Ws10 Vampire Lords sounds like nonsense when translated to narrative tbh.
I could buy maybe Abhorash being that good, because he has like three separate uberpower effects going for him. Nobody else.
What does WS10 even mean in real terms? 'I can shave the wings from a fly in flight with my eyes closed using a blunt and rusty greatword'?Ws10 Vampire Lords sounds like nonsense when translated to narrative tbh.
I could buy maybe Abhorash being that good, because he has like three separate uberpower effects going for him. Nobody else.
No, that's only WS 8What does WS10 even mean in real terms? 'I can shave the wings from a fly in flight with my eyes closed using a blunt and rusty greatword'?
That sounds pretty good then. Would the item only have 1 'charge'?
That sounds pretty good then. Would the item only have 1 'charge'?
Most likely. The quirks of how a spell gets translated into an enchanted item are unpredictable and partially dependent on dicerolls.
I mean for the cost of like three you could call in enough magical muscle to permanently change the world in some pretty major ways instead of just being better at killing things.
A desire to experience a story instead of just mashing the 'maximum kill' button?
Can we?
I had gotten the impression that favour was very much personal improvement and magical items for your self thing, as we can't spend dorf favour that isn't directly for our own benefit as an example.
That is fair, but sometimes you really need that maximum kill so as not do die and abruptly end said story. For instance if we were planing to clear out a nest of Lahmians or blood dragons having more rounds of super speed sounds really good.
You can't spend Dwarf favour on giving the holy secrets of their most venerated Ancestor-Gods to people they've never even heard of. There's a middle ground.
Order enough magical help to turn that place into a pile of ashes!That is fair, but sometimes you really need that maximum kill so as not do die and abruptly end said story. For instance if we were planing to clear out a nest of Lahmians or blood dragons having more rounds of super speed sounds really good.
Not "even" Abhorash, then. Just Exalted Greater Daemons it is.Neferate is faster than Abhorash in lore. She is one of the fastest things 'alive'.
This is falling right into the 'we are good at killing so we gotta kill things' > 'we are killing things all the time so we gotta get better at killing' cycle that people were worried about with Branulhune.
Order enough magical help to turn that place into a pile of ashes!
GM said that a Speed of Light item would most likely be one use. It depends on a die roll.One time use vs reusable item. The item is the more efficient use of favor.
One time use vs reusable item. The item is the more efficient use of favor.
GM said that a Speed of Light item would most likely be one use. It depends on a die roll.
This is falling right into the 'we are good at killing so we gotta kill things' > 'we are killing things all the time so we gotta get better at killing' cycle that people were worried about with Branulhune.
If you need that amount of firepower all the time, you have fucked up somewhere and no amount of reusable firepower is going to help. That or you are beyond help.