Okay, if that's the core of the point, I see why you feel like it's not addressing it.
That being said, i mostly just think it's straight up wrong. What Laurelorn wants out of the waystone project was never, at any point, "more tributaries in Laurelorn." They do not need to be convinced to do that: they are literally already doing that. When we went to recruit Cadaeth, that is straight up what she was doing. What Laurelorn wanted from the project from the start, what was The Deliverable from the start was an alternate method for creating tributaries on their own, because they have legitimate security concerns about relying on outside parties for that shit.
As a seperate matter, while I will allow them not considering cadaeth's contributions to be part of the project, again I think you're just straight up for what they consider to be "contributions of the waystone project" vs "contributions of individual members." Again, part of what Mathilde was selling when the waystone project got going was "well the colleges of magic have secret lore and maybe if everybody shares..." If Laurelorn is actively trying to be uncharitable, MAYBE the individual contributions of non-college, non luarelorn members will also not be credited to the project. College of magic members though, no, there is nothing you can say that would convince me, I just think you're straight up wrong about that too.
What Laurelorn wanted out of the Waystone Project was diplomatic relations with the Empire. That we are now building waystones and will be in a position to rebuild them across the entire continent has upended what Laurelorn wants entirely.
Laurelorn did not care about getting new tributaries. The border with Nordland has been firmly settled in Laurelorn's favor. Humans cutting down lornalim had been obviated as a concern years before Cadaeth invited Mathilde to start the Waystone Project. Less precious metal-y tributaries are nice. But it's that. Nice. They did not start the Waystone Project with the intention of getting rid of that weakness. That weakness had already been ended.
They were concerned that they would go back to war with Nordland, but that would not be because of the Lornalim. The silver and gold would play a roll yes, but it is far overweighed by revanchism. And now Nordland has dumped that revanchism to focus on bickering with Middenland.
Do you understand that there is a difference in the credit you will get for an action that you drive and arrange to happen in comparison to an action that you create the possibility of but is something that they are left to do on their own devices?
Funnily enough, there is a comparison you can make that would not be entirely wrong, well for the reason I have been highlighting. Waaagh and Peace. Mathilde will get credit for the victories enabled by it.
But there is a critical difference here too. Waaagh and Peace was entirely revolutionary. The insights Mathilde gave there genuinely cannot be replicated. Mathilde also made sure that she would be associated with it. Her lecture means that the intellectuals of the Old World would put her as the one responsible for the insights. Even if she had only published the book, her name is right on the cover of an insight into the greenskin wizard that would put them at a firm disadvantage in combat across the entire world. Mathilde went out of her way to make sure the Old World got it. In comparison, the Dreaming Wood tributary is something Mathilde did not care enough about to implement.
Laurelorn can already make tributaries and they are the least portion of the waystone network. The credit that would be distributed in the first place is diminished because they are a
nice thing to have. Not something that you need.
If you wanted to compare Waaagh and Peace to the hypothetical products of the Waystone Project the closest comparison is genuinely the nexuses. Like if Mathilde managed to figure out how to make more nexuses and just sat back and didn't do anything, leading people to get it of their own initiative she would get a chunk of credit for any built nexuses. There would be annoyance that Mathilde didn't actually do anything about it, but everyone would (perhaps begrudgingly) acknowledge that the egghead deserves credit for making it possible. By "sat back" I mean just publishing it and not really doing anything about it. Not like using it as an opportunity to get people to come to you and leverage the advantage that being the petitioned comes with. Just doing nothing with it. Not even going out of the way to give it to an institution that can do something with it (because in the comparison to tributaries, that would involve deploying tributaries, which you are arguing we should not).
In comparison, tributaries would be like, dunno, greenskin armor forging techniques. Nice to have, but fundamentally armor is armor and even if you can implement it there's only so much it can help. It's nice to have. Not something you need.