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Mandred becoming a Grey has a lot of pros, and I think it's a very good option, but helping his chances at becoming Emperor is not one of them. The nobility overwhelmingly fears the Greys and it would be a lot lot harder to convince them to vote for him-not impossible, but harder.

If we want him to become Emperor then I think Brights are the best option, especially if learns some of the Indic paradigm. If he becomes a Bright then he will have the best chance of winning a great reputation before his fathers death because he'll be in the field(and very obviously in the field), he will have leadership spells, and the nobility will be familiar with him.

In terms of the election, I would rank the orders as such:
Golds(they have connections, but are they any better than the ones the imperial court already has?)
Jades(great relationship with the common people, but the common people have 0 votes. Very little showy battlefield ability.)
Greys(the nobility fears them already, why would they willingly give them more power?)
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So, skipped some pages to get here, sorry if this has been brought up already, but: My main concern with Bright Wizard Mandred is, is it kind of inevitable that all Bright Wizards become Irascible Bros?

Adela's been nice, so maybe that's not how it is. It's just anecdotally, they seem to have a great many members in their ranks that make me do a double-take to check for their longbeards.
Mathilde is not the majority shareholder, I think, she just has the biggest share.

Until Wilhemina kicks the bucket, the Grey college is still a minority.
It's not really hard to connect the dots my man.
Eike Hochschild is the heir to the Hochschild shares and there's a suspiciously Eike shaped apprentice following around the lady, thane, dame, shareholder, library owner Magister Weber.

Edit; damnit I forgot lorekeeper
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Mandred has a actual noteable affinity for Ulgu, to the point he has subconciously keeping up a Ulgu enchantment for years, the odds of him one day becoming a Lord Magister Tier wizard able to sling around battle magic will be considerably higher if he goes with Ulgu.

Or Chamon. He explicitly also has a strong affinity there.

As for the Golds… I distinctly remember Hubert wasn't the only problematic elemental wind wizard in our merry band. Johann definitely had his share of problems with his College because of the exact same things Gehenna sees in Mandred. Even if it can be moderated and kept under control, we'd just be hoping for special treatment Mandred gets to paper over the inherent problems.

Johann was treated a lot better than Hubert, and Johann has an actual disability where he can't use certain aspects of his Wind at all...that's a pretty different situation than Mandred just having an affinity for Elemental Chamon.

Note the Bright's argument here:

While this may be slightly reductive, it's also not entirely wrong. In the empire, martial strength gets you respect, and so most renowned nobles are the ones who've been on the most battlefields and kicked the most ass. And those nobles will in turn be used to Bright battle magic and also be seeing Mandred the most on the field. In other words, being a Bright can get him just as if not more influence among the nobility by sheer virtue of asskicking respect.

I mean, a battle-oriented Gold Wizard is also pretty terrifying on the battlefield. Maybe not more so, but I'd argue just as much. If the argument is 'fighting gets you respect' I don't think that's really a good argument for the Brights. They do this more than other Colleges, sure, but that means very little to an individual Wizard. If Mandred goes out with the army and fights well, he will get respect.

My personal preference for our ask for the Gold College would be something like:

[ ] Gold, for an agreement to allow tutoring from other Colleges on purely mundane skills relevant to leadership, to the degree that doing so won't interfere with the base magical paradigm.

This sounds good to me as a thing to ask the Golds for.
Mandred becoming a Grey has a lot of pros, and I think it's a very good option, but helping his chances at becoming Emperor is not one of them. The nobility overwhelmingly fears the Greys and it would be a lot lot harder to convince them to vote for him-not impossible, but harder.

If we want him to become Emperor then I think Brights are the best option, especially if learns some of the Indic paradigm. If he becomes a Bright then he will have the best chance of winning a great reputation before his fathers death because he'll be in the field(and very obviously in the field), he will have leadership spells, and the nobility will be familiar with him.

In terms of the election, I would rank the orders as such:
Golds(they have connections, but are they any better than the ones the imperial court already has?)
Jades(great relationship with the common people, but the common people have 0 votes. Very little showy battlefield ability.)
Greys(the nobility fears them already, why would they willingly give them more power?)

Actually I don't think the nobility fearing the Greys is actually that big of a issue when it comes to becoming the Emperor, afterall the only nobles who's vote actually matters for who gets to be Emperor IS the Elector Counts, so as long as the other Elector Counts like Mandred enough to vote for him, he'll become the next Emperor.

On that note, I think becoming a Grey Wizard might actually give Mandred the greatest odds of becoming Emperor, due to the fact that that would allow Mandred to be apprenticed to Mathilde, who due to all she's done for the Dwarfs ironically enough has a very good reputation among the Sigmarites.

Something which Mathilde, Heidi and Mandred might be able to leverage into acquiring the 3 sigmarite votes.
Welp, time to go to bed. When I wake up, the vote will have been open for a few hours... I hope the Bright side (heh) will have settled on a popular write-in by then.

This is such a cool, history-shaping vote, aaaaaa
After seeing the arguments, while I wouldn't mind him going into Grey College so we can see him more often, or Brights if we extract the concession that he should be taught the indic paradigm, what convinced me was Dragomas:

Right for the boy, not just for you or for me.

I'm not going to vote based on what's interesting to me, I'm going to vote based on what's the best fit for him. And to me, that's clearly the Golds.

Chamon will serve him excellently on and off the battlefield, allows him to wear armour, and Gehenna has confirmed that he has a strong affinity for it. While a Bright Mandred using the indic paradigm could perhaps match the usefulness, Boney has hinted he might not actually have that much natural affinity for Aqshy, just the Bright College culture, and I don't want to push a whole new paradigm on the Emperor's son. As interesting as it would be to learn more about the indic methods of using Aqshy, this is a case where boring and safe wins out over cool and experimental.
On that note, I think becoming a Grey Wizard might actually give Mandred the greatest odds of becoming Emperor, due to the fact that that would allow Mandred to be apprenticed to Mathilde, who due to all she's done for the Dwarfs ironically enough has a very good reputation among the Sigmarites.

Something which Mathilde, Heidi and Mandred might be able to leverage into acquiring the 3 sigmarite votes.
I suppose that may have some effect on the Sigmarite's opinion and may go some way to correcting the fact they are religiously opposed to all wizards; however, you are not considering the prime competition for those votes. Namely, Roswita Van Hal. If she is not a witch hunter herself, then she is descended from a long line of witch hunters and attends conferences on matters pertaining to that profession. She has ruled Stirland well, and you cannot forget she cleansed Sylvania of the vampire menace. Off the top of my head, I don't know what her relationship with the dwarfs is like, but I don't see how it could be bad. Can the actions of Mandred's master outweigh that in light of him being a wizard?
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What's the indic paradigm?
Aqshy that focuses more on courage, inspiring, intimidating, and other forms of emotional enhancement.
Look if our mere presence is going to make children magical we should at least take responsibility for them :V

Mathilde's Miraculous Magical Multiplier (Miniature)
Our mere presence does not do that, though; we needed 3 out of 3 magic procs when being introduced to children, and one was mundane, so we didn't get such a trait.
Hey, does anyone have an effort post I can reference describing how Karl Franz each of the choices would be? 🤔

I'd make it myself but I don't do much Warhammer outside of quests so I'd definitely fuck it up lol
It'd be Bright or Gold for Karl Franzing. Bright is better for diplomacy, Golds for stewardship, both will slap gribblies with magic on the battlefield.
You can't lead anyone anywhere if you don't survive. With that in mind either Gold or Jade seem to offer the most survivability. That Jade's are biased against male wizards would seem to argue against sending a male to join them. Which I guess makes Gold my first pick. An Elector-count with golden skin would be very hard to assassinate.
I'm of the opinion that the Gold's have made the best argument on a practical level of him being well suited for the college. He has an affinity for their arts, and the Gold's can teach him things *we can't* that will be important to his station as a Prince.

Even if he never acquires the seat of Emperor, we'll have given him the ability to be both a powerful physical mage leader within a politically liked college *on top* of our Grey Intrigue level godmother training. We're giving him the benefits both of *our* intrigue training and *there* physical training. We're stacking affinities if we go with Gold.
I suppose that may have some effect on the Sigmarite's opinion and may go some way to correcting the fact they are religiously opposed to all wizards; however, you are not considering the prime competition for those votes. Namely, Roswita Van Hal. If she is not a witch hunter herself, then she is descended from a long line of witch hunters and attends conferences on matters pertaining to that profession. She has ruled Stirland well, and you cannot forget she cleansed Sylvania of the vampire menace. Off the top of my head, I don't know what her relationship with the dwarfs is like, but I don't see how it could be bad. Can the actions of Mandred's master outweigh that in light of him being a wizard?

Roswita owes us one and she trusts us. I think it's likely we could sway her, especially if we end up Mandred's master.

She seems pretty focused on Stirland, so I'm not sure she'd be interested in becoming Empress. Especialy since she willingly divested some of her power over Silvania. It doesn't feel like she'd go for more power for the sake of it.

And considering her change of heart relative to wizards, if we vouched for Mandred I feel she'd be receptive to our arguements.

But I don't see Mathilde trying seriously to improve Mandred's chances as Emperor unless he our apprentice or we had chosen the Bodyguard job last time it was offered.
The Elector Counts Have Been Summoned

Yorri nearly sighed, flexing his toes in his boots. It was unbecoming of him, but as Boris went into his third diatribe about his enduring wisdom or faded glory days or some other begotten reason to name him Emperor he could hardly take it anymore.

Decades of experience in the highest levels of politics, a lifetime and more as the foremost servant to holy Sigmar, and if the Grand Duke of Middenland kept on talking he would throw himself out the nearest window. Wouldn't that be one for the history books.

It didn't even mean anything! Everyone in the room already decided how they would vote days ago.

Yorri felt a flash of guilt, and decided to focus on that over his incredible, overwhelming boredom. He subtly angled his head to look at the presumed, doomed, heir apparent. The death of Luitpold had come just as his rulership had- simply, with little to complain about or fuss over. He searched for some hint of emotion on his godsons face. Grief, for a father lost? Envy, for a throne that would never be his?

Mandred sat stone-faced, as attentive as everyone else appeared to be. Yorri considered the easy way he held his Runefang, the confidence in which he stood. He considered his fine armor and steely eyed glare. He considered Mandreds storied history, so evident just looking at him. He dreamed, for a moment, of things that could have been, an Emperor more perfect than any other. An Emperor that could stand besides Sigmar himself and be proud.

Then he shifted his attention to the arcane, wyrd enchantments to his armor and the unnatural colouring to his eyes, and allowed himself to fall back to reality. Mandred may be the greatest warleader currently living in the Empire, but no Witch could ever be allowed to follow Sigmars holy steps.

As Boris wound down his speech and life slowly entered the Elector Counts eyes, Yorri felt a dark sensation well up into his gut. Everyone knew who was next. Yorri may appear stonefaced and dutiful to the outside world, and immaturely bored in the confines of his own head, but some part of him, misbegotten it may be, dreaded facing the child he had watched grow into a hero and turning him away.

Because no matter what he did, what he said, he would not be able to overcome the circumstances of his birth.

Mandred stood, and a hush fell over the room. It was likely an artifact of his unholy upbringing, but speeches were one of his most renowned talents. He took a moment to look at each Elector. Yorri felt electricity go up his spine, no doubt a sensation shared by everyone present, each soul instinctively understanding that this would be a turning point in history.

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So, skipped some pages to get here, sorry if this has been brought up already, but: My main concern with Bright Wizard Mandred is, is it kind of inevitable that all Bright Wizards become Irascible Bros?
Not at all inevitable. The Colleges teach their students to be the ones that command their Winds, not to be the ones led astray by them. Every Bright we've met thus far has proven themselves to be very much in control of themselves. Just like the Greys don't want their wielders to be the ones that are confused or led astray by the temptations of Ulgu, the Brights want their wielders to be the ones to decide when to ignite the fires of Aqshy.
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So, skipped some pages to get here, sorry if this has been brought up already, but: My main concern with Bright Wizard Mandred is, is it kind of inevitable that all Bright Wizards become Irascible Bros?

Adela's been nice, so maybe that's not how it is. It's just anecdotally, they seem to have a great many members in their ranks that make me do a double-take to check for their longbeards.
I can't think of a single canon bright wizard or one that's featured in the quest who is a "Irascible Bro" or even particularly dwarf like.
Its not about Indic specific spells, its about the relationship with Aqshy and how your outlook affects your casting with it and i really don´t think its great trying to marry the two traditions with a test subject that is singularily unique and irreplaceable. That may sound callous, but if little Franz Kohler from bumfuck nowhere ends with more miscasts than average because the outlooks and spellbooks don´t jive well its less of a bummer for us than when child born of divine gambit into imperial/electoral family does.
On the other hand, the kid loaded with divine gambit magic is probably pretty lucky...
I can't think of a single canon bright wizard or one that's featured in the quest who is a "Irascible Bro" or even particularly dwarf like.
The face of kindness and compassion:
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