Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Voting is open
[X] The mercenaries should not fight Skaven at all.
[X] The mercenaries should join the fight against Skaven.
[X] Treasure Hunt
[X] Remain in reserve
[X] Line of Battle
-[X] With King Belegar
To be totally honest, the conspiracy of silence never sat right with me (Skaven also enforce it by murder. Why is the empire playing into their hands?) but unfortunately it is an important part of the lore.

I think ill skip that vote.
[X] The mercenaries should join the fight against Skaven.

You know, I had this whole internal debate about the mercenaries, and I read @ChronOblivion 's post and realized that yeah, it doesn't even slightly fucking matter. Whether these particular mercenaries find out about the Skaven or not is completely irrelevant given that we have several more peaks full of Skaven to take and will inevitably hire more mercenaries to help take them, meaning "mercenaries finding out Skaven exist" is unavoidable, so fuckit.

To what extent can there be any future mercenary hires if we can't let them anywhere near our primary enemy? I had assumed that Belegar definitely intended to continue hiring mercenaries. It's really weird that Mathilde is responsible for where the mercenaries are getting directed anyways.

[X] Line of Battle
-[X] With King Belegar
Likely to be where most needed.

Yeah, I'm convinced. Much as I'd love to go full slaughterbros with Kazador, Belebro has been astonishingly successful and perceptive and..."where most needed." Yup. That sounds exactly where we want to be. Maybe it's not as much impact, total, as flanking, but it puts that impact, well. Where most needed. Those are three damn compelling words.
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Whatever we do, please don't halfass the mercs with the Reserve vote. Learning about well armed beastmen just before you get sent against them gets a lot of people killed for a really dumb reason
Dramatis Personae is now graced with kazador's presence:
King Kazador Thunderhorn

> He has decades of experience in combat and warfare, and so efficiently purged the mountains near Karak Azul that the greenskins learned to climb mountains. And then he made his Throng learn too so they could follow them. Don't underestimate him.
< The world outside Karak Azul is full of interesting new people to meet and interesting new enemies to join them in killing! How wonderful!

Boisterous: Kazador has a cheerful and loud approach to life.
Clan Donarkhun: This Dwarf is of the Royal Clan of Karak Azul.
Longbeard: Having passed the age of 120, this Dwarf is considered ready to strive to reach the pinnacle of their craft.
Pathfinder: He has learned to track and pursue his foe across any terrain.
Master Sharpshooter: It's a rare foe he can't take down in a single shot from his runic crossbow.
Boisterous seems like something of an understatement...but i suppose the same applies to regimand and 'dramatic' :p
[X] Line of Battle
-[X] With King Belegar
[x] Sabotage

Not sure about the conspiracy thing and don't have the time and energy right now to really think about it, but I think this'd be interesting.
[X] The mercenaries should not fight Skaven at all.
[X] Line of Battle
-[X] With King Belegar
[X] Treasure Hunt
[X] Sabotage
I am sad his opinion of us does not include "would marry her to a son of mine if she were a dwarf." That was one of the first things he ever said to us!

but god he is just the Purest Bro
[X] Treasure Hunt

I'm conflicted on the merc vote. I'm just gonna override my original one with this and revisit it in the morning.
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Future Forces of the We
Future Forces of the We.

behold! a glimpse as what may be for the We. should they integrate into eight peaks, they will no doubt in time move their forces beyond a mere horde of giant spiders. intelligent, logical and soon to be filthy rich, the We march to war bearing different weapons and formations much like any people, just with significantly more legs and notably fewer hands than most.

Hunter Packs: the most simple and basic unit fielded by the we. A simple pack of hunter spiders. Typically such packs are composed of around a dozen individuals, though larger packs exist. Used mostly as scouts and outrider, they nevertheless can serve as a dangerous skirmish force. doning thick silk gambesons when skittering off to war, hunter packs are far more durable than most giant spiders, and often carry flares to allow them to coordinate non We forces.

Web Layers: dedicated trap layers and combat engineers, Web layer units are comprised of hunters who carrying web-weavers on their backs in special silk harnesses. While this slows them and can prove a liability in combat, it enables the We to bring web-weavers into battle in significant numbers. Enabling them to quickly lay down obstacles, bridge gaps, or apply large quantities of spider silk in any way the We or its allies can come up with.

Spider Gunners: Hunter we bearing halfling on their back. In many ways they are similar to goblin spider calvary but have a number of key differences. The We are by agreement in charge of the unit, leaving the halflings free to focus totally attacking the enemy. The use of an ingenious silk saddle allows them to easily turn all the way around with little difficulty, as well as keep seated even as the We crawl along tunnel ceilings. Most units use handguns purchased from the dwarfs, but some use arrows when silence is needed. To date, the We have a standing oath to pay a considerable sum to any dwarf able to create a handgun that a halfling can fire and reload easily while hanging upside down.

Fire Spiders: Even as the We forms a closer bond with its allies, one must never forget that it is in many ways alien. The We considers its bodies as tools, viewing them with less sentiment than a dwarf views an axe. Nowhere is this more clear than in fire spider packs. Usually made up of hunters nearing the ends of their life, fire spiders carry large blasting charges into the heart of enemy formations before detonating themselves. As cunning and skilled at infiltration as any of the We, fire spiders have proven their worth countless times. Both as dedicated suicide units, or as nasty surprises hidden in more conventional packs.

Warriors: As the We moves from a nomadic life to settled on, it has sought to breed a new breed of hunters. Selecting for size and strength over venom or nimbleness. So far they have not reached the point of being a truly new breed, but are notably larger and stronger than the average hunter. Bearing dwarven barding and bladed leg tips warriors are a terror on the battlefield. While not as fast as hunters, they are still able to scale sheer surfaces and move at a respectable pace for most infantry, over even the roughest of terrain.

Praetorians: The largest warriors of the We, given heavy barding and their front legs flitted with large shields, they serve as heavy infantry, presenting a terrifying fanged shieldwall to the foes of the We. A shield wall of Praetorians is nearly as difficult to dislodge as a line of dwarven Long beards, and far more replaceable. Often used as a sacrificial stall, more than one foe has finally overcome a Praetorian pack, only to find themselves surrounded and devoured by swifter We. While they are not quite able to climb up sheer surfaces unassisted, should a web-weaver leave a silk ladder, even the ponderous Praetorians can appear from unexpected angles.

Egg-layers: perhaps one of the few things We is hesitant to lose, its egg-layers are nevertheless potent forces on the battlefield. Fielded towards the end of their lives, or in the most vital clashes. Comparable in size and strength to Arachnarok Spiders, Egg-layers lack the venom and prominent fangs of those horrors. However, what they lack in natural weapons they make up for in dwarven steel and ingenuity. Their legs covered in bladed armor, and their backs carrying devastating dwarven guns into battle they are a foe to cow any foolish enough to stand before them. Carrying cases full of web-weavers to ensure the We's mind does not fail it, Egg-layers can punch deep into enemy lines, fighting with skill unseen for most monsters, and supported by dwarven guns atop its back they are able to cut a swath of ruin through their foes.

Bomb-layers: reserved for only the most desperate of battles, when even the carnage of a normal egg-layer is insufficient. Instead of the typical platform caring dwarven warriors, it bears countless boxes of bombs and a crew of hunters and web-weavers, as well as even heavier plate. Bomb-layers fight admit an endless field of fire, as their passagens tip crate after crate of explosives overboard, trusting their carapace and armor to shield them from the endless barrage of blasts. While deadly, the barley controlled nature of the explosions means such behemoths must fight alone, far away from the rest of the line, leaving them exposed to the enemy. Should it appear they are being overrun, the We atop its back will ignite its remaining munitions in a cataclysmic blast.

if anyone has better name suggestions, or untis they think would be neat, i'm willing to edit them in.
@BoneyM another silly thing to thread mark for ya.
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[X] The mercenaries should join the fight against Skaven.

Yeah, I'm convinced. The actual effect this will have on the conspiracy of silence is pretty marginal, and trying to take K8P without using mercenaries against the primary enemy force is going to get an unsustainable number of dwarves killed.

[X] Treasure Hunt

Hanging out with Johann sounds fun - hopefully we'll get a chance to see him pull a Senator Armstrong.

"Why won't you die-die!?"
"Gilding, rat. It hardens in response to physical trauma. You can't hurt me, Moulder!"
Yeah, good point. We will need to hire mercenaries to fight all the Skaven anyway if we want to have any chance of success.

[X] The mercenaries should join the fight against Skaven.

[X] Sabotage
[X] Remain in reserve
[X] Line of Battle
-[X] With King Belegar
To be totally honest, the conspiracy of silence never sat right with me (Skaven also enforce it by murder. Why is the empire playing into their hands?) but unfortunately it is an important part of the lore.

I think ill skip that vote.
The Empire maintains it so the Skaven don't change from assassinating the odd person, to launching another full scale invasion. The Skaven maintain it because they figure the humans will eventually forget they exist completely.
[X] The mercenaries should join the fight against Skaven.
We need to take the fight to the Skaven under K8P eventually, we need mercs for that, we just don't have the number of Dwarfs needed without compromising the future of the Karak.
We do this now, or we do this in 5 years, either way we need a precedent for how to deal with mercs fighting Skaven.

[X] Treasure Hunt
This is what Johann is for, and I kinda want to see what he can get.
[X] The mercenaries should join the fight against Skaven.
[X] Treasure Hunt

You know what?

Yeah, this sounds like a good spread I think. The last time we and Johann went on a treasure hunt was great.
Voting is open