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*which America still does, funnily enough.
It's specifically exempted in the 13th Amendment. Slavery's abolished in the United States except when it comes to prisoners, which is incredibly skeevy IMO. That's the last line that an exemption should be found in.

On that note, @BoneyM how does EIC deal with debtors? Does it do debt prisons or will our "Common Good" ethos thing make the directors go for structured repayment plans?

EDIT: Can we get the EIC to set up its own banks? Might do the Empire tons of good to do micro-loans.
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[X] MATHILDE: Join the sellswords, who will be going in first.
[X] MATHILDE: Infiltrate Karagril early, and rampage through enemy lines once battle begins.

[X] DUCKLINGS: Split up and placed with units going into Karagril.

[X] MAX: Firing from the Citadel.

[X] JOHANN: Joining the siege weapon teams.

[X] Leave it untouched.
The Night Prowler will remain in effect. You will be able to select a new face as normal in the coming turn.
Why isn't Mathilde participating in the front lines, she with her dreaded aspect can break a organize offensive, than when the mercenaries and dwarfs have a footheld, she can go around assassinating leaders?
I read it more as "So, turns out that destroying a single castle didn't magically make all the vampires vanish from the Empire. Might have actually made things worse by scaring the quiet ones out of the woodwork. So... we're going to throw whatever magic people we can spare at it."
I think at least part of it is "we tried to do this quiet, but it didn't take and so now comes the hammer".

It helps that part of the problem is that Battle Wizards are pretty risky to deploy. Most provinces would object, strenuously, and with good reason.
Sylvania however, is already badly warpstone contaminated, and its strategically useful to have field studies on Battle Wizards in mass deployment.

The other part is that theres usually two ways a vampire hunt goes:
1) You track down, sneak up on and stake/behead the vampire from ambush. Their pet undead, gribblies, ghouls and collaborators slink off, go berserk, or fall apart.
2) You actually engage them in battle. You face an army that can give a province trouble per elder vampire.

Theres no *official* way to deal with them without a fuss.
On that note, @BoneyM how does EIC deal with debtors? Does it do debt prisons or will our "Common Good" ethos thing make the directors go for structured repayment plans?

EDIT: Can we get the EIC to set up its own banks? Might do the Empire tons of good to do micro-loans.
Pretty sure traditional recourse for the time period was confiscation of assets to make up the money. The EIC being a Tall Not Wide enterprise makes loans a little messy, collecting debts tend to make people nine kinds of pissy, and sours your on site presence. Better to take collateral for debts.

Also banking is super risky in this era because there is a lot of perverse incentive when the province owes you money.
Why isn't Mathilde participating in the front lines, she with her dreaded aspect can break a organize offensive, than when the mercenaries and dwarfs have a footheld, she can go around assassinating leaders?
That seems kind of ass backwards. The idea of assassinating more leaders is to prevent the orcs from organizing a counteroffensive in favor of hunting the sneaky git orc that keeps killing bosses and is probably a minion of another boss.
[X] MATHILDE: Infiltrate Karagril early, and pick off any competent leaders.
[X] DUCKLINGS: Kept together and going into Karagril with the Dwarves.
[X] MAX: Firing from a gyrocopter.
[X] JOHANN: Joining the siege weapon teams.
[X] Leave it untouched.
This is actually kind of doubtful, because the Emperor and Elector Count of Reikland gets a say in what you can say about him and his wife. How far that goes in the Empire isn't explicit to my knowledge, but one could easily define treason as any offense against the sovereign. Even if not that, lèse-majesté regarding Elector Counts and the Emperor is probably in force to some degree, and there's probably also an element of blasphemy-is-the-same-thing involved as well, as the Emperor is Sigmar's successor and the Empire is Sigmar's creation and to bring either into disrepute would be blasphemy against Sigmar. (And this is a bad time to give the Grand Theogonist excuses to demonstrate his power.)

There's also plenty of edge case abuse to be done, like for example implying the Emperor's child is not their own could be construed as trying to tamper with the succession of the Elector Count of Reikland which is also classic treason.
Nobody would be so crass as to say it to her face, but as we can see in the chapter, they have a vampire infestation alert and they cannot shake a regiment or two loose from 8 other elector counts.

That says very loudly on how precarious the emperor/empress relation with the elector counts.
Nobody would be so crass as to say it to her face, but as we can see in the chapter, they have a vampire infestation alert and they cannot shake a regiment or two loose from 8 other elector counts.

That says very loudly on how precarious the emperor/empress relation with the elector counts.
I think part of the problem is they will want concessions and sending their men out to die for another province will be unpopular at home.

Sure they'd mobilize if theres a threat to all the Empire, but as far as they are concerned the vampires are just a local problem. If they knew about the College of Necromancy maybe. Very much a maybe.
Can someone post the Casting Values of the Ulgu Battle Magic? BoneyM has mentioned that we might be able to swing one or two Battle Magics before becoming Wizard Lord, with Favor costs equal to their Casting Values. Also, @BoneyM what's the favor cost of learning Smoke and Mirrors, since it doesn't have a Casting Value in the tabletop?

That's for enchantments. Whether you're trusted enough to be taught Battle Magic is not a matter of favour expenditure.

Then BoneyM probably shouldn't have the Casting Values as the costs. It's a bit farcical to have the costs be unpostable...
Frankly, we could probably do with getting a big "this is what makes certain buff spells mess you up, the ones in list A are fine, those in list B will kill you" post in informational, to cut down on people asking whether this or that spell will kill us if we try to slot it in our repertoire.

I'd ask that people spend a moment to think before they suggest that the QM spends several tedious hours compiling a spreadsheet as a universal panacea to player inconvenience.

If anyone is willing to go through the Lores and compile a list of converted favour costs and summaries of their general effects, that would be safe from the gaze of GW.

Hmmm. Something I've been wondering @BoneyM related to our ever expanding armory of magical MacGuffins, if we got an item of The Speed of Light would we have to take off the Belt or Armored Robes depending on the form it took in order to use the battle magic item and would there be any similar slot issues if we wanted to use a different item with Bound Ulgu Battle Magic spells like Smoke And Mirrors or Pit of Shades instead?
How is "you can't cast Ulgu while this (absurdly powerful) Hysh spell is active" a "drawback" as opposed to a "limitation"?

We can just... not activate it, or turn it off, when we want to cast.

In any case this is all based on my wild speculation and can easily be overturned by word of @BoneyM .
This discussion is getting dumb, let's ask the QM.

@BoneyM I know that you have already said that the problem with an Item with Speed of Light is that it can only be active for a short time and that the recharge time is long, but the thread is speculateting too much. So better to have your answer on this.

If we use magical item with speed of light, would it prevent us from casting Grey Magix, or from having have also active Aetheric Armor and/or Dread Aspects?

Speed of Light would clash with any other internal buffs when used, to the detriment of all spells involved, and make it harder to cast spells while it's active because the parts of you that normally channel Ulgu are filled with a different Wind. I can't see many scenarios where you punch the 'maximum murderblender' button and then decide to take a time out to cast some spells instead though, and the spell version only lasts a single round - this isn't an 'entire battle' deal.

The same applies to any other buff that improves the internal workings of your body. Mathilde's standard battle spells are Aethyric Armour and Scary Murdershadows, both of which are external.

@BoneyM what would be the cost of filling up an armoury with a variety of basic Dwarven Weaponry such as to resemble the above? Dwarven Journeyman tier basically.

Factoring rep and bulk discount, five gold coins per weapon, multiplied by however many weapons makes an armoury.

Air wolf was a helicopter, not actually a flying wolf.

Edit: Actually @BoneyM can we name the Gyrobomber we use, or did the dwarves beat us to that?

It's a gyrocarriage, but once the Eight Peaks Air Corps starts expanding you might be able to claim one for your exclusive use.

BoneyM says that greenskins by default count, same as beastmen.

Orcs specifically, not all greenskins.


Given the bonus for fighting in narrow spaces from our style is described as;

Could we get that bonus while fighting in center of the front ranks of a relatively tight formation? I understand if you don't want us to try and rule lawyer this, but it seems like a sort of situation which might play to her style's strengths surprisingly well.

I considered explicitly adding that, and it would have definitely been in with a solely Greatsword style, but for what Mathilde has I decided against it. It's simpler to fight with walls on both sides than with moving, bleeding, fighting allies.

Hey, @BoneyM, is our connection to Wolf purely magical, or is it partly spiritual? I mean, in the sense that it either does or doesn't require a direct connection to the Warp/Aethyr.

The reason I'm wondering is because it sounds fairly straightforward for a normal wizard, and they'd never have to worry about it, but seeing as how you've confirmed that Mathilde was secretly a vampire all along I'd like to know if there were any difficulties due to her lack of connection to the warp.

The line between the two isn't so clear-cut. Magic and souls are both forms of warp energy.

@BoneyM how big of a scandal would it be if the Empress was found to be a Ranaldian priestess? Would it cause a religious shitstorm if it's found out she's got Shallya's blessings too?

EDIT: How about her real age? Would it cause issues despite the fact that she's clearly fertile?

If it was somehow proved, both would cause unrest and discontent, especially among the Sigmarites. Mere unsubstantiated hearsay wouldn't, it's the constant price of fame and power.

@BoneyM should we take this as really meaning "in perpetuity"? because there are a lot of vampires...

It could definitely be interpreted that way. Perhaps it will remain in force forever, perhaps it would be until every known Vampire is stamped out and the Witch Hunters give the all-clear, and a second decree would be made stating the fulfilment of the first.

It's specifically exempted in the 13th Amendment. Slavery's abolished in the United States except when it comes to prisoners, which is incredibly skeevy IMO. That's the last line that an exemption should be found in.

This is not the place for this discussion.

On that note, @BoneyM how does EIC deal with debtors? Does it do debt prisons or will our "Common Good" ethos thing make the directors go for structured repayment plans?

EDIT: Can we get the EIC to set up its own banks? Might do the Empire tons of good to do micro-loans.

This is several layers below the level of granularity the thread decided to keep on-screen, so I'm not going to go anywhere near the minefield of duelling economic policies.
Speed of Light would clash with any other internal buffs when used, to the detriment of all spells involved, and make it harder to cast spells while it's active because the parts of you that normally channel Ulgu are filled with a different Wind. I can't see many scenarios where you punch the 'maximum murderblender' button and then decide to take a time out to cast some spells instead though, and the spell version only lasts a single round - this isn't an 'entire battle' deal.
Does this mean no Seed healing while the Speed of Light is active?
Barring "female wizard", Mathilde's basically a checklist of things they don't like: female knight, foreigner, assassin, Ranaldite, and jumped up peasant.
Explicitly illegal in Bretonnia, last I checked.
Aside from the obligatory "refrain making too broad a judgement on the state of Bretonnia before they show up in Quest proper" QM Post, there's this bit from Soizic's introduction:
She was a Knight Errant, only to have been firmly ejected when an unfortunately-timed privy break revealed certain things to a particularly inflexible Knight of the Realm. To hear Soizic tell it, at least one in every five high-voiced and beardless young Knights hid bound chests beneath their armour, a tradition enshrined in a half-dozen strikingly similar tales of a young lady taking her brother's or father's place in one war for survival or another, and most Knights knew when to shut up and feign blindness. But every now and then one would be too thick to understand the tapestry of polite fictions that allow Bretonnian society to function, and they go around like a loose cannon puncturing the veneer required to elevate reality to fable and considering themselves noble for it.
Italicized emphasis mine but to not put a fine point to it, female knights aren't un-allowed to the point of being tradition. Course, it's the story as 'Soizic tells it' but even if there's exaggeration - unlikely, we got 91 on Undumgi Culture roll to net us three illustrious candidates - that's just be what? 1 in 10 knights are female? Not particularly rare, is it?

To me, between this and the fact that Boney (cheekily) said that Soizic interpreted the 'no moons will judge me idle twice' don't apply to her when under a mountain, says quite a bit about in-Quest Bretonnian culture. Namely that it's a society where rules lawyering seems to be taken as an edifice with few boundaries are truly 'hard'. Not so much where you couldn't play fast and loose though, as Soizic's tale tells us, but enough that it's flexible when it needs to be.

...which brings to some terrifying hindsight that that is exceptionally close to Grey College's MO.
Anyone in thread knows how does one of the combat focused Bloodline Vampire Lords speed stack up to that Speed of Light gives us?
Italicized emphasis mine but to not put a fine point to it, female knights aren't un-allowed to the point of being tradition. Course, it's the story as 'Soizic tells it' but even if there's exaggeration - unlikely, we got 91 on Undumgi Culture roll to net us three illustrious candidates - that's just be what? 1 in 10 knights are female? Not particularly rare, is it?

To me, between this and the fact that Boney (cheekily) said that Soizic interpreted the 'no moons will judge me idle twice' don't apply to her when under a mountain, says quite a bit about in-Quest Bretonnian culture. Namely that it's a society where rules lawyering seems to be taken as an edifice with few boundaries are truly 'hard'. Not so much where you couldn't play fast and loose though, as Soizic's tale tells us, but enough that it's flexible when it needs to be.

...which brings to some terrifying hindsight that that is exceptionally close to Grey College's MO.

By the same token you probably should not judge how tolerant a country is by the manner of the near-exile who had been selling her sword for the past several years.
Namely that it's a society where rules lawyering seems to be taken as an edifice with few boundaries are truly 'hard'.
This is an.. exceptionally generous take on a deeply misogynistic society. Pretending to be something you're not otherwise your entire worth as a person is thrown out is a pretty bloody big boundary.
Anyone in thread knows how does one of the combat focused Bloodline Vampire Lords speed stack up to that Speed of Light gives us?
You can find out next time, on Dragonball Z!

In seriousness, though, it depends on whether a particular vampire is more Mighty Glacier or Lightning Bruiser... with Mathilde being a Glass Cannon, relatively speaking.
Anyone in thread knows how does one of the combat focused Bloodline Vampire Lords speed stack up to that Speed of Light gives us?
From my vague memories of 6e,iirc the last edition where lords had a distinct statline grom counts, lords had WS8 and I8, with blood dragons boosting WS by 2.
So you end up with ws10 and i8, compared to our ws10 and i10.
So, they'd be able to keep up with us even when we were buffed
By the same token you probably should not judge how tolerant a country is by the manner of the near-exile who had been selling her sword for the past several years.
I mean if anything the word of an exile should be considered to paint the country they are from in an unfavorable light, seeing as they were, you know, exiled from it.
By the same token you probably should not judge how tolerant a country is by the manner of the near-exile who had been selling her sword for the past several years.
Probably, yes~ But I am arguing and inferring from an IC PoV, which can continue to a more substantial and nuanced view to how Bretonnia actually is.
This is an.. exceptionally generous take on a deeply misogynistic society. Pretending to be something you're not otherwise your entire worth as a person is thrown out is a pretty bloody big boundary.
It may be a very generous reading but it is a reading that I partly consider to be indicative on how Boney writes the worldbuilding. I believe that there's enough nuance unsaid that female knights can and do succeed in a stratified society such as Bretonnia - even mayhaps enter the realm of Grailhood.

Course, I could be wrong. But that's the nature of speculations and until I am proven wrong then well, I'll continue to have faith in Boney's writings.
It's far from ideal that everyone has to at least appear to fit into one of a very limited set of archetypes to succeed in society but it's better than if some were completely barred from doing so.
I mean if anything the word of an exile should be considered to paint the country they are from in an unfavorable light, seeing as they were, you know, exiled from it.
I don't see how that follows. Exile is usually a form of criminal punishment. The fact that a country has crime is insufficient to paint it in an unfavorable light.
Speed of Light would clash with any other internal buffs when used, to the detriment of all spells involved, and make it harder to cast spells while it's active because the parts of you that normally channel Ulgu are filled with a different Wind. I can't see many scenarios where you punch the 'maximum murderblender' button and then decide to take a time out to cast some spells instead though, and the spell version only lasts a single round - this isn't an 'entire battle' deal.

The same applies to any other buff that improves the internal workings of your body. Mathilde's standard battle spells are Aethyric Armour and Scary Murdershadows, both of which are external.
Would this count as one round?
[Adela vs Orc: Martial, 56+12=68 vs 64+15=79.]
[Hubert vs Orc: Martial, 37+17=54 vs 39+15=54.]
[Gretel vs Orc: Martial, 98+15=113 vs 50+15=65.]
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