we know what they're worth
[ ] BOOK: Claim it. If we can translate this horror text becomes the Rosetta stone of breaking Skaven intelligence.
[ ] SKAVEN: Claim him. Qweekish to khalazid, heck yeah. Also. Who is he? Mors stormvermin maybe?
[ ] PUPS: Cede them. Maybe he needs familiars.
[ ] OOZE: Cede it. It eats stuff, a pretty cool alchemical solvent that seems closer to Johanns field than ours.
[ ] AXE: Split it. Once we know what it does we can write a paper on it together. Itll be a bonding experience.
[ ] GOLD: Cede it. We dont really need the money, let him have the 1500 gold. Annual bonus time. BEST BOSS EVER.

We are gonna need a bigger boat.
[ ] ELF: Claim him.
This is the only way you get full Ulthuan Credit. If you ship him off directly, Johann gets half.
If he does that he doesn't need to tell us anything. If we claim it we can pay him to Breach it for us and get credit for the paper as the employer.
I find myself rather uninterested in their ichor.
We have our own ichor, going on eight years now.
So what's the justification behind claiming the Book of Chaos Dwarves? Cause tbh, I'm inclined towards giving it to the Dwarves
Other Ways: Asarnil's Memoirs
Helping Empire: How many of those methods involve helping the Empire against Naggaroth in particular, though?
Yes, Asarnil's memoirs. Memoirs of a man actively exiled by the eleven king. A book that was also actively banned. I wonder why we aren't getting showered in favor already?

On Naggaroth, you do realise we have a Grey Magister Lord who used to be a slave in Naggaroth before wrecking havoc and making their way back to the empire? The empire already has sources on Naggaroth. It would be better to send him to the elves who are actively engaging the dark elves. If he has any useful information, they would be able to leverage it to a far greater degree than the empire.

Also, frankly I don't entirely trust the people of the empire. The last thing I want is for the dark elf to escape.
Plan You can take the girl out of the spymaster but not the spymaster out of the girl.
[ ] ELF: Claim him.
So versatile, want the eltharin to qweekish option, want the intel. Considered getting Elf Favor but...maybe later once we know what they're worth
[ ] BOOK: Claim it. If we can translate this horror text becomes the Rosetta stone of breaking Skaven intelligence.
[ ] SKAVEN: Claim him. Qweekish to khalazid, heck yeah. Also. Who is he? Mors stormvermin maybe?
[ ] PUPS: Cede them. Maybe he needs familiars.
[ ] OOZE: Cede it. It eats stuff, a pretty cool alchemical solvent that seems closer to Johanns field than ours.
[ ] AXE: Split it. Once we know what it does we can write a paper on it together. Itll be a bonding experience.
[ ] GOLD: Cede it. We dont really need the money, let him have the 1500 gold. Annual bonus time. BEST BOSS EVER.

We are gonna need a bigger boat.
That's my plan.:mad::p
ELF: Ulthuan has many opportunities to capture Druchii. The Empire has very few. I strongly favor sending this guy to the Spymaster or the Grey College for that reason.
SKAVEN: I don't want to cede this, but I don't have a strong opinion on which to do with him.
PUPS: Cute, but Mathilde has a pet already. Let's cede this, or send it to the Amber College.
OOZE: Cede it, let the research-y college study it.
AXE: Shiny, I guess? I think the main value here is in what Kragg gets out of it, not Mathilde or Johann.
BOOK: ??
GOLD: Cede it. For the love of Ranald, cede it, Mathilde's loot habits are getting ridiculous and the Gold Order can use gold as a strategic resource on top of its monetary value.

I'll wait and see what plans I find agreeable when voting time comes.
On the other hand the Skaven was a prisoner while the elf was a guest. So the elf may well have more actionable intelligence than the Skaven.

A guest who doesn't (indeed, physiologically can't) speak the local language probably knows a lot less than a formerly very high status skaven who lost a political conflict.
-[X] ELF: Claim him.
-[X] SKAVEN: Claim him.
-[X] PUPS: Cede them.
-[X] OOZE: Cede it.
-[X] AXE: Split it.
-[X] BOOK: Claim it.
-[X] GOLD: Cede it.

If you hope for full credit from Ulthuan, or the Imperial Spymaster, or whoever for the Druuchi- you have to claim him, otherwise Johann gets half.
Queekish benefits from the book and the Skaven.
Rune-Axe means both Dwarf Rep, as well as favour. I want our share.
Which means ceeding nasty Moulder ichor, nasty wolfrats, and gold.

(Edit this plan was already sketched out, though I derived mine the same way)
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[X] Plan Not Everyone Loves Ulthuan
- [X] ELF: Send him to the Grey College for questioning.
- [X] SKAVEN: Claim him.
- [X] PUPS: Cede them.
- [X] OOZE: Cede it.
- [X] AXE: Split it.
- [X] BOOK: Hand it over to the Dwarves.
- [X] GOLD: Cede it.
Voting is open