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[X] The mercenaries should join the fight against Skaven.

Yeah, I'm convinced. The actual effect this will have on the conspiracy of silence is pretty marginal, and trying to take K8P without using mercenaries against the primary enemy force is going to get an unsustainable number of dwarves killed.

[X] Treasure Hunt

Hanging out with Johann sounds fun - hopefully we'll get a chance to see him pull a Senator Armstrong.

"Why won't you die-die!?"
"Gilding, rat. It hardens in response to physical trauma. You can't hurt me, Moulder!"
"We Moulders are the masters of fleshy-fleshy doings! You fools for coming here"

"I left flesh and its weakness behind a long time ago"
I definitely don't think that this whole "the Conspiracy is actually useless and it's destruction will have zero consequences" thing is justified. There's enough direct text about why the Conspiracy exists, on top of Mathilde being quite concerned about the word spreading, that I buy it completely and that won't change without actual textual evidence. Theory crafting about it doesn't hold much water.

But again, why is this only coming up on the day of the battle without having ever been mentioned, why does Mathilde have authority over merc deployments suddenly? Does Belegar give a shit about the Conspiracy or not? Borderline sabotaging this battle by diverting the mercs they paid for because of the Empire's strategic-level anti-Skaven strat is a super crappy move if Belegar doesn't approve. I'm missing some information.
Practically speaking, it's not our call to make here, and it'd be ridiculous to hire mercenaries and then not use them. I'm pretty sure the Empire has contingencies in place for mercenaries fighting Skaven and then moving in, and that there suggests that we aren't able to make a better offer in the first place.

If these were actual Imperials, there'd be cause for concern, but they're not.
I think I'm going to sit out the merc vote for now. As for the rest, approval votes for the following:

[X] Sabotage
I'm worried that any stuff that we or Moulder can't break before the latter loses might end up in the paws of Mors. Definitely don't want that.

[X] Interference
Having Mors move in is the plan, so let's try an avoid allowing the Red Fangs a foothold. Also knocking Moulder over would go easier if the orcs and Mors are also focused on them.

[X] Treasure Hunt
Last time was fun, let's do it again.

[X] Line of Battle
-[X] With King Kazador
-[X] With King Belegar
-[X] With the mercenaries.
Hanging out with Kazador and Belegar, plus a vote for the mercs since that might have synergies with them being read into the Conspiracy, should that option win.

[X] Flanking
Something sneaky we can do, with less risk than assassination. Maybe.
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I get that a treasure hunt can be fun, but shouldn't we rather do our best to help the Dwarves win the battle?

I thought there was a consensus on how important the retaking of Karak Eight Peaks is and how we need to minimize Dwarf casualties. Sure, Clan Moulder will get attacked from three sides, but they are still a major Skaven clan, so I wouldn't expect the fight to be a cakewalk.
I definitely don't think that this whole "the Conspiracy is actually useless and it's destruction will have zero consequences" thing is justified. There's enough direct text about why the Conspiracy exists, on top of Mathilde being quite concerned about the word spreading, that I buy it completely and that won't change without actual textual evidence. Theory crafting about it doesn't hold much water.
While some people have been saying that the conspiracy as a whole is pointless, I don't think that's the primary justification of most of the people voting to send them in; I think it's just "the potential these mercenaries have to cause the sort of widespread panic about a subterranean civilization of rat-men that would blow the cold war straight into hot war territory is very small." Certainly that's my reasoning; as @Alectai mentions, this cannot be the first time someone has fought skaven and then gone to the Empire.
I get that a treasure hunt can be fun, but shouldn't we rather do our best to help the Dwarves win the battle?
Part of the point of the treasure hunt is to gather strategically useful materiel which will help in the rest of the war to retake the Peaks (and deny it to Mors, under-Karagril's new masters).
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Oh, I'm definitely expecting some political blowback within the Grey Order to bite us in the ass when it comes time to have a shot at Wizard Lord. would still be very silly to pay for the mercs and not use them, and I have no idea why this is even Mathilde's decision to make in the first place.
Gotta say I find the appeal and support for stealing from Clan Moulder baffling. As far as unique or best-in-slot equivalents for the nearby Skaven groups, they have biological abominations that we couldn't make without the inherently mutagenic properties of Warpstone and wouldn't want even if we could make them and some speculative lab supplies and notes used in making them—notes in Queekish that we can't read or get translated and lab supplies that we would need to reverse-engineer to make without Warpstone and would even then be insanely biomanipulation focused. And that's basically it.
[X] The mercenaries should join the fight against Skaven.
[X] Treasure Hunt

Mathilde: "Alright, folks, there are this special sort of beastman that are based on rats instead of-"
Braganza: "You speak of Skaven?"
Mathilde: "Uhh..."
Braganza: "They are no secret in Miragliano, or any city of Tilea, for that matter. We have a long and colorful history of hating the vermin, although perhaps not so long as that of our current employer."
Mathilde: "Right... Well, for the benefit of the mercenaries from the Border Prince Confederacy..."
BPC Native: "Who regularly flee into The Vaults to regroup and counter incursions by the Dark Powers coming from east of the World's Edge. Only time the damn rats let us anywhere near their cities."
Passing Dwarf: "...How specific can you be about where these Skaven cities are?"
[X] The mercenaries should join the fight against Skaven.

If most of the mercs die, then there's much less cleanup for the CoS, and if very few of the mercs die they aren't going to be telling very many stories about how much of a threat Skaven are.
Personally, I'm leaning towards either having the humans participate / treasure hunting with Johann, or helping King Belegar / keeping the humans out of it or in reserve.

Basically, having the humans participate is not safe unless we are willing to dedicate after-combat actions to keep the Conspiracy of Silence alive; but the dwarves could very well need backup unless we're on the front lines.

Given how many risks we've taken lately, I'm inclined to say:

[X] Line of Battle
-[X] With King Belegar
[X] The mercenaries should stay in reserve.

And to play it a little safe, but I'd also be happy with Treasure Hunting / Mercenaries participate.
[X] The mercenaries should join the fight against Skaven.
[X] Line of Battle
-[X] With King Belegar

Fighting alongside one of our lieges again should be nice.
I really don't understand all the people going for Treasure Hunt. Do we not have a big enough backlog already? We're up to our ears in research possibilities and paper topics. Even what we have now, we're never going to do all of it.
I really don't understand all the people going for Treasure Hunt. Do we not have a big enough backlog already? We're up to our ears in research possibilities and paper topics. Even what we have now, we're never going to do all of it.
Not all treasure is silver and gold, and not all Skaven slaves are Skaven slaves.
[x] The mercenaries should join the fight against Skaven.
pretty sure tilans know about skaven.

[x] Line of Battle
-[x] With King Belegar

knocking out leadership or letting beasts loose could esaily do to much damage. We can just stick next to our king and help as needed.
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Ya know depending on the Snake Juice I wonder if making 'small' Ulgu incarnates actually is a possibility, or all the incarnated Ulgu does seem like the one that would have a 'lesser' incarnate be something of potential worth given it's focus on stealth.
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